(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

cheerieheart: hey babe, you are not a lousy mom. every kid will go through constipation. Emma still hates water and doesn't like juice very much too. What i'm doing now is give her rusk and feed her water at the same time with a spoon. Cuz the rusk can be quite dry, she'll willingly drink water in-between bites. I don't know how long this will last but...it's an uphill battle. Don't be disheartened okay? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: constipation

1 method i do try is using my finger and massage her anal hole (okay, crudely, asshole) and make the "ngggggg" sound. It stimulates her bowel and she manage to poop a few times, but always crying cuz constipated for a few days.


Callalily: Thanks for sharing! What's epi pen?? I realised that I've given Ryan wheat 'unknowingly'.. Cos I started giving him the happypuffs a while ago without paying attn to the ingredients listed.. But luckily, he was ok will the puffs, so I guess all the ingredients in the puffs are fine with him.

Melissa: How's infant care for Enxi? Is she adapting well there?

Smalldreams, Melissa: Continue with bf-ing as long as u can.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little lamb: Nat's growing and developing at her own pace. Don't worry too much.. Maybe she's growing in other areas like her social, emotional, mental aspects instead of the motor skills area now. But soon she'll learn how to crawl, walk, stand.. What TYL said is true.. What our LOs need is Love and Concern from us.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cheerieheart: *hugs* Have u tried papaya for him?? My boy also doesn't like water even though I try to give water using different methods also.. Now when I use the spoon, he'll open his mouth for the spoon to go in, but will not really swallow the water and let it flow out from his mouth.

Andie: Thanks for your encouragement. The PD did say constipation can be quite a sticky prob for some babies, but I do feel solely responsible that it's happening to my boy coz I haven't been more attentive to his needs. I'll try your massage method. Been massaging his stomach but it doesn't seem to work for him. When he poo, he has to push very hard, till his whole face turned red. When we inserted the med which PD gave, he would cry terribly when the poo came out, feel so heart pain!!

Tam L: gave him papaya (as well as Gerber's prune) but when he's super constipated, even these two won't work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cheerieheart: Hmm.. r u still bf-ing him? Usually what semi-solids do u give him these days? Is he too 'heaty'? Do u want to try giving him some unsweetened barley water? Maybe it will get him to drink more fluids n it doesn't taste the same as water.. He may like it better?

Cheerieheart> hmm.. Sorry to jump in.. How long LO constipate liao? Recentlyy gf juz brought her LO to PD cos constipate for more than 6 days n PD say is normal for BF bb even till 10days. But gf still worry. Anyway PD prescribe a bullet kind of medicine insert into the asshole la.. Very fast later will poo poo n LO got a relief expression.. ;)

If u wanna try the bullet guess can try go pharmacy ask for bb 1. Or Chi med hall try ask ;)

sue> i'm on no-pay leave now... if u dont mind come bedok i can lunch with u on most days... :p... i can meet u on thu if u wish... my place got fogging... want to hide... whr u want to meet? expo or airport?

the mummy working near expo is blue7mist... haven't see her post lately... steph works at airport... chameleon stays near expo... but she usu eat at hm bef joining us... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

maybe after ur colleagues get to know you better, they'll want to lunch with you... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... last time i also sometimes lunch in ofc... i love to work when no one's ard... (gets v distracted when got pple ard... :p)

andie> ya lor, tt's the stress abt eating with bosses... cant say anythg u wish... even if ur boss is really nice... ultimately he/she is doing ur appraisal... some things still cant say and may unwittingly say things tt may hurt others too... tt's y i tell myself i'm never gg to become a superior... just stay in my small corner and relax can liaoz... :p...

perth really relaxed hor... hb n i spent most of our time indoors during our honeymoon... he studied there and really love the relaxed lifestyle... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]... still dreaming of migrating there... :p...

melissa> it's ok... get used to workin agn first... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

tamL> thks for ur sharing... will try the baking method... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

cheerieheart> dont feel too bad... i'm sure u're alr doing all you can to help him...

i'll try dates when i get down to buying them... hee hee...

bf-ing babies tend to be more constipated i guess, cuz their tummies' digestion not as strong. Emma's still on total BF, and constipates once every fortnight or so.

But too much fibre in our LOs' food is also not recommended because the fibre binds the poop together, making it more solid and hard, thus difficult to pass through the hole. That's why rabbits' poop are hard and round, like pellets. A bit of oil, like some olive oil or even butter (think AK's recipes) would help to ease the passage way for the poop. 1 tbsp of olive oil works wonders for me when I'm constipated.

