(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Here we go again......wonder what's going on with the forum.

I think some daddy hack the server to prevent you gals on a spending spree. Lol


I always wanted 4 last time but financially cannot tahan. Guess we will stop at 3. 2 kids is problem x 2, but 3 kids is problems to the power of 3. Sometimes will ki siao one. So unless the boss on top decided to give me a surprise, I guess we will stop. Sometimes I really wonder how do u twins mummy manage. Really kudos to u them.

Afternoon moms & babes!


Your babies are so adorable! So lucky, 1 boy & 1 gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] (am i rite?) And I think you're doing a gr8 job of BF-ing them till now. Amazing!


Hah hah...2nd one try for gal okie!


Your girl has changed in her looks so much too!

She's so cool...


Forgot to ask, did you get anything at the YP event?


You mean it's SGD2.05 each for the Carter's rompers? That's fine. Must I buy the whole pack?

If not, can I have 3 pcs of that (girl designs) - 9 mths. If must buy whole pack also OK, as long as girl designs - 9 mths k?

I'd like to add this on too:

Bibs : http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=4072165400

5 pieces (2 pcs girl designs, 3 pcs boy designs)



2 pcs (girl designs)

Thank yew!


Bring it on... the sprees...hahaha...

Is Renee on 3 solids a day already?


Thanks! Really cheap stuffs. Can't imagine Nishimatsu stuffs could be selling so much cheaper in China!


Thanks for asking. My hands still hurt. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Every night I tui-na with tiar-ta oil. Pain!

The guard do help when I carry my girl but I think only way is to rest....but really, how to?

Japan is really hot these days. Can't tahan, have to turn-on air-con. Just imagine I survived 2 summers here with only fan but not this time and it's only July! Not into summer yet! I wondered how you can survive in Dubai. It will be even worst!

My friend once told me that she ran from her taxi to a building just to get herself sheltered away from the sunlight. On her return to SG, she will go facial immediately to whiten her face.

Don't know whether is it due to the weather, my supply has dropped tremendously. My girl cried and cried due to not enough BM. By the way my girl doesn’t drink from the bottle since 2mths, she hates teats! Tried all ways like changing teats also cannot. Plus my BM supply is low or just nice for her.

Haaiii..This could be the cause for her being super small. She will be 6mths old on Wednesday but still haven't reached 6.5kg!

This morning, went into feeding her FM by spoon. I managed to feed 20ml. But she cried until so chaim. Worry next time, she will be phobia when she see spoon during taking semi-solids.

So poor thing, really don't know what to do.

I saw previously in the forum that taking Fenugreek seed will increase BM supply. Does it really work? If it does, I would really want to try out. But will there be any side effect?

Any advice?

Tyl, i m so deprived I ordered beanie, hats for Ayden09. No accesories fir boys so sad! I bought traing chopsticks n soft weaning spoon fr daiso vivocity on mon

Aiyo.. finally able to post.

Thanks all on my gal pics :p

Jessie, I rec the items liao. Thanks lots !!

Mummy's collecting from me from Sengkang, pls pm me k.

Cheeriheart,I might be gg park green this sat. Pm me ur no to arrange collection k.

Sherry/ Yuki, I will either pass to fatbabe or next wed bring Leticia for her last jab. (Ops realised overdued liao) Should be ok hor ??

Tyl, i m so deprived.I ordered beanie, hats for Ayden09. No accesories fir boys so sad! I bought traing chopsticks n soft weaning spoon fr daiso vivocity on mon

firipy (firipy) / tyl: So sorry.... boys stuff so limited !!! I see girls stuff so much leh but then again you guys save money lah! I spend too much again this month buying nonsense for Arwen. Keke

mstan : Do look out if they send some sort of notification for you to collect cos sometimes they try to deliver once and if unsuccessful will post a slip for you to collect.

glad to see most of the mummies got the items [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cy, my plc very near park green, can i go by there to take fr u? Dunno when the forum gonna b siao siao again! If nt i send u fb msg hor

Jessie, cant be help, boys stuff more boring..... I wanna get some boy cardigan 外套 cos all he has is sweat suit kind... Dun tink it's fr the stores u post, I must go bk study again.


saw these pix on your FB. I especially like the '3 monkeys' one with gerrard carrying torres.


saw the new pix on FB too. well done! the baluku was 'worth it'. H&M not so sure yet, still talking, a bit hard to get good deals. Anything you want? I can buy from the shops from you. Just got Renee a black "The Beatles" tee shirt at SGD11. Love their clothes, not so 'chin cheong'.

