(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Updated the list. Anyone else coming, please add your name and pm me your email.

manuited and cheerieheart>paiseh, can pm me your email so I can email you my address details? Starting work soon so no time to pm you.

30 aug, lunch at 12.30pm, Bedok


2)xin (have email)

3) mel

4) Chameleon + maid? (not lunching) (have email)

5) Pauline + maid? (have email)

6) Lynn (have email)

7) manunited

8) cheerieheart

bigfoot>[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so sad to hear about Bryan. Glad he is feeling better.

jessie>xin ku ni de. thanks so much for the spree wor.

nana>fruits in Japan are expensive! But maybe you can try the supermarkets near closing time when they will discount the wares that are near expiry. Should be ok since you are using the fruits immediately, ya?

chameleon>your cauliflower and cheese combi sounds yummy. Think will try introducing cauliflower to ayden soon so he can try these yummy flavours. We still give him mainly porridge. :p

I think Bellamy's is an Australian brand? Maybe you can get that at a cheaper price in Melbourne. Save you the hassle of carting bb food over? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You can shop lots for the twins over there! Heard thermal swimwear is much cheaper over there. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bryest>oh dear. Hope you feel better soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


jessie>hfmd causes fever, loss of appetite, fatigue and sore throat. infected children also get red blisters in their mouths, palms, soles and buttocks. heard too young children cannot take med against it so must just ride through the whole episode till they recover. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bigfoot, hope bryan will get well.. I remember he was in infantcare too right? I am also monitoring mine.. So far, the place my boy is in have only 1 case. Crossing my fingers tight!

Jessie, you can refer to this link:


brainkuku - What Nat is going through is a case of secondary lactose intolerance which will heal in a month's time. So after it heals, I can put her back on FM. Anyway, after I head back to SH, I intend to put her back on 3 solid meals a day. Actually, upon coming back here (maybe I have not been going to the right places) but I find that in terms of fruits and veg, it still can't beat the variety and freshness back in SH. Although SH does not have as much organic produce, which is sad.

smalldreams - Yes, Nat has finally shown improvements!!! So we're making plans to head back. Daddy misses Nat too much!

lamb>like this also good lah. Then you will be happier with the produce in SH. :p If Nat is feeling better and you are up to it, do join us next Mon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Bellamy's is really dirt cheap in Melbourne, so is Heinz & the organic fruits & veg!!!But Bellamy's range in Coles not great...only got rice cereal, porridge, snacks & rice cakes. I can only find Heinz food jars in Coles too, no Rafferty. Queen Vic has a nice organic section if u r interested. Very fresh & cheap! I managed to lug back a whole cauliflower, broccoli, avocados & zucchini.Do remember to bring UNOPENED tins of FM, food jars, cereals etc. Aussie very strict on this!!!


Baby yoplait is definitely NOT sweet! Have u tried them? If not, i suggest u get them and try for yourself before u decide if u wanna feed yr boy. I had to add fruit puree so that my gal will eat the yoghurt. As chameleon mentioned, my gal likes the pear yoghurt least. I came back from Melbourne 3 wks ago. Quite a lot of stuff to bring but manageable. Unless u r going to rent apartment, if not, going to be quite difficult preparing bb meals. Cereals & porridge are still easy but not the fruit, veg or meat.

Jessie : thanks so much for your time & effort in organising & coordinating the spree. Understand that this round many of us order lots of stuffs so will be more work & tedious for u. Appreciate u...muak...muak...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi SP_Callalily, my gal does not like the Baby Yoplait. She will spit it all out..Maybe i should follow your method and add some fruit puree.. or cereal..


same here. My gal din like baby yoplait when i first intro to her cuzi think it's cold & sourish.she only finished it after i added cereal to it.i think i will try offering the yoghurt on its own again & see her response

tyl..i just signed up and immediately it changde to FULL....think 1 person per slot? My colleague signed up the timing before me and immediately it changed to FULL after he submitted!

Febie managed to book too? Next time must remember to email you the lobang too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hahaha... ya ya pls...

today decided to eat a lil snake so come in... :p

hahaha... booked at alexandra on sat... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

luvbabe>yay! all the slots are fully taken up! so fast. next time I will remember to email you also. really blur lah me. :p

TYL, hahaha... no worries lah...

I always try to login when too stress on work...


Yah lor.. I saw that post earlier but no time to log in.. Just logged in and see and all full liao..

M so tired now.. Waiting at customer place doing nothing n have to wait till 5.30pm to clear my demo units..

Yawnzzz Sianz..

bigfoot, so sorry to hear abt Bryan, I heard on news that HFMD is like flu nowadays. Hope he is better, he attends infant care?

tyl,et,febie, so sad I miss the ikea photoshoot.

