(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


back from HK. and back at office.. sianz...

tired, not enough sleep and puking feeling. the more i think of it the worst it get. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

looks like alot of 2nd times mommies here. hee.. haven hav time to look thru the achive. congrats to all new JanMTB!


Congrats! so happy to see u here.


Hi mommies

I told my hubby yesterday that my AF has not reported and he fainted. Today is CD 36.

I haven't test yet because I am afraid of disappointment if it shows negative.

morning mummies,

TGIF....nausea feeling is bad but the metalic taste (like bitter) in the mouth that lingers whole day is equally bad.

hi meglee....drink some warm water and take some crackers...it works...jus bite a little on the crackers and let it melt in your mouth...see if it wks...

hihi all morning, my ms is getting from bad to worse, now i have to merlion every morning and before i sleep at night, i want to cry!!

dna, not so near and not so far from sheng siong.

Morning Mummies!!!

To Serene: Dun need to go scan so early cos prob you will only see a sac and not heartbeat yet.. a bit waste of money.. hahaha.. unless you wan to scan to confirm you are pregnant.. Go at week 6 or 7 like wat Amby suggested where you can hear bb's heartbeat, pop pop pop pop pop very fast.. its amazing.. I remmebered asking my gynae whose heart beat is that, beating so strong and fast when I had my first baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Dun worry abt no sigh of MS.. its varies from mummies to mummies.. and from each pregnancy to another.. be thankful that you dun have any ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi, YC

I am working at shenton way too.. but I am taking the 3bucks expressed bus down from my boy's IFC nearby bus stop.. and and and and, I kind of take a short slept in the office toilet too.. hahaha.. so tired. even pee also feel like sleeping.. oops!! And now, I hate the smell of washing powder. My first pregnancy, I hated the smell of coffee..

LC, my first preg, i hate the smell from the bakery shops, this preg, i hate the smell from pepperlunch and subway!

Megan, Joy, Joanne

Me too! I hate my hubby's perfume now, and I was the one who bought it for him before I got pregnant! And I can't stand fragrant shower gels/foam. I threw a whole bottle of lux away coz I don't want anyone else in the house to use it. so now I stick to california baby or other baby foams which are not too fragrant.

Foodwise, i'm thankful coz I can pretty eat everything for now.

My EDD is 3.1.10 but I got a feeling baby will pop earlier in Dec instead, coz my 1st one was 2 weeks early. But my gynae said every pregnancy is different...so... see how lor.

morning ladies

redtea, welcome back! u didnt bring your boy?

cladi, just want to know if there is a deadline for registration for K1 at Moriah and if there is a waiting list. Starting to panic as it seems registration for K1 ends in Jun before our short trip. sigh.

had a terrible afternoon/night yesterday. Couldn't stomach the spicy lunch and the strong coffee. And that brought on a terrible gastric attack the whole of yesterday's evening and night. Could hardly sleep. This morning almost fainted as I woke up to make my boy's milk. sigh...

joy, I also have no appetite! but must still eat leh...gastric pains are really terrible.

me too, now i simply hate hb's perfume as well, as for shower gel, i still ok.

smalldreams they always say 2nd preg will be deliver early and fast so we see how.


I ever tot of using bb shower foam too...

today in the bus, wah lau got one lady put such a strong perfume...thank God I was about to get down liao...

morn small dreams....same same...i hate my hubby's perfume...i told him not to use his...use mine...wahhahahahhaa...now he smells like me....wahhahaha....so gals...if u smell a guy w ger's perfume...tats prolly my hubby....whahahaha

hi kais,

happy to see u here! wow, pei fu you tht after 3 princesses and you still have the energy to go for the 4th one... =)

you're so lucky no MS... for me, my ms kicks in earlier than my #1.. I hope the ms will end sooner, if not, at least same as my #1 which is 14wks... hahaha

hahaa...tink so too....anyway...i cant wait for jun 20 to arrive...can get to hear my BB heartbeat and oso see him or her form...so excited....are all first time MTB like tat?? hehee

morning all mtbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I got lots n lots of pimples pop out lei.. Is it becos of the duphaston i m taking ah.. Or is normal de.. Dun rmb last round complexion got so bad leh.. Even my lower back.. Near butt there oso got pimples ah.. I m so ugly now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

joanne, it like dat de, i rem when i pref with #1, i was so excited and always looking forward for gynae appt so i can see the little jellybeanie hehe! And always have the urge to get the baby stuffs even i have not passed thru 1st trim yet. But now preg with #2, the excitement died down, hahah!

ahhahaa...i guess alot of mtb are like tat w #1 lo...hehee....but im really slpy the whole time and cant seem to keep awake...oh my...its worse when i have absolutely nothing to do now....my eyes are ald half closed at 945am...wahhahaa....


