(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

sp_callalily> i so wish to sleep so easily. sometimes i have problem dozing off on an unfamiliar bed too... i usually take the first time slot in the morning or the afternoon too. but can you imagine, for the same time slot they can give it to 2-3 patients?

lsntyl> it's such a sweet touch to give you the 3d scans for free. i actually do not have a preference over the gender. if it's a girl, i will finally be able to buy those cute little dresses that i see so often. if it's a boy, then they can have boys' time with daddy when they're older and mummy is then free to do as she pleases. so either gender is fine with me.

wah.. Ayden is so advance. you mean your DH taught him all these within the 1 month that you were in NYC? gosh... when YX goes to his sat lesson, 80% of the time he's wandering around the classroom doing his own things. and the last 2 days, he has been more vocal and i was already beaming like a proud mother.


Hi mommies, how's everyone?

Jus wanna chk w all who have nanny for their LOs.. How's d market rate now?

I was quoted $900 for looking aftr infant Mon to fri 7:30am-7pm and Sat 7:30-2pm

Is that very high?

lin> i'm not sure what the market rate is currently. i pay $700 for mon-fri and since we are quite familiar with each other, she is quite flexible with the timing. another thing that you have to consider is when your baby starts solid, you might have to top-up.


Yes, I tot so too. Felt $900 is over priced.. Ok, shall keep looking. Seems Eunos area don't have many nannies?


Wah, no wonder your DH wanted you to change OB. I think I would be fed up too. Plus appts with a toddler in tow is no joke. I would imagine Nat getting impatient with all the waiting. How come you didn't stick back to RH? You know, I would still head back to RH coz' I find that the population of infants there are lesser than the other more popular hospitals, hence will give more attention to my baby at the nursery.

You can try Dr. Lee who was my OB. But she, too, is hard to book. Gotta book her like 1 month in advance! So when will you know the gender of your baby?


Wah ... your DH is superdad! Can accomplish so much! Not forgetting he has to help everyone settle in to new environment as well. But yeah, I know what you mean abt not wanting to withhold his career. Childcare is definitely expensive in the west. Labour is not cheap in the first place.

That's why a lot of these westerners who come to China, they're shocked at how little they need to pay for live-in help and are willing to pay a lot for them. But I would imagine it shud be quality childcare over where you are. What about your company? Do they provide childcare facilities in the office building? Or issit too expensive as well and not ideal?

lin> i guess you were quoted higher bcos Sat was inclusive?

lamb> PEH is very near where we stay. i can walk there in 10 mins. plus YX's nanny is also nearby. so i thought it would be more convenient as DH don't have to run back and forth between visiting me and YX.

at the last visit, gynae said it looks like a girl cause there was nothing between the legs but it was too early to confirm @ 11weeks. i guess they all started out looking like a girl... my next visit is in 2 weeks' time, where i will be approaching week 17. not sure whether can determine then or not.

cocomama>suspect the 3d scans are the norm for them lor. the sonographer said I'll be sent there by my gynae in 3rd trimester for another scan and the 3d scans then will be really cute. the ones I've now look a bit like skeleton. :p The really sweet thing though was she printed a composite of a few photos of #2 just for Ayden cos she said he was a good boy during the scan (eventhough he was exploring the whole room. :p). So he has his own ultrascan of his didi. Prob is he keeps holding onto it and calling it meimei. :p

Ayden knew some ABCs and nos in SG but he really learnt them v fast over here in NY. Think cos hubby spends more time with him and also lets him watch some youtube videos. We purposely didn't get a TV cos we didn't watch to be distracted by it and didn't want to rely on it for babysitting. I got him the letterland book which he really likes so he flips through it v often. I would like to send him to school to socialise more though

lamb>my company does have childcare but the waiting list is v long. finally managed to go there yest for a visit and was told waiting list is at least 1 year and sometimes more. so, cannot just rely on that lor. even have to pay to be put on waiting list + fees are not cheap too.

megan>hee, thanks. no lah, ayden still got a lot to learn. we're happy that he's a happy bb so far though. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

YL, glad to hear that Ayden is adjusting so well and learning so fast in NY. Kudos to L. 3d scans for baby is quite cute, I did it for RL though looked a bit scary the first time I saw it. Ayden calling the photo mei mei, so cute. keke. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi all!

tyl, glad u all are settling in so well. Ur hb is really gd lo, tink my hb prob will raise a gangster or slob if he is a SAHD.... Ask him to look after him for few hrs, they either playing games or watch tv, or try to create a playground out of the rm hahaha! Wah, childcare so long waiting list.....hw much are nannies making over there? Maybe I can go n apply to be Singaporean maid hahaha!

