(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Oh.. abt MIL heart pain their precious sons doing house chores, i remember once (shortly after getting married), i jokingly 'complain' to my MIL her son never helped with housechores, and i'm always the one who clean the toilet. She replied, "My son very busy, where got time!" Aiyo!! As if i'm not busy and I don't have to work?!?! (that was years ago when i was still working full time)


wah, so much abt MIL(monster-in-law)hahahha!

Ok,compared to what u all have, I tink I m quite lucky le, the bad part is that she is too nice to others....

Cheerieheart, I kept tinking shld I install or nt, we dun open our windows one lei, cos most of the time we let the curtains down cos very glaring, maybe we do it when he is 2 yrs old. Nw still won't climb vertically yet.My hse is super child unfriendly! I don't really keep track of my boy's milestone or worry abt it nowadays cos I m so busying trying to keep his head off the floor or his hands off dangerous stuff! hahahha. Dun worry they will learn at their own pace. I was worried only when he was abt 3.5 mths old n doc tell me I must train him to be on his tummy to improve his neck muscles. My boy is super lazy, he cries after placing on his tummy for like 1-2 mins. He dun seem to be able to do half of the things mentioned in baby center. I m super worried....After that incident, my boy's achieve so much n so fast till I feel old hee, he had 1st tooth at 4 mths 2 weeks old etc. After awhile, I felt I m too worrisome, n I wished he can learn all these alil slower cos I spend so much time frustrated with trying to keep him safe n happy than to really spend time to bond with him. I scold him till I myself buay tahan at my nagging

lamb: happy birthday! Nat is so precious [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sueann: that's exactly what my MIL did! But DH and I couldn't take it after 2 months, sent the helper back to the agency. Now, MIL comes over twice a week to pick up DH's work clothes back home for the helper to wash and iron. And we pick it up on Sundays when we go over for dinner.

furby: ya i didnt want much from my ILs too during the wedding, pregnancy, confinement. Though my grandma was quite unhappy abt it, she feels i'm being "shortchanged", hahah. Anyway...my ILs dont celebrate chinese festivities at all, even CNY they dont really care. Just a get-together lunch and visit my FIL's elder sis, that's all. No buying of new clothes or CNY eve dinner. That's why DH and I can always go over to my mom's side for the steamboat dinner.

My MIL can even ask, "why do we need red eggs and ang gu kueh for 1st mth? And why a 1st mth celebration? Is 1st mth the same as infant baptism?" (apparently DH didnt have 1st mth celebration too) In the end Emma had her baptism at exactly 1 mth old, so we kinda combine. What's impt for my ILs are Easter, Christmas and birthdays. So Emma gets to celebrate everything from both sides of the family. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheerieheart, sueann: yup, think our MILs can be good friends!

Melissa, poor thing, you kenna election training? I'm also still sick. Cough syrup finishing already, very fed up with this cough. Spent so much $, still not ok. Always wake up at night to cough. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

firipy: same, i also let the curtains down most of the time. Maybe just wait a while long then decide if wanna install the grills. Maybe by then we have moved house! *dreaming of a bigger place*

So is your boy crawling or even cruising now? Mine also din like tummy time in the past and will cry just like yours! hee.. dun scold him, coz i doubt he will understand much. Whenever i scold my boy, he will stop a while to look at me, then break into a wide smile. He thought mommy is doing something funny when i scold him! *faint*

Andie: I actually think your hubby's family sounds nice! Coz I also dun quite like celebrating chinese festivals and traditions (unless if there's smthg nice to eat e.g. moon cakes and pineapple tarts.. wahahaha)! Esp CNY, the older folks will sure ask qns like why no gf/bf, if married, why no children yet, etc. etc.

Better keep our MILs away fr one another... imagine how scary it is if put them together! Then they compare notes on DILs *LOL*

Pauline: sometimes, Chinese physician's med works better for cough. At least from my experience [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can ask around to see if there's a gd chinese physician near your place. Btw, where do you live? The one i go to is in Toa Payoh.

Cheerieheart, thanks, My GP actually gave me asthma preventer med this round, scary. I never had asthma before. Maybe he thinks my breathing is laboured. :p I brought RaeAnne to TCM for her cough but it didn't work. But hubby just found that there's a good TCM at blk 802, Tampines so maybe I will give it another shot.

Happy birthday Little lamb!! Nat's such a darling! i'm sure this is ur best birthday present so far n that as Nat grows up, she'll be giving u even more nice surprises for ur birthdays. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Got no time to read all the posts here but today's topic on MILs? After reading some of ur stories, I guess my MIL's considered 'mild' n nice.. gotta be thankful for that..

