(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


wah, u smack each other to 'diffuse' anger ah?? wat was the cause of the pimples?? hope his fever has subsided... i noticed my gal oso hv red spot at the side of her head too... but don tink its pimple bah...


i tink my gal will grow up immune to my beating n scolding sooner or later... i've tried 'clapping' loudly too... but doesn stop the 'undesirable' behaviour lei...

*Cross finger, so far so good. Today whole day like no mood to work or do anything.. always very sian when she is upset! Her poo also watery today... But she greedy girl eh, now give her 240mls she can finish in 5 mins! better give her more apple tomorrow!

Cy: Would love to join you all if we are at home! Usually wkends my hubby loves to go out, he is not the homely kind! Today after the morning swim, we decided better buy Kenan a thermal wear coz like you mention, it’s quite cold! We didn’t manage to find anything suitable yet. Any suggestion where to get swim wear for babies?

Xin: Ya, Kenan slept for 2 hours after the swim! I’m at Sengkang, do hope to join Leticia and the rest for a swim [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Aiyo, the playpen still lying in a corner of the living room. I don’t dare to try setting it up coz afraid I’ll injure myself (like what your hubby mentioned). Waiting for my hubby to do it and he’s been working till very late. Hope we get it done this weekend.. but not sure if can fix it or not. Btw, if Kenan refuses to play in the playpen, do you want us to bring it back to you?

Tam L: Can’t remember but are u a SAHM? If yes, then easier for us to arrange a gathering [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for yr compliment on Aly. I wont say she's smart but we are happy with her development. Yup, managed to video her ytd morning. My MIL couldn't believe that a 7mth old can sit, crawl & pull to standing. To her, it's sit at 7mth, crawl at 8mths & talk at 9mths...

Regarding Kenan's "constipation",try prunes puree mixed with oat cereal. Works like a charm. Get the fresh prunes cuz not so sweet. Besides, both Cold Storage & NTUC both have prunes on sale now.

Usually, the LO wont like swimming for the 1st time in an open pool. Aly has this problem too but now, she loves swimming especially when the weather is warm. I got her thermal wear from Kiddy Palace. Mothercare also sells.


Selamat Hari Raya Adifiltri to you & yr family. Hope u & yr family r enjoying a nice holiday[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hope Arwen is better now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessie--recieved the purchase with thanks!!..didn't know I ordered 2 pairs of same shoes...

Thanks A million!!!...

Hope arwen is better also


ashton nowadays oso cry until like got ppl bully him ... cry until tears keep flowing, give pacifier / milk oso dun wan.. hug him he will keep moving abt..

very heartache to see him like this..

but at the same time dunno wad to do.. i gave him bao yin dan from eu yan seng oso like this leh and i keep the amulet near him oso no use leh..

jessie - ur mum use "SHI LUI" leaves to bath her?

Especially in the mid of the night... he cry until like this n im so tired n slpy... really lose temper liao... =(

i have to wake him up n tap his arm n say baby baby wake up.. den he oso wont fully wake up but keep on cry n cry n cry until whole face red leh.. n very cham voice lo...

Afann, Ashton why like this leh? What trigger it? Same symptons leh, Arwen was also like that. Normally when she fuss, milk/ paci/ cradling ok liao. That night was nonstop lor.

Yes,my mum use the shi lui leaves.

bride_09 , I was wondering why you buy two pair but since you ask for different sizes, I thot you like the shoes so much you want to keep one for now and one for later! LOL


Salamat hari raya. Hope you are enjoying yourself.


Is arwen feeling better? Hope she's back go her normal self soon.

I seriosuly have no idea why he is like that!

7th month over Liao but is like even worse =X

wondering is it cos of teething ???

Jess, Cy, Koonie> Yeah.. Todae bb Jasielle seems better le, last nite juz wake up for milk n latch her.. Tiz morn osi more like her normal self le.. Let her haf way she wants.. Heee

Angel, good to hear lo is better.

Afann, maybe is teething or bad dreams that y cry so chiam. Try bathing him w flower water if no improvement.