I am on leave but then there are so many things to do.....Can u imagine I am still trying to pack those things we bought fr our hols....Trying to packup those clothes A outgrow. Settled sch for him for next yr. Prob may get a helper next yr also, mum says to put on hold 1st cos sil is giving birth early next yr. She worry wait mil say wanna take care of both A so the maid goes to her plc n wait take care of sil's bb also... Very political issues again and I dowan to go n tink abt it...


Ayden is so smart to know 1-50 and all the alphabets. he is indeed a genius. Do you have snow storm there?

I have been busy with kids exam, finally over. As much as I want my kids to be carefree, the reality is that the local school system is quite demanding, and depending on motivation of the kid, most of the time, we parents have to keep up too. Many of my older friends told me that the aim is not to keep on teaching them the work, but to teach them how to self motivate and be independant. Once they have that, they can fly and chart their course. Different kids reach that age at different times, and I do understand boys will take forever. Some even become dropouts and problematic before turing around, but as parents to be always there to support.

When my kids asked if i will still love them if they turn bad next time, i said yes. They were surprised to hear and i explained that parents will always be there for you no matter what, to provide the support and hope to help you become good again.

firipy/furby>aiyah, no lah. Ayden still has lots to learn. He's not perfect with the alphabets and numbers too. He will forget some of them but as long as he's happy and learning a bit can le.

firipy>hubby said he spoke to a nanny at the park. rate about $100 per hour. donno if that's really market rate lor. My collagues said some chinese nannies will charge $50-$80.

hubby plays a lot with ayden too. but think cos look after him full time at the moment, he tries to teach him some stuff lor.

furby>you're such a good mommy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] your kids are lucky. no big snow storm yet although last sat had snow.

pauline>thanks. eh, the 3d scan they gave us look a bit scary to me leh. really just skeleton. think at 22 weeks, bb still needs more flesh. the sonographer said the 3d scan at the 3rd trimester is really cute so I look forward to that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tyl, looks like nt bad to be a nanny there, so ex its more economical to look after own kids lo....Thats like $1k per day ah? (I am imagining my current working hrs) But I prob will die earlier too, looking at how angmoh kids behave on tv shows.hahhaha! Ohhh snow!!! I only saw once during my korea trip long ago.....3rd tri can see almost the real look of the bb, so its gonna be so cute! I got kinda scared during my nt scan last time cos A looks like Alien!!! So boney n sonographer can tell me tats the nose n the 2"sausages" are lips which I catch no ball during the scan, all I can see is an alien network logo inside my tummy.....Oh I miss those days minus the morning sickness...

furby, u always inspire me, the way u bring up ur kids, I dun tink they will ever become bad! I remember my lecturer once told us, she had a fren who studied pri 6 for 5 times cos she had 3 kids n 2 stepkids.....its to more to give support and guidance cos with the standard nowadays so chim how to catch up....boys will sort of "kai qiao" at later stage than girls, ard pri 6 or later they will catch up with the gilrs. Tats y it looks forever cos boys will be boys like forever like a kid.I always say I got 2 kids at hm...1 over 30 and 1 less than 2.They mess up the hse n do illegal stuff (drink soft drinks) when I go for my facial which is like 2-3 hrs period.


no lah, I learn and adapt as I go thru the parenthood journey, making mistakes just like everyone else. You know even though i nag and scold the kids, they are not scare of me, they only scare of the daddy loh...

Dear mummies, pls help to like this page if you wish to sell/buy 2nd hand baby items here. We need more likers in order for this platform to work. I believe most of you sell used items in forum before. This is just an another platform to serve buyers and sellers for this purpose. Please LIKE the page and read more http://www.facebook.com/2ndhandmarketplace


Yl, hee, mine was a free 3d scan so was done at 19 weeks, really skeletal too. But it was cute seeing the 3d video of her opening n closing her mouth n sucking her thumb.;)

Hi mommies, any idea if EDD is early March.. Whether will I b denied entry to KL (Msia) if I go in early Jan for 3 days' stay?

Good morning all mommies...

After some excitement, the thread is back to being quiet again. Hope everyone will be less busy soon..

how was the long weekend?

lin> i don't think they bother or even notice.

lin, i think shd not be a problem. cos last time i 7 mths still went to msia, but it's good to get a letter fm gynae.

