(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

i think so far those wt 1st one girl won;t mind no.2 another girl but those no.1 is a boy will hope for a girl...most mummies prefer girls!!!



No plan for her currently, clueless at all...

Ya, weekend is coming, have a nice weekend yo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Megan Lee,

Yes!! Actually I hope can get a boy too to make it "HAO", but still come out with a baby girl. Luckily no in-law = no stress, haha

Can you guys who are having number 2 post here like a list with your EDD ?

For example

1) __

This way we can keep track and look forward to the new little ones!

hi girls!

I'm at work today. Hoping the day will pass by fast. So many things to do but sneak in here for a while.

Congrats to all the preggy mommies! wah, age gap will be about 2 years. Nice!


Have fun with your parents. What's the weather like there? Wonder how lamb is doing too.


Once this man I met, told me that it's a 'HAO' if you have a boy & a girl. He was explanaining to me some chinese characters which I have no clue about. Heheh. But anyway, children are blessings. Good health is enough. So nice right your boy will have a mei mei to play with.

I've actually come across some families who have 3 boys straight. Once, i worked with a family with 5 boys! I think the couple tried hard for a girl but always ended up with boys. And the mother is such a gentle woman. Hahaha. I think I'll go crazy if I have 5 boys.

Long time no post though I still read posts from time to time. More mummies with no. 2, congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jessie, very touching post about the love between you and your mum. Hope my gals will one day express their love for me like the way you did to your mum too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Megan, haha, like your theory. I dun mind 3 gals but agree with smalldreams, think I'll go crazy with 3 boys let alone 5 of them! Cannot keep up with their energy level. But if the daddy is very hands on and play/engages the 5 boys, then not so bad. I can go for spa or shopping and leave the boys to him. Haha.

cocomama, was quite busy this wk as my gal just started her cc. My gal is at learning vision cc. Is there any trial lesson at zoophonics? yup i just delivered last mth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

clarissagoh, i delivered my #2 in aug. so now i have a gal and a boy.. really tiring with a toddler and bb at hm..

Sorry to interrupt.

Oh, what a noisy zoo tickets.


May I know if any Mummy has 4 tickets on 23 Oct, Sunday, 11am that you are willing to exchange with me? I'll be most grateful for that. Or else I will just have to sell these 4 tickets and my kids won't get to watch the play. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm willing to meet you anywhere to do the exchange. THANK YOU!

Please PM me for my hp.


Mine is 2 girls [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


How's life with a toddler and bb? I felt tired easily on this pregnancy...


How are you?

Seldom check in here, any recent toddler photos to show? keke

Jasmine, It is very tiring with both bb and toddler at hm.. always busy as need to look after #1 as she will try to play with her didi. And my bb like ppl to carry.. so i send my #1 to cc last wk.. Congrats on ur pregnancy! How many wks are u now? Boy or gal?

Hi Jessie, nice to see u again! Ok sad to say I always hug my mum, I dun tell her I love her..... I had a very bad week...plus terrible last nite. A just refuse to slp!!! I off the rm lights n he cried nonstop, shout n all, no matter hw we coax, end up his daddy brought out a new megablock toy then he stopped. Its 1am!!! I dun like to use tat method but I dunwant my neighbors to get npp to knock on the door. Sigh!


2 girls is sweet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Do you let your girl wear cute pretty hairclips?

I didn't 'train' my girl, so she's always with short hair, no clips at all.


Hug hug. I guess as asians we rarely express our emotions but definitely we can show our love through actions which I'm sure you've been doing naturally already. Such as buying dinner, listening to her etc.

Oh dear, did Ayden have a long nap earlier in the afternoon? Hope Ayden won't pull such stunts again.


HW going school? Wah! She'll be one of the youngest yah? I can't imagine A going to school. Last time her brother went to school he already turned 2 1/2 yrs. Now, she's so tiny. Brought her to Abang's school for an open house and people kept bumping into her. Too small & unnoticeable despite wearing a large polka dot dress.


Hellow, are you still a SAHM?

smalldreams, he nap for awhile in the afternoon, I realise he always pull stunts on us if he doesnt nap enuf....he shouted till his voice change, n when daddy ask him to call him papa after showing the toy, he realise his voice change and started sobbing


She may or may not be the youngest cos this school accept kids of 18mths onwards, by Jan she will be 24mths plus...last time RJ went to the same school at the age os 20mths...he was quite ok wt it. Hope Hw is ok too cos so far nvr exposed her to any trial class compare to kor kor. Poor Aifah kena bump here and there ah...anyway kids at tis age easily kena bump one lah, HW also kena before!!! HW is now 12.3kg, sometimes ppl will think she is already 2 yrs old!

