(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

TYL, Joy, actually I'm interested in Afterbirth Relief Oil too cos I remember after delivery, my womb contractions pain very bad (like menstrual cramp x 10). Need 2 ponstans and 2 panadols every 3-4 hours. But don't know whether the oil will really help leh. ;P


joy>hee, now I give up hoping for 1 Jan delivery le. cos means must take own leave to top up for the 90 days. must tell bb to be guai and not come out too early. :p

oo, pauline, i din get tat one so cant comment. i rem my contraction pain still bearable after delivery, so i din take much of the painkillers too.

TYL> Very difficult to choose coz the 2nd word he used is the same as Luis. He said to use the same as the meaning is very good and to ensure brotherhood closeness. I like my no.1 chinese name very much.... Anyway, me quite ang moh, so will most likely leave my hubby to make the final decision as he is soliciting feedback from his bros and sisters.... Irregardless, this will not be final as yet becoz he wants to know the exact timing of the birth of the baby also and then will advise us thoroughly and comprehensively...on the bazi.

Megan, ya lor, quite early hor, but am happy that I will be off work earlier lah coz very stressed at work nowadays! Told my boss and he was quite shocked to hear that I will start my ML so early.

LSNTYL: o i c..ok ok i call & enq [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahhhahah

bbwoofie: ya lor u doing for blood cord?

Joy : I staying at Redhill same as luvbabe. Working at Tanjong Pagar.

I took multivitamin but not obimin brand leh.

Also took calcium pill (Cavit-D fr Merck) every nite.

Also hv DHA pill (ProLacta with DHA for mother).

Think diffrent brands fr wat yr other gynea give u all.

Joy, that's good. Mine was bad but I regained my waist after 1-2 weeks cos womb contracted very fast. But I rather it contract slower so that it'll be less painful. The pain was unbearable when I was BF initially that BF triggers womb contractions and cramps. :p

luvbabe>hee, ok. are the mommies still going to try to see if can get bulk discount from him if a few of us go see him at same time? If not, think I'll give him a call soon.

Joy>I intend to eat my mom's pineapple tarts if she makes them wor. once a year only. cannot miss even if in confinement. :p

mstan>if you don't mind waiting longer for the hoots, I can help you collect from Pauline for the east side delivery then pass it to you during lunch time at tanjong pagar? Cos I stay in east and work at Tanjong pagar. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mstan: can explain more on this schemes? i guess some mummies still confuse bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i tink i know y ur master select dec 15 & nt later.. Cos dec 15 is e last mth of lunar 10 mth, relatively beta den lunar 11 mth..

TYL> Actually, we did tell him that a few mummies will go to him for advice.... He shared with us that fengshui and advices that he gave is part of his hobby and passion so this is not his core business. He said that once he accepted a "job/request", he would do his best to provide the best advice.We were also surprised that he helped write a paper for the Singapore government and predict stuff since early 2006 on the things that have happened within three years and most of them actually did happen and he is now in the midst of writing the 2nd paper.....

Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I did not manage to secure the so-called discounts for us.... You will also be astonished to find out about the package pricing although he can also provide advice based on ala-carte. Whoever is interested in the package price can let me know and I will pm you coz didn't want to share openly here.....

Melody, yepp, that was what he said! By the way, I got the brochures and info your SIL needed from IGenius liao.... U know what? They have increased their fees again and I am trying to find out if they can still let your SIL have the "old" price if she is really interested. When would you like me to pass you the stuff?

luvbabe>wow, so interesting. No probs about the discount lah. If have, good. If don't have, also will prob find him de. If you don't mind, can pm me his package pricing mah? So I've a rough idea when I call him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pauline>pmed you my list for littledreamers.

lsntyl : thanks so much !

I no problem waiting as no hurry since not like delivering so fast wat.

bbwoofie : I banking for my #1.

Dolphin : I not salespax so cant really explain much abt cordlife. But I heard that it can be used on bb herself (100% match), parent (50% match) or siblings (up to 75% match).

Can take a look at their website ?


hhahah mstan, i know you not sales person lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i tot u can explain mah ... hahahahah tks alot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dolphin: ta ta. take care n have a evening

bye bye mummies.have a good rest..this thread very addictive[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] kept refreshing since morning.

oh tonight have the fang xin you lee wedding..

