(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

finally have time to login and post after so long coz super no mood to work now! And juz nice see our loots are ready!I see so many of u have long lists wished i had more time to browse TB n buy more more. Silly me forgot can get crocs in TB and bot a pair last wk at $60+ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jessie- I don't know how u do it but really appreciate ur effort for this HUGE spreee! Will trf the $ for the spree and also for the donation. Still in time?

bigfoot/ Melissa- I need to pack 2 towels for my boy to IFC everyday. Can chk how ur LOs feeding is like at the IFC? Im current bringing my own purees for them to feed for lunch and evening feed cereal. the ifc feed brown porridge in aftn but my LO not started on it yet coz I have yet to intro meat/fish protein.

Are u mommies having another gathering again? 1 Oct i will be on leave since the ifc closed due to children's day (so nonsense!)

Wendy- Ikea just called me this morn to confirm timing. Mine is this sun!


xin> i also hope can... hee hee... i gg to sign up no matter what hb says... he's payment for dropping a bomb on me... suddenly tell me some of his colleagues coming over in an hr's time!!! heart attack leh... place so messy... but y am i still typing? coz boy so cranky... feeding him now... hope he sleeps then i can pack in peace...

xin>wah, got guests coming? better go prepare. :p

bigfoot>you're welcome. Glad to be of help. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh ya, forgot which mommy said her bb got constipation since feeding meat/fish. maybe want to introduce fruits? We try to give ayden at least 1 fruit puree a day and include more veg in his porridge. So far, he hasn't had probs pooing. Think the fibre in the fruits/veg really helps.

bigfoot> yeah i register alr .. so confirm going ! I have ur hp no .. will sms u when it's ard 1 oct .. we can meet up then :>

vanillaberry> Since IFC close on tt day, u can join in for e wild wild wet event too .. Yeah :>

Mine is @ Alex outlet on sun .. but have not receive their call ..


I only intro leek & celery during 3rd wk of weaning. I din intro each separately cuz both veg not very allergenic. Anyway, by 3rd wk, u more or less know yr baby belong to the allergenic type or not. I have also made zucchini & leek soup mixed with rice cereal. It's yummylicious! My gal can eat that for 4 days straight and finishes all very fast.

Sweet potato freezes really well.


Chinese food for babies really quite boring cuz the Chinese believe in a lot of this "heaty" and "liang" stuff so choices very limited. Most of the time, it's just boring porridge cook differently. Even my MIL & mum very surprised by the different cuisines that i feed my gal cuz to them, they only know porridge. Yup,i have checked out Petite Bowl.It's an interesting place and i also get ideas fr them[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


U r right. Brown rice is tastier but i dun really like the corase texture. But as long as my gal is not complaining, i will continue feeding her that[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Jessie,

Juz made payment for the Taobao items + donations.

Transaction ref : 3115757825

Already sent u an email together with my mailing address in case u lost it previously.

Thks so much !

Jessie> Apologies for the delay in transferring the funds! Transaction Reference is 3115793967. Thank you once again for all the effort and hard work to organise this massive spree for us mummies here...Grateful for that!

Isetan Sales - List of who is going...Mummies, please feel free to add on...

1) Luvbabe

2) Koonie


4) Febie


TYL, I also don't know can or not. But the soft copy definitely stored somewhere in their computer right? I'll ask when I go and get from them then. :p

Jessie, oh shucks! One can only hope... ;)

Isetan Sales - List of who is going...Mummies, please feel free to add on...

1) Luvbabe

2) Koonie


4) Febie

5) Wendy

luvbabe> i'll sms u & see whether i can take pic of e itouch cover :> I think u mean e silicone casing/rubber rubber de right ?

SP> have not tried zucchini & leek soup .. Hmm, nxt menu would be this den .. Thanx!

Lucas did tried zucchini puree be4, but i dun like e taste.. I dun eat avocado also ..

