(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

hi^5 tirabon! Is your gynae from ACJ too? :p

wah...really drama! Now i 'treasure' my helper more!

My maid has been terrorized by my MIL so much that she is so afraid to go.

My dad(stays with me) is gg for a short trip and told her that she might have to go to MIL's place for a day or 2 since no one at home.

She cried and begged my dad to plead with us not to send her over...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so tomorrow we are trying to let the maid stay at home with Caleb during the day for a start. Hope everything will be ok.


Megan, i will be joining u for parental volunteer soon....these days voluntary work is so compelling and almost like a pre-req to enrollment.

aiyo, my MIL complains my current gal's childcare no good and want to change.

So i have been calling around, all on waiting list!!!! *faint*

Febie> Ya much better liao for me. Leticia's fever lasted 2 nights... maybe last thurs i brought her out to hougang mall n walking in n out from aircon & the bad weather relate to the fever.

Dun forget our sunday date :D

I dunno will hav the energy to do volunteer work anot...Hb n me dun mind neighbourhood school... dun tink will be able to get in Rosayth.

Cy, so confirm on sun huh...

okok i ask ET if she can make it on Sun...


dun think abt it so fast lah...

we shall start tinking when they are 3 or 4 yrs old... hope by then, we are still active here... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tirabon- wah tt is so scary.. at night time u all found out she is gone to do biz?

drag other maids? then ur neighbour got mad oso lo..

like that my maid like nt bad liao lo.. cannot complain le..

as along hsewk done n dote ashton, other than that can slowly coach lo..

sunday gt meet up?

im flying to hongkong later this fri ...

is a last minute holiday by my hb..

yesterday just fast fast chop chop confirm air tix n hotel..

Febie, u say u dun want to buy.. Save for your holi in Nov right? lol

Febie/Cy, normally i can't make it on sun de.. Cos will be going out with my parents..

Steph, your maid so scared of your MIL ah?

Ada, macho also going? So nice...

febie and cy...for u ladies still long way to go lah...mine also neighbourhood school..

steph...ya do liao at least more "an xin" cos no need to worry can get in bo...this school i'm going is not the best but bo pian cos no other good school ard....

tirabon>wah, your maid power. lucky sent back le.

febie>hee, bought too many clothes for ayden le. Just got some I spreed from Old Navy and really like them. Didn't realise I got so many blue clothes for him! :p

steph>wah, why your maid so scared of your MIL?

I'm sending Ayden to my former primary school so can escape volunteer duty. Lazy mom. :p

cy>glad Leticia is feeling much better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eh, its sun, not sat? But Sun ILs coming to visit us so I also cannot make it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Afann>wah, your hubby so good to you. Enjoy HK, ya? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

firipy>enjoy your trip too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ET, okok then i'm seriously not buying... just last week i bought from old navy for him again...

die die dun accept my order ok??


Afann, shiok lah... Bryan loves you lots... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and thanks for the make up the other day...

I really love it very much and also the hairdo... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u are really good... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

firipy> which cake u bought? :> Nice? I wanna get e cheesecakes, but my mum dun eat cheese, my hubby also dun eat.. Liddit i gonna eat e whole cake .. So i bought e cream cake instead ..

Xin> ya it's 40% off.. I bought @ Square 2 outlet .. when u goin to airport outlet? Maybe we can bring our LO to go there play? :>

Koonie> i wanted to buy, but missed e boat .. I din realised i can ask my bil to keep @ his mum hse aka my mil's hse lo .. I'm alr packing up to go over my parents' place to stay as i'm reno my whole hse.. In e end told Pauline too late & missed e sale .. But it's ok la, will wait for e nxt sales/ more pretty bags :>

Tyl> i see e spa like so shiok lo .. Nv went into a capsule for spa before .. LOL!

Yuki> Once a while eat yummy cakes is ok la .. Ehx! I dun exercise also lei .. *opps

U have got a nice hubby la, no occassion also can surprise u with a bag :> I love surprises, even a bar of chocolates from my hubby also can melt mi !! LOL !! Last wk he just bought mi a perfume . But as he cant leave e hp shop to buy it, he videocall with his bro to help him get .. Haha!