Lin - please get a letter from your gynae cos I heard that some airlines will request for it before check-on or boarding. They are afraid of birth in flight as it is a risky business.

Yesterday evening was terrible. My lil fella totally showed me his displeasure. Left the house early and left him for his daddy to send to childcare and we picked him up late (he was the 2nd last kid left). He was mad at me for the whole evening and refused to call or look at me. Further threw his tantrum when I tried to give him dinner; only allowed daddy to feed him. Haiz... Sometimes just don't understand why I need to work so far and so hard...

Megan / cocoMama / elynn.. thanks for replying.

I'm taking coach to KL so should be okay ba. I asked gynae during my visit today and she said I can travel until CNY period. Really look forward to our lil family trip before no. 2 comes along.

Gynae also said d baby is big (suppose to be 23rd weeks but his size is 24th weeks), and also like his Jiejie his head is big. (o_O)" I think I may need to go for C-sect again. Haiiz..


Chill... think ur boy is just going through a phase. Don't be dishearten... Jiayou! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bigfoot>sounds like your boy starting terrible 2s early? They're really showing their personalities these days.

lin>enjoy your trip. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pauline>so nice get free 3d scan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Lin!

Tyl - Yeah, his terrible 2 has already started. Not sure if it could be due to being in childcare whereby he interacts with older kids and learn all nonsensical things faster too. He has been up to all stunts (emotional and physical) constantly. We have already resorted to using the cane of a form of threat at times, but have refrained from beating him. Just last Monday, he was running round and round parts of Marina Square and daddy was chasing him like a madman.

lin> congrats on having a didi...

big_foot> you are very patient. i have smacked YX quite a few times already cause' he really tested my patience. and lately, i have been rather short-tempered. been telling myself to control cause' i don't want to have a grouchy baby later.

re: terrible 2s...

i have a question. when they say terrible 2s, does it mean at age 2 or at year 2 (age 1-2)? cause' i noticed that YX started having some terrible 2s symptons rather early too.

going for a checkup later. hope it will be a good experience.

hw also in the terrible 2 phase...when she wants somethings she must hv it...there's once we bring her to send kor kor for enrichment class. she insist in going into the class. we carried her out and she cry father and cry mother for more than 15 mins in public....everyone looking at us. at home she likes to take off her clothes and refuse to wear back...my maid and 1 hv to force her to wear...really tiring ah!!!!i smack her wt cane also not scared...really vy stuborn...

Megan / cocoMama

Abt terrible 2, it's a phase ba.. But for us luckily terilyn's afraid of daddy cos she knows when daddy is angry, she will really get smacked. Our LOs are learning to push their limits and think now is the time to explain to them what is wrong and right, ok and totally no-no.

I always make it a point to remind hubby to explain to Terilyn when she does smtg bad.. And why we have to smack her.. Instead of jus snapping or smacking her w/o her knowing why.

So far it works quite well.. But off and on, she still 'show pattern' by refusing to walk on her own & squatting where she is. That's when I jus drag her by force and say 'mummy can't carry u'

lin> i also make sure to tell YX when certain behaviour is not acceptable, after which he gets 2 more warnings before he gets smacked.

sp_callalily> i saw Dr Chee yesterday and decided to stick with her. DH is also happy with the experience and doesn't mind paying more for her ante-natal package. Her ultrasound machine must be very high-end cause' for the first time, i actually know what i'm looking at on the screen. we saw the spine, bones of the limbs and the fingers very clearly. thanks for the recommendation.

btw mommies, any LOs displaying symptons of separation and stranger anxiety lately? YX seems much more sticky lately and seems to be rather shy in front of strangers.

cocoMama> No. 1 tend to be more sticky when u expect number 2 le.. thats what i heard.cause they can sense another sibling existence wo. not sure if its true..

Lin - yes, I definitely have dragged my naughty fella along when he tried to plant his feet to the round too. What I otherwise do, which you can't at this moment, is to just scoop him up on my side like a baggage and go, so there's no way he can say no. Only thing is it always end up in screams and cries and probably knocks.

cocomama - the scan sounds so intesting and high tech. Was the waiting time to see Dr Chee long?