I learned this from watching House on AXN. (Who says watching TV dramas is a waste of time? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

Xin: U're welcome.. Btw, not sure if i've asked u b4 but u returning to work next yr?? When u return to work, will u put Mattias at IFC or with ur mum?

Andie: I've read that in BM, there's some enzymes that helps with the digestion, but that being said, as long as the poo is not hard, a few days without poo is ok.. If the stools become hard, then it's a sign of constipation.. I didn't know about olive oil.. Do u just drink 1 tbsp of olive oil on its own or mix with ur food?

tam L: actually I've read about the enzymes theory too, but then when I googled about introducing semi-solids to LOs, they said that BF babies tend to constipate more. Don't know whose theory is right too...

I bought extra-virgin olive oil from a store at dempsey hill and drink on its own. Not everyday cuz quite ex. But I have a history of constipation, so every time I watch Emma trying to poop, I tell her, "mommy knows exactly how you feel."

Cheerieheart, I used a syringe to feed shayne water. Cos with the teats, those drinking mugs, he's like treating them As teether.... And he loves it as I'm always making those weird funny sound for him....

Actually with Shayne's skin condition, i dare not feed him oily food etc... Am I overly concern?

Tam L: I’m still bfg my boy (latch 4 times a day), but when I give him cereals, I’ll use FM. Besides cereals (oats), I give him porridge and fruits puree. Tried diluted fruit juice but it din seem to work. Anyway, will persist in trying to feed him water. When my boy was only on BM, he even poo few times a day, and it’s the watery kind. Maybe like Andie said, babies on total BM digestive system not so strong?

Andie: Can we give our LOs olive oil? I noticed when I gave him avocado, he seems to be able to poo better, maybe coz it’s a more ‘oily’ fruit? Like you said, my boy’s poo was hard like pellet, so does that mean I’ve given him too much fruits & veggies? Should I stop all these for the time being? Then what can I feed him? Feel so lost [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Angel: Thanks so much for your concern. My boy just saw PD over the wkend and got one of those med that is to be inserted in the anus (it was a gel thing which we squeeze inside the anus, PD said this kind babies won’t be ‘addicted’ to it. The bullet kind might cause ‘addiction’). He was constipated for abt a week, in btw had some hard poo. When he finally pooed, it was super painful for him! He cried very very badly. So I’m afraid he will be going through this again when he din poo today and yday.

Xin: thanks, I’m really trying my best. At wits’ end already.

Febie: You're right hor, it seems like some of our LOs r treating bottles n cups as teethers. So today I also used the syringe! Coz I was very desperate. Initially he refused to open mouth coz he tot i'm feeding him the constipation med again. But when he realised it's water, he opened mouth big big for more! However, i'm quite reluctant to use this coz i'm hoping he can take to the bottle or magmag cup or something like that. In the interim, guess i'll use this, and try the NUK teat again tmrw.

Btw, for the birthday bash, I wld like to help! Pls let me know how can i help.

Littlelamb, I also BF my no. 1 for 13.5 months previously. So target is 1 year for no. 2. Anything beyond that is exceed expectations liao. By the way, what's the proporton of onion, leek and potatoes that you put in the soup. I've got 1 big onion, 2 stalks of leek and 5 small potatoes, I think a bit too much to saute everything right? I am cooking for the family of 3 adults, 1 toddler and 1 baby. :p

Melissa, do what you think is best then. Enxi is already coming to 9 months, you've done every well already. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] You can always latch her in the morning b4 you go off and evening and night after you knock off. That's 3 times a day, enough for a baby who is taking solids according to my TMC LC. Raelynn also latching 3 times a day only for the times I mentioned cos she is too distracted and keep 'escaping' from my lap. I've given up on catching her. :p

Cheerieheart, don't feel bad. You can't predict the constitution of your boy mah. Will probiotics (think some pharmacies or health food shops have it) help? For my no. 1, small papaya works very well while banana didn't do anything for her. I used EBM for Raelynn's cereals too. But can only add a bit cos the cereal gets watery after a short while. My no. 1 had constipation when I switched from Friso2 to GainIQ so in the end I had to swtich back. What brand of FM are you using? :p

TYL, I just bought some fresh sweet prunes from NTUC yesterday. Very sweet, RaeAnne ate one all by herself and gave us the pit. :p Must steam before puree ah? I'm wondering if I can be lazy and just mash/puree then give to Raelynn like what I did for peach. :p

cherrieheart: i've added a few drops of the olive oil in her oats cereal every now and then, so far she seems okay, no allergy reaction. Am planning to try unsalted butter with her food. Ever consider using water with oats cereal instead of FM? Cuz oats have a naturally sweet and fragrant taste, doesn't really need FM. You can try adding puree to make it tastier. That way you can eliminate the heaty-ness and constipation component from FM.