Keep going with the EBM, you are amazing already! Feeding both of them!


joey's having a new coat of black on her crown. nice! Renee's hair growth is still quite slow. hah.


i'm not sure if i have you on FB leh. anyway, you gals can add me: [email protected]. our group page is http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=113576623295.

TYL and smalldreams, you are definitely in.

I will invite you guys into the event when details are posted, likely next week. Currently the stock i got is mostly 6-9months, for gals. Promise I'll put in more effort for the baby boys! Haha. But leftovers on gals' clothes, Renee can 'absorb'... boys clothes... give her cousin?!


3 solids? One porridge and puree at 3pm daily only uh! Can die already... cook porridge for so many hours, gotta watch the heat and watch Renee at the same time. Actually i'm not very sure about introducing more... i need to read up or need some advise. Maybe i visit my LC for babycare advice again? waste money hor? And she's so loving, will tell me not to manipulate baby's schedule to our convenience, let them develop, cradle, sayang... natural babycare. and i know she'll repeat "you can never spoil a baby. they need pampering love." hahah


Lol. Nowadays one of their hobbies is carry torres, after gerrard then gerrain, then gerrard again, keep changing until I gotta stop them. How's life in Dubai? Love your holidays pics. Envy!!!!!


Aircon is the best invention and savior. I don't blame them that they have the highest carbon footprint here in Dubai. I think they need airconditioned beaches and carparks! haha. I spent 20 mins thinking if i should walk 1 min to the petrol pump the other day. Hub took the car but i needed to recharge my calling card. In the end i put on cap and sunglasses, jogged there in less than one min but still regretted getting into the heat! haha

Be patient and go slowly with the spoon. I've been spoonfeeding Renee since newborn days. She can take water quite well that way. now porridge also. I've started her on sippy cup last week. She doesn't take bottles all the while too.

My LC told me Fenugreek helps. but gotta eat like 8 pills a day?! I didn't look into it. i'm more the risk-engorgement-daily type.

Try to see which are the chores that hurt. For me, i figured that holding up the heavy cooking pots hurt. so i bought a ladle-spatula. can scoop food out without lifting pot. i sure helped a lot!! and i got a 'rubber ring' to help with opening glass jars.


I just called home...

Nope... Still expecting the postman... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I wanna order this round too...

thanks for providing your email.

Forum down... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] new server only ready next week...

Yah, Shanghai is crazily warm too! I told DH I only worship one God and that God is call 25DegreeCelsius. If he keeps me in that temp, i am the most patient, loving, calm, peaceful, productive person he will ever know.

I remember the heat in Oman, good thing I had so many DVDs to watch , I just stay home, on the aircon, had Ben and Jerry's and watch till I go mad. Best time in my life. No obligation, not broke cos can't go shopping and sleep all I want, no one to judge me or nag at me!

wah finally can log in. i manage to log in the day befor but couldn't post so here's the late post.

littlelamb> is ur girl's neck strong? cos if it is, actually no need to worry about SIDS. my girl has been sleeping on her tummy for the longest time or at least she'll flip to sleep on her tummy cos she likes it a lot. even in the stroller, she wants to sleep on tummy, if i put her face up, she protests like crazy and won't sleep. just make sure you don't put anything in her cot. =)

jessie> wah another spree. i better dont come into the forum. haha. not supposed to spend money.

chameleon> persevere! heh i also feel bad if i stop bf-ing cos of those who went back to work cos it's really not easy to pump back at work. i still have yet to reach by 6 mths mark but my plan is to pump til at least end aug til i have to send her to infantcare. but suddenly i have a crazy thought, what if bf til second kid then wont have the problem of supply issues?! haha

cy> yah ur girl's pic really v nice. was it taken with a normal digicam? cos i realise those taken with good camera always can capture the moment so well!

panda> yup fenugreek works. 2 tablets 3 times a day but i find more more milk from motherlove better =)

Ooooo, all the baby photos are so so cute! How i wish my gal would look less boy boy!


If i had twins (boy & girl some more), i would definitely stop at 2! Really admire u...how u handle TWO at the same time? My ONE gal already make me so busy!I think my gal has ADHD!

