(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

little lamb: where u delivering? sherry receipe very detail can use that. besides this soup another effective one is black bean soup with pork ribs..i have these two soups for alternate days

dolphin: OMG..u very power! still want to go class..should rest le


dolphin: TMC sells it even to the public, when i deliver #1 @ gleneagles is part of the meal, when you choose confinement meal cos they provide normal meal too

regarding the veins and boobs more firm suppose to be preparing for BF

pop in here for a while, cos now no zhen fu, boss ciao liao hahaa! TMC got the papaya soup!! if u have tmc books by wong boi boi, she include some receipes to boast milk intake, i dono where i throw my tmc books liao... I only know when come to dinner time, the meal will consist of 2 soups, yum yum!

redtea, got ur pm. btw, i think we hit $500 for little dreamers' orders, just saw c.yang's order hehee! will try to email them for discount, hope they can give us wor.

fat babe, i only gained 13kg during last preg, so this one shld be lesser wt to gain? my ms is quite bad as compare to the last preg, so lose more wt this round.

hello joy[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

me today eng eng..so keep "spamming" the thread ..LOL..wow u r our thread purchaser

bbwoofie babe, no la, anyone can be the buyer la, ahhaa! i wish i can be eng eng leh, but am covering my colli's stuffs as well, sian! only when boss nt ard, then i can "eat snake" and come in here a bit...

yup, dolphin, the veins are normal during preg.

MamaD: i am only in week 23, edd 26/01/10...haiz ppl preg not so many prob, me alot of prob..haiz...

I: why so early deliver? stable? safe?

TYL, thanks for the thought but it's ok lar, no need to buy clothes for Raelynn, she's getting lots of hand me downs from cheh cheh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Most of them brand new, esp those going out clothes. And I already bought 2 sets of carters 3 pieces sleeper set from BP for her and about 4-5 sets of home clothes for her. Enough liao. hee hee. Didn't know you were looking for bibs, I got some hand me downs at home cos RaeAnne refuses to wear them. Think Raelynn will be the same. :p

dolphin - I guess everyone will have their own set of problems one, just that not everyone shares. So you're definitely not the only one. We all come in here to share and also support each other emotionally knowing we're not alone.

hi TYL, let me know when u want to collect from me, ya? i keep some bibs for u too i think, plus some mittens/booties/clothings, hehee!

dolphin, don be so sian! cheer up, ya! can understand how u feel, cos when i had my first preg, i have low placenta as well.

pauline>hee, paiseh mah. we wanted to find you something nice after the nice present you gave us. We saw my friend use a lot of bibs feeding her bb boy when we were with her in BKK so decided to buy 3 first. I think I better go check out the BP for bb clothes le since still donno what clothes bb will have when he comes in 4 months. :p At the moment, we have only 1 or 2 pieces of NB clothes for bb.

Joy>how is your job? ok mah?

BTW, any moms have the number to order the TMC fish soup on hand? I can't seem to find the paper where I wrote it down last time. :p Hubby and I thinking of popping down to TMC after one of the pre-natal classes to try the famous soup

alot of my colleagues enjoying their preg so much, i am like a sick cat...cant stress, cant move ard much, cant walk far..haiz..jus like a princess like th..

mummies: everything i feel low, bb kicks me, i felt so happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hhahahaha

Joy>hee, thanks! You no longer at Bugis le rite? My last day of work is next Mon so I'm free for 1 whole week before I need to start work again. So should be able to work around your schedule and see where best to meet you. Thanks a lot wor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TYL, ya, ok, boss nice nice, love him deep deep hahaa!

dolphin, ya it like dat de, tat time hb was ordered by gynae to fetch me to and fro office and my office was in changi that time and he work in town.... can faint lor, imagine the petrol and the time we woke up :p

TYL, glad you like the home made hamper, so paiseh got your hubby's name wrong. ;P Aiyah, if I know you hadn't bought much NB clothes, I would have gotten more. I scared you bought NB from Taka bb fair liao so only got you 1 set. The rompers are for 3-6 months better cos by then baby's neck is firmer. ;)

The TMC cafe number is 62580963. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dolphin - Yeah, don't you just love them already? I'm so in love with my little gal even before I get to see her. Gonna give her so many hugs and kisses after she's born. Really makes my life so worthwhile.

may i knw why need to call the cafe ah? i still so confuse abt the meal leh ? hahahah

ya got to love him lots...bbwoofie we got to matchmake our bb, mine due jan, urs? hahhaha we are in-laws soon

Joy, wa, you got $500 worth of purchase for Littledreamers liao. Any Eastie mummies from your list? Can set up separate collection point at Tampines?

joy>hee, yes. my boss managed to get me early release so starting work 15 Oct. Glad your boss is nice. Hope my new boss will be too.

