(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Mummies & LOs who are sick: Get well soon!!! me and my LO also just recover fm flu...

The rest of the mummies & LO, take care and drink more water...lately weather really bad!!!


Morning Mummies!!

Wahh so is anyone taking part in the baby contest?? maybe i check with hubby and see if he keen hahaha.. sounds fun but my mum was saying some bbs very 'pantang'.. i think i was one of them hahaha... she send me for a BB contest and i cam back home with diarrhea haha...

Hey Sherry, send Shernise...

she has my support... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

quick quick...

today last day...

hey daddy muz be ard??

otherwise, both of u turn up together...

get cheerieheart too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Littlelamb- happy belated bday! Mine was yday hee so we r both libras [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xin,,pauline, Melissa - get well soon!

Just went pd my son no fever but many red spots over his body. I tot was rash but IFC worried hfmd thk God it's not! It's Rosalea some viral thingy. Today sup b my handover day but last min I can't go bk coz my son sick n guess wat my boss asked me bring my son to office while I teach the new staff! I was so angry to hear that! I cld have ask my hubby tk leave (again!) but I didn't n juz say I can't go bk but sian thing is next wk gotta go bk but i dun feel like it coz my last day over liao! Sorry juz want to rant ....

Morning mummies...

Hope all mummies and babies who are unwell, get well soon! Drink water and try to get ample rest.

Sherry> Yeah, do sign up for Feifei Shernise lah...she is so cute and getting prettier these days...no wonder Shayne's eyes always on her.

C Yang> Just realised we had a common friend - Addy! She was my ex-colleague!

Lamb, Vanillaberry - We are all Libras! Mine was on 27, Lamb on 28 and yours on 29. Hehe!

Hey luvbabe,

SHayne & SHernise mah...

hahahah.... :p and they a day apart only...

most potential one liao... :p

The rest all older than Shayne unless they dun mind lah... :p

Yuki> yaya. the mini tefal set hoh.. and its so much cheaper than mothergarden hahaha

so looking forward to tmr.. haha

Thanks, everyone for your well wishes. I just saw GP again, change to different antibiotics, hope it will work.

Firipy, thanks, I only found out late last night after reading YL's email.

Xin, get well soon ya?

Sherry, Yuki, I love the tefal set too. Thinking of getting the vaccuum cleaner for my gal. hee. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sherry and Pauline,

I like the cooking set and also the dr's trolley too.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie/ Cyang: here are some pix of the invisible grille. Think this is the company that I normally see in the ad, not the link I posted yesterday. So looks like there are few companies doing this, maybe it’s popular?


Yuki: I have similar idea as you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm thinking we should get some sponsors for door gifts and LUCKY DRAW as well, just like we did for the huge gathering few months back!!

And I love those role playing toys! I like the Dr's trolley. Would like to get that for my boy when he is older. The rest seems more suitable for girls.

Tam L/Callalily: Kenan’s constipation prob seems to have eased quite a bit after the series of events on Sun, he actually poo twice a day since then. I forced him to drink lots of water and these few days he eats mainly spinach porridge and cereals mixed with avocado. The diet appears to be working. But afraid if I start giving him other food, will the prob come back again. Praying hard!

Btw Callalily, what’s a room divider? Do you mean play yard?

Bebecraze: I chanced upon the freelancezone website as I’m helping a friend to find jobs. She is going to quit her job and make a career switch as a writer too. I have my own lobangs already.

Wahh the invisible grills looks quite cool yeah.. but seems like its is fixed.. if thats the case, how to clean the windows ah

Greetings from Fotographilia!

We are having a promotion for weekday studio sessions from Monday to Thursday, 10am to 8pm, at $180 for 20 soft copies edited and printable to S8R size!

Do call us soon for a booking soon!

Visit us at www.fotographilia.com

Promotion is valid till 15th of November!!!

Can I ask if the mummies know wat is the market rate to pay the agent commission for renting out a room? Is it 0.5mth or 1 mth?


Was it too obvious? hahah. Yes, i wanna play masak masak. I used to play with real stuff in the kitchen, selling rice and i love punching away on my dad's calculator which prints receipts. hahah


Oh, you know Addy too? she's a buddy of mine since sec one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You were colleagues with her at IBM or OMD or ??


My gal, Renee is quite light-weight too. I haven't weighed her but I think she's not 8.5kg at 9 months. But her cousin was 6kg at 8 months. Thin but developmentally normal. Eating well, playing well but just thin, likely cos she doesn't really like milk. Doc gave some drops to boost her appetite. Any concerns you have? Maybe your baby is just thin like Renee's cousin? And I think 7-9 months, a bit hard to gain weight cos they have gained some mobility and burning off lots of cals crawling and cruising.

Wah, so many toys... hehe.. nowadays really have all these stuffs, last time i played with those my mum retired cooking wares and secretly take her new ones when she is not looking.. lol..

Yuki, if i am not wrong is 0.5 mths per year.

Cheerieheart/Sherry, you still can see the invisible grilles, but wont block as much view as the normal ones.. But still, i prefer the common ones, oh ya, Xin, the contact u pass me right, i emailed to her so many times, but no response. Guess I will go those road shows one and take a look. Cos i wanna do the casement type.

Hey Yuki, u tempting me now...

lucky shayne not 3 yrs old, otherwise, i will get the tefal set, doc set and the tools set etc for him to play... but he alone, can role play with me only... so poor thing....

