(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

cocomama> ya... hope to be able to feel him/her very soon... missed that special feel... heehee... anyway, MS is left with only 10%... it only happen when i feel hungry... woohoo... but no matter what, this round of MS is much much better than my 1st where i puke & puke, even if i drink water...

so far, i have managed to gain only 1KG... which is good... just hope that this time i wun gain too much of weight and get warning from my gynae again... i gained 19KG (40KG to 59KG)... i remember my gynae told me that the max weight gain for me is only 12KG...

My 2nd precious better dun be too big size, cos i really wanna have natural delivery...!!!


TYL: nope against mine wish & same as u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] sady ..

cocomama: yes i shed off 18kg within 3months .. 2 kg till now still carrying [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My gynea did not ask me lose weight, at the time he still say if i can eat what i go ahead & eat, it ok to eat what i like, even everyday fast food also can .... hahahah

Hi all,

been really busy with work and family

For xyii, she is so far a good natured baby, on the rare occasions when she is naughty, I will ask her to smack herself on the bum, and she will guai guai do it. I think it is natural for toddler to be curious and playful, so unless she is really testing, we take it as part of growing.

Nowadays she is also rather sticky and manja, crying with pouty mouth. She is also very jealous for example if i hug the others, and will protest and prise open whoever does so. She is also picking up words like a parrot, usually repeating the last few words we say, quite funny.

wow, so fast, some mummies already going to due 2nd one!! Welcome to parenting (to more than 1 kid), it will definitely be more busy but is another bundle of joy.


don't stress, let nature take its course.

melissa>hope you have a safe delivery and good confinement. So fast for u!

cocomama>nope. we can't seem to think of suitable names for #2 leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

geraldine>wah, you are so slim! can't imagine you with so much weight

dolphin>haiz. can understand how u feel cos hubby n I also felt the same. Never mind bah. as long as bb is healthy can le. on bright side, we can save $. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TYL & Dolphin> I also hope for a different gender this time round... a boy...

If a boy - then i will have a nice pair girl and a boy

If a girl - then i will be able to save $ as she will have those nice handover from her jie jie...

TYL> can you imagine that all the extra weight of 19KG that i gained all goes to my tummy... haha... although i manage to lose all the extra weight, my tummy is still there lo... damn obvious lo... slim arms & legs and yet with tummy... haha...

ohh ya, mummies...

Is Medela FreeStyle really good? Cos i'm intending to ask my friend to buy it back from UK?

Geraldine - My tummy has already become a permanent feature on me and I forever look like I am 5-6 months preggy. Sometimes when I wear babydoll style clothing, people will still offer me seats on the train. DH refused to let me go for any slimming programme in case we have #2.

Big foot> what your DH said also true la... or maybe when you have 2 children and you will automatic lose weight since you will be damn busy???

TYL: ya ... me too cant tink of what name to call ... & u guessed what ... my mum has tot of a new for this little one ... she said guarantee + chop if next one sure diff gender ... she said name him "Zhaomei" ... me & my hubby laugh off bed sia ... aiyo ...

Gerald: ya ya i tot so too, only console ... btw i also hv the tummy there leh, my mum said bcos stretch b4 is like that de ... haiz ... i c other ppl like dun hv leh ...

Dolphin> i think the slimmer you are the more obvious the tummy will be lo... cos it will be protuding out... if you are a bit ba ba type, then the tummy should be too obvious bahz...

geraldine, dolphine - but i know of a lot of mummies, slim slim one and no tummy leh. Don't understand why mine is so big and recently it seems to grow bigger. Not sure if cos I am sitting even more nowadays. Sad.

