(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Sherry, thank you for the invite to you place....Your mooncake is really yummy! If my boy said so, it must really be good coz he is very good with real good food!

fat_babe, Febie, joy, Megan > Great to catch up with all of you... Must be fun but not too fun for my hb, as he had to handle 3 kids, hee hee! My boy also ko once in the car.

Yeah, really fun to meet up and catch up. Let's try to catch up again.


firpy - My baby does move in the middle of the night but that's only after i wake up, then she wakes. So I don't think it's because I squeezed her. Maybe it's nature's way of training me to be up to feed her next time. Hehehe.

xin - Yah, old wives' tale like what joy said about eating crabs. So I will tahan, just like why I won't eat my favourite lamb chops for now.

joy - Very hard to resist temptation. Surprisingly, my mom said if i feel like eating, I should.

wow missed out the gathering. sound so fun. hope can join u guys for gathering.

thks megan. will find one day to toa payoh central.

melody, i at hougang mall today. they only hv button sleepdress instead of front button shirt and pants. anyway buy 1 to stand by first.

i bot huggies newborn for baby cos goon very exp but it is gd to prevent sensitive skin cos we dunnoe our baby buttock sensitive o not.

little lamb,

you believe in old wives tale?? no la..eating crab is cos its seafood...too much is no good...but i think few times still ok le..

wan to eat mus eat abit la..if not v cham..


you stay around north area oso..then not difficult to meet up


great minds think alike!!!...

eh girls..

think i super heaty la..eat too much cookies and fried stuff...sob..nose bleeding liao..think i developing runny nose & sorethroat..kekeke..too greedy..been drinking liang teh since this morning..dun seem to work..

tokking about bb movement...he's awake usually after food..and before i sleep...

i haf been sleeping early & waking up early recently...12.30 - 7am..at least for the past week..

lil' lamb, crab is good leh...

good for bb's brain... my mum only stopped me from taking mutton/lamb cos worried abt yang dian feng... and the dole/del monte banana cos too chilling...

anyway, can do without banana... lamb, also resisting.. luckily no craving... but i love seafood... cannot stop eating... tried melben's black pepper crab before but still prefer their butter crab... :p

yeah i love seafood too! Had lots of crabs and prawns esp during my 1st trimester too.. but i did heard abt kids being shou duo duo after eating crab hehe..

Fat babe> same here, she has been moving non stop from 6 plus after u gals left till abt 1am.. so fun..

Very bad, went NTUC and hubby tempt me with sashimi.. haha.. ended up buying it home to eat... hohohoho

Febie> u shld try the butter crab from seafood paradise. They have one outlet at defu land and another at Singapore Flyers.. so far i find they serve the best butter crab

I went toa payoh today but din get to buy those cotton button front PJ le...but stumble across this shop near bata that sells really cheap maternity wear.. they have got pretty nice pants, shorts and 3/4s.. and most importantly, its cheap.. average abt $21 to $30 only..so much cheaper than the previous few that i bought at $89...sob sob..

febie - Yah, I also stopped taking the bananas too.

sherry - My DH doesn't tempt me. He watches over me like a hawk. Restricts me to eat unhealthy food. So I gotta secretly eat. :p


yep.. i bot those front buttoned shirtdress cos e antenatal teacher say its more convenient to wear shirtdress..

melody, i bot one too. maybe we having the same design. i bot white front buttoned shritdress with tweety bird cartoon. but i scare of cold in hospital so must get a pant with it.

Good morning ladies....

Sherry, okok will go try it out...

my friend also recommend me abt seafood paradise... think will bring my mummy there on her birthday... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lil' lamb, I'm nv a fan of banana... so no effect on me... hehehhe...

Wah must weat button shirt dress? I dun like leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

fat babe, i stay at hougang. any mummies stay near me??

sherry, nowaday still able to get cheap maternity, last time i oso bot around $80 - $100. now buy bigger clothes so dun spend much in maternity clothes cos this is my last one. after give birth still can wear it. save $$.

disney> i stay in serangoon keke.. so still quite near..

Ya was surprise when i saw them selling at less than $30.. they dun have nice tops but their bottoms quite not bad le.. bought two long and 2 short for weekend wear hehe...

When i initially got preggy, bought about 4 from tanjong pagar.. $300 le.. this time round, $100, i bought 4.. duhhhh


tat time i bot fm bencoolen mall 3 pcs of 3/4pants n 1 blouse also ard $100 plus...more over I bot those shorts tat dun really look like maternity wear, so nx time haven't loose weight still can wear...

may i know any mum buying the confinement shampoo? i'm suaku. nvr heard that. anyone can advice, how gd izzit? nowadays for me easily hv dandruffleh, tried lot of brand seems not working. haiz. TIA

disney, I haven tried before but I placed the order with Joy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

disney, the confinement shampoo smell pleasant and can be a bit dry due to the herbs, i "cheat" a bit by putting the conditioner after shampoo. i have scalp problems, but this shampoo ok for me.

can eat banana lah, but they say try not to eat too much of those De monte type...cos it's vy liang...those small banana still ok

I love bananas and have been eating them, even the dole and del monte ones. Doc says no restrictions on food, just take whatever makes you feel good. They served these bananas as part of refreshment spread at my antenatal class too.

Experimented and found out that all sorts of melons give me bloatedness so I have to keep off them.