But wad i give Lucas he also eat !! He's a non fussy bb la .. So he got this 'big' size .. *Haha

Thanks Jessie for the info. Meant no harm, was just wondering why must the target hit 50 and why need not declare amount :>

It very kind of you to do all the charity donation work. Keep it up!

pauline>help me ask also when u go collect, can? :p My slot was 10.45, soon after yours. People in the shoot were my mom, hubby, ayden and I. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

callalilly>can ask how you do the leek soup?

vanillaberry > 2 towels very siong... bulky!! IFC will give him milk in the morning, then porridge at about lunch time (between 11am - 12 noon), follow by fruit (apple and apply only). Then, next feed will be at abt 3+ which I requested them to give him rice cereal mixed with fruit puree I bring for the day. If I don't pick him up early, they will give him milk at 6+pm. They are not inclined to giving him the rice cereal at 6+ cos sometimes we pick him up earlier and they don't have a habit of bathing him after 4pm.

And yes, tell me about IFC closing on Children's day... they were close on teacher's day and day after national day as well. SO I ended up taking leave all these days... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Thankfully I have a lot of leave left from last year.

Wendy > sure, we shall arrange to meet up. Most likely I will bring Bryan there on my own 1st before hubby join cos he has to work overnight the night b4.

Isetan Sales - List of who is going...Mummies, please feel free to add on...

1) Luvbabe

2) Koonie

3) LSnTYL (tbc)

4) Febie

5) Wendy

6) Cy & Leticia

If I can go, it'll be in the PM as I'm only taking 1/2 day leave. Are you mommies meeting for lunch? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Febie>when I got the tiger jar during the last sale, there were only 100 jars too but still plenty around in the afternoon so don't think need to rush down in the AM. But can go earlier if you want to be safe lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



This foundation is dedicated to raising money to pay for surgery for babies whose family cannot afford it. While I don't think we can raise that much ,we can help make the babies abit more comfortable. In China, these families do not have heating typically. So I hope to help buy some winter stuff and medicine for this foundation.


If interested :

a) Put your name on the list here


c) TT to Jessie 112-19501-7 POSB Savings

d) When the run end, I will tell you guys how much and give you the list of the items I bought and the shipping proof.


f) Spread the word if you can.

1) Jessie

2) ET

3) Adam & Aifah

4) Ashley & Kieran

5) bluey

6) Michelle (mwws)

7) Melissa (tulipz8)

8) Bryest

9) Blue7mist

10) Panda07

11) apple_gal

12) 2005

13) ayden

14) mel gan

15) AG

16) nana

17) Tam+Ter+Ryan

18) Furby

19) Brainkuku

20) Kacey

21) Freesia

22) Cloh

23) cheerieheart

24) Angster (Koonie+Hubby+Joey)

25) Macho Ashton boy

26) luvbabe (Luis & Lucas)

27) Yuki (Indiana Shaolin Chris)

28) Cy (Leticia)

29) Jmi (Jaime)

30) Rina (Raphael & Kristeva)

31) Yem

32) Melody (on behalf of Sharlyn)

33) Febie (Shayne)

34) Manunited (Matthias)

35) andie (Emma)

36) Bubbleluv

37) Yeocouple

38) C.Yang

39) cocomama

40) Hoon family (xin, xiang n mattias)

41) bbin2010

42) Poxchan

43) Sherry (baby Shernise)

44) bbwoofie

45) Firipy ( Ayden)

46) Wei (Esther)

47) VNI

48) Wendy(Lucas)

49) Mindy (Isaiah)

50) Lim family (Lim Zhi Ru)

51) Teo Family (RaeAnne & Raelynn Teo)

52) Vanillaberry

TYL: Thanks so much for letting my boy have the tees!! I'll ask him to give you a biggggg hug when he sees you! Muakk!

Jessie: pls help us swop the items, thanks so much again!

Wendy- I havent bring my son swimming yet leh. And dun think I cna handle on my own since hubby cant take leave.

bigfoot- Ya so many closure days for the IFC! Plus mine had 3 other days of closure dunno wat teachers planning day and is always b4 long wkend! So me & my hubby alternate take leave.

I bought like 6 towels just for his ifc. His towels and clothes we need wash alt days coz of the ifc cot mattress cover only have 2. Really very siong like doing laundry almost everyday.

