(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

joy: u also used her for #1? me too nia...i m full of praises for her[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mstan: usually c-sect can do the massage only after 3 or 4weeks. she confirm cant take..or can she tentatively slot u in first. she very helpful and geniune[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


blueberrypie>oh no..where u delver for yr #1

lynn> great u can share yr experience for yr #1. hw long did u wait? is it cold? can u sleep?

Dolphin: i guess becos my hb was ard at dat time and i'm well prepared 1mth b4 my edd.. my no.1 was 2 wks earlier than his edd.

little lamb: i was dilated 5cm and insisted on epi althot e nurse told mi not to tak epi to save $$.. but i heard some horror stories fr my fz so i tink i better tak epi afraid later regret not taking.. ur gynae will guide u and tell u wen to push, my gynae told mi to continue to watch e mtv wen i told u to push then u push okie.

mstan: oops missed ur question..i m due on 23 Jan

book her three weeks ago..so fast full liao!

joy: pai seh ..realise u r referring to mdm sadiah

got mdm sadiah contact? seems like a few mummies using her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbwoofie, haha, it's ok.

dolphin, mdm sadiah hp is 97724579. need to book fast cos i understand her oct and nov are full, not sure dec and jan full or nt.

mstan: me did not try mas ..but jan 09 mummies use her, gave good compliments also...cos she was taught my Ida also so techniques suppose to be the same

lsntyl: yup, u can choose 5days or 1week..up to individual. cos i book Ida for three weeks..cos worried that my water retention this time round will be worst than number 1...and her massage help to relieve my water retention n haha firming up of tummy ..i scare now #2..tummy sag sag nia


did u ask ur gynae abt ur aching? i did emailed my gynae, he said maybe 2nd time that y will feel pressure, but swollen might be the yeast infection. but i don't feel itchy down there lei. 1 more wk then see gynae again. will ask him abt the swell problem then.


Sorry.. we cant make it to ur place on sat le.. My mum wan us to go home early to celebrate hubby bday.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] join u ladies next time hor..


my gyna everything oso say is normal one la.. i told him i got aching.. he say is normal.. ask me walk slowly.. movement all slow down only.. tat time i got infection.. oso got swollen..but is on the skin part.. not bone part.. wat i experience aching now is bone.. n the sore bone after bd... not external one wo..


i got inflection earlier.. cos itch n swollen.. is during preg..

then hor.. cos during confinement cant alway bath rite.. tat time i oso kana rashes near the panty line there.. due to the discharge.. alway moist down there.. i oso got itch

Hi Ladies

If we deliver naturally can start massage 5 days later? What about the discharge? Can massage when having discharge? Wouldn't the pressing and pushing make the discharge heavier?


lyn78 - Got MTV to wstch some more? Really like holiday. Which hospital did you deliver at? LOL.

redtea - I have read that it's normal to have swollen labia during pregnancy, especially from 2nd trimester onwards. It's part of the hormonal changes. Unless you're not experiencing symptoms of yeast infection, I guess.

cocomama: suppose to expel all the lochia (dirty blood) and make the womb clean n also the wind n water. u can also check with your gynea if you wanna be safe[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

It has been a while since I logged in, busy at work.

Just seen by gynae today. BB weighs close to 900g at wk 24 and his weight is at 95th percentile. His size is of a BB at wk 26.

Gynae ordered fasting glucose test to check for diabetes n I kinda worried now. Wondering if this is a routine test?

Haiz, just realised my right foot is swollen n guess this is my beginning of water retention. What shld I do or avoid?


massage oso help to push out the locia.. n clear it lol.. tats wat i know la..


i did ah.. i put tat "sher fen" lol.. Cooling ma..

cocomama: no problem, we share share info [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i used disposal panties wif 2 long overnight pad ..cover from front to back LOL

yuki: usually for water retention, suggest that you prop up your legs as much as possible..but hor my water retention is so bad that prop up the legs also no use[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cladi: I bath daily during my confinement wif herb water. i washed my hair alt day wif e herb water too..

little lamb: my no.1 was delivered at Mt.A Jan 2008. e nurses actually ask my gynae Need to off e TV anot, my gynae told them "No, Let her watch, relax!" really depends on ur gynae..

Does TMC delivery rm hav tv? i tink they do also ritz.. If not will b bored cos sometimes can wait for few hrs inside e delivery rm.

mstan: yup $50 per session, no deposit or pre-payment, pay on daily basis and usually last 1.5hr. i did not take up the pre-natal massage so cant comment..but remember one of the mummy here book her for pre-natal but cant remember who...memory slow down liao...

cladi: hahahah i dun trust sher fen [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i would rather put kodomo powder, cos at least it smell nicer

*laugh* confinement smelly mah so put nicer powder to let there smell nicer lor :p

lyn78 - Hhehehe, I can't comment coz' this is my #1, so never been into delivery suites. But if delivery suites got tv also good, can get my DH distracted a bit. He's been very nervous about the delivery, keep worrying he'll faint, or worrying about cutting the umbilical cord.

cladi, like lynn, i also bath everyday during my confinement, using the confinement shampoo and shower foam from little dreamers de, hehee! smell nice nice.

lynn, TMC delivery rm (aka birth room) have tv.

bbwoofie and cocomama, i use the sofy 38cm or 40.5cm with disposable panties, hehe!

yuki, the gluose test is nt a routine test, it is only taken when you have family history for diabetes, i will have to take soon as well cos my mum have diabetes, ughhhh, i hate the taste!!

Joy, my family has no history of diabtetes and this kinda worries me.

Anyone knows what are the symptoms of gestational diabetes?

o btw, tmc delivery room aka waiting room no tv, but birth room have tv, just to clarify, hehe! the last time i was there, i was napping, smsing and playing psp. After tat when i push into the birth room, no time to watch tv cos busy pushing hahaa! but my gynae leave the tv on.

Btw bbwoofie, does they provide binder?

Theirs is the normal cloth binder that wrap ard, right?

I was thinking of buying a binder.

joy - Huh? Still got delivery room and birth room? And these are different from the rooms we're gonna be sleeping in, issit?

wahh finally free to post..

Yuki> There is no symptoms. However, gestational diabetes may increase your risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy

increase your risk of a large baby and the need for cesarean section at delivery

for the first wk.. i reali didn bath n wash hair wo.. whahaha.. after tat..use herb water bath daily n water hair alternate day.. else i will go mad ah.. hahaha

redtea - hee hee ic, i can feel the pressure only.

mamaD - My 1st delvy is at Mt A. Though my gynae did ask if i wld like to hv epidural, but she kinda of asked and decided for me. U noe, like - "Do you wan epidural, think u better hv it" and immediately she asked for the nurse to arrange... before i cld think abt it, she has already sent the nurse to prepare, so i was like ok lor....

MamaD, I am 1 of those who got dark armpits suddenly oso! So sad, I scrub very hard oso dark. My tummy oso showing the fine hair,my hb call me Pooh bear dear ahahaha!

Oh yah, I havnt book the massage lady oso, better book 1 before I forget. I saw the Jamu massage post they are selling the cloth binder, quite cheap oso. My mum ask me dun use those kind which is elastic cos nt tight enuff, she somemore thinking of buying cloth to make for me.....

bbwoofie, joy, can I have the massage lady contact as well?


morning mummies...

during confinement I bath everyday...dun like the herbs bath so ppl introduce me to something new...easy job...put chinese white wine in hot water and bath...

hey tomoro how many confirm going to Sherry's place?