I don't think you should eliminate fruit and veggies totally cuz we are afterall omnivorous. But eat those that have natural laxatives, like apricots, pears, plums, prunes, peas, spinach, peaches, nectarines, papaya. I noticed that these fruit and veggies help to get the bowels going, but if LOs have been constipated for some days, they won't be able to squeeze the poop out. That's when the massaging helps.

It's like combined effort: when Emma gives me the "squeezing" look (esp after eating those fruit listed above), I will massage her hole and try to "dig" out the first piece. The rest of the poop will follow.

Pauline: my boy is on enfa FM now. Is this brand known to be heaty?

Andie: Oh, I didn’t know oats is naturally sweet, so always add FM to it. Tmrw I’ll give oats with fruit puree or water.

Btw, when you said ‘dig out’ the first piece of poo, do you mean literally ‘dig’ with a finger? Sorry hor, a bit suaku coz never heard this method before.

Tam L: Thanks for the link to the article. It mentioned “Repeated bouts of constipation can be a sign of a more serious problem” – this makes me really worried. I hope his constipation prob resolves soon!!

andie, you power uh! dig out Emma's poopie.

on constipation,

andie, you are right! My mummy has been advising me to add sesame oil or olive oil to Renee's porridge. She said that "last time" they always feed us like that. Cos western recipes includes oil/butter but chinese congee doesn't.

I also agree that to prevent constipation, give high-fibre food but let the fibre be from fruits and vegetables. Bran and grains' fibre are very insoluble.

BM is easily digested that's why Bfed babies are used to easily digested food. Some may need a longer time to get used to solids. But keep Bfing cos the enzymes will aid the system and BM is largely water too. Water intake prevents constipation.


don't put the blame on yourself. i can imagine the anxiety. Renee didn't poo for 2 days and it's quite dry already. it's a phase for their little tummies. they need to get used to the change in diet. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

avocados, peach, pears, prunes are good for constipated babies. when you serve oats and fruits mixed together, try reduce oats and increase amount of fruits. cos oats' fibre is the 'dry' type. No problem with giving olive oil just drizzle on the porridge. it's fine.

Hope Kenan will get over the constipation soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


do you cook the tofu first? silken tofu are like ready to eat but i'm not very comfortable with it. :S


you also want to change job uh? I don't know what got into me. I went for an interview today! very last minute and impromptu. Looks like i might switch from SAHM to WAHM soon. Wonder if i can cope. Felt odd when i went for interview just now. My hub came back to babysit Renee cos my appt was at lunch time. Then i dressed up. My corridor is carpeted so i didn't feel much but the moment i stepped out of the lift to walk to my car, i heard my heels against the floor. It was so familiar yet a somewhat forgotten feeling of being in 'workwear'. I haven't really worked since i moved to dubai!! jUst did some freelance stuff. Oh well, see how it goes, if cannot handle then... Probably have to get a day helper too. oh, big changes ahead! cos i wasn't thinking of working... but this company's product is something i love.

CYang: Thanks for the food suggestions! Don't have olive oil at home, so maybe I'll use sesame oil. Will this be heaty? Since it's suppose to be more 'bu'? (eat alot during confinement). I just decided for the next few days, I'll only give 1 meal of cereals/porridge and give more fruits and veggies. This should be ok ya? Won't be depriving Kenan of too much carbo right?

Wow, you're going back to work? Didn't know freelance work also must interview :p So what will you be doing? Hee, i'm the opposite, cutting back on projects so I can give more time and energy to my boy. Previously worked too hard and neglected him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Time to make up!


Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags (50cts)

I have extra unopened milk bags.

Selling 2 for $34.80. excl postage

PM me if interested.tks

cheerieheart>aiyoh, don't be so hard on yourself. hugs. He'll get better soon. You're the best mommy he can have!

have you tried mixing prune puree with your oat cereal? Ayden likes that and I think it helps with his digestion. We mix his cereals with either EBM, water or puree.