Thanks for the info on ur LO feeding. Seems like everyone start on porridge already. I dun think I have time to cook after my work so cereal seems the easiest for my IFC to feed but like so ke lian eat cereal for dinner.


I dun eat either zucchini/leek/avocado! But i have decided i shdnt deprive my gal of these just cuz i dun like them. So far,she's not all that fussy abt food either. Rather adventurous i would say.

Big foot:

u mention abt white bait...do u use dried/fresh ones?


Ingredients - 1/2 tbsp olive oil, 150g zucchini (sliced), 75g leek (chopped), 1 potato (thinly sliced), 1/2 yellow onion(thinly sliced), 450ml veg stock, 1/2 bay leaf

Method - Heat the oil, add the zucchini, leek, potato & onion and saute for 3-5mins, then add veg stock & bay leaf. Bring to boil, cover, and then lower the heat & simmer for 25mins. Remove the bay leaf. Puree

Above makes 4-5 servings. Each serving is 6 tbsp. I usually mix 4 tbsp of soup & 2tbsp rice cereal for Aly's dinner. Guess the amt of rice cereal to add depends on the final consistency of the soup after pureeing

cheerieheart>no probs. you pass me the diff when meet lah. unless you want to IB to me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

callalilly>thanks for the recipe! the only item in the ingredients that ayden has tried is potato. :p

Vanilaberry, under the MCYS regulation, childcare centre are allowed to close for 5.5 days per calendar year. Me too, we bought 5 towels for my boy's infant care.. But we still can wash the laundry every friday. He only got 1 mattress cover which we have to bring back to wash every friday.

bigfoot, your boy's ifc so good ah, bath twice for him? Mine only bathe every morning.

Cooking: You gals really so hardworking sia.. I am guilty of even not feeding him cereals on weekend.. Cos he dun really enjoy feeding by me..


I donate the $ alredi (*_^) tks !!!

reference no.3116091528

just finished my research test in AM,hopefully will pass it's damn tough and did something ridiculous..went to Bugis pray for ***Heng heng...=p

Isetan Sales - List of who is going...Mummies, please feel free to add on...

1) Luvbabe

2) Koonie + 2 naughty gals (meimei & BB Joey)

3) LSnTYL (tbc)

4) Febie

5) Wendy

6) Cy & Leticia

I'll be goin abt 10~11am then finished lunch go home ---u all wan2 eat dim sum at the "tong hai jiu jia"


You r most welcomed[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Aly had zucchini very early. She likes it with sweet potato. Depends on you...for me...after i hv ascertained Aly isn't particular an allergenic baby, i went on to intro the rest of the low allergenic foods pretty fast. But with things like wheat, fish, egg yolk etc, i will apply the 3-4 day rule. Hope Ayden will like the zucchini & leek soup.

ET>then what do you feed Oliver?

callalily>hee, thanks! will try to cook it for Ayden this weekend. Hope got time to go supermarket shopping. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


it's fun to make the bb food for them...but i juz follow MIL recipe since my hubby so strong tested n proven hehhehehhe..=p


don feed guilty lah...ur feeding him alot of $$$ diapers/milk powder..etc =p , u can try wkend use slow cooker do the job for u---juz dump the ingredient in sequence will do...we are better off then those living kampong days liao (*_^)


Ayden muz eat more then can be like Macho Ashton (*_^)

koonie>ayden takes a lot of porridge! he will scream if we don't give him enough. :p But somehow, he can't seem to get fat although he's steadily increasing weight. As of yest, he's 7.9kg, an increase of 200gm from the last visit to the doc last month.

SP> Ya i'll let Lucas try almost everything tt he can eat @ this stage too .. Ya like u say it's very adventurous !! I love whipping up all kinds of food to let Lucas try :>

Koonie> wa so early u going out shopping .. 10am too early for mi ..


Thanks for the update! I'll transfer once I can find some time to log into IB. Now in office, a bit tough.


All the best for yr results!


You & hubby so slim, so can't expect Ayden to be very bak-bak lor...hehehe.. both my #1 & #2 also quite lean no matter how much they eat (but strangely hubby & I are fatties, not lean). I guess it's coz they're both fully BF. Tend to be less fat :S Just be happy they're healthy lor...