Ada> Enjoy ur holidays!! :>


enjoy yr holiday...=P , I'll arrange the things with BEE for our bash since she live nearby joey's great grandma's hse.....favours wise will choose nice & popular choice ok if agreeable then mix & match ok...


u muz ja gar yr ah boy don eat joey's melt melt ok ! (*_^)


try to avoid crowd...hot weather uy the "raw barley" boiled in water to drink or use it to make milk milk, MIL buy the EYS " si shen

sunday go meet up, why nvr chio ? I'm so emotionl unstable now..sob sob...=(

Birthday venues + cakes +buffet+ photographer (bk FOC great uncle for her BD )DIY joey's growing up pics montage all settled = budget </= 1k ...sch fees /wedd dinner to attend/xmas/cny coming up muz do acc job well (^_^)

volunteer job...still long way ..hmmm my hubby & me frm same pri sch, show our 20 yrs ago report bk..donnoe can skip Q anot =P

wendy>hee, sweet of your hubby to think of it and buy the perfume lor. at least he you xing. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya, ya. v tempted by the spa. Never tried that before too. If only I don't have to work and can go spa everyday. :p But then, prob won't enjoy it so much.

yuki>get for your hubby lah. sweet surprise. He's so thoughtful to surprise you wor.

febie>you bought old navy again? during the sale? I was also v tempted but decided to control myself. He really has too many clothes for now.

post the pix of Ada's makeup and hairdo for you leh.


so u look like the bride tat day ...=p hehhehehe...

wendy/ xin,

I'm goin to cheong n buy tat SR cake in sq2(celebrate exam over) after exam gotta go bk wrkplace in novena for meeting..sianz !

Goin airport jio me ok ah xin got my hp no---execute u if nvr invite me =P

hey go see my FB lah...

my friend uploaded the pic ald... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i lazy to upload but will find time ok??

YL, ya lor, my friends jio me so end up spend again...

Koonie, my Shayne nv steal Joey's melts melts hor... he also got his... :p he even help Joey to carry it to the car that day... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] see, treat your joey nice nice...

u bring Joey join us on Sun lah...

can pass you your stuff... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes Wendy, Ada did a good job for me and friend... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my friend looks like a rich taitai... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] we both happy happy and took pic together... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Afann, hong kong nice! Lots of sale coz they are moving into winter. Have fun eating and shopping.

CY, so Sun's date is on? Yippee! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope Leticia is recovering well and sayang sayang.

Febie, I refused to click ON and Gymb webby. I was looking through the items which u gals got and drooling over.. esp TYL's bootcut jeans. Cool!

TYL, yah thinking of getting the voucher for hubby. But duno if they have couple spa rm. Heehhee, gd deal in exchange for a bag. Anyway I went Taka and spent $60 on biscuits. Gosh, can't imagine myself spent so much, better under declare to hubby tonite. Wanted to get the potatoes n onions for Chris but the Q is simply too long.

Alamak, the thought of doing volunteer work gives me headache. Hubby has declared no volunteer work, he rather donates $. I asked him he so rich meh, he said won't a few hundreds do? I told him dream on.... *faint*

Haaa....where to play at airport ? Was thinking maybe can bring bb to airport this Sat to see planes.....;p

Btw, anyone going to Baby fair @ Expo starting this Fri ? Can update on any gd / cheap buys there ? E.g. cheap diapers & bb food ?

Oh yes, hv u all started letting yr bb use straw cups ? Heard that can let bb use straw cups after 8+mths ? I bought straw cups but it stated 18mths leh ? Anyone know where to get cheap straw cups with handles & wat brand for bb to try ? Mag Mag straw cups like too expensive leh...;p

thank you everyone..

all think the holiday for me right! WRONG lo.. i think more probably is for himself haha.. he wanna go get toys from hongkong n meet a hongkong seller! he is CRAZY!

febie- great that u all like it..

koonie- yup was abt to tell u .. if u wan u can go on fri morning before 1 pm .. cos she got delivery cake tt day..

nice or nt must update me ok.. sry leh.. always wanna try cake sure got things pop out for me to do.. =(

yuki>hee, thanks wor. I really like my stuff. Didnt realised I got so many blue clothes though. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I like the jeans too! :D

febie>hee, I cockeye. Went your fb but didn't see the photo. Later got time try to go beo again.