Tam>the puree is normally warm or room temperature but sometimes, we serve it to him cold. When we mash fresh fruits for him, they are always cold and he likes it so we will occassionally serve fruit puree cold if we don't have time to warm it up.

Pauline>ohh, 3 times a day is enough for latching ar? ayden refuses to latch at home during the day cos he wants his solids. But if I don't latch, I'll become heavy and engorged leh. Actually feel more relief at work cos I pump

Think can mash/puree prunes for Raelynn lah. Don't think its a must to steam/bake now for fruits. I steam cos easier to remove the skin + I wanted to extract some water for Ayden.

c.yang>good luck for your interview! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tamL: the olive oil is more for salads and more palatable to drink on its own. The cooking type has a slightly stronger taste and smell, so i would reserve that for cooking.

cheerieheart: normally when they squeeze, then you massage the hole (use a wet wipe in-between, less friction and won't accidentally injure the hole with fingernail), you will see the anal hole dilating and see the "head" of the poop. But the head goes in and out, cuz when they squeeze it pops out, but stop squeezing it goes back in. It's like giving birth to a poopie baby. Hahaha. Anyway, when the "head" pops out, i'll put some pressure on her tummy and dig the "head" out, as close to the hole as possible. Then when the head comes out, the rest will follow. But be careful not to push the poop in when "digging" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

c.yang: haha no choice, cuz she always make the "poopie" face but no poop comes out. Can tell she was trying for a 4 days but no result. I was like, what the heck, just massage and dig la.

Good morning all...

Shayne did something sweet this morning...

he leaned forward and gave me a kiss on the lip when I ask for it... MELTZZZ....

Cheerieheart, thanks for offering.

I will need to confirm the numbers of people attending in order to form a good team of committee members... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

think at present, u gotta let Kenan intake water first. For Shayne to really drink from the teats, he gotta to be really thirsty or hungry then he is willing to do it... as long as he dun get constipated, I will use the method which work well on him lah...

Sherry, sorry dun think can join u today...

boss gave me more stuff to clear today cos Friday deadline.


tink gotta find a new one... still young to stay in the company for so long... targeting to leave after CNY....

YL, u got lots of lobang leh...

smalldream, missed out on your reply...

i ever heard ppl eat papaya leave but i cant imagine if I were to take them...

and I dun wan big breasts lor... hope to get back my B cup I'm happy... worry if i ate the papaya leave, the breasts still big, then I faint...


Oh dear! Sounds like u r really having a distressing time with Kenan's constipation. I wont repeat all the advice the rest of the mummies have given.

Well, depends on the fibre u r giving. There are the soluble fibres (which actually binds poop together) and the non-soluble ones (which aids bowel movements). Oat, bran, multi-grain etc are actually insoluble fibres contrary to the popular belief that they cause constipation. Some known culprits of soluble fibres are apples (but not apple juice) and bananas (controversial depending on colour of banana).

A guide to the amount of carbo & veg/fruits yr LO shd getting in case u r worried about the proportion is 2-3 servings of each daily. One serving = 60ml or 4 tablespoons.

My gal's on Enfapro but so far her bowel movements r regular abt 2 times/day.

If Kenan hates water, try unsweetened barley water? Aids bowel movement, slightly more taste than water & u would have added 1 more type of grain to the repertoireof grains which he would eventually b taking. It's like killing 3 birds with 1 stone.

Dun worry too much. Hope Kenan's constipation problem improves soon


An epi pen is actually a pen loaded with adrenaline. Usually carried by individuals with severe allergies/asthma for emergency treatment[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear Mummies interested in the Jan Bash

can you please email me at [email protected]

with the following details:

1) nick, actual name

2) Email

3) mobile no

4) No of people attending: (Eg: 2A+1bb+2siblings)

5) if your LO has siblings who will be joining us, name and age pls.

We want to ensure that we have a big space for all and not overcrowding…

And we also wants to ensure that our food caters to the siblings too.

And also we need to plan some programs too…

Cost involved will be advised soonest as we are sourcing for more affordable cakes and stuff.




Lol! Papaya leaves can result in big boobs? Then like that plastic surgeons can close shop, Hehe.

I am in polyclinic now. A is running a fever. 40 more in queue. Try bring her to poly instead of PD this time. But my poor baby is drifting in and out of sleep. Now I kinda regret bringing her here. Not worth cutting cost.