Just did a quick shopping at kiddy palace for my #1's jeans/pants. Shouldve bot from overseas spree. Cheaper & better quality if from Gap.

TYL, i just put cereal inside his milk and let him drink from it.. Cos i dun wanna force feed him if he doesn't wanna eat, end up i waste nearly the whole bowl of cereal. But in his IFC, he will want to be fed by the teachers but refused to drink milk from the bottle unless he extremely hungry.. Funny little boy.. Seems to us that milk bottle is reserved for mummy to feed..


I fed my girl beef/carrot porridge yesterday & she went off to crawl after she had her fill.

After that I fed macaroni soup to feed my #1. My girl returned & hovered around my knees! She wanted the fragrant macaroni soup I cooked for #1. Saute-ing onions/garlic really make a whole lot of difference! The problem was, I added some salt for #1's dish. But in the end I just scooped a bit of the soup & added it into her porridge. She finished the small bowl.

Think our LOs are at the stage where they want something tastier instead of bland, plain porridge.


Ok lah, I think for now, you just stick to that method to feed yr cutie. Sometimes when they grow older, they suddenly enjoy eating.

Or you could feed tiny slices of bread too? my LO loves it. I do that if she doesn't have the mood to eat cereal for breakfast.

Hi jessie,

I have wired my donation to you too..

Ref # 3116175769

my name as Mindy-SMH

SP_callalily (sp_callalily)

i also started preparing "angmoh" cooking style for Isaiah too!!

but i use unsalted butter instead.. i tried leek, red pepper (DELICIOUS!!), zucchini too..

But hor.. haha i still add rice to it and prepare as porridge.. hehe

I will stir fry the peppers or leek lightly with unsalted butter.. then add water with rice in.. then the other vege inside n boil together.. hehe

Red pepper really taste good manz..

He really enjoyed it n finish the BIG BOWL..

Isetan Sales - List of who is going...Mummies, please feel free to add on...

1) Luvbabe

2) Koonie

3) LSnTYL (tbc)

4) Febie

5) Wendy

6) Cy & Leticia

7) Mindy (tbc)

i want to go but i got to work.. but will try to sneak out during office hours n meet u ladies for Lunch n Shopping..

Koonie, 10am sounds good.. i will try to sneak out..

koonie>hope you do v well in the exam! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldreams>huh? I where got slim? I'm buibui wor. Wish I was really slim then no probs getting clothes.

BFing is good though. I've lost all my pregnancy weight and am slowly making my way back to wedding weight. So happy. :D

ET>eh, so strange. get your hubby to feed instead? Or maybe Oliver is like Ayden and likes to be praised? We always will go "Open mouth big big", "Mumm Mumm time" when feeding and praise him "Good boy!" and "Clever boy!", etc when he finishes the spoon. When we do all that, he seems to eat more lor. :p

smalldreams>hee, I was eating guava yesterday after feeding ayden his porridge and prune puree. N his mouth started moving once he noticed me eating. In the end, gave him a chunk to nibble on just for the taste.

can our bbs eat bread?

Vanillaberry > I have also not brought Bryan for any swim session yet, but think it is ok since he loves to be in water and don't think it will be in any deep pool since it's meant for such young kids. On IFC, at least u and hubby can take turns to take leave. My hubby refuse cos he said he can't cope with Bryan alone at home. So I have no choice.

callalily > I tend to use dried white baits, unless I can get the fresh ones from market/supermarket over weekends (provided I have time to do marketing). However, if use the dried ones, please wash a few times in water cos it can be pretty salty and of course don't use too much cos if you boil too much in porridge for too long, it will have a bitter taste.

ET > Bryan's IFC is crazy about bathing him. Will bathe him 1st thing in the morning at 7+, and then afternoon at 1+. Rationale for that cos wear diaper the whole nite will be stinky, and 1+ shower is after lunch cleanliness. But now cos he has a cereal feed at about 3pm, they will delay his bath time.

smalldream> My mom n dad also say the same thing abt me.. My parents now always like to make fun of me as a Panda.. So big size and fat but give birth to a baby so small n skinny.. Just like a Panda.. hehe

TYL, my LO will grin and smile at us, but the mouth just move away as my spoon approach..