I also juz started supplementing with formula cuz i planning to stop at 24 wks & now on weaning mode already. No choice cuz dun want to bring my pump along for holiday this time. Went Phuket with my pump when my gal was 4mths & it was really troublesome!

C Yang:

So far, we havent really missed her bath time cuz we split our outings into sessions & usually these outings would revolve ard her feed & bath times & my pump times. That's why i want to stop bfg already cuz i need to get my sanity back. I hate being dictated by pump times!

I stop latching when my gal was 2 mths old. She was juz feeding to slowly & keep dozing off during latching. Can take like almost one whole hr to feed and after unlatching her, she would cry for some more milk. Got me really frustrated! But i wish i had persisted w latching though. Cuz sterilising pumps & bottles also a chore & makes travelling very difficult!


I think dun stress yourself too much abt putting yr gal exactly into G Ford's routine. For me, i feel as long as there is some routine, i am happy. I find that my gal does better with a 45 mins morning nap, followed by a 1hr afternoon nap at 12pm and then 30mins nap at 4.30pm. I find that it's quite difficult for the bb to go w/o nap all the way fr 2pm to 7pm. I tried b4 but my gal ended up being too tired to feed properly at 6pm & she dozed off during the feed & then cant settle at 7pm and had to drag to almost 8pm for her sleep.

And yes, she's also getting very difficult for me to bathe her alone these days cuz she's splashing water all over the place & she's also getting too heavy for me!!!

My biggest challenge with her now is getting her to sleep thru the night. Dunno wat's wrong w her these days...keeps waking up at 4.30am to play! Any tips or advice how to rectify this? Also she's having milk fussiness again! She had this when she was abt 14 wks, got better & now it's back again. Argh!

Planning a family holiday to Melbourne this end July. Dunno how it will turn out. I am holding off weaning till we come back from the trip. By then, just nice, she will be 6mths old. I was actually planning to wean her at 24wks but decided to hold off the idea since ikea high chair OOS & it's less ley chay to juz bring milk powder instead of having to bring both milk powder & weaning stuff.


I think Fenugreek produces mix results. I have taken it before. For me, it helps to increase supply by abt 30mls? For my SIL, she says it's useless. Anyway, if u r desperate, no harm trying it out. The only side effect is you will smell like Indian curry. The other benefit is even if it doesnt help to increase ss, it will help with the cholesterol levels[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Personally, i find motilium better

All mummies:

Any advice how to adjust bb's feed & nap times when travelling to a country with a different time zone fr S'pore?

Smalldreams, 1st one nvr really plan n try if I really try that time I sure aim to have a girl. Haha! U lucky la got both ald. Dunno if I got chance or nt..... I console myself if next still boy oso gd then I no need buy new clothes....

Wow talkin abt breastfeeding...

I was sick the past 2 days and went to see the doc... I nv like this doc... but no choice since she's the only one on duty that day, gotta see her. She gave u a stunned look when I replied to her that I intend to breastfeed for a year if possible...

then discourage me etc... say we dun live in the state etc... no pt breastfeed for a year...

she really turns me off... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

melissa (tulipz8) : I was telling Lamb yesteday why my backside so itchy, go start spree for what. My DH also say why I don't spend the extra time to nap or read. But cannot resist sharing the goodies leh!!! I think I am abit bored sometimes cos by 7pm , Arwen sleep liao and I would have couple time with DH having dinner, Tv and chat until 9.30pm then own time own target liao. I got a lot of time left till her 12.30am feed, so meanwhile can do spree.

So weird... I would have thought I be soo busy until I don't even have time to bath when I have Arwen but I guess having a nanny really helps alot.

Febie (febie) : Wah, the doc said such things ah! I think the first I heard siah. You should tell her off that she as a doctor should not say such things even if she believes in it. Irriating this type of doc.


I kinda agree with yr hubby..organising a spree takes a lot of effort & time. But then again i've always thot you were the energetic, able to multi-task sort. That's why maybe you can organise sprees. If it was me, i sure kena complain liao - too slow motion hahaha...

Re : the bibs

In that case, can I have 4 pcs of those? Boy designs also nevermind. I'll pick the most non-boyish design for aifah. the other 3 goes to her paternal cousins.


state? you mean states?! aiyoh, why did he dr say that? hmm, anyway dont take it to heart...maybe that was just her opinion.