Hey, these things happen. Dont beat yrself. See, Andie has tips from tv for ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


All e best! Dont ya miss that time where you get to dress up for work? It seems yr hub's work is also quite flexi huh. He can take time off to baby sit R [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies,

tyl, febie, smalldreams...tks!! had a good trip back home...thank God HW is ok in the "cutie" plane and she adapted well to new place...my family is so happy to see her!!!!

febie>hee, it gets sent to my email mah. so when I see good deals, then share lor. Esp the massage and makan lobangs. quite worth it.

smalldreams>oh no. hope aifah will get seen soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

andie>hee, hubby and I like watching house too. currently left 3 eps before we finish the last season.

Oh dear, hope lil Aifah will be ok...

I also dun like the queues at Polyclinic.

Dun blame yourself... we need to learn mah...

YL, ya I love massage and makan too... hehehe...

xin: oh you r on npl? how come? when will you be back to work? the place i m in rather inconvenient so if i go to bedok, half my lunch time is gone hahahaha... :p

Ya i get what you mean about lunching with bosses. Guess i m not used to it and just have tell myself that this is the culture now.

Andie: I know what you mean. Well welll well... guess its really culture huh . haha.

BTW mummies, do you know where to buy mummy and daughter matching clothes? haha have been trying to find that but cant seem to

Febie, your format buay swee la,

can you please email me at [email protected]

with the following details:

1) Nick:

2) Actual name:

3) Name of LO:

4) DOB of LO:

5) Email:

6) mobile no:

7) No of people attending: (Eg: 2A+1bb+2siblings)

8) if your LO has siblings who will be joining us, name and age pls.

We need to get the LO names also..

smalldreams> hope Aifah gets better.. i tot they hace a express queue for babies? why not try asking if they can let u go first?

sue> i think BP have le... but i think more of t shirts

Xin> see u later

Febie> no worries, another day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning!

Jessie: Arwen is so cute.. Everytime saw her photos really brighten the day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cheerieheart, looks like got a few mummies say enfa a bit heaty. Since you are BF, try using EBM to mix with cereal?

TYL, thanks, tried giving her mashed up prunes just now after her cereals and she refuse to open her mouth. When I coax her to try a bit, she squeezed her eyes and mouth shut like this >_<. Not sour mah, don't know why she doesn't like it. :p

Pauline>is it cos the prunes have long fibres so she doesn't like? At least the prunes I've given are like that so I blend them to break the fibres up since ayden has no teeth yet.

sherry/xin>have fun later. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ET, i thought matching them mah...

oh yes...

Jessie, I got my taobao ald...

hahhaa... ald start washing last nite...

love the tortoise backpack Bryest got for Estovan...

ET, let me know when u want to collect ok??


pls use this format...

Dear Mummies interested in the Jan Bash

can you please email me at [email protected]

with the following details:

1) Nick:

2) Actual name:

3) Name of LO:

4) DOB of LO:

5) Email:

6) mobile no:

7) No of people attending: (Eg: 2A+1bb+2siblings)

8) if your LO has siblings who will be joining us, name and age pls.

We want to ensure that we have a big space for all and not overcrowding…

And we also wants to ensure that our food caters to the siblings too.

And also we need to plan some programs too…



TYL, shouldn't be leh. Cos I gave her the really broken bits. But anyway, will try again in the afternoon. If she still doesn't want, maybe will blend properly using my stick blender liao. :p

Anyway, the naughty gal doesn't want to drink milk, eat or sleep these 2 days, only wants to stand and cruise/walk. :p In the middle of the night, also stand up to jump/cruise. Faint! :p


Hi Cheerieheart,

My boy also faced constipation problems previously and I know it can be distressing for the mother. Like I told my fren, if he can poo, it is better than striking 4D.

Tried putting suppository a few times for him and he managed to poo(face red and crying as he tried pooing) but I know it is not a permanent solution. Went to see pd and was told to give him these stuff.

Prune juice (Del Monte kind, not Gerber), raisins, papaya, carrots, peas, spinach, corn and broccolli and WATER.

I gave him papaya on a daily basis and alternate between spinach, carrots n peas and it worked. U have to give him these stuff for a few days to see the effect. Also, he gave me suppository for 3 days to clear watever "rubbish" in his big intestines. U can also to try to give more water and some mummies suggested using unsweetened barley to make FM. Perhaps u can try that too.

Hope this helps and try not to see urself as a lousy mummy coz the fact u can worry abt this means u care and u are a good mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

