(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

ok, pauline, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

little lamb, u knitting the hat? i knit tat for my #1, but he don like to wear, so the hat i knit become white elephant, hehee! think i shld knit booties and mittens bttr.


dolphin - Okay, I go try it out, hopefully it'll help release some pain. It's really awful. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

joy - no way am I knitting hat. Just knitting scarf for my DH. I not so expert. Knit hat still must do a bit of crochet I think, of which I'm horrible at lor. Booties and Mittens even more difficult I think!

wow joy & littlelamb you both so great to knit something for your loved ones..i don't know abt knitting, my mum knows but she got lao hua yan...cant see clearly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

little lamb, hat got ways of knitting w/o crochet de, hehee!

dolphin, i long long time nvr touch knitting, think need to go to shi fu to refresh ahha!

hhahaha, little lamb and sherry.

red tea, u stay amk har, can la. i stay sembawang, work amk, weekend at serangoon/clementi/jurong west/farrer park, sometime will be at tampines.

Morning Mummies!

Yeah think there is an error wo.. aiyo, i put on nearly 10kg now.. nearly fainted when i visited my gynae.. last month still maintain at 1kg per mth.. this mth suddenly up by another 4-5kg


eh sherry,

haha the bb grow alot after 4th month to 7th month...then it will stagnate in the 8& 9th month..hee..dun worry yeah...

nice weather this morning! think i am duper late for work..

bbchic: hopefully ah...else i don't know all these fats wan go where aft deliver [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

fat_babe> hahaha i hope so le.. really scary.. din know can put on 4-5kg in a mth hahaha.. but tummy is more obvious this month, so maybe that contributed to some kgs hahaha.. (zi wo an wei) baby is abt 500g so its considered normal.. so where all the kgs goes to!!! hahaha to mummy hahaha..



btw, how many bodywash shld last for a mth? 4oz seem very little. shampoo 1 bottle enough?

weight gain:

me like 3kg every mth. -_-" especially now is mooncake festival season. eat more gain more.

redtea, i rem i used abt 2-3 bottles for my confinement last time. shampoo 1 bot shld be enuff.

I will try to email to little dreamers today to check if we can get the discount and see if they have any min amt to qualify for the discount or nt.

weight gain: i shld see how much i gain when i go for my gynae checkup this sat morning, hehe!

hi mummies,

im really sick this time... hving bad cold... eyes teary, nose flowy, the weather so hot n i cn get cold! -__-

sherry , u gain 4 kg in a mth i think i gain more.. havent visit the gynae yet... dun dare to step on the scale~ hhaahaa

good morning mummies,

finally able to come in..thread was inaccessible since yesterday morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Dun worry abt it if ur contraction has gone away. I had similar experience @22wks. Persistent cramps for a day den doc gave me a wk MC & hormone jabs. After tat, i took another wk leave to rest more. Now back to normal le. Just rest more can le. I also dun know wat triggers mine. Just ensure u r stress-free..

good morning mummies...

I went for my DS yesterday...

The sonographer says everything was fine...

BB weighs 511gm at week 21..

she also comment BB too active liao.

so can forsee I'll be chasing after my son next time... yes it's a prince... my hubby say he can see the face and look like him... hahaha...

Joy: i PM you ald for the LD order

AFann: aiyo guess go take mc & rest lah...u don't wan rest, ur bb need de leh...

I also don't dare to step on the weighing scale..

i last night again having contraction, the pain even worse, i ate the pills my gynea gave but e medicine have side effect - trembling whole afternoon till late evening. then i called my gynea he said to decrease e dosage, he want me to go down see him & he will change e medicine..he gave me 1 day mc only...

Melody: my place here difficult to get leave [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so i can't leave as & when i like..manpower down..i took mc, ppl here ald not happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] though they said is ok...hmmmm

sherry, me too almost 10kg. my chk up is next wk so scare, my doc will give warning if 1 mth put to 2 kg.

maybe we having same gynae....kekeke

wow febie, yr baby weigh 511gm at wk 21. i think mine only 320gm onlyleh or 230 gm (forgotliao) nowadays poor memory. hv to ask gynae again next wk. feel my baby so little yet i put so much weight on me not the baby. haiz

Febie: wow your prince so big ah..ya lor my sonographer oso said my bb very active [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hhahhah...wow ur husband funny ah, can tell he look like him...hahhaha...mine when 21 weeks he only 410g...


Icic.. I make use of e 2 wks as my block leave which is compulsory in my company.. hopefully, no need to b out of office for rest of yr..

redtea and dolphin, noted ur orders le.

I just done our orders into the spreadsheet, we have abt $400 orders wor.

redtea, can pm me ur email?

hi everyone. how was the mooncake gathering last Sat?

BKK was nice but didn't get to buy any bb clothes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Most of the bb clothes we saw were too big. We did find a nice roadside stall but couldn't decide whether to get it. Wanted to go back on the last night but couldn't due to the heavy rain.

Pauline>My friend in BKK was just recommending Little Dreamers to me. But I haven't had time to look at the site. Will prob be interested in getting some stuff but need some time to look through it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi joy, i only saw the confinement shampoo but no conditioner show at website. can advice? i think i take 1 shampoo and 1 conditioner. may i know where do you stay? thks.

disney, nope, there is no conditioner, so wat i did is i use a bit of my own conditioner, hehe! i stay sembawang but work in amk, weekend will be at serangoon/clementi/jurongwest/farrer park. prob i can pass the stuffs to mummies who work/stay nearby to one another, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ladies, I have gestational diabetes... so having a big size bb is not a good thing...

I'm tall and big size too... hope this is main reason why my bb is big...

TYL, hoho, forgot you were in BKK last weekend. So, never manage to buy much BB clothes? Never mind, should have a few pieces to tide over since your hubby getting the hand me downs from friend right? During full month, a lot of people give bb clothes so don't buy too many too.

Sure, no problem, I still got 2 months to wait. hee. ;)

Good morning ladies!

Yeah, yesterday thread was down, so couldn't log in to chat. Have you all started playing music for your babies? Instead of playing classical, I play bossa nova for kids for her. And she seems to love it, dancing in my stomach when I play the songs. LOL.

then joy, i will wait till u come to the west then... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think I'm the one and only in the west...

Sherry - Don't worry, you just need to gain about another 5 kg and u'll still be safe. As long as gynae never stop you, I think it should be fine. I haven't even reached 5kg yet! I hope baby's growing fine! Going for my 24 weeks check up soon.

febie: me from the west[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] which part of west u staying..i m @ bukit panjang


wah got $400 liao...ahhaha..think if we got $500 can ask for power discount??...hee.. think i will email my orders to you...


dat sounds like a good DS! eh...but you dun look like you haf GD le...so means you have to cut down on sugar liao right??

little lamb,

you have yet to gain 5kg ar??

my target is not to exceed 60kg..though i think is very very difficult..muahahah wif all the goodies i am gorging!