He likes bread and rice.. We were thinking, probably he likes more textured food.. Oh ya, he loves tofu, but can feed tofu anot?

ET>I think as long as he's not allergic, can feed tofu bah.

My uncle's wife was just sharing with me on Sat that her son didn't like porridge too and preferred rice. So she fed him rice in soup instead.

BTW, just wondering if any mommies here latch their bb lying down? Ayden has been getting all all fours while latching before he will unlatch himself and sit up. Its driving me crazy esp when he does that in the middle of the night.


Thanks for white bait advice.I thot u using fresh white bait cuz would like to hear review on that. I am wondering if it's too fishy if made into stock. I am holding off dried white bait and ikan bilis for the time being cuz of the high salt content.


Thanks so much for sharing about red peppers! I have been thinking abt introducing that cuz i hate red peppers and dunno how Aly would take to it. But hearing such positive feedback, i would go ahead and intro then. I use unsalted butter too[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yr gal is really cute! But do go slow on the salt cuz their small kidneys may not be able to handle high sodium loads.

Been meaning to ask you: any baby friendly Malay recipes to share? Oh yes, u mention abt dates before...u use fresh dates?

Sp_callalily , Koonie - Thanks for the yummylicious recipes. Wiil try it soon and hopefully Lucas likes it!!

Lucas's super sticky nowadays..wants me to be beside him all the time. Cries whenever I walk away,can't do anything at all! He also yells a lot too. Any babies like him too?

(criatif)> isaiah also like that! my mom just call and complain to me again that this boy always want pple to carry.. hand alway high up crying for hug.. Cannot sit alone like before.. At least Lucas is better.. as long u are around can liao... Isaiah want to be carried all day long..

when we refuse too. he will cry till he fake cough. cough n cough then will vomit.. coz he know by then.. we sure will carry him.. Daddy scold him.. he will only paused for awhile n stare at him.. then cough again.. haiz.. dunno what to do with that UHU Glue..


Hahahah! Ayden is so cute! Must position on all-fours first then can unlatch. I latch A lying down at night & seriously, I have no idea how she unlatches. coz I'd have fallen asleep by then too.

Think bread's OK but u gotta check and make sure baby hasn't clumped the bread on the mouth roof. I give verry small thin slices.


Ya lor, I'm quite conscious abt the salt too. But my family & I have always been using minimal salt already so I guess shud be OK lah. Just a tiny bit of taste.

baby friendly Malay recipes?! Errr, truthfully I have none! Except to saute shallots/ some garlic before boiling the porridge in it. That's about the most malay recipe I can think off. I previously also used lentils in my #1's beef porridge when he was about 10-11 mths. Quite tasty too.

Malay dishes also not very soup-based / porridge-based. I just go with my gut feel.


Nevermind lah, Isaiah is a cute mini panda. Sometimes too big also no good. My friend was telling me abt her neighbour's baby (a few yrs ago) who was soooo chubby that it took longer for him to crawl. he also got lazy. So I think leaner is better [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Haiyah, mine also lor. She'll only leave me alone if her brother is near her. Even then, sometimes I can hear pitter patter of her hands on the floor - she'd hunt me down at the kitchen.


Think tofu is OK, just as long as not too much. I once had sushi & we ordered a steamed tofu. A kept opening her mouth for more, until we had to order another one.

smalldreams>he unlatches normally too, as in just let go of the nipple, turn and go to sleep. But recently, he will do this crazy stunt when he gets on all 4s while still latching. So his head is twisted lor. Then suddenly let go and sit up. He did it once when I was latching him on the sofa in cradle position too.

Tyl, raelynn will struggle, sit up then try to wriggle herself off my lap when she is not interested to latch anymore. A bit different from ayden. Btw, have u tried c for cupcakes cake? Saw your comment on fb, is it nice? She quoted me $308 for a small 2 tier customised cake. Is it exp?


Pauline>wah, so ex? the cake is to feed how many? she quoted me $168 for her smallest cake. meant to feed 7-8pax, i think. I ordered it for my wedding anniversary. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