Sherry - I've heard that saying many times too, but no idea how true it is. Some of my ex-colleagues even told me that young children also tend to stick to you when you are pregnant. Any mummies can 'vouch' for it? Hee.

sherry> it sort of developed after the Melbourne trip. almost every morning, he will cling on to me when i drop him off at the nanny. aiyoh.. now i'm so worried if i have to go for another c-sect. i don't know how to reject his carry-me pleas...

big_foot> i do that too.. i just scoop him up, sling him to the side and go.. most likely he will be wailing, but luckily he's not a long-winded guy

yeah... for the first time, i felt excited looking at the ultrasound images. I booked the first afternoon appointment at 1pm, but they called me a day earlier and asked me to go at 130pm instead. when i reached there, they informed me that Dr Chee is at the hospital nearby and will be back soon. So, in the meantime, I completed some forms, took weight, etc... by the time all is done, Dr Chee is back within 5 mins. And then the next patient with an appt time at 2pm came early. So it looks like they work with a realistic appointment time frame. the last doctor that i was seeing allocates an appointment every 10 mins. and it may be allocated to more than 1 person. there was once i booked the first appointment and was a little shock when another lady also had the same appointment time as me. and because she was 2 seconds ahead of me, i still had to wait. and after seeing the doctor, i had to wait another 20-30 mins just to make payment, whilst the nurses chat away with other patients.

when i called to make an appt with Dr Chee, i told the nurses my concern and was assured that unless there is an emergency, the waiting time is usually reasonable. also, if they know ahead of time that the doctor will be delayed, they will call to inform. immediately after my consultation, i made payment and left. overall, it was a very pleasant experience with minimal idle time.

cocoMama> ya, that happens when i was in Australia.. i guess they just got so used to us during the trip... but shernise was back to normal after abt a week.. she basically call everyone mama.. hahaha


It just happened to be one of the times when I have the time to log onto forum and am pleasantly surprised to see your post. Glad u like Dr Chee. In case there is any comfort, u r not alone in this clingy phase with YX. Miss Aly is like that too!!! started like 3 weeks ago!!! She was in mega tantrum phase when she was 17mths. Was in good phase until this current phase...and this is like infinite times worse than before!!! Really testing my patience every waking moment!!

cocomama>ayden isn't v sticky. He'll wave bye to me in the morning and can even ignore me when I come home if he's busy eating his dinner or playing. :p But when we go out on weekends, he must see me closeby. If not, he'll fret and start crying. But most of the time he doesn't insist on me carrying him.

YL, yup, it was free from Siemens. They actually posted on the SMH forum threads asking for mummies to volunteer. That's how I got to know about it.

keke, RL ignores me when she is going to school or going 'gai gai'. Doesn't even bother to say bye bye unless I keep reminding her. But when we come home, or when she is sleepy, she is a super sticky koala bear. Only wants me and not Daddy. :p

TYL, wow ayden so smart [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] daddy doing a very great job ...

sherry> ha..ha.. i guess that they know that they get to go places with us around...

sp_callalily> it's weird eh.. i thought the separation anxiety phase is over. another weird thing is that he has stopped using his pacifier for bedtime for a long time, like a few months... and then just last month, he started looking for it again. since he only looks for it during bedtime, i just let him be for now.

lsntyl> sometimes i find them so funny eh.. for YX, he can be the one going out without me. if i were to go out without him, i can hear him wailing at the lift lobby.

dolphin> how's your pregnancy coming along? goodness.. i have put on almost 5kg at 17 weeks. have you managed to find out the gender? we will have to wait until detail scan in december.


I also put on 5 kgs but at 23 weeks.

Gynae said bb is big, so push forward EDD to late Feb. She even say likely will be 3.5kg at birth.. and I may want to think about C-sect again but we shall see how it progresses. Haiiz.

Nowadays getting v hard to sleep throughout d night having to wake up to pee at 2 or 3am.. Kinda glad that I only have 4 months more to go!

lin>woo, when's your new EDD? Mine is 28 Feb.

dolphin>no lah. he's just normal, notti boy. Recently, he loves to walk and play on the fallen leaves outside our house. Childhood pleasure that hubby and I never experienced. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cocomama>hee, kids are like that lor. cannot stay angry with them long once they start to manja u. :p

Morn everyone, so happy to hear u all talk abt #2, like the gd old days! I m so tired wk late everyday, had to bring wk hm. I dunno hw long I can tahan this. Dun tink if theres a chance of survival with #2 if this goes on. I m so stress My mense went on almost mth n didnt came till nw. I wonder if its consider late since last period was so long.....

lin> don't worry yet. YX was also growing very rapidly during T2, but sort of slowed down during T3. i always make sure that i empty my bladder before i head to bed, and no more drinks at least half an hour before that. but then, when baby is here, also sleepless nights leh..

lsntyl> yeah.. nowadays, can call mummy with so much emotion.. really melt all the anger away..

do u feel any difference between both pregnancies? this one seems more active and chor lor.. can feel a lot of movements.. YX's movement was usually pretty mild.

firipy> take care..