Yday when i come out fm my shower, HW came to me and say "oh oh"....then pass me my specs...she broke it...poor me hv to search high n low for my spare specs if not hv to take emergency leave already...told her cannot play mama's spec, she says "ri ri" (sorry), when ask her to gv me her hand, she quickly take her hand out for me to beat!!!sometimes dunno to be angry wt them or laugh...

Congrats to all new mummies! looks like Dec/Jan 2010 mummies are very productive with a good 2yr gap, which is just nice.


Ayden is so playful huh? I have a friend whose son also cry until voice change, doc say cry until got throat nodules, but that's because he had to go thru daily phy therapy that's when he hates the most.

Talking about sleeping habit, my LO insists on sleeping with the older siblings, but problem is, she also play in the dark and sometimes go in and out of the room, so disturb the gor gor and jie jie, who have to wake up 6am for school. Night time is stressful for me as i try to get them to sleep soon but with 3 monkeys around, it's impossible. Recently, she has dirrhoea, so now she keeps on waking up to say 'I want poo poo', so i have to bring her to toilet to sit on potty, and even though nothing, she insist on washing and change diaper. Can do a few times, looks like she enjoys the TLC when I am doing it. Wanted to scold her, but thought maybe she is starting to experience the bowel and pee movement, as part of toilet training.

About our yearning for mummy, somehow when we ourselves become one and feel so vulnerable, we will understand the motherly love which we were too busy to see. Motherhood gives a new perspective to seeing things. I read somewhere and would like to share here.

A 3 year old a child will say, ”Mummy I love you!!”

At 10 years old they’ll say, ”Whatever Mum.”

At 16 years, “My mum is so annoying!!”

At 18 years, “I’m leaving this house.”

At 25 years, ”Mum, you were right.”

At 30 years, ”I want to go to my mum’s house.”

At 50 years, ”I don’t want to lose my mum.”

At 70 years, “I would give up everything to have my mum here with me.”


clarissagoh - You work/stay around the Fusionopolis area? It is pretty far out, but otherwise the environment of the childcare is quite nice.

bryest - How's Estovan now? Everything ok and his appetite back yet? Hope he is well.

Jessie - So nice that your daddy is staying for another month. I am also sticky to my mum till now, but I am not the kiss/hug kind with her cos my gramps are those who are more traditional and they are not into such.

Firipy - whenever Bryan does not have enough sleep or when he is tired, he is a real nuisance as well. He will jump, run and spin around like a monkey till he starts falling and bumping himself. Nevertheless, hope Adyen don't give you anymore horrible nights.

Smalldreams - How are you? I am sure Aifah looks so sweet in the polka dot dress. Being small is ok lah, esp for gals and no worries about them being the smallest built in school. The irony I have now is Bryan was so small built when he was in IFC that the smallest uniform they prepared for this CC side was way oversize, but somehow when he swopped over to the CC side, he actually grew a lot chubbier (AND heavier).


Don't worry little A looks like a strong & tough girl, even though she is tiny. Maybe next time she can protect gor gor...LOL


HW is a good weight and chubby! Mine is 10kg only...heehee...may start school next year. Actually I wish to delay as long as possible, because lazy to send. But think she is yearning for friends as she is super friendly most times waving at indian man, old lady, children, everyone. She loves babies the most.

furby, wow ur girl vy friendly ah...mine got mood, sometimes can be super friendly and she also loves babies vy much. kor kor also the same, every baby he sees he wants to touch but told him to ask permission 1st b4 touching ppl's bb cos some ppl may not like it


Your ayden is really king ayden as how you always described him on FB, haha. Btw i don't really like FB now. like really no privacy already, don't you think? Some of my friends buy hairband for their kids also I know.


Aww, hows your girl now? I'm sure Xyii is very doted upon by her siblings. Usually at bedtime I'll have 2 kids on my lap - one drinking from milk bottle, the other one dierct latching. I'm very bad lah, she still latch to sleep. I'm worried about her teeth :S

10 kg also good weight! My A has yet to cross the 9.5 kg mark. So tiny.

Children are so innocent. They are friendly to everyone! No biases, no racism. Nice to see.


Hahaha so cute. She knows what she did was wrong. She can say "r" already? My girl can't - she says 'saw-yee' for sorry. And her Bye is just Bah! Can't pronounce the 'y' bit.