Andie: Ur story abt the pillow's quite scary.. guess it's true that a mum's instincts' very often quite accurate. sometimes we can feel that sthg's not right n will quickly go check. Thankfully Emma's ok..

Morning mummies!

Lamb, happy belated birthday! Nat is so sweet and gave u a birthday surprise. Clever girl!

Andie, my heart sank while reading your post. I almost dropped Chris when he 2mths old, he was fussing and crying badly and I sprained my wrists from BF. Think positively, our LOs are now almost 9 mths and they can cry or even scream for help.

Firipy, I like the new name for MIL - monster in law! Waaahhhaa .. Nowadays I tell my mum to leave my bro and his gf alone. Dun be like my MIL and make life difficult for other mother's daughter.

Pauline n Melissa, take care n hope u get well soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cheerieheart, Kenan is so smart! Chris tried very hard to climb up from crawling to sitting position yesterday nite, almost there but not yet. His botak head was all wet and he cried after trying for 15min. Hehe, mummy heartpain while daddy laughed it off.

lamb>happy belated birthday. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheerieheart>we've window grills cos its safer for Ayden.

lamb, happy belated birthday!

Andie, my heart also sank while i was reading your post. Will die from fright! My ds's finger got tangled with those toys that you pull and music come out. It became blue too and i was frantically tryin to untangle his fingers! Tink a moment later his fingers will drop off!

lamb > Happy belated bday!

Cheerieheart > I am a FTWM.

TYL> Wow u are a fast and efficient mum, i havent been doing much for my bb gal yet.


may i know where is the TCM in toa payoh?


what are the symptoms that make the GP suspect asthma? I also cough and heave sometimes, like itchy airways. So wondering what is it.

bebecraze>lol. i see. we just reno our place mah so might as well install at same time. don't want to live with the mess twice.

furby: the TCM at toa payoh is inside a chinese medicinal hall. Here's the details:


Blk 94 Toa Payoh Lor 4


Tel: 62513089

Mon-Fri: 9am-6pm

Sat: 9am-5pm

Sun: 9am-12noon

When I saw them, it was a father and son team. I usually see the father, and my hubby had seen the son before. The son got some degree from China. Havent' gone there since i was pregnant, don't know if the father still see patients or not. One thing i like is I don't need to brew any medicine. The medicine is usually liquid mixtures, sometimes they give pills also.

TYL: when you say bronze grilles, do you mean it's bronze in colour also? Sounds nice too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheerieheart>yep, the grilles are bronze colour. think quite normal leh. the grilles at my parent's place are the same colour

Good morning all...

Happy belated Birthday Lamb... Nat is such a cute sweetie pie...

Andie, your story abt Emma sent chill down my spine... Think mother instincts always accurate... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm checking on Shayne pretty often too.

He loves to use his beanie to cover his face when he sleeps... I will check to ensure that his nose and mouth are not covered completely...

Cy, u super notti lor... call Ambulance for Yuki's MIL... but if really make me angry, I seriously dun mind to pay the $90 to spite her like what Cheerieheart said... heheheh....

Cheerieheart, I also like my place to be grills free but we did not apparently as we knew we will definitely have a kid as I really love children alot... Thus, during reno, everything is up... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Talking about grilles, i got to know a safety lock for the windows which will enable us to only open a small gap which is not big enuf for the the child to go through, but tried asking the windows pple, they told me cannot and try to sell me the grilles instead.. Anyone here have any idea?

Happy Birthday, Little lamb!

Andie> thats really scary.. i think i will freak out if shernise does that to me...shernise loves to bury her face into the mattress and i always wake up in the middle of the night to ensure she is still breathing hahaha so paranoid...

Cheeriehearts> yeah i just did my windows and grills 3 months back.. i think it is safer.. even though they probably dun crawl up the table etc but what if someone carry him/her and slipped etc.. sorry i abit kaisu.. just wanna be safe then regret ;)


Wah, BP selling this mothergarden playhouse.. so nice!!! damn tempted to buy.. but guess shernise will only get to play with it few years down the road hahahha

Good morning, mummies...

Lamb> Happy Birthday! What a nice present you get from Nat!

Sherry> If you buy from BP the MotherGarden playhouse, likelihood you will be the one playing it first before Shernise....Haha, I am actually guilty of that! Buy stuff like Play Doh, and cooking sets for my kids but the truth is, I also enjoy playing with them....

luvbabe> ya and the items are so sweeeeeet! I am thankful i hack down some of my rooms, otherwise i would probably have a spare room full of toys.. but that sounds like a great idea too hoh!!!