Btw, the shi liu leave must pluck from ppl one & cannot let the owner know!!!

Angel : Glad to hear that. I guess sometimes have to ride it out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Afann: If dun have the leaves , like Angel, just let Ashton do he likes. Arwen is like a pampered pooch today and yesterday, she got carried , cuddle nonstop, had icecream and loads of Sesame Street!

But now she got a bit of dry cough, haiz... so keeping her at home today and observe.

jessietan - Hhahaha, Arwen watches Sesame Street too? Nat also leh ... she loves it so much. I've been meaning to look for those really old episodes of Sesame Street leh, but cannot find liao. What kinda ice-cream did Arwen have? You made your own? I was wondering whether FM can be made into ice-cream or not ... and then maybe add some fruit puree ... hehehe.


woo...haf been v v long since i can come in to type something proper besides participating in Jessie's spree...

new workplace is absolutely not conducive for surfing net...and there were juz toooo many days dat i only manage to log onto my personal emails...dats about it...opic open concept...damn!....


you had a GOOD celebration?? wonder Aifah got mini traditional dress not??


aiyoh your holidays pics of YX v nice!! boy he does look like a toddler now hor??


orh...they say coz preg woman always got the "spirit" who's waiting to be re-incarnated beside the preggy ma...so when babies play wif them...they may be disturb by the spirits too.... then some babies v attracted to the preggy means the future babies (in the womb) v nice & good looking...

anyway...7th months is like over in a flash...so fast..

me wanna go for big bash too!!...


any place like those safra type wif BIG function room...and then we get our catering...??

I am giving IKEA photoshoot a miss...tytus sleeping...sighz...

Cy/ Lamb : Hagen Daz lah! Make own ice cream?!?!?? No time lah, maybe when she is older, I would make for her. Now she is not even suppose to have ice cream but she loves it so give her half a teaspoon as a treat nia. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yah, Lamb, I was at Pudong, saw some Sesame street DVD 5 for RMB 50, like original, so I buy and let her watch, she loves Elmo and now she also loves Big Bird!Keke

Fat_babe : Yes, some preggies Arwen is ok with, some ...no.. haiz..

SP> any idea why dried prunes are so sweet? do they add artificial sweetening? i dont find it on the ingredient list though...

cheerieheart> you can keep it if you wish... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] up to you... i have no space for it anyway... :p

making stuff> i feel like making mooncake for mattias... hee hee... anyone know how?

just now mattias vomited ALOT of milk... think got 100ml... donno is it overfeed... coz i went out since morn, came bk first thing is to feed aft... aft i fed then hb told me he just drank 1 hr ago... :p

he sleeps alot when hb takes care of him leh... morn aft i left slpt from 0930 to 11...

1130 eat cereal, 1220 eat porridge

1330 sleep agn til 1500... (hb too)

then drink 100ml milk...

think my hb more suitable to tk care of mattias... it's like a breeze to him... :p...


they so young can eat mooncake meh?? taste tase can la...

i think sherry noes how to make wor...last year she made for us...when we still preggy...hehe

fat_babe> thinking of doing a type that baby can eat... hee hee... must ask sherry...

tamL> will try the clapping method... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sighz... mattias fever on and off... one side pimple smaller liaoz... but the other side still v big... think got 2cm...


Some dried prunes have added sugars but some dun. So if the packet of dried prunes that u have does not have sugar as one of the ingredient, that it's just natural sweetness. The reason why dried prunes is sweeter is cuz they r made from fresh prunes via the process of dessication so what is left behind is the natural sugar concentrate hence taste sweeter[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jessietan - Yah, Nat loves big bird too coz' bright and yellow. Hhehee. Elmo doesn't interest her too much leh. I'm trying to psycho her to like grover coz' he's my favourite character. LOL.

xin - Issit vomit or regurge? Regurge is like the milk immediately comes out and no vomit kinda smell one. Nat also still regurgitates. She just did early this morning which kinda shocked us coz' we were totally not prepared.

Hi Jessie

I rx the taobao items on thurs. Thks so much for the well packed items. Wow, the books r indeed big... But very worth it!?! Haha... Havnt had time to wash them yet... But I'm sure my LO will love them.. ^~^

Thks alot!