Hey, i'm OK, suffering at work but holding on just due to bread & butter issues. haha. Wow, Bryan has graduated to CC! How's his eating habits now? Good to know he's chubbier. But then you're so lean also, so I guess Bryan will also take after you - lean & healthy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Smalldreams, he is very spoilt! He manja to his granny alot n knows he can get his way, he dun usually do tat to me. I dun really dare to use fb too. My hb was upset over a comment I made abt him which meant to b a joke...... I so wanna throw in the towel n get a maid! Probably next yr after cny when A goes playgrp n settles down.


sometimes i dun really ustand what HW says too..i think my maid ustand language better...pronouncation not too good also, yes will be "yea", water is "ter"...

rer rer

tks...it took me a while to confirm whether it's u or not...haha, so just try my luck and call you!! wat a coincidence to meet in a bus at yishun, a place i seldom go.

Gd morning / Gd noon mummies !!!

small dreams : my girl also very tiny & small frame. She is 21mths already & only less than 10kg....;p

Oh, my girl going to CC next mth near my hse. They hv space becos a kid withdrawing next mth so I quickly chop to put her in. Suppose to put her in CC in Jan so now earlier by 3mths.....dunno ok or not ?

She maybe youngest or the last few youngest in her class as she's only 21mths.....;p

Quite excited, worried & need to prepare some stuffs for her CC.

Also worried as heard that she will fall sick easily when enter CC.

My girl super sticky so dunno she can cope in CC or not ? Sure will cry a lot.....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Btw mummies who had sent yr kid to CC, wat do u hv to prepare ? Of course except d normal clothing, towel, bottle, milk, diapers in bag.

Wat special things need to take note ?

dear mommies,

jus wanna to let out something in my mind.

think i'm pregnant, #3. not intended. calculation error. and can be very sure it going to be a boy again. cos i BD ard O day(or a day b4) and my hubby family got very strong boy gene. cos his bro also jus had a bb boy and my MIL hv 2 sons.

i feel that both me and my hubby may not be able to handle another bb. cos we both very bad temper. i have not told my hubby yet cos he's not in town. but i hv warned him b4 that our action is very dangerous. and it happen. so lucky. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i really dont knw wat to do now.

MsTan, I was like u before my gal enter cc.. very worried as my gal is very timid and small build.. I send my 20mths old gal to cc last wk.. So far she is adapting quite well. Mostly cry when i leave her in cc and showering time.. I use to think she is the youngest but no.. there are kids that are only 18mths in cc too.. My advise is to spend 2-3 days with her to let her familiar with the teachers and environment.. Let her start with half a day then slowly proceed to full day.. You can bring along her fav items eg, pacifier or bloster for her nap time.. I will feed my gal cod liver oil everyday to increase her immunity.. Cant advise u much as this is only the 2nd wk my gal is in cc.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Redtea, Congrats! It is a blessing to have a bb.. Do a pregnancy test to confirm.. Try to discuss with ur hb when he returns.. Who knows he might be happy abt it?


i have not test a HPT yet, it early weeks only. but from symptom, i knw. cos my cycle is quite regular. i really hope it a false alarm. i will be receiving my HPT strip and then i'll test, so for the mean time jus hope tat my AF will report. but i doubt.


I knw that bb are blessing and alot of ppl hv difficulty having 1. but it's jus tat having another boy will be very tiring. these few days hv been almost hell for me. my boys are throwing tantrum 1 following another. moreover i jus started a new job and if it BFP for me, my EDD will be the peak period of the office. and i just dont feel good abt it.

Elynn, I dun work at fusionopolis... but my hubby does.. was contemplating putting him near my home or near hubby's workplace.. the env near my hm one is not gd... open concept n rather old.. so I chose fusionopolis.. Hope he likes it there...

redtea, if you tested positive, I will say congrats! I know it is easy for outsiders to say and I also understand how hard it will be to juggle 3 kids... can have mental breakdown w 3 boys (I supposed ur 1st 2 are boys right?). I have 2 boys now and like u, I am afraid tt if we try for no. 3, it will be another boy... but if really have it le, I won't abort. The tiredness, pek-chek etc is temporary... may not be a short while, can be like 10-10+years... but it will eventually be over. On the other hand, the guilt of taking away a life, denying him/her a chance to see the world and lead a life of his/her own can be with us for life.

Don't be in a rush to make a decision... Keep cool and clam. Explore alternatives for childcare arrangement... Maybe be weekend parents to the youngest one? Send him/her to ur parents/parents-in-laws/nanny to take care? Or get a maid to help u? I believe you should have a talk with ur hubby. 2 heads tink better than one.. Babies are blessings... They are gifts bestowed to us... There are many others who can't even have one... Perhaps after this one can do ligation? All the best to you as u make the best decision for the young one in u... Jiayou ok?


my elder boy is 3.5yrs old. #2 same as ur #1. think they fight almost most of the time. fight for attention, toys etc. then sometime they will throw tantrum becos they cant get things they wan. cried and kick their legs. alamak, think they got our bad temper too.

my #1 is in CCC now, #2 attend PG in the morning then my mom will take care of him. we dont like to be weekends parents. i dont knw how ppl can hv their heart not to bring bk their kids home. but i knw sometime they got no choice la. another thing is, i scared my mom will not be able to handle so many altho we hv a maid.

she got to bring back 1 from K2 at noon, bring 1 to K2 in the afternoon. then bring back 1 from P1, as well as take care of my #2. then evening bring back 2 from CCC. haha.. she really super granny. still got to cook and shower them. think we cannot living w/o a maid to help out abit.