Lucky Emma was fine.. When sharlyn was younger, i was also very scared that she will get her face covered by her beanie pillow so i always played peek-a-boo with her..

Now whenever something is covering her face, she will take it away..


I saw it yday, super nice lor...

Summer mama got it for her summer... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sherry, u go Summer's mama FB and see.. Soooo sweet and nice.. If Oli is gal, i will get it for him for sure.. lol.. Right now my collection of My Melody's stuff have no one to pass to...

Grilles >> I really dislike installing grilles, ma chiam like "Alcatraz". My auntie's house did not have any grilles and she has 2 boys. She taught the boys since young cannot climb or go near the windows. Anyway, planning to shift in 2013, doubt my studio flat can accomodate Chris and mei mei 3 yrs later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sherry, wah so free shop BP yah. I also shop shop last week n bought OPI nail polish. Hehee, so vain **blush blush**

The MotherGarden playhouse so cute! I also tempted to buy for Chris. Who says boys cannot play?! Haahhaa, more likely like wat Luvbabe said, u see me playing more than him.

Re : LNT trial classes

The trial classes for 30 Oct, 6 Nov & 13 Nov, Sat at 2-3pm at Toa Payoh branch is CONFIRMED !

ET / Evonne : Already emailed u for the relevant info to register.

Gd news for mummies who are keen on the LNT trial classes but cant make it for the mentioned dates (30 Oct, 6 Nov & 13 Nov, Sat 2-3pm).

U may contact their Mgr-Sylvia to find out which dates they hv available in which u can attend your trial classes.

The special price will remains but only for this Toa Payoh branch.

Juz hv to mention that u r referred by Mrs Lim.

For those keen to attend the trial clas at Parkaway, u wld hv to call up that branch & negotiate for the trial class price.

Febie/ET> ya i know summer mama has it.. i think she ordered from tabao wo.. not sure if its cheaper though hehehe

Sherry, she missed the taobao spree...

think she got it from Amazon or what lor...

I always wanted to get playdoh when I was a child but my mum forbid and can only play at my cousin's place...

So I'm definitely going to get it when Shayne is 2-3 yrs old... hahahha.... we can play together... oh thinking abt it make me feel so young again... :p

Lamb,belated happy bday! They said it's a trying period cos at this age they like predictibility.... Anyway my boy is quite trained to slp anywhere. Just cross fingers n toes!!!

Cheerieheart, my boy is crawling all the plc, can move fr crawl to sit n vice versa, hands pull wires, take things fr our study table etc, attempt to stand, wanna walk! That's y I scold him cos he kept trying to take forbidden things


i'm getting mine tmr...

got for my mum and I'm so goin to share with her... one is too much for me...

dun really like Or nee which are super sweet...

Or nee!!! My fav!!!

Firipy> i agree that its sometimes rather frustrating when they crawl all over the place and attempt to pull and put everything into their mouth hahaha.. am thinking of getting play yard to confine her hahah

Thank you all for your birthday wishes. Yeah, Nat was a really sweet kid yesterday. She pulled to stand, cruised a little, started to use her legs when crawling to all 4s. Now, she just wants to conquer everything that has height. The bed headboard, the tv console. Hhehe. But at least this time, she didn't do it secretly that I couldn't see! And I finally managed to catch it all on video!


that's good news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i hope my lo can do the same soon :p must train her more.

my hb oso told me the same thing that my mil worry i dun like mah. haha

little_lamb, happy birthday!

TYL: I haven’t been noticing window grilles until lately ;) I saw many pple’s grilles are the kinds with patterns, usually light grey (or is it white?) and the patterns are coloured. Haven’t seen bronze ones around though.

ET: there’s such a kind of lock? First time heard of it. I’m thinking, if you can’t open the windows wide, then won’t it be stuffy and hot? Try google for window locks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sherry/Yuki: actually, hubby and I dun like grilles. So when we got the house and renovated it, din wanna install grilles. Now that baby is here, wondering if it’s time to do it. I know of some people who don’t install but my boy seems quite playful/stubborn, so dunno he will listen or not. So grilles might be safer.

Firipy: Tomorrow I hope my boy will be motivated by all his peers to also start crawling!

Mothergarden toy: I saw summer mama’s FB and was gushing at how nice it looks! Hope I get a girl next and can buy the toy for her.. then mommy gets to relive childhood!!

TYL: Just now, I took a look at the flats opp my house and finally spotted some bronze grilles! The grilles are same shade as the windows lah, so previously din notice them and only see the light coloured ones *LOL*