Any mummies readily give your tots raisins? I thought of giving to Bryan once a while as a fun snack or add to his food, but it's so sweet.

geraldine> wah.. you are so light-weight. i don't remember the time when i was 40kg leh.. can't imagine carrying 19kg in front. did it make you topple over? ha..ha.. just kidding. did u have a natural birth or c-sect for Lerynn.

freestyle is good and easy to use although i didn't do well with BF the last round. hope can do better this time.

dolphin> wah.. very good to lose all the weight in 3 months. i'm hoping not to gain so much this time, but already put on 3-4kg in the first trimester alone.

congrats on a didi. my family and friends (mostly) are more anxious than me to know the gender. they want to see whether i can get a girl so that i can close shop. i told them regardless of gender, the shop will be closed come April 2012.

lsntyl> still got some time to slowly pick a nice and suitable name.

big_foot> i guess it depends on the abdominal muscle elasticity. i noticed that doing some abdominal exercises help to keep it 'in'.

i have tried giving YX raisins, but he hated it.

geraldine>I like the freestyle. But is it cheaper to get from UK? I thought most mommies buy from US.

bigfoot>we used to give Ayden raisins but haven't in a while. nowadays, his snacks are normally bagels/fruits/crackers. His favourite is dou huay though.

cocomama>ya, must start thinking. looked at some names, but don't seem to find any we like so far...

firipy>rant all you want here. we're here to listen. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Coco mama> Enxi was Caesarian too so that's y this one I just follow suit. Can't take epidural so scared of pain also.

Tyl> ya man time really flies. Thanks. Great to see u posting from states. Yup we gave Enxi raisins long ago but bought the organic ones I think or natural ones

Sherry> I really wanted to invest in a FreeStyle if it is really good... but is it a lot better then Medela PIS since it is so X?

Bigfoot> i also sadly belongs to the slim slim but with tummy type lo... haiz... but never mind la... wait till i settle my 2nd little one first, then work on my tummy... this time i am surely do a proper confinement as my mum will be helping me... instead of the previous one when i had to do everything myself and end up having an infection on my c-sect wound becos i overworked myself (but i didnt feel anypain lehz...)... haha... I also fed Lerynn organic raisins since 2 mths back... She love it and will ask for it... but no matter what, still have to limit their intake la... i scare cause phlegm...

Cocomama> ya lo... i really have bad backache during that moment especially the last tri... but i still tried to walk more and soak myself in swimming pool too... shiok... but i didnt topple over la... haha... i did c-sect for Lerynn... but it isnt what i plan for... it was a last minute plan when i visited my gynae the evening before my EDD and found out that the ultrascan shows that she is 3.8KG and still no sign of coming out at all... so conclude that i shouldnt wait for the 'natural' sign since i cant let her continue to gain more weight & high possibility that i will go emer c-sect in the end... haiz... hoping for a natural delivery this time round... i realy hope too... Regardless of gender, Geraldine shop will also be closed come May 2012 too.

TYL> I also dunoe if it is cheaper to buy in UK anot lehz... but i can always ask my friend to go to US to buy for me...

lsntyl> sometimes hoh... need to see the baby's temperament and personality before you can decide on a suitable name. good luck with your name selection. btw, are the baby stuffs in NY much cheaper? stroller, cot, etc... at the very least, should have more choices than SG.

melissa> i c.. have a smooth delivery. you're having GA c-sect? post a pic of mei-mei here if you can.

geralding> i've never used PIS before, but from what i gathered from reading thru the feedbacks, seems that freestyle is more lightweight and portable, and PIS has stronger suction. but then with the freestyle, i didn't use up to the max suction level too.

wah.. Lerynn was 3.8kg.. how did you make sure all the nutrients go to her? YX was only 2.8kg at birth but i still had c-sect as he was breech. i hope to be able to do a VBAC this time, but DH thinks that we shouldn't take the risk. let's see how.. if this one also breech, then no need to think also.

yeah.. can imagine all the weight on the back. nowadays if i lean forward too much as get a slight backache.


from my experience using both the PIS and freestyle. i can said that PIS is better. when i used PIS, i dont get block ducts. but when i'm on freestyle, i get block ducts once in a while. altho PIS is heavy, but it's good.

Geraldine> If you are a working mum, i think its better to invest in a freestyle cause its lighter. PIS is good but its bulky so imagine having to lug so many things to work hahaha..previously i chunk all the pump and bottle into my working bag.. i think BP is selling 500 ( i think ) for freestyle. Worth investing.. hahaha..

