(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

febie, no problem.

fat babe, i used their belly cream and sunscreen lotion, nice nice, thumbs up!

AFann, buy some hope for tonight toto, almost 10mil hehee! maybe if u kana big in tonight toto, can be a sahm from today liao hehe!

oooooo so we must use herbs de ah? this small dreams seems ex ah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

thanks Sherry... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anything else u wan me to bring/buy?

Febie> no la.. i think shld be sufficient cause also dun know if the rest are coming hahaha.. anyway, they got my mobile so think they will update me if not coming ba...

wat is SAHM? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ya me too going...yishun that hot spot..btw sales till wat time ah? good luck to all mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

are we organising a spree for this small dreams purchase? if yes then count me in too :p

dolphin, sahm = stay at home mum, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u mean the toto sales? till 6pm for tonight toto.

shld be organising the spree for this little dreamers if mummies are keen.

huh toto not extension sales ah...hmmm ..

I ALSO WANT TO BE SAHM [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Let see which mummies is interested then we organise?

Dear ladies, please count me in if you are organising a spree for little dreamers. I'm interested in the confinement powder, warming shampoo & warming bodywash for confinement.

Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah v_ni,

u super fast lor...


i also dunno le..the ginger cream seems multi purpose...anyway other people oso can use..its hot suppose to help slim down...but i oredi bought 2 bottles of confinement oil from little dreamers..hee...

may jus get the bath..


haven tried le..

Lyn, my electricity bill is usually $60 every month. That month of confinement, it shot up to nearly $200. My hubby almost fainted when he saw the bill.:p

fatbabe, dolphin, I bought the confinement shower gel and the ginger cream during the last BP. Tried liao, the shower gel made me feel very very cold maybe because it's too minty whereas the ginger cream is very very hot, apply already, feels so hot that I want to scratch. Maybe it's good for confinement time bah but for now, I can't stand to use it. Maybe my skin too sensitive to hot or minty stuff bah. :p

Dolphin, it's like those super 'liang' feeling. My hubby tried it after I complained about it, he compared it with applying yoko yoko on muscle and doesn't mind the hotness/coldness. Whereas I don't like it lor. Somemore, I only used it to wash my legs cos I get 'sng sng' feelings sometimes. :p

hi mummies,

wow, i didn know got confinement shampoo and shower bath... hahaha.. if got bp, i also wanna join

sorry huh, me edd also in Jan 2010, most of the time just quietly read the forum... ;p

Dolphin - ya lor, I didn't expect my gynae to ask so soon too, she said i look like someone who cld not take pain, so she decides for me. Being first time mom then ,know nothing, just blur blur just let my gynae decide and arrange..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ok gals, since a few of u to get the stuffs from little dreamers, just pm me wat are the items you want to order from www.littledreamers.com.sg, i will consolidate and place order to little dreamers bah, how abt that? Don't want to mess here, hehee!

closing date: mmmm dono how to put, maybe once we reach $150 or so bah.

After getting the items from little dreamers, then we will do the loots passing, ya?

ai ya wad they sell ar? I use mobile cn realli see lo..

Sherry, ya is pop put effect like 3D leh... Lol n is dull green .. Eeeeekkk like market auntie.. I dun wan!!!

mamaD and sherry, just send the order to me can liao, those want to order, just pm me ur orders... i'm only abt $30 or $50.

AFann, u go home and check hor, hehee! *notty me*

MamaD, i shld be ordering, no need to go down to c cos i know wat item to order liao hee!

dolphin, take your time, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

AFann & Sherry, me too mine is left leg..all veins but not popping out, my mum said will pop out at later stage [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so sad right...my mum oso no veins y i got [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


where you stay? if not how to pass to loot around..hee..yah i think mus negotiate for discount...i still thinking of getting some balms...not the california ones though..hee

fat babe, i stay sembawang, work in amk, but weekend usually at serangoon or clementi or jurong west or farrer park, easy, we have some mummies staying nearby one another or office near one another, can help to collect and pass around. ya, their CB is quite ex, not worth getting.

will see how "big" our order and negoitate with LD for discounts.

Hello everyone,

I am new to this thread. I am expecting my first child (a boy) now and my EDD is 24 January.

Frankly i have been doing a lot of research on 2 particular topics and would really appreciate some input from other mothers to be.

1. Mount Alvernia or Thomson Medical Centre?

As i am catholic i have a slight inclination towards MAH. However would really love to hear from first hand experience which is better. My intention is to stay in a single room.

2. Any good post-natal Malay massage lady to recommend?

I have been reading thread after thread and have decided to try this ML Ida. There seem to be a lot of mothers raving about her. Only thing is i admit i am a little wary coz i am not sure how many of these praises are true or how many are pure self-advertising.

Help anyone?

Joy, fatbabe> tmr my place between 1 to 130pm hoh...

Michelle> welcome! I am gg to Mt A, most of my GFs delivered there.


that day i told you 1pm ok...seems like not ok liao..i may be late...about 2pm...hee...can can?? but will be there la...eh 315 goes to your place hor?


welcome! me going Mt A too!...I am not a catholic, but i was born there and i also delivered my 2 kids there! love the nurses..


good good...me staying serangoon area too!! eh..then you can go collect ma..btw..i think they are open this saturday le..

hi Michelle, welcome!

Re: Mount Alvernia or Thomson Medical Centre?

MT A is good compared to TMC, but i nvr been to MT A before, so cant comment much, definitely their carpark is much bttr than TMC. I personally have nice experience while staying in TMC, from delivery room to my hosp stay there and of cos their famous soups are very nice, (ok, i go for their soups, hehe). So this time round, i will still go back to TMC for my 2nd delivery. Actually both MT A and TMC quite popular among the mummies, it really depends on ur own preferences.

Re: Any good post-natal Malay massage lady to recommend?

I believe the mummies's comments are true abt wat they said mainly cos they had tried the massage ladies b4, i myself did not try mdm ida as my massage lady is mdm sadiah for my first delivery. If the massage lady is good and professiional, i believe they don have to self-advertise themself or get someone to praise for them in here. It's their professionalism that impress the mummies and they recommend these massage ladies to other mummies.

fat babe, haha, got free delivery if more than $150 la, so no need to go down to collect hehe!.

sherry, orh!! i bringing some snacks for the little kiddos

Hi ladies

Quietly reading the postings on postnatal massage too as I am trying to book one soon.

Just called Mdm Ida and she is booked all the way till May 2010 liao. But she recommended her sis-in-law Masita (90068026) instead - also the same package and trained by her (if you book more than 5 times, will have FOC body scrub and baby massage). Anyone book/try her before?


joy, I got my list ready...

hee hee... can't resist to surf the site...

will email to you shortly. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