I went to ikea photoshoot at Alexandra today. Surprised tat not alot of ppl. I was able to take 1st since no one in the queue n I was earlier by an hr.. The phototaking oni takes ard 5 mins, but the ppl r very friendly. They tried to make wave their hands to attract my LO attention. A pity tat she didn't smile but I'm quite pleased with the end result tho.

Hmmmm, any mommies still awake ... looks like it's gonna be a long nite for me. I'm staying awake to make braised beef for Nat. Didn't realize tt it takes so long coz' I had to first prepare the chicken stock for her. Alamak ... now trying to keep my eyes opened wide coz' gotta keep watching the beef and make sure it doesn't dry up!

littlelamb, me still awake. The night is still young for me cos no. 1 only slept at 1040pm. Me pumping now. Wa, I don't know how to make braised beef but I'm sure my hubby will love it. Are you using a pressure cooker? I think it'll be faster if you use that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello mummies

It has been a long.........................................time since i last posted, how is everyone.

my girl andrea is down with flu, got it from her gor gor lor and i was praying hard that after takin the medication she cld sleep well tonight , cause last night she practicaly wakes up every 2-3hrs because of the cough.....

febie - i miss the mooncake session 2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jessie / afan - how your LOs feeling better ya

wishing all muslim mummies selamat hari raya

Hi mums, sorry to interupt. I have a Friso gold stage 2 900g unopened, expiry date 4th May 2010, for sale at $30. Pls PM me if interested...

pauline - Wah, peifu, you still express. I quit the pump for about a month liao. Now only latching Nat once a day. The rest of the day she's on formula feeds already. Braised beef recipe is from Annabel Karmel. Smells yummy so far. I used pot coz' my crockpot here like a bit cannot make it. Hahhaa, the water dries up very fast in it also. So I use normal pot, just gotta keep adding water.

blueberrypie - Oh dear, hope Andrea's feeling better. I guess when you have more than a child at home, it's inevitable that they pass on virus within each other. Even as her mom, you would also have to take care of your health.

little lamb- u r right boy, i keep telling my boy 2 stay away, but he likes to go near her, i suppose he feels mommy has not contributed enough to the economy ........... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah....your braised beef sounds good lei, shd learn fm u nexttime...oh oh my girl is coughing got to go n chk on her....chat again..


Yeah, it's hard to tell kids not to hang around their siblings I guess. How old is your boy? Yeah ... the braised beef smells and tastes yummy! But I gotta control! Otherwise none left for Nat! LOL.

I did a quick search under annabel karmel's recipes online and found this: http://www.annabelkarmel.com/recipes/babies-6-9-months/braised-beef-recipe Mine's almost similar except I modified. Didn't use oven, just stew it in the pot. The ingredients slightly different coz' I only use carrots and sweet potato. And I didn't put orange juice and used olive oil to prepare instead. You can try it out to see if it tastes good.

bubbleluv: hey, I was at ikea today as well! were you there at about 2.45? thought I saw a familiar baby. I agree, the people were really nice, pretty professional and friendly.

selamat hari raya to all muslim mummies!

had a fun day today! after the ikea shoot, brought Z for a swim. He drank so much water!

My parents brought Z and I to Universal studios. $5 tickets! none of the attractions were open, but got to see all the buildings etc and the fireworks at the end. it's worth every cent of the $5.

Havent started baby on meat protein yet. dunno how to start! must start reading recipe books.

Morning mummies,

Anyone started fresh scallop for ur lo, My mil brought for my gal n claim e seller told her can eat ?!?!

My mil came over my mum place n fed leticia water w a glass cup !! So pissed to hear fr my sis when she saw n it's drank by her n she was coughing!!! WTF !!!! I didn't even Use my own cup to feed my gal ...

Sorry need to rant early morning ... Really regretted buying a house so near her now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi sueann,

I took the shoot ard 12pm.. But I was there till 2pm+... Went n get a high chair, my LO is so excited when put her dwn to try... u could hv seen me, but I Nbr see u leh... Anyway, saw a few babies too... Maybe urs r one of them... Think most of the ppl went r with kids too...