GUG still havnt reply me...

poxchan>don't have to be ikea friends. But all the slots taken up le.

firipy>aiyah, wasted. Hope will have another time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

moms coming over on Mon>I've emailed you my details. If you don't receive, please pm me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

been MIA for sooo long. Recovering from a cold, and had to convince my MIL that it's necessary to BF Emma though I'm ill. Anyway...settled down on working at home, though still need to discipline myself not to surf the net. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bigfoot: sorry to hear that. Hope he's feeling better now. My friend's daughter is down with HFMD too. And it spread to his younger daughter too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Emma has been having constipation for the past 2 weeks, resorted to feeding her just fruits and vegetables. If she eats any BRAT her constipation sets in immediately. And she HATES water, omg... She had her first sip of water last month, then spat it out and cried. Tried not to give her juice, but seeing her "squeezing" poop out really makes my heart ache. Now giving her 150ml of diluted apple juice every day.

Btw, am going to Perth in Sept. Any idea what type of infant food they serve on SQ? I know we can't bring puree on board, right?

Photo updates of Emma:

wearing a hat I crocheted for her:


chilling out with her best friend:


and the boyish-looking girl:


andie>glad you are feeling better. Emma looks so adorable! She doesn't look like a boy at all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sueann>I received one this morning. I signed up yesterday night. Maybe they need some time to process?

poxchan>aiyoh, really? I didn't know that. But the terms and conditions said nothing about bring ikea friends leh. I got the link from another thread.


If you have not packed my stuff, can you help pack and tag on febie? If you packed already with sueann, then I'll collect from sueann. Don't wanna cause you any unnecessary inconvenience. Thanks a lot.


Yr gal looks so adorable! No way she looks like a boy! Anyway, SQ serves Heinz baby food jars. But u better make request before hand cuz sometimes, they may not have enough to go around. Yup, cant bring puree on board...

hey bryest,

can baby estovan help to empty your breasts? I hate mastitis! Makes no sense that hardworking Bf-ing mummies gotta suffer from that!

on the solids and poopie, renee used to poopie like 2-3 times a day when she was on one solid. Then now she's on 3 solids a day, but she only takes a dump once a day or every other day. Can see that there were a few times she needs to exert and force the pellets out. Paste-like or playdoh-like is normal, right? I kind of think the hard stools are due to the oatmeal so now I'm not giving much or often. as for water, I give her the magmag after each meal. I also don't know how much they need. i've seen her urine, always colourless so guess she's fine. Estovan is so funny, you guys must pretend to snore for him! hahaha.


yay! kenan's good with the straw now too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I look forward to having renee drink milk from the cup but that means I need to pump. hmmm... Haven't done so for months! It's quite troublesome.


Kieran can stand with the sleepsack uh. Do you know the "tog" rating of his sleep sack. Saw the mothercare ones, lower tog but not so pretty looking leh. heheh. Then I saw some at Matalan but tog is 2.5 or 4. I think 2.5 can be quite warm?!

oh, bigfoot, i hope bryan will recover fully soon. firipy, you are right... it seems like HFMD is all year round now with some peak seasons cos I hear of kids contracting it all the time!


hope the flu bug goes away soon and yes, working at home requires more discipline. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Emma is so pretty and girlie. Not boyish lah!

thanks sp_callalily! Okay, better ask DH to call them up.

tyl, furby, rinafoo, c.yang: thanks! oh, many times when i bring her out, even when decked out in pink from top to bottom like a marshmallow, some aunty will definitely ask, "Boy ah?" faint...

Oh, btw, on HFMD, I believe I caught it before when I was young. I vaguely remember at around 4 yrs old, I had ulcers all over my mouth and my mom feeding me porridge, but it was sooo painful I couldn't even swallow. I even went to the bathroom, looked in the mirror and count the number of ulcers I had. I asked my mom about it but she couldn't confirm, cuz back then the disease was unidentified. Whether or not I had blisters on my hands and feet I can't remember.

So I guess if a toddler caught it, chances are they might remember.


I caught it TWICE as an adult. I think a part of my immunity system is not working hence catching it. Coz' it commonly occurs in kids, not so much for adults. BTW, I brought puree up the plane. But that was when I came in from SH, not sure if Singapore airport is strict about you bringing puree up the plane. And I am glad I did coz' I was given just 1 jar during the flight and when I asked for other choices, they said no others!

I was appalled, it's SQ! But to be honest, I am not too keen in feeding Nat solids on plane, as it can get really messy!


little lamb: no kidding! i was reading the SQ's website, it wrote that infants below 1 are provided with main course, vegetables and dessert, 1 jar each. I mean, we have to pay for infant on board the plane, it's only natural to assume that SQ will provide adequate meals for them too. Our flight is in the morning, my greedy girl is definitely going to fuss if she doesn't have anything to eat. But I bought the no-mess bib thingy from toysrus. Hope that'll help with the mess [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HFMD twice as an adult?! Oh my gosh...must be terrible. I envisioned it like catching chicken pox as an adult, more painful than what a child would go through.