Pauline>hee, thanks for the number and the hamper again. It was a v nice surprise. Doesn't matter about the name lah. We really thought you passing us the hand-me-downs that you don't nee for Raelynn. So really wanted to get you something nice too. But aiyoh, so hard to find bb stuff there.

fat_babe>hee, thanks. pay and leave is better than my current company. think will be more stable too. only issue is donno whether work will be v stressed or not. :p

pauline, ya, i tried it before when i delivered in TMC, so kinda of missing it, hahaa! even when we try to cook ourselves, the taste is nvr the same, dono it will boast BM or nt, considering other factors like try to rest more, etc.. hehe!

LSNTYL: wow u preg & e co don;t mind hiring you ah...good co hor...cos i encounter alot, they sack preg mummies or even discriminate them ah...jia you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya pauline, $500 le, no eastie mummies leh except west and northern mummies. I try to nego with them to have 2 seperate deliveries beside the discount. if we cant get the discount, at least they shld give us some free delivery lor, hehee!

TYL, happy for u too, :D

Hey little_lamb

I will be delivering in RH too. When is your EDD? My EDD is 3/1 but at the last checkup, my gynea said that my bb is big and if he continues at this growth rate, we might have to get him out at 38 weeks. Did you go for their maternity ward tour. Was considering to stay in a 4-bedder to save some money.

Dolphin>the number is to call and order the TMC fish soup if you intend to go down and buy it. Cos its so popular that they normally don't have stocks if you just walk-in. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

little lamb : I only gain abt 5-5.5kg till now (25wk)....;p...same as u my boob also like not growing.....;p....didnt seem to put on much weight except tummy area....;p

luvbabe : u also staying at redhill ? me too...maybe can catch up with u one of these days?

Yr c-sec so early ? No other dates to choose?

Btw mummies, do u hv leg cramp everyday ?

I hv leg cramp evey nite in the middle of the nite althou I eat calcium every nite, wear long pants & 'pop up' my legs with pillow....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Oh, I sleep on both left & right side but I find bb kick/move more often when I sleep on left side dunno is it becos she's not comfortable ? Isnt sleep on left side better?

I also hv constipation & bloatedness...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

dolphin: muahhh..on la! mine on 23 jan urs le..so book liao huh..easier to visit one another also...keke

TYL: congrats. lucky u! most companies will not want to hire and worst still some even make life difficult

v ni: think is some antibacterial wash..dont think alcohol..will faint

Dolphin>I'm lucky bah. Think previous work experience helped a bit. I was chasing the HR to confirm when the contract can be signed so I can hand in my resignation letter faster. Cos must work at least 90 days at new place b4 I can get my maternity leave. Start date of 15 Oct means I've 5 days buffer if bb wants to come out earlier than EDD of 20 Jan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually, I know of 2 other mommies who managed to get new jobs even though we are in our 2nd trimester. So really is luck I think.

Joy>thanks, thanks. You tell me when is good for you and I meet you to collect the stuff you have for me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pauline>think I add to your order bah. Prob get the confinement shampoo and bath gel. Still need to look through the site.

LSNTYL: But how to order? we call them during our stay there or wat?sorry a bit blur ah...nvr deliver b4 & heard of such service [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

v_ni, u want to order too? a few west mummies also ordering, so can collect together.

the pedicare wash and healing bottom wash is good if u are having natural birth. i lazy so i order healing bottom spray, easy la, cos we already kana sew down there, hehee.

hosp don give alchol de la, it also a wash, but usually will finish up fast de. hehee!

mstan888> heard if its too frequent or severe, gynae can prescribe you with magnesium pills...

Tyl> so envy.. i also want better pay and leave keke

Dolphin>I think if you are staying there, they will serve you the soup. Ordering is meant for people like me who are not staying there and are just popping into the canteen for lunch and want to try the soup.

fatbabe > For me to deliver on 15 Dec, would mean exact 37 weeks on the dot. I have not informed my gynae yet tho'. Met the master and he advised not to have baby out any later. Actually, he don't advised c-sect dates but after some "calculation", he agreed to provide us with an auspicious date. He had even provided the names for us to select.

mstan888> hmm not sure le, i read abt the magnesium pills in the website [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].. i know too much iron and calcium will cause constipation though..

LSNTYL: oooo can order earlier then collect de ah? i call them then take order fr them, collection date choosen by us? how much is the soup? what is the name of the soup? hhahaha

any mummies planning to bank bb cord blood..hearing conflicting reviews on cord blood banking...had for #1 dont know should do for #2 anot?

sherry>is luck lah. but expect work to be more stressed. maybe cannot come into the forum as much as I do now.

Joy>tht sounds good. can meet up for lunch maybe. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dolphin>I've no idea. I've not ordered before. :p Its the papaya fish soup that's supposed to help with breast milk.

luvbabe>wah, your bb will come out so early. Can make if for 09 bb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the names the master gave were nice mah?

ya, tyl, hehe!

actually just now i bo liao, i go and calculate, my edd is 21 jan, if bb decide to come out early on 1 jan, it will be exactly 37wks on that day.

i really bo liao hehe!