Scallops belong to the shellfish family and is a highly allergenic food. U may wanna consider delaying giving till 1yo though i know there r quite a few mummies who use dried scallops in preparing porridge for the LO

haha i was at ikea at 2 plus too, went with my sis and her bf.. we bought the stroller along but machiam become trolley instead cos BEnjamin just wanna be carried!! gosh my arms were like close to breaking liao man.. then saw a bed and faster deposit him there to roll around haha.. and give myself a rest too. saw alot of mummies with babies too, could be any of you!! lol


u r most welcomed[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Many a times, the folks will have their own way of thinking which is not backed up by literature. See wat yr mum says[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

What a quiet Sunday ... where did all the mommies go? Today's stay at home and cook day for me. Dun wanna cook porridge this week so better cook up and freeze in batches. Last nite made braised beef, today made potato & leek soup and fish lyonnaise. Heheh. Gonna have to prepare apple and pear puree later.

SP> thanks for sharing... i emailed the coy and they said the same thing, but my hb just refuse to believe that it's the natural sweetness... anyway, i tried to make it less sweet by mixing fresh prune with dried prunes...

think i boil v v long, the from the fresh prune all dissovled... :p... and i just used a peeler to peel... :p...

littlelamb> i did quite abit of cooking last night... just steam and puree though... hb was a great help... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

havent start to mix food yet... ur dishes sounds good,,, even adults can eat???

maybe it's regurgitate... but alot leh... almost 100ml... scary... first time it happened to him...

blueberrypie> hope andrea gets well soon... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin - Good that your hubby was able to help. DH mostly helps me do the washing up, hehehe. And also to listen out for Nat when i'm busy cooking. Yeah, the dishes I made are for adults to eat too. But errr ... I dun really find them all palatable leh. But somehow, the fish lyonnaise tasted better in its pureed form. LOL. Yeah, Nat regurged a lot yesterday also. Dunno why. We got caught off guard coz' it's been a while since she last regurged.

Wow lamb, ur roast beef is tempting me lor...

Blueberrypie, hope Andrea get well soon...

Lamb, bbp's son is ard 5 yrs old... Maybe 4?

he's so well behave... We went for the ikea shoot together..

Cy, no seafood for them... Still young... Keep it for urself...

Been busy this long weekend... Making veg stock for my mummy to cook porridge for Shayne when I'm not ard...

She betray my trust and got a good brain wash from me...

She put a drop of light soy sauce into shayne's porridge lor...

For mummies who are very busy, can cook sweet potato porridge for ur LOs... Taste so nice too... ;)


Not roast beef lah, braised beef. :p Can go check out AK's recipes and then try it out. Even if it's cooking for yourself and not LO, should be quite tasty. You know, after starting to prepare food for Nat, I realized that food without extra seasoning like soya sauce etc can also be tasty. I've never used so much sweet potato or carrots in my life for flavouring lor! In fact, sweet potato has always been just steam and eat for me.

And carrots is more like always a side dish. After I started preparing food for Nat, I have learnt so much about these ingredients on their own! Although tiring, but it really is quite an experience I must say!


Hi everyone,

busy weekend....long story short, he had to distribute mooncakes to his client,hb was sick, tink kanna fr me,we din really do much over the weekend except sat went to walk ard in bugis n went ikea photoshoot cos fil bday, then tdy went for studio photoshoot. Ayden's so cranky tdy, super hard to capture him,dunno y he so cranky....

sueanne, we wanted to go for the USS after-hrs thinggy but hb was sick n fil bday dnr on sat....sad!

lamb, u r a super hardworkin mummy! Sounds delicious lo ur meals!

blueberrypie, hope ur gal gets better, poor thing....

Ayden's cries are getting more high-pitch n louder, dunno y he cry also....He can talk more ald, but only in desperate times, like when he buay tahan then shout for ma/pa baobao...then wanna eat oso cant say mom mom properly must cry n shout till face red then say! Dunno wats wrong....