Firipy - yeah, agree that it is so nice to read all the buzzing baby talks and it shows how fast time flies... Anyway, please relax and take care. To me, stress inducing menses is not good.

Cocomama - yup, all the different ways of calling are all so dear to our hearts. Depending on mood, Bryan will go "Mama", "Ahmama", "Mi mi" with all the different tones. Whenever I asked him to say "mama, i love u", he will say "mama" before lunging forward to put his head on my neck while hugging me.

you girls make me so looking forward to #2's movement lo... but i'm still early lehz... just 13W2D... argh... can't wait...

But really Lerynn has been really naughty nowadays... at times i really smack her jia lat jia lat... getting on my nerves... especially u know, when the grand parents do the sayang when i'm in the mids of educating lerynn... make me even boiled up...

i told ppl around me before... just keep quiet when i'm educating my children... To me, Love doesnt equal to spolit & pampering my children... To me, Love is educating my children the right things (praising them when they did thing right & scolding them when they did thing wrong)... Having a good charactor is more important then being good in studies...

Lerynn only want me when it comes to sleeping & bathing (unless the times when she is with my mum)...

you girls make me so looking forward to #2's movement lo... but i'm still early lehz... just 13W2D... argh... can't wait...

But really Lerynn has been really naughty nowadays... at times i really smack her jia lat jia lat... getting on my nerves... especially u know, when the grand parents do the sayang when i'm in the mids of educating lerynn... make me even boiled up...

i told ppl around me before... just keep quiet when i'm educating my children... To me, Love doesnt equal to spolit & pampering my children... To me, Love is educating my children the right things (praising them when they did thing right & scolding them when they did thing wrong)... Having a good charactor is more important then being good in studies...

Lerynn die die wants me when it comes to sleeping & bathing (unless the times when she is with my mum)...

TYL: aiyo my boy is no better lor ... haiz ... hahhah ... ya i also nvr experience such childhood [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] playing on sands hv lah ... *laugh*

cocomama: nope did not gain weight, so far still e same ... mine first one also din gain intially, till like 5th months then gain ... 1st one i gained nearly 20KG [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] damn sad ... ya hv known the gender ald ...

cocomama>yes, #2 is more active too. kicks a lot more than Ayden and also moves around a lot during the ultrascans. Going to see him 2moro. Can't wait. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Think he's also greedier cos I actually get some nausea if I don't eat in morning. didn't get that with Ayden.

firipy>aiyoh, hope you are able to settle the work life balance soon. must be so tiring

geraldine>will feel bb soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dolphin>how is your boy? Is #2 a gal like you hope for?

Wa I super long nv post. Just happy reading silently. I'm 13 days away from my caesarian. Ah it's all coming back to me now.

Temper tantrum> think our little ones are all at the age of exploring and testing boundaries so sure have days where they say 'I don't want I don't want'. My hubby and I adopt 'isolation' instead of smacking cos we hope that smacking or caning will only be used aft 3yrs old when we're more sure that they are definitely defiant n as last resort. Think cos we've seen overcoming losing their effect. If we're home, we will leave her in the high chair or place her in the cot for at most 5min. Nowadays 1 to 3min she already know she's wrong n will say sorry so thankfully quite effective so far.

Second baby> yah Enxi was sticky in my first trimester but became better when she understood and saw the stomach plus singing to her daily that daddy mummy and Mei Mei loves her . Second baby also kicks a lotn feel everything earlier n more.


big_foot> yeah.. that is like their 'immunity' slogan. once said, everything is forgiven and forgotten.

geraldine> very soon can feel movement. i felt movement earlier this time, ard 13 weeks cause probably can recognize that as movement by now. it was only occasional, but from week 16 onwards, i could feel it everyday. are you still 'battling' morning sickness?

dolphin> did u manage to lose all the 20kg? it took me a year to finally lose the last 2kgs and physically shrink back to pre-preg. so, is it a didi or mei-mei for Tristan?

lsntyl> funny eh.. with this pregnancy also, i still get slight nausea sometimes.. and i think i might have a very mild motion sickness. luckily, it doesnt happen all the time. enjoy your date with him. have you shortlisted any names yet?

melissa> did u have a c-sect with Enxi? i thought you had a natural birth. any reason why you're going for c-sect this time?