ET, u can check with Sherry...

she just did hers recently... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yang, it's so obvious lor... :p

ET> yeah, mine is those casement windows (tinted blue/green) with white grills...think we pay abt 5k plus for all.. if its just grills, it will probably be abt 1-2k? U can contact them for a quote etc..

[email protected]



C.Yang: My gal weight 6.6kg at 5 months, 2 months later she is 6.9kg. I'm not so sure is it due to having milk strike nowadays. Each feed, she drank about 90-100ml instead of 190ml, sometimes i have to feed her half an hour later, in order to have 90-100ml per feed. Last time she will hungry every 2.5hr. Right now, she can 3-4 hr not hungry with 90-100ml. I give cereal, she only eat 3 teaspoon the most.. My concerns is she having poos at least 3-4 times eversince having cereal. Is this normal? Or she having runny stools?

apple-gal> as long as she is healthy and developing well, shld be ok.. if u are concern, can always see your PD? Shernise is quite chubby, abt 9+kg when she is in her 6th mth but she now still hover around this weight though she is 8 mths old now.. she too, dun seems to be drinking alot.. only abt 100 to 150 each feed.. Maybe ya gal is teething, heard teething will cause disinterest in food too?

Sherry: oh ya, i din think abt cleaning windows! hahaha.. was only concerned abt the aesthetics. Because with normal grilles, views are blocked and it makes me feel as if living in a prison. Anyway, not decided if we want to install.

Btw, you submitted Shernise's details for the baby contest? Did they reply? I sent a photo but not the BC coz have prob scanning it. Asked them if it's ok just to give the info, but no answer fr them yet. So not sure if my registration has been accepted or not.

Yuki: haha.. ya, the grilles not 'invisible', just that it's not very obvious, so won't obstruct views and better looking.

Sherry: I not so sure if she is teething. Cos till now her 1st tooth have not come out.. I been suspect her teething since she is 4th month old, till now no teeth is out yet. I found my gal is small size, as when i bring her for swim at baby spa, all ask how old is she, when they found that my gal is 7th old plus, they comment is quite small built.

Shernise is at a good weight. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheerieheart> yeah they just called me but need to dress her up le.. which means i gotta spend money???? let me think abt it again.. anyway, reporting at 4pm on sat

apple-gal> yeah, mine was born big and mummy also quite bah bah,. hahaha

so sorry tt i've got to cancel today's playdate... so disappointed... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]...

i'm quite ok... just feel tired... think ate something wrong...

happy belated bday to luvbabe, lillelamb n vanillaberry... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

so many posts... i slowly go read... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sherry, they called me n tell me 4pm reach compasspt..must dress in fairytale theme.... He got nothing enchanted leh

whoa, i havent read since tuesday... so many many posts... :p...

andie>ur story really scary... usu i quite reluctant to check mattias... coz he'll wake up if i touch him... but think i better be more careful... he wake up better than dont wake up...

cherrieheart> my mil also didn't buy anythg for mattias leh... she go pick up a walker from downstairs let him sit lor... at first we abit dont want him to sit but she say she alr cleaned... but she did sew a blanket, pillow and bloster for him lah...

ET> i haven intro any meat to mattias yet... scared got allergy... :p...

tyl> ur neighbours v good leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... think my hb most prob will stop working ba... i shd b gg back earliest apr 2011... but i havent officially submit yet... these few days no time to discuss with my hb... so busy...

u dont worry ok. we'll go next door to say hi to ayden too... when u officially moving in? i thought u moved alr leh... hee...

Sherry, aiyah, wanted to go sign up for the contest but fell asleep after taking my med. Too late liao. Wa, bb must dress up like princess ah? Then, my little princess Raelynn stand no chance. Cos I never heard of 'botak' princess before. kekeke.

But I bought the fancl baby shampoo $15 for her liao. It did wonders for Cheh Cheh's hair when it was falling out. Asked the maid to wash for her diligently for 2 months. Hope she will have hair by her 1st birthday. haha.

Xin, don't worry about it. A lot of us are also sick. Rest more. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin> rest well..

apple gal> hahaha my fei fei is almost 1kg more than your call.. one day before EDD

Febie> no le.. she dun have wo and i dun feel like buying a outfit just for this le.. will see how it goes la...

firipy> ya loh, same same [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sherry, yes no pt lor...

the most dun turn up lah... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

DSLR> my hb say canon use the 3 digit series should be good enough liaoz... unless u really want to make a living with it... he's been telling me to get him a battery grip as a present... :p...

vanillaberry> ur hb v good leh... tk care of sick baby while u go out... my hb will never do tt...

pauline> my hb say antibiotics dont need to put in fridge leh... the sofilex right? he say last time he eat he dont keep in fridge...

littlelamb> i latch directly... used to pump to prep for my return to work... but half of me is abit scared tt my ss will drop if i stop pumping at night... :p...

Nat's progressing well... can hold bottle on her own... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

think they're really growing so fast tt i'm losing track... suddenly realised tt mattias got 2 more teeth peeping out of his gums... :p...

melissa> i went for election training last year too... we stay so near who knows can get to work tog... hee hee... are u under east coast too?


Xin, antibiotics for the kids need to put into the fridge cos apparently the nurse will mix it just before giving it to us. So, we have to put in the fridge, otherwise the sweet mixture will turn sour. The gals were given augmentin and amoxycilin before, both must put in fridge. :p