Koonie>hee, you want to let Mattias and Joey get to know each other better ar? Last playdate, Mattias was the friendliest boy. Went to sayang both gals. Shayne and Ayden blur blur. Got chiobu don't look, only want to play with the toys. :p

Thanks everyone! I wonder if i shld dun bring my credit card to ctrl myself....... Mstan, i tink i saw pureen/tollyjoy got those mugs. $6+ , tink og20% off is gd time to buy

AFann>aiyah, he bring you along so you just enjoy lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

firipy>if you run out of cash, can get your hubby to pay rite? :p

Koonie, not never jio.. need to confirm we recover b4 can jio ma... Wait pass to bb no good ma... U bring joey lah.. if gg airport on weekdays i also dun mind but must be my off days lah!! Heheee...

febie> Ya lor dun buy liao since u gg SH.. U should go there chiong since very cheap.

My gd fren also jio me go SH as her sis also staying there. So free accomodation !!! Hope can go next year either April or May.

Koonie, i dun look like bride lor...

but i simply love that hairdo very much...

and Ada was really good....

guess she has something in mind to do my hair and start to curl them up and i suddenly tell her i want to bun it up... she made me hippy lor..


dun stress and get emo ok??

Ada, Serious? he fly to HK to meet the Toy seller? bringing Ashton along?

And yes Wendy, I'm not goin holiday more on a business trip with a few days off.... I'm goin to HK and Shanghai...

so many of us goin HK this yr... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cy ,

hi 5 men..tat's wat I'm thinking also..wkday better..hehehe..most of off days =)


if like tat go studio shoot can enage u to do hair do....ask my sis whether she onz anot wan2 do a personal port forlio to keep =)

yr hubby so cartoon buy toys ??? side line huh..hehhehe


u goin business trip...heheh can help me buy HK stuff for Joey ..quite cheap over there lei..


think Mattias is another F4 member now follow after ayden,ashton & shayne always eye laser the gals...=p

Koonie, if i got time, i dun mind help u see ard... but not too much cos Shayne will be following me... together with my mum and sis...

Hey, dun say our sons laser the gals lah...

the gals electric wave them mah...

TYL, u tempting us again! I think v soon our hubbies will write to SMH and bar us from accessing! waahhhaaa .. Good deal but cannot book coz we r gg greece next May. Need to save $$ for the trip.

so many electric waves flying all over, me v interested to find out who is the 1st successful pair! hiak hiak

yuki>hee, I thot its quite a good deal so share share lor. will update you gals when I'm back from Phuket. :p

cy>my hubby and I v bad. Like so many of the gals lor. Today like Kiana best, 2moro like Arwen best. Then still got Renee, Leticia, Sherry, Lerynn. Aiyoh, too many babes le. :p

Thks firipy !

Dunno Robinson / Metro got or not & 20% sale ?

TYL : how much u pay for yr Club Med ? Where u book ?

BTW, anyone know where got pigeon bb food sale ? Think last time Robinson got 20% + 10% sale...;p


Yeah, Club Med anytime!!! Any idea how much more extra we have to pay for Baby Club Med? We were not eligible for Baby Club Med when we went in May cuz Aly was not 4mths yet then[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mstan>I booked online. cost depends on how long you stay and which resort you pick.

callalily>Club med is good? Its my first time but I heard many good reviews. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Baby Club Med cost about $50+ per day. We decided to hold off it first and only decide whether to put Ayden in after we've checked out the facilities. :p

Club med!! I love Club Med! Think they opening a new club med in China, helongjiang or something and its a snow resort

sherry>hee, you been to club med too? wah, I feel better about it already with you and callalilly loving them. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I v gian the resort in Japan. But donno when can go. :p

Tyl> u goin from fri till sun ? :> Can share how much u paid ? My hubby also planning to bring us out for holiday during CNY period, cos he dun really like to celebrate CNY in singapore .. i show him this & he loves this :>

wendy>emailed u.

cocomama>hee, I'll leave Maldives for when I can go alone with hubby. :p

Sherry>they have a few resorts in Maldives. Which one you went to?

cocomama> really? yeah, u shld go.. its beautiful...i wish i can stay there forever hahaha..

TYL> i went to the one at Kani.. really miss those days.. its eat, sleep, play and nua...



Club Med is superb! Dun even have to leave the resort. They have everything there!!! $50+ for Baby Club Med for whole day? That's really cheap!!! Going to leave Aly there when we go to the Mauritius one next year. You can do that too and have couple time with hubby while not feeling guilty abt leaving Ayden behind in S'pore[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Think we will just go Club Med for our future holidays until Aly turns 2 when she can join us 100% for our meals & i dun have to worry abt what she eats.


oh, i was just looking at the Kani resort but they dun have Baby Club Med there so will go to the one in Mauritius instead next year.