Wah ... suddenly everyone came in. I just stepped away for a little while only.

cocomama - My EDD is Jan 21st. I haven't gone for maternity ward tour yet. Maybe will do so next week. I heard only fixed on certain days. But actually for us, see or no see also like that, coz' sure will give birth over there mah, coz' gynae is there. Kkekeke. Do you know if Raffles has facilities to do our 3D/4D scan? We should be staying 1-bedder coz' can claim. Plus we're helping the company save money by delivering in Singapore and not SH. Over in SH, give birth 1 can give birth to 3 in Singapore!!! Imagine that!

mstan8888 - @ least you've gained 5kg. Today whole day feel like puking. Don't know why. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

joy - Yah, my EDD same as you mah. My gynae told me actually baby's full term anytime from Jan 1st. So I told my DH to better stand by for month of January to be back in Singapore liao.

mstan, hw much are you paying for cordlife every yr? I am considering public bank... no need to pay... but ppl may use up ours but in turn we have a greater pool of resources so to speak... very confused... any comments mummies?

Hey luvbabe, Can you PM me the contact of the master? Will likely need some help to select a name for bb. Thanks.

Hey little_lamb, good that your hubby's company covers your maternity cost. I believe they do have 3D/4D scan facility. During one of my consultations with Dr Tony Tan, I saw a file on his desk and clipped on top of that file was a 3D picture of a baby. Which gynea are you seeing? I am seeing Dr Thong.


your due date is v v early?? ohh..

pls pls gimme his package price...i oso help you calculate the date he choose...true enuff..its not bad if you give birth at 9-11am..correct??

fat_babe> wahh u also expert in this area wo.. what is good to deliver in Jan then hehehe.. my EDD on the 30 Jan but i am hoping little girl will pop out earlier on the 15/16 Jan hahaha

cocomama - Dr. Thong is extremely popular. I'm seeing Dr. Lee. Everytime I'm at that waiting area, it's always full, waiting to see Dr. Thong. HHahhaa. Dr. Tony Tan is also good. You saw him for DS right?

little_lamb, I didn't know that Dr Thong is so popular until I started seeing her. I was just looking for a lady gynea and I felt comfortable with her. The location of RH is near my office so I can pop by during lunch for my checkup, which is really convenient.

I saw Dr Tony Tan for DS and also few weeks back when I had fainting spells and Dr Thong was not in the clinic.

cocomama - I see . Yeah, I think Dr. Thong specializes in fertility and she's the head gynae there or something. I do notice that she has a lot of international patients. Dr. Lee has been my gynae before pregnancy and I love her ... she's truly dedicated. Did Dr. Tan say anything about your fainting spells? His office full of twins pics, very cute hor???


later i help you see...

honestly speaking for cow year...which month oso not fantastic...the best was lunar 3rd month and 6 month and 9th month..the rest are all "no good" for us..dec/ jan...is 11th or 12 month of cow year lor..kekke..but you natural..wun choose timing one ma..

little lamb...

i have lotsa frens deliver in cow year...3 fall in the aug range...but dun think they planned...hehe..

fat_babe> The master give me a time period but that is after calculating and considering both me and hb's bazi into the picture....He even touched my tummy and say some blessings and prayers. This is not final yet as he would like to know actual timing of birth too... He would even go to the extent of providing a date and time period for registering of birth certificate.

Melody, sure, no prob. Call me tomorrow then.

Hi Mummies,

Please note that I have reduced the selling price of the Medela Mini Electric (only use once) to S$110 - not negotiable and no exchange with vouchers (Retail price @ S$195). Bought in June 2009.

Interested, sms me @ my mobile 9639 9894(Jennifer Lim).

Information on Medela Mini Electric Pump

The Medela Mini Electric Breastpump is the ideal, fully automatic breastpump for short term separation of mother and baby. Easy on/off switch. AC/DC or manual operation. This breastpump is portable, autocycling, and provides adjustable vacuum control. About 35 suck-release cycles per minute. The Medela Mini Electric breastpump also runs on 2 AA batteries (not included). [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/3046281.jpg]

little_lamb, Dr Tan said fainting spells are common for preggies since we now have more blood flowing to the womb. So, maybe I am more sensitive to the changes in the blood flow. He told me sit and put my head between my legs whenever I encounter fainting spells. He ordered a blood count test for me and the results showed that I'm not anemic. After some rest, I feel a lot better.

Yeah.. his consulting room has a lot of baby photos.

cocomama - I dun have fainting spells but i have occasional headaches and they make me feel nauseous sometimes. Hate this kinda feeling.

I have problems locating 2010 jan thread yesterday....

Dolphine, I m also experiencing some cramps esp down there n navel area. U have go for jab ah?

I want the healing spray and the confinement bath from little dreamers. I have piles problem lei, so worried it will re-occur again when I delivery..... I stay in northeast, who is consolidating the order ah? I see the thread till I super blur


Melody, interesting link. Haha, looks like lunar 9th month and 10th month both ok. If my gal is born just 1 day before 17 Nov (exactly 37 weeks on 17 Nov) then she'll be lunar 9 month. Haha. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TYL, saw your list. Okie, I'll go check out the prices of the items I want and see if can hit $150. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

