(2010/01) January 2010 mtb


some mummies have breakout. really low morale i know


for #1 it went away after at least 14 weeks. i lost count cos i thot it was gonna stay with me for life


irritatingly not losing weight. wat a good time to lose weight for me. but no, i never lose weight from anything

re: low placenta

i had that and bleeding for #1. rest rest rest as much as possible and that'll help [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Is NO morale ah.. Haha.. Lucky i can hide at home for this two wks..

I using the raspberry roots sleeping mark from faceshop.. Didn visit beautician leh.. Mayb i bring n ask gyne next wk.. I thk he will sure say can de.. He everything oso can de.. Haha

hi joy,

my details.

Nick: redtea

Edd: 17jan10

Bb#: 2

Gyne name: Adrian Tan

hospital: TMC

Add zone: AMK


i hv outbreak for my #1, hope don't hv for #2. cross finger.


u poor thing. me now walking oso hv pukey feeling. think i hungry liao.. so sian of eating..


low placenta, better don't carry heay thing. but like the rest said, it will move up as bb grows.

thks joy !


Edd: 23Jan10

Bb#: 1

Gyne name: Dr.KT TAN

hospital: KKH

Add zone: Sembawang

wow, alot of u here are experienced mummy... like to ask do u all brew soup or cook at home ? cos living on our own, very tired lei ..cook after wrk =(,so I bought the "eu yang sen" original for strength *is it advisable to take red ginseng ?

hi redtea,

ru a medical staff ?cos Dr Adrain Tan will give special price (*_^)

I'm a medical staff but 1st time preggie so choose KKH bcos they have the most updated medical device

Nick: DNA

EDD: 1/Jan

BB#: 2

Gynae Name: Dr Yvonne Soong

Hospital: TMC

Address Zone: Woodlands


prepare everything and put it in a slow cooker lah...b4 work put under auto

when come back fm work can drink liao..


Thanks for creating the template. So sweet of you.

Nick: babyraphael

EDD: 19 Jan 2010

BB#: 2

Gynae Name: Dr Han How Chuan

Hospital: KKH

Address Zone: Sengkang Anchorvale / Bedok North

Ling Lee, I am doing the oscar on 19/Jun, hope can see the gender. For my #1, I can see during Oscar. May be it is because he is a boy.

cladi, they have email addy? Can give me? Only see a telephone number on the website. And I'm too lazy to call from here.

redtea, wah...that woman so irresponsible! talking about fast food, that's what I'm going to order later for DS and me! :p you mean weekend parking at TMC is ok?

gisele, quite sian hor the gastric? just now i went pharmacy to get more gastric pills, the silly pharmacist says preggies better not take any medicine at all. wah piang! want me to die of pain. Anyway i called my gynae to confirm that can eat. Just in case. your edd same as mine. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nick: Emmie

Edd: 13Jan10

Bb#: 2

Gyne name:


Add zone: Fernvale/Shanghai

Me also having MS. Worse than my #1. #1 hardly any symptoms. This #2 have a lot of gas and keep burping. Sometimes after dinner will merlion too.

Everytime at about 3pm, the sleepiness will set in and always doze off.

Haiz, hope all will go away after the 1st trimester.

Am seeing the gynae tonight.

hi smalldreams....apparently no more spree ald...hmmm...they closed...=(...nvm la...tink tmrw go buy w hubby in vivo or wat ba...my flats are goin to give way soon oso...worse is its not anti slip...ehhee


nope. me not medical staff. y do u said Adrian Tan will give discount lei? he's perviously from KKH. but now has his private clinic le.

re oscar test;

me going to stay away from this test. my #1 failed the blood test badly. ended me hv to go amnio. think will save $ take triple instead.

Nick: Amby

Edd: 12Jan10

Bb#: 2

Gyne name: Lawrence Ang

hospital: TMC

Add zone: Bukit Batok

For me i'm like some of you want to puke but nothing. Feel so extremely tired nowdays. TOO Tired to even put my son to sleep that my dad has taken up the role to do it.