Seems like Renee's routine is quite close to your baby's. What's her name? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Renee is splishy splashy in baths too and cannot keep still when diapering! It's like fighting with her to put on diapers for her most of the time these days.

I also want to know how to adjust routine for time zones difference leh. Going back SG, +4 hours. The other day to Jordan -1 hour, no need to care. Will share with you if i come across anything. Jessie also bringing Arwen to France in 2 weeks.

Fenugreek makes mummy smell like indian curry?! Panda, if you suspect it's the weather, keep up with your fluids intake. Don't wait till your lips or throat is dry.


What's the doctor's point? We don't live in the states, no point bf for a year?! Lao kok kok doctor is it? When Renee was born, she was attended to by an ah pek PD in Mt E, the LC and nurses told me that he's old-school, not pro-bf one.


you're very hardworking also. porridge at 6 mths is a lot of work. Think you don't need to see yr LC lah. You very steady on your own already. sometimes i think we go with mummy's instinct good enough already.

Maybe Febie's doc feels that we live in a country where FM is common place and easily obtained, parents are affluent and can afford FM so why go thru the trouble.

C.Yang : I am racking my head what to bring to France for Arwen. I remember my 1st SG trip with her when she was 3 months. I was running around like a headless chicken trying to get this and that for the trip. Now.. like heck care like that. As long as got her milk and diapers and 2 pacifiers, passport and DH's credit card, can travel anywhere liao.

I choose to ignore the time difference factor. I personally suffer the first 2 days but I would let Arwen adjust on her own without fretting or worrying is she would stick to the time. I read that babies have no concept of day and night so I would try my best to reenact the bedroom in France like her own in SH. I would bring her cot bumper and musical toys so she would feel less strange in the new surrounding.

I guess what worries me now is the 12 hours flight . I have to make sure she is comfortable as the cot in the plane would be too small for her liao.DH and I would be have to be mentally prepared to carry her on our arms all the way if the cot is too uncomfortable. Get new toys to entertain her and moisturizer to keep her skin from dehydrating. So sian , I dread the plane ride.

Halo all malay mummies, i have a home visit survey paying $140.00 cash on 13th July. Any of you using DUMEX DUPRO milk powder for your baby? SMS your name/hp/both ages if keen to 97640028. Tks.

The doc is young one...

maybe ard mid 30s to early 40s...

so disappointed with the way she sees BF but I'm lucky I'm not her children...

Smalldream, ya maybe lor...

she talks too much too...

I rem the first time I saw her was more than 5 years ago... I was using SKII product and allergy to it. so went to consult doc...

She treated me then and still ask me what am I goin to do with the product... YUCKS!!!

Cyang, I will reply to you tonight what I wanna get... But if inconvenient, dun trouble ok? office can't access gmail...

seeing from my mobilephone not easy... haven got an iphone yet...


But if they don't adjust to time difference, does it mean that she may be sleeping through the day and playing at night? How will you cope?

I'm going to set the cot the same way in Singapore too. But for sure, she doesn't have the quiet envorment to sleep in when at my parents' place. Over here, it's quiet in the day and sometimes i behave like a thief in my own home! I will sneak around, tip top, avoid making sounds that risk waking her up from her naps. Cos if she's up, i'm not free anymore. heee.

I can imagine the bassinet is quite small for arwen. hope you get an empty seat beside you. i saw mums putting baby on empty seat before. And do you know some airlines allow baby car seats onboard? I saw before but don't know have to buy a seat or what. Just belt up the car seat like we do in a car, but front facing. I don't know if SQ can do that.

I'm not gungho like you. I'm already worrying about bringing her back alone on the 7.5 hours flight in August.

Smalldreams/Melissa -- Yah! I had "crazy" idea yesterday to express till they are 1 yrs old. But errrrr I think it was one of those fleeting random moments. My target is 6 months, which is now, if I'm hardworking enough, I may extend till 9 mths. Anyway Melissa, let's JIAYOU!