Melissa> have a smooth and fast delivery

cocoMama> gynae say its not advisable to opt for VBAC cause C sect wound will not recover that fast.. (even though it looks perfectly heal on the surface).. he describe the wound as a broken bottle that is glued back so its not worth taking the risk.

Geraldine/cocomama>hope you can do a VBAC esp if the shop is going to close. Check with your gynae bah. Is he/her supportive? My friend also wants to do a VBAC so she's looking for a gynae who is pro-VBAC n delivers at TMC cos she wants to ligate after the birth.

Geraldine>check around first. I heard some moms said prices for freestyle around SG$460 for US import set but not sure if prices have changed. Personally, I like the freestyle cos like Sherry said its more portable. I've also never used it at the highest level. Freestyle also doesn't need a transformer like PIS or PISA to change the energy voltage

cocomama>prices are quite ok here for bb stuff. Bought 2 sets of long sleeve rompers for #2 from The children's place and each piece only about $2. Quite good quality too. Not sure about cots/strollers cos we don't intend to get them.

Sherry>how's pretty Shernise? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

red tea> how are you doing? everything ok?

sherry> gynae mentioned that to attempt VBAC, the baby must not be too big and must wait for contraction to kick start naturally. no induction whatsoever. there is a 1% risk of uterine rupture with VBAC. 1% does indeed sound like a very small risk, but whether we want to take that risk is another question.

lsntyl> i know there's a Dr Paul Tseng who is known to be very pro-natural and delivers in TMC. if your friend doesn't mind a male gynae, perhaps she can pay him a visit.

wow.. $2 per piece is indeed a very good price. i have yet to buy anything, but will most probably promote YX to a booster seat and let the new sibling use his convertible car seat. YX looks just ngam-ngam in his current car seat. might outgrow that soon although when we bought it, the sales person said can use up till 4 yo.

i don't think i would have much to buy also, except the necessities like breast pump spare parts (i threw all away except the motor when i stopped BFing cause they all turned yellow), bottles... and depending on how YX is taking it, we might move him to a toddler bed so that the baby can have the cot. last weekend we brought him to Ikea to look at some beds, but when asked whether he wants to sleep on those beds, he said No.. ha..ha.. will wait till he's ready.

melissa> have a speedy recovery. look forward to seeing newborn pics here again.

Have a smooth delivery Melissa!

Look forward to seeing ur little one!

Mommies who have taken studio pix when preggy...

Would like to ask for feedback..

Which company did u use & how r d charges?

sherry>hee, that's nice. donno when I'm going to send Ayden to school...

cocomama>think that's the same gynae. up to my friend bah. she might go back to her previous gynae

melissa>hope bb comes soon n you have a good confinement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i'm fine. surviving my ms and feeling better. will be 12wks tmr. actually i really hated eating every 2hrs. i hope this feeling of needing to eat will go away soon.

RedTay> 1 more week and you will be in your 2nd tri... hope you will be free from ur MS by then... During Lerynn's time, i had MS till 4th mth... this time i'm lucky... free from MS once i hit 2nd tri... just that now i can't be hungry... if not i will have the want-to-puke feel... I'm W14D3... heehee...

By the way, my gynae told me baby's gender yesterday... well, hope he is really accurate... but let's confirm it again on my next check-up which is 1 mth later la...

Gera> just a neighbourhood school at the CC.. only 2 hours playgroup.

My hubby boss say there is really a difference sending them to a better childcare/playgroup and make me wonder if i shld do the same if i have number 2...

please pass me some baby dust.. factory must open for production liao hahaha


ur gynae scan machine very good huh? can tell u gender at wk 14? so is it wat u wish for?


some baby dust for you!!

Sherry> I have been headache over sending lerynn for a playgroup... i will be moving to my new hse in mid Dec... it is a new estate, so even the nearest childcare is a bit far & inconvenient as there isnt a bus service at my estate yet... and on top of looking after lerynn, my mum will be looking after my granny... so i dun want her to feel too tired in needing to bring my girl to the nearest childcare and then back home... somemore in less than a year, she will need to help me look after my 2nd... haiz... maybe i can only settle her for weekend playgroup...

Pass pass pass you some baby dust...