Mood also really crappy nowdays. Just dont feel like doing anything. Everything tastes bland. Feel like want spicy food but yet dont feel like eating...

I think i'm quite blessed not to merlion for my no 2 also. Or maybe i'm talking too soon haha. just in my 7 weeks.

Mee too, have lots of craving but dun feel like eating ....puke last night but nothing come out...

hi redtea, cos a few of my friends are seeing him at paragon private clinic... (*_^) mostly are wrking in medical line

just came back from lunch

the usual puking feeling

lying in bed dun dare to move


what do you do?

you're a nurse?

*sterotype qn* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm not doing the oscar test for #2, even #1 i also din do cos hb and i feel we just go ahead with the birth of the bb cos it's still our child.

Koonie, which part of sembawang u stay?

Joy, you're fast! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mine here,

Nick: Kittylovers

EDD: 31 Dec (Was told by Dr Ang on last visit...)

BB#: 1

Gynae Name: tba

Hospital: TMC

Address Zone: Tiong Bahru

tks Joy for the updates.

cham ah...my whole system is like shutting down...so so very sleepy...mind also not function liao....where is my bed??? really feel like taking half day n sleep....haha but so wasted....no matter wat need to "thong" all the way till 5.30.

Wah, you guys are moving too fast... here's mine

Nick: Josey

EDD: 9 Jan

BB#: 1

Gynae Name: Dr. Tan Hang Yang

Hospital: Gleneagle

Address Zone: Sengkang


triple test is only blood test, cost less. oscar cost is abt 400$, while triple test is only ard 100$. and triple test is done at wk16.

thanks Joy for the update! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sian...no appetite. Despite the gastric pains and all, I just can't eat more than a few mouthfuls of rice. Even my part-time cleaner commented I eat too little. feels so lethargic


har? the pharmacist say cannot take medication. Really want us to die ah.... my gastric pills provided by my gynea.

my problem is also eating... but probably eating too much. despite not having big appetite, i find that my gastric pains and puking is better if i eat every 2-3 hours. gynea ask me to snack on more fruits so wont put on too much weight.


me too.. no appetite. everything jus taste not rite. can't even finish my lunch and wanna puke, but din la.. try not too.. cos i don't wanna eat agn.

Hi all, can i join in the discussion.

I am expecting my No2, not sure about EDD as I been just tested positive..

How many months are you mummy in?

Any different in 2nd pregnancy

welcome happymum10

for me there's a diff for no.1 n no.2...no.1 i hv no MS but no.2 i feel it...and thinks that it's bad...

I'm now 7-8 wks...


thanks for the welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i dun kwn how many weeks i am now, gynae est me in my 5weeks lor..

My #1 is 6.5months now, how urs?

happymum, your no 1 is a november baby? Cause mine is also 6.5mths. hehe

I was so tired that i had a gd long nap during lunch time. Now eating sweets and drinking orange juice. The only two things that seem appealing to me.

wahaha YC, my turn to envy u hehee!

just back from my late lunch, went straight to the toilet and merlion, sob! my problem is eating too. now i eat wat puke wat, hope 1st trim quickly over.....

hello happymum

yups, i think this thread is quite full of no 2 mommies, hehe.

my son is having his nap - finally got some time to myself. his fave shows on okto all have finished too.


that's good, at least u can nap in office [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] for me, sure no mood.

sweets and orange juice seems good to me. Lucky for me my appetite is still OK. I just stay away from dairy products - leaves a strange taste in my mouth.

but when I cook, I don't feel like eating leh. Just now fed my son some fishball & vege soup, and I ate with him. but no mood to eat the fish dish i cooked for the adults.


my bb late oct baby, gng to each 7mths end month..

u also preggy when BF your 1st?

i felt so diff from #1 preg ley.. do u?


kekeke... me next tue den start wk wor... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i realised hor, stay at hm, dun feel so sleepy lei, bt at wk hor, so tired n sleepy... need to go tired take 5.

i oso dun dare to eat lei, scare i vomit, bt machiam hv abit of gastric...

