(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

sorry, been v busy these 2 days... actually this whole week is so packed! :p...

andie> i gg to order mac tmr... u msg me if anything ok. u received my email right?

vanillaberry> think usu stay til ard 3 plus... tt's when e kids start to get cranky... :p

might not be able to check forum or email...

tyl> got any questions abt tmr, can help me answer? thks alot.


Mothergarden toys are so cheap here. LOL.Think TB should have it also. When I went to Singapore and saw how highly priced they were, I got a shock!

ET: your windows are the push out kinds or the sliding ones? Even if open til a certain width, there's still danger little one might fall out? But if the opening is so small that baby can't fall through, then maybe not enough wind enter? I dun use aircon much at home coz i feel cold easily, so it's impt for me to have enough air/ventilation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But the window locks sound better. At least when baby grows up, can just remove it, grilles cannot.

Hm.. anyway, today's forum very quiet hor...when i'm busy, this plc so happening. Today can come in more, mommies not around [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cheerieheart, I'm ard...

reading thru... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

like no topic to post leh...


Xin, you got a missed call from me earlier... :p

ET, u find out must let me know k.

cheerieheart, I tink my boy got potential to not listen to us lo....Thats y I tink jus instal to have peace, else kept worrying he climb out of windows etc....

Can I ask exp mummies abt teething? My boy kept pushing out his pacifier n wants to bite things, give him teether for awhile he put his fingers in n dig his mouth. He did this for few days le n had vomit his milk/cereal out, tink he dig his mouth too much.

firipy> Lucas also does that quite often to the extent that he almost vomit out milk/food. I usually will stop it in time (i.e. pull out his fingers from his mouth) Actually, this had happened for the past few months already but till now, he still bogeh!

Cheerieheart> Me too...just back from lunch! Had Thai Express with colleagues as celebrating birthday for one of them.

Febie> Play Doh is fun! I got the latest Cake Making set...also had the breakfast set. Maybe the next playdate can be at my place and you all can come and play....hehe!

Yuki> Agree that boys can play with cooking sets too, at least Luis enjoys it (though he still likes his drums and vehicles more)...Well, famous chefs are usually males...hehe

Cheerieheart is right, today v few posts. Jus back from meeting n brain dead. See forum to recharge, then 530 go home!

Luvbabe n firipy, gota stop your LOs this bad habit of putting fingers in the mouth. My nephew uses this as a 'weapon' whenever he's given food not of his likings. Vomit everything out n so messy. He did it till 4 yrs old.

Luvbabe, u r rite. Most chef are male. Hubby was telling me want to send Chris to SunRise to learn cooking next time. I was like " u crazy? so expensive!"

Bebecraze, got BB contest yah? Too late to register now le..

Manunited, did u ask me which part to buy to make beef stew? Went Cold Storage and they recommended beef chucks or beef cubes. I went thru some receipes and going to modify and do the Yuki style.. heheee

xin: yup got your email. Cant wait to meet all the babies tomorrow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

a big thank you to all mommies for your kind words [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] after that incident, i'm grateful that Emma is with me everyday, watching her grow to be an awesome person.

A song for all mommies (esp those with little girls):


Febie, let me test test on my Indiana Chris, if successful, invite u gals to my mickey mouse hse yah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

super bz today. but next 2 days off for quality time with Ayden! :D

yuki>I also want to try your beef stew. :p Going to try and make potato mash for ayden tomorrow.


I can't wait man... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

will try plan a playdate at my place... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So fun, mummies meeting tomorrow, take photos okie! Sure got many babies showing off their crawling & standing stunts!

I'm due for a whole day of training tomorrow. Haiz, no hope to take leave just for fun.

lil lamb, vanillaberry > Happy Belated Birthday!

pauline, melissa > hope both of you get well soon.

melissa > fully agree with you about the choice of sending our bb to IFC as the last solution though falling sick in such an environment is part of their growing up. Hope your P grants you the request for 2/3 load. I am seriously contemplating if I should draw bryan out of IFC next yr and I stop waiting for a while till he is older. At least I thought I can build his immune system back again. Only consolation of IFC I can think of for these 2 days is I am on MC and I don't have to face him at home, which equate to rest.