RedTea> no la... my gynae use normal scan... he doesnt even have those 3D/4D scan... just normal scan... but he has been in this trade for very long... i have heard from his other auntie customers (not just one) telling me that my gynae help them to deliver their daughters & sons which is almost 30 yrs old already... i'm like... wow... anyway, i found out that Lerynn is a girl when she was in week 12...

well, if really a boy then just nice i will have a boy & a girl... but if it is a girl, then i will also be happy... cos i was thinking, if i have another girl like lerynn, i will be very happy too!!! hee...


Have you delivered? all the best to you.


congrats on 3rd one??! the MS should be over soon.


hope you strike soon.

I have heard of the impt of childcare from a relative whose kids are teenagers now. She said one turn out faster in learning, the other one who did not go good ones turn out not so fast. Although it does contribute to good headstart, I think also depend on each child's character, some are naturally motivated, disciplined, hardworking, lazy, un focused, careless etc. so need to work on the nurture part too long after they leave pre school.

Also, if go to higher end ones, it could be quite ex if you have 2 kids. Like $1000+ per month for each child. One of my friend sent the first one to expensive one, but can't sustain for the 2nd and 3rd, who went to cheaper ones. Also, factors like having to fetch, alternative care arrangement when sick, the carer's standard etc.

For me, i did not do much comparison or research, will just sent to the same one as the older next year. They were there for a total 6 years. The reason is because it is near, i like the carers there who really love kids (lots of hugs), and it is a small setup. The rest, not so impt.

Letting go of 2 pairs of See Kai Run shoes as they are too big for my child.

letting go @ $30 per pair. Good deal for both shoes @ $50.

1. Lyra - white

2. Hillary - pink

Both are in Size 7 sizing

EU size: 23

LENGTH (cm): 14.7

My email address: [email protected]



think to u, girl or boy also no concern la. for me, if it's a girl, it will be a gift from heaven! haha..


ya. my #3. totally unplanned for. haha.. MS is not as bad as before, but still dont hv much appetite for dinner yet. but i like fresh veggie like salad. so most of the time i will be eating yongtau foo or subway. hee..

Furby - I second what you said about the choice of childcare cos personal and caretaker's committments are equally important. For me, I had no 2nd choice of infant care as the nearest one to me is like 15min walk from my place. However, as it was a small setup with super many children and the teachers are mostly not holding the professional cert, I very much wanted to change Bryan out when he hit 18 mths. However, I relented in the end as the teachers and helpers there love him very much and more importantly, he is very happy there. Learning maybe just average but his basic needs of meals and all are suited to him. With this, I can only say that I will plan for his move to a more curriculum intensive childcare in 1-2 years later.

Sherry - Hope you will strike soon. Good luck!

Geraldine - Congrats!

Thanks for the baby dust hahaha

Gera> some childcare actually provide school bus service. Otherwise i think a weekend playgroup is fine.

Yeah i think most importantly is being healthy. Heard of a few sad cases lately and its really not important whether its a boy or girl..

Enrichment class/childcare> wonder if its really that important.. will the kids turn out smarter, get better grades, better EQ/IQ just by attending those costly enrichment classes. I think it does help to kick start the learning process but personally, it doesnt guarantee that they will turn out to be someone outstanding right?

melissa, may you have a smooth delivery!

wow so many preggie mummies in this thread now...sherry catch so many bb dust u will be nx soon!!!

redtea> i dread the constant hunger pangs too.. too headache to think of what to eat and having to constantly chew, plus some food really send me to the toilet bowl.. luckily, it is more in control now..

sherry> showering baby dust on you.....

i am personally not really in favour of enrichment classes. i feel that in order for someone to be outstanding at something, he/she has to be passionate and discipline about it. no point forcing it onto them. might get overloaded yeah... but then in the early stages, we might have to expose them to the various options in order for them to realize their passion.

geraldine> congrats on having a didi... usually it's quite accurate and easy to spot a boy if the position is right. i still have to wait for detailed scan to confirm. the last few checkups, mostly can see side view only.

i'm also in some sort of a dilemma as to when to send YX to playschool. the initial plan is to start him when he's 2.5 or 3 years old, but at 2.5 yo in June, his sibling just came and it might be too many changes for him to handle. ideally, it would be good to have him established in school b4 the younger sibling comes along but i have yet to scout for a playschool. i guess i will just play by ear for now and see how things go. for now, he goes to a 1-hour session every Saturday. that also, cannot keep still until the end of class.

megan> how is HW doing? is she excited at the prospect of going to school? will kor-kor be in the same school?