Liverpool/Callalily -- Actually I was just telling my mom how I feel, theoretically (since I dont have 1st hand experience), having twins and 2 babies at a go may be easier than having to deal with a baby and toddler. Because everything I do now I do for the both of them and sometimes it is not even double the effort so maybe I just put in 1.5x the effort to get double the results if u get what i mean. They have the same needs, eat the same food, are on the same schedule, play the same activities etc etc. Whereas, having a baby and a toddler on different foods/schedules/interests is more difficult because you have to cater to their seperate needs.

C.Yang -- Hahaha out of the MANY MANY photos that I took, the few on fb are the nicer ones! Keeping fingers crossed that you manage to secure good deals for H&M stuff! I wish someone wld bring in H&M to Spore! You started Renee on the sippy cup already? Which brand? I bought 1 Pigeon Mag Mag Cup but havent let the twins try it yet. Not sure if they know how to grip it leh.

Wooo, today topic on breastfeeding, i finally reaching my 6 months mark already, 4 more days.. Going to stop soon.. Feel abit sad to stop, but my workload is getting sooo heavy recently, recently i can managed to pump 3 times a day only.. Plus the little boy is learning to crawl, now can bulldoze himself from one end of the mat to the floor, else if on our bed, he will move himself to the edge.. Can't pump in peace..

Febie, thought nowadays all docs should recommend to breastfeed as long as possible?

C.Yang. I remember when I was pregnant and all the way till Arwen was 3 months, I was so fretful and paranoid and worry so much all the time that I really felt I was going to be a stroke the way I tax my brain.

During the cab right to the airport in SH , I was so nervous ,Arwen sense it and after she latch, she vomitted out all her milk and turn quite pale after that. I then realised how much I affect her. I was like a time bomb with all my fears. Now I had that experience and know what to expect, I am much more relax and play by the ears.

I mean if she cannot sleep, then she cannot sleep. If she experience jet lag then so be it. I give up trying to anticipated all the problems and will take it as they come. At the back of my mind, I already foresee stranger and environmental anxiety liao so plenty of hugs and cuddles for her when she is there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I wish I do not have to bring her to France , I hate the idea of putting her on a plane but her great-grandpa really wants to see her and all the aunties and uncles too.. haiz..


You're a sahm rite? Any plans to return to work?


Eh express 3 times a day very good already!

When I'm at work, I can be lazy & caught up with stuff, such that I only express once, around 1 pm or later around 2 plus. I only get 130 to 140 ml during that pump.


Fernugeek didnt work for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] And yes, i smelt like indian curry for awhile!!

About lightweight babies, my girl isnt even 6kg at 6 months! I've always been concerned about her weight but I always remind myself I;m worrying over nothing because even though she is soooo light she is a happy, healthy, thriving baby who is achieving her milestones. Yesterday she surprised us by starting to crawl, leopard style!

ET -- Yah agree with smalldreams, you pumping 3 times a day is very good already! I'm a SAHM and I only pump 3 times a day too!

Smalldreams -- I'll return to work when they start school or when my parents retire, whichever happens first! Now, no one to help take care of them or supervise our domestic help, so I have to stay at home. Not that I'm complaining :p

Jessie -- I like your attitude! You're an uber cool mummy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xiaofu : Your girls look so girlish leh! Where got look like boys!

chameleon : Everytime I see your twins, I am like amazed by how charming and good looking they are! Post more photo eh!

Koonie : Yah, your Joey put on weight eh!

Liverpool : I always like to see the photos of your kids, they are always smiling and look so happy one! I think you and your wife are really good parents [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Jessie,

Below are my orders:

Nissen 5 pcs pack

76.00 RMB

Set A

Size 90

Quantity: 1


MotherCare girl's shoes

32.00 RMB

Size: 16 / 13cm

Quantity: 1


GAP girl's shoes

28.00 RMB

Size: 16 / 13cm

Quantity: 1


COMBI Leggings

6.80 RMB

Quantity: 1



6.50 RMB

Color: 9

Quantity: 1


Peachcream butterfly socks


Color: Pink

Quantity: 1


Carter's Bib


Quantity: 1


Carter's Bib


Quantity: 1


Carter's swaddle bath towel

35.00 RMB

Quantity: 1


** there is no option to select which design but if you find it, I want the yellow duck one.

Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Carter's short sleeve romper

9.90 RMB

Quantity: 1

Size: 12M

Color: Girl


Gerber towels

12.00 RMB

Quantity: 1


Grand total: RMB 226.30

Let me know how much to transfer to u ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks!!!!