... typing wz a super groggy mind here, so hope i am making sense.

bebecraze: you registered your girl ah? But the registration closed oredi. If not, thought it will be fun to expose my boy to such events. Any more such contests round the corner?

bebecraze: you registered your girl ah? But the registration closed oredi. If not, thought it will be fun to expose my boy to such events. Any more such contests round the corner?

cheerieheart>I so wanted to bring ayden for the prom but tix all sold out when i last checked. r there new slots?

febie>hee, its just a coincidence nia

cheerieheart - Would be keen to attend but not gonna be in sgp. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Sad Sad.

I am still in Beijing and heading back to Shanghai tomorrow. Can't say I like BJ much, too big and too communist feel still. People not very friendly. I really feel like I am in the REAL China! The Great Wall and Summer Place is awesome tho but Tiananmen bored me. LOL. Chat soon! Below is the email I just received from Baobei Foundation. Look out for their blog![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello Jessie

The boxes are all safely in my home and will be unpacked and items dispersed after the holiday!

You are amazing! Thank you to all the mom's who contributed. We will use all of the things and the children will benefit greatly.

I will get some photos up on the Blog of the unpacking as soon as things settle down.

Thanks so much

Ann Kedl

Orphan Care Director, Co-founder

Baobei Foundation

[email protected]

Mobile: 134 8203 9886

Yuki, i always stop him fr putting hands/ fingers in mouth. He usually ok jus suck fingers, recently he scratch his gums etc n he starts to act like vampire, got urge n he chomp on our fingers, toes , shoulders. U can see its a very "gerum" face n he bite. I give him a slightly tap on mouth n scold him. He stare at me as usual for awhile n smile....


posting on behalf of xin. she's sick so have to postpone the playdate tomorrow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

get well soon, xin.

i kena bronchitis. today saw doc so that's what doc say. on another 3 day mc. shall just reply those post that i still can remember.

pauline> let me know if that tcm good k? i'm thinking of bringing en xi go and even myself to a good one, if not i'll go back to YU GUO. cos i suspect she got something similar to me, and GP just keep giving me stronger and stronger medicine/antibiotics. dun wish to bring en xi to pd again and suffer safe fate as me.

bigfoot> i totally understand. i was actually contemplating the same thing today but i know sure can't cos need income, and if i give tuition, i'll still need someone to watch en xi while i give tuition. if i give tuition every night, then no time with hubby. hmm thinking if have good nannies while i observe if en xi always fall sick. how often does bryan fall sick?

i sick this week hor but i didn't send her today nor plan to send en xi to IFC tml cos i have to bring her home in the afternoon cos she don't sleep there. so end up i still take care of her by myself so can't rest. maybe if fri hubby can pick her up early, then i'll send her there.

re: fingers in mouth> en xi been doing that these few days too. also trying to bite us. been stopping her but she'll still continue to try lah.

melissa/xin, get well soon!

My boy really got growth spurt! He had cereal at 745, then 830 cry, want milk, then after he bath, he knocked out, 930 he wants more! He was rejecting milk 1 wk ago, then these few days he is bk to his milkaholic ways.

hi mummies,

saw that some were discussing abt installing grills,

my friend's father is doing the invisible grills.

let me know if u r keen, maybe can get a better quote from him.

TYL: tickets sold out?! Oh dear, i happily assume since it's more than a month away, will stil have tix! Aiyo, haven't gone SSO concerts for too long, din know they are popular!

Melissa: Take care!

Xin: Get well soon! We'll arrange another play date when you're well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Melissa, today both RaeAnne and Raelynn's runny nose are so bad so i have to keep wiping their noses. Worse, both keep turning away and don't want to let me wipe. RaeAnne is especially grouchy cos she has a big ulcer under her bottom incisors. Scared they will kenna bronchitis if they keep coughing. So, I gave up and we brought both of them to see PD tonight. Spent almost $150, and RaeAnne needs to go back tom for a chest x-ray early in the morning cos she has been coughing for 3 weeks liao. I didn't get to see dr though my med has run out cos PD refused to see this overgrown kid. Think RaeAnne got to skip her children's day party in school tom if we can't make it back in time. Will drop her off at MIL house after that so that I can see dr again. :p

Xin, sorry, looks like can't attend your gathering liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pauline, the playdate tmr is cancelled cos Xin is sick.....