Sherry> ya... recently i really heard a lot of sad cases... haiz... so really, we should be happy that we have our 1st, 2nd or 3rd... no matter what gender, what birth weight, hair amount, healthy of both mum & baby is all it matters... hope that everyone is strong and dun give up hope...

classes> i personally feel that those children whom will shy-off from stranger or those whom dun seems to be too confident in speech, should attend... so that they see what their peers are doing and gain more confident... heehee...

Hi everyone, I purposely took mc to go for an interview tdy.... N best is I got so bad cramp I almost faint so I shun Bian see doc for the prob. Told her my mense lasted kinda long n now my mense Nvr come. She check here n there press tummy here n there.... Then ask me do urine test. N she gave me this really worried look, turn out got super faint line, maybe it's early sign of pregnancy tats y so faint or it's eptopic.... Ask me go kkh a&e . I really almost faint cos super scared. Luckily she told me I can have a choice to scan at any gynae which is

A mrt stop away fr my plc.... Gp gave me referral letter etc! I faster rush dwn to scan n best is gynae also can't confirm, need to wait for a week or I can do blood test which I din wanna do...... He also give same diagnosis as gp i still so scared....then suddenly struck me! I ask gynae issit cos my last menses very long tats y they all worry it's eptopic. I ask him if I can give conception date, will it b clearer. N he check his chart n he say ya la early stage la tats y... Ask me dun worry but still we talk next week! But cos next thurs is 1st I push bk cos beginning mth alot of things to do at wk. N fri n sat clinic close. I push to following tues. I m so lost!!! My hb scold me said I shld do test to save myself fr worry n y push to following tues.... I suddenly got so much worry! If I get the job I went for interview how? N if confirm all is ok can I still fix my window grille? super scratch head

Geraldine> ya, the saddest i heard is this where this fetus is down with Edward syndrome. Really hope God will help her..

Firipy> Ya, why dun u just do a blood test? U should probably get the result tmr and that saves u from a lot of worrying.

You can still fix your window grill but u have to be out of the house when they fix. As for your new job, some employers dun really mind hiring preggies.. remember TYL was also preggy when she secured her last and current job

Sherry> I have 3 cases where they are ppl around me...

1) Negative Oscar result (either Trisomy 13/18) where baby has organ outside the body and no choice, they have to let the baby go (1st baby)...

2) Everything was ok throughout all the ultrasound and test. But upon delivery, discovered that baby has blood disorder. Will be at high risk for the rest of his life. But good thing, baby has a very strong mother who been thru 2 MC (1st was when baby was already 8 mths), (2nd when baby was 1 mth)... 2nd baby girl was healthy and finally the 4th baby boy with blood disorder.

3) a friend who got diagnose with cancer when she is around 3 mths preg (2nd baby)... she has to let the baby go and now she is going thru chemo... But she is also a strong mother who already has a baby girl and a supportive hubby...

So, we should really appreciate what was given to us. Look at those sad case. We should have nothing much to complain ald.

Firipy> Hope you faster find out and save the worries... We are eager to find out too!

I was kinda blur whole of ytd. Plus i dowan to waste $This morn my mind was clear and after some recalling. It's kinda impossible that Bb was conceived during my super long mense. We so loser lo haha, hardly get intimate. It shld b just tat time.

Geraldine, yah after all the emotions ytd. I m thankful n felt blessed that both times we din have to wait long n get disappointed. I ald bought ovulation n preg test strip fr hkg trip to prepare. Guess this time this one is a showoff, so fast wanna tell ppl.


cocomama, HW is doing fine...nx yr she will be attending talentplus playgroup near my house. those 2 hours prog...kor kor will be going to P1 nx yr...now me busy preparing for kor kor...need to get ready his bag, shoes, books.