Ok ok.. Tml i ask liao let u know k.. They oso have email.. Mayb u oso can email n ask them more..


hehe, keep yrself busy so 20 Jun will come soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my next appt will be on 22 Jun.

Joy, Joanne

it's very strange, but I actually went to see gynae earlier for my 2nd one. My first one, i went to see only at 10 weeks plus. And i am equally looking forward to my 2nd one's scanning images etc. So i don't quite understand when pple say excitement is less for their 2nd one :p

for crocs, I'm a fan of them.

I have prima, suede alice (which has been stolen, sobs) + now i'm wearing olivia. Very comfy. I love them. get them from the sprees or BP. Much cheaper.


no, din bring my DS along.. tat y misses him and going to go back on dot tonite and fetch him. but if i bring him along.. will be scary and tiring. scary is becos the H1N1 case there. got 1 woman, go in MTR on peak hr on 25th and go out to meal with hubby still.. tired is becos i cannot take the smell of there cafe there and the food and drinks. either too salty, too sweet, or too sour. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] think i can only eat jumk food. cos eat fast food sure no problem.. but normal meal will take a long time to finish.

re hubby together to gynae visit;

i give up on TMC parking, tell hubby nxt visit i go alone cos parking very difficult to find, else hv to go weekends liao.. but weekends got to bring DS along.. double siongz..

smalldreams, dono leh, the excitement is nt the same this time hehee! next week will be going for my first visit, so by then i will be able to see bb and the hb, hehee!

redtea, ya, now i choose weekend to visit my gynae at tmc.

I'm going for my check up on Mon...am thinking whether to bring my DS along...they say it will be good to let him see how doc scan mummy...but dunno it's a good idea or not...cos scared wait vy long he will be vy bored...

actually mon is also my 7th wed anni...tot going for a good lunch date wt hb before check up...see how lah

My #1 is 21mths now. EDD 1/6.

nice to see so many MTBs having #2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah, i 1 day didn't come in and u all post so much!! haha!


yup, me same EDD as u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i haven't seen gynae yet, cos firstly, i not sure can see anything...my first pregnancy can only see the sac at 6 wks. and secondly...i haven't found a gynae yet hahahaha!!!

yup, i got a couple of symptoms liao...very tired. jus a slight bit nausea and every night at abt 9plus eyes start to shut liao. plus occasional dizziness.


my ms is so bad i've been on perpetual bedrest. else the moment my feet touch the ground, i want to puke. now it's worse. lie down whole day at home also wanna puke

sometimes i really wonder why i put myself through all these again. haiz. my #1 also had bad ms. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

super low morale now

wow, thks joy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nick: dumbger

EDD: 31 Jan

BB#: 2

Gynae Name: tba

Hospital: Mt A

Address Zone: Sengkang


You're wrong, hehe

I stay at Tiong Bahru... Can't imagine I can go all the way hor, my hubby prefer him so I got no choice, in fact, he is not bad too.

morning ladies,

just came back from gynea visit. My EDD is around 13 Jan. Heard the heartbeat and saw the little feotus already! Gynea said that i have low placenta now and hope that it will move up or will need to do C-section later *gulp*. Haiz... He said there might be bleeding if the placenta moves up, so gave me some pills.



my gastric also really giving me problem. Been popping sooo many pills but frankly not feeling any better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

baby number two,

poor thing! U sound like you are having a terrible time. Hang in there. Did yr MS stop after 12 weeks for #1? If so, there is at least light at the end of the tunnel ...


ur pimples is everywhere? incl face? my first pregnancy and break out very bad on my back, chest and upper arms...so ugly lor. hav to cover up and was so hot! but i counted my lucky stars that my face was ok!

bb no 2,

wah, so poor thing! hope u feel better soon! r u losing weight?

jasmine, haha!

dumbger, no mention, cos i was very pek check with work (actually more over a certain person la) cos she din do a report which was supposed to send out to Sales GM for ytd, so i clearing the shit for her just now.

lilgisele, don't worry abt the low placenta, it will gradually shift up later trim. I had that when i preg with #1. But just be careful, you may have spotting at times cos of the low placenta, try to rest if u can, no bd (this is very impt), no carry of heavy stuffs, etc.

thks joy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nick: cladi

Edd: 16jan10

Bb#: 2

Gyne name: dr adrian woodworth

hospital: mt A

Add zone: fernvale


really? gynea said can BD, can continue to carry my boy, who is abt 12kg. He said no rollercoaster rides or bungee jumping only! Haha...funny hor.


Ya.. My face ah.. Hubby can say.. Y suddenly i got so many pimple.. Is tat sudden lo.. N is near mouth area.. Haiyo.. i can still use my toner.. Mask.. Etc rite?


well even if can bd, i'm too dead tired every night to do it. HAHA. been too sick and exhausted after taking care of my boy the whole day. :p