I got a 2nd hand combi tdy n had been fiddeling with it. So scared to spoil it but if I dun, I won't know hw to use it. Bringing it for my trip....I was happily using the handle to let bb face me n trying to push him on the escalator, almost fell off lo off of us, mum scold me like mad, tell me, dun be hero, use the lift! I told her, next time i must remember to turn the handle to forward facing then it will be ok. Anyone uses the combi strollers?

Melissa, Pauline, Xin, all other mummies and babies who are unwell,

Hope you get well soon. Drink more water and rest well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I thought BJ-ers are not as rude and loud as SH-nese. They are more helpful in giving directions and all, aren't they? Anyway, I'm sure you're enjoying yourself with your folks! I can't wait for my mummy to visit again in Nov!

Cheerieheart and mel,

invisible grills! I've never seen them! *pun intended* how much do they cost?

Summer's mama,

love the mother garden sets! Just brainwashed my hub and convinced him that's it is important for kids to play with kiddo-sized stuff. kek kek kek. Will buy when the time is right.

This is like the best time in their babyhood. Enjoy motherhood, gals! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm having fun and still waiting for the summer to end so that we can head for the outdoors!

Morning mummies!

Xin, Pauline and Melissa, take care and hope u get well soon. Take lots of fruits and water yah.

CY, haha, u still rem my 7 dwarfs! I have more at my mum's place and now she is bringing them out for Chris to play. Can u imagine a Shaolin monk playing with 7 dwarfs soft toys?? So funny!

Febie, where do u stay? Rem somewhere in the west rite?

I have this crazy idea last nite. We can bring in vendors (milk, diaper, enrichment schools..) and get them to set up tables at our bash. No charge but they gota give us good rates for their product. But that is assumuing we can get a BIG place to accomodate 50 mummies/BBs and space for the bazzar. I can help to contact the vendors if it is feasible [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessie, wave wave! Miss your post and Arwan's cutie pic. Like u, I dun quite like BJ and find the place v communist too. Prefer SH, more vibrant and lots of shopping.

Mummies & LOs who are sick:

Hope all of you recover soon[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I am using Combi Miracle Turn. So far has been serving us well except now my gal refuses to sit in it anymore. So for our trip in Nov, we will most prob not lug it along.


Poor Kenan...keep getting this constipation problem. Hope he's better now. Me & hb also contemplating window grills but like u, we r concerned abt the aesthetic bit too. But the invisible grills look promising. Do let me know the quote if u have it. The other option we r contemplating is to get room dividers. Firstly, so much cheaper. Secondly, Aly still has a nice safe playing area to roam around in. Thirdly, we still get to keep the full glass view of the beautiful sea intact. Having said the above, I dun mind knowing the quotation so that can share with other friends if they ask.

Oh no, sounds like many mummies n LOs r unwell.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Xin, Pauline, Melissa, do take care, rest more if possible n get well soon!

Melissa: Gotta really take care of the brochitis.. I had chronic bronchitis when I was a small kid n it was horrible! the coughing took years to recover. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] if ur hubby can help with taking care of Enxi these few days it's better so that u get ample rest.

Mel: I'm interested in the rates for the invisible grills. Do share the rates k? Thanks!

Firipy: I'm using the combi miracle stroller n i dun dare to take the escalator with bb.. think lift is safer.. with our babies heavier now, i'm afraid of losing balance or missing the step. Anyway, my boy doesn't like to be in the stroller. End up many times gotta carry him n the stroller becomes a burden. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cheerieheart: How's Kenan's constipation? is he better these days? Now's Ryan's turn to get the 'constipation' bug.. it's the 3rd day that he didn't poo.


Good morning all...

Firipy, I have the combi stroller too...

but nv once I let Shayne face me...

Cos I feel that they should look outside and since they are all lil curious ones, they get to see more things... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yuki, I'm staying at jurong west... hahaha...

Yang, u wanna play with Renee too right?

I'm also curious how invisible grills look like... any pic to see?? not doin but extremely curious...