As for shampoo, my mum says she'll get herb packs for my shower from the Chinese medicine hall. Are those yucky?


me at serangoon north too!! houganag which part??

going out for lunch le...tok to you girls evening...


no pain at belly button le...maybe cos i oredi quite flabby there before birth..so no pain le..

only haf pains at the sides..more like stiches type of pain

aiyo, juz wake up and u ladies mention abt the melben crab..make me so hungry -miss the beehoon crab..yummy..

yap, any mummies here have any gd pt cleaner ? i need someone trustable for regular basis to help me with the housewrk


abt little dreamer, any recommendation of product used? m interested in getting instead of boiling herb water.

littlelamb: yes yes my hubbi oso restrict me fr eating those unhealthy food..i oso eat secretly..laugh..

wow u mummies seems to enjoy the gathering at sherry hse ah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw last nite i have a very bad pain at my womb area...it keep on pulling..this morning went gynea, he said i am having contraction..gave me some pills & ask me to rest..don't walk too much..he said lucky i did not bleed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] bb now weighing at 600g ... i am in my 23weeks now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dolphin... U hv to take care... Bed rest! Slp n slp until bb n u feel shiok..

Im having terrible flu but hv to ot still haiz...

Sat, mon n tue have to OT

Realli work till dead..

Hey koonie, im looking for those hourly charge cleaner too.. Wan them help me clean floor , iron clothes, wipe kitchen, wash toilet. Once a week onli..

Fell down before when i wash toilet..

So a bit scared.. Now gg to week 23 le.. Getting more crumpsy...

c.yang, tat time my mum got me the herb packs for me to shower, i used once and nvr want to use again, cos a bit messy which i don't like, :p

little lamb, whole morning i was busy with work cos my colli nw on hospital leave, siannnn

redtea, mmm their confinement bodywash and shampoo can consider, also can consider their belly salve - my sis tried, she say not bad. the herbal pedicare wash and healing bottom spray more for those who give birth naturally, but do get their spray than the wash cos it's more convenient for easy cleaning. i like their healing bottom spray, mild to our bottom where epistomy was done, not sting at all. they have the dry confinement powder too but i din get that.

I also get their bye bye sun suncreen lotion for my #1, not oily at all.

Hey Joy

If we use the confinement bodywash and shampoo from LD, can we bathe with normal water or still have to use the water boiled with herbs?



wah...great..me later can browse through!! thanks!


think you better rest more..did doc say wat spark off the contractions?


me down wif flu liao...oso cannot MC cos tml no colleague to cover me..

bbchic & AFann: he say due to me walking too much..which is not really leh.. don't know leh..hmmm i got so worry when he said contraction [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Looking at the littledreamers site and keen to order the healing bottom spray and confinement shampoo. Anyone wants to combine orders for Tampines collection for free delivery? Lyn78? LSnTYL or any mummies staying at Tampines area? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cocomama, no need, normal water will do.

pauline, good good, cos my side already hit more than $150 for free delivery le, btw, c if ur east side orders and our orders can combine for bargaining for discount and get little dreamers to spilt into 2 free delivery for us if ur side also hit more than $150. we need to have more orders so can ask for discount.

Hi Joy,

I hv not gone to the LS website to see yet.

Btw, anyone working at Tanjong Pagar area or Redhill/Tiong Bahru area ? I not staying at East area so how to collect if keen?

When need to gv u the order?

Thanks !

Btw, which spray / pdt gd for healing purpose ? For c-sect?


think you go into the webbie and see..the description is all there so you can best decide which will suit you..

but for you not confirm c-sect right? the spray is for natural delivery if i am not wrong.


how much you need to ask for discount?? you got start nego with them or not?? kekek...

then we know what's the target ma...i actually thinking of getting 1 or 2 items..which i can pop by to buy 2-3 months later la...but if you need the volume...i can chip in...

mstan, the healing bottom spray more for natural delivery.

jasmine, here it goes: www.littledreamers.com.sg under mother care.

fatbabe, probably 10% or more bah, i have not start to nego with them yet, will probably do so tomorrow, cos now tied up with my work plus clearing my colli's backlog...

dolphin - What I read is that braxton hicks (false labour) can occur from 20 weeks onwards, which is the cramps like feeling. Did yours have a certain pattern to it? If so, then it could've been contractions. Nothing to really be concerned about if it's irregular pain. And your gynae is right, it's a good thing there's no bleeding. Meanwhile, rest more. I've been having really bad backache man!

joy - Don't be xien, the day is almost over liao! Me just now went to buy some wool. Gonna knit but for my DH, coz' winter is coming! ... HOHOHO!

Joy, hehe, but must wait for more east side mummies to respond first. Cos my order at most $40. Lyn and TYL are the only two east side MTBs I know. :p

littlelamb: it occurs every few mins once...throughout the whole nite...hmmm...

To cure your backpain, when u reached home, knee down and put both your hands down on the floor (like dogs & cats), stretch your back, e weight will go to the front & not your back...i did try & it works well to relieve the pain...

joy - Yeah, helps to pass time more easily hor? I wanted to knit a little hat for my little gal, but seems too complicated!!!!

dolphin - Oh, if it occurs every few minutes then likelihood it's contractions aka false labour. Please take care of yourself. As for my backache, I think it's more of my sleeping posture. I really need to go for prenatal massage. And it's at my small back area, more towards the left side. It hurts when I am walking. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


littlelamb: yes is like that...u could try this style of releasing pain..cos i go library borrowed those books & it shows....