Yar, I understand... at least u got ur mum to help out.. My mum wants to enjoy life, at most can babysit for a few hrs during weekend .. so we are mostly on our own... I know weekend parents is not a very gd way nor is it very fair to the youngest one.. but if really cannot cope, it is a viable option for now. At least until ur eldest one is older and more "dong shi" and can help out a bit, then u can bring the youngest one back.. U can drop by to visit the youngest one daily oso...

Redtea, I wld suggest u talk to your hb, cos he did the deed too n it's nt fair to face the music alone. U both must agree to watever decision u all make. Tho it's nt nice to be preggy in new company but then it's just a job, dun let it affect ur decision abt a baby. It's a tough decision but *hugs* dun worry so soon k. Wait till test n see how


I agree with firipy.. Keep a clear & calm mind and find a goo time to really sit down & discuss this with your hubby.

Then whatever you decide, make sure you don't have any regrets going forward. Both must make the commitment TOGETHER.

now i'm leaving it to faith le. have been having some pinkish - brownish discharge these 2 days. if the bb is strong and choose to stay, then i'll keep him. but then hv to hv my hubby agree too la.

Redtea - Hugs... As other mummies said, please please please discuss this issue with your hubby. It is not fair for you to carry this burden alone if the result is positive. Whatever it is, keep a calm mind to this ok?

Megan - I have not tried fresh milk, but have given UHT packet milk. 1st time I didn't realise and I gave the Smoov (can't remember the spelling) brand which is vanilla flavoured which he loved. Otherwise, I will give Magnolia or Marigold full cream milk. Each time I will only give like 75 to 100 ml as part of weekend breakfast.

Clarissagoh - Oh, I thought you work in Fusionopolis cos then I can meet you up ;p I personally like the Learning Vision in Fusion, but it is way to far for me to lug my lil guy to and fro everyday.

smalldreams - I understand what you mean by the bread and butter issue cos same here and more so cos I want to keep Bryan in the CC and to get the subsidy, I just have to work. Yeah, Bryan moved over to CC on 1 Aug but he is not any healthier either. He is constantly sick cos he starts to eat nonsense especially when there are birthday parties and school parties. Argh... He will usually take milk at 6+ before going to CC, then breakfast at 8.30am, lunch at 11+am, milk before nap at 12+pm, tea break at 3+pm, dinner at about 7pm, milk before snooze at about 9pm. Lots of meals hor... He has already hit the 10kg mark last month despite being sick.

Ms Tan - what you have listed is quite the basic thing to prepare. You also have to check with the childcare if they will keep milk powder, diapers, etc there as spare or you have to bring everyday. For me, I am a little more particular so I include a fitted bedsheet as part of the inventory list as I don't want my lil man to sleep on the mattress directly. Other than that, please always include an extra set of clothes cos you never know when they would mess up unnecessarily.

gd morning mummies...

congrats Gera and Dolphin... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angtay, dun rush to make a decision.

For all you know you might get a girl this round. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cheer up ok?

Megan, I give fresh milk but only when we go out... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] at hm, will still give him FM. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no specific brand. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Gals for the support and encouragement.

anyway my hubby is back this morning, and i will only tell him when i'm 100% confirm BFP. so at the mean time, jus let nature take it course.


based on family history, i think getting a girl is only 1-5% of chance. haha..

febie, long time no 'see'

shall have a date with shayne one day together with Oli [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes congras to Gera [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I agreed with Megan on having first bb boy then 2nd praying hard hard to be GIRL, & usually turn out to be opposite (hope not for me), and if first girl & mostly dun mind 2nd girl too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Girl is simply lovely ...


getting a girl oso depends on ur hubby side genes and the diet u eat. and how hardworking u r at BD :p. hope its a girl for u this time.

hello dolphine, saw Oli's name, so i come in post.. Congrats congrats to all who have no.2 and deliver no.2 already.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Me also TTC-ing for a year le, but sadly no news, am more active in TTC#2 thread..

Redtea, think twice ba, my friend had 3 boys too, she told me 2 boys and 3 boys same de, so dun worry too much.. An additional monkey makes no different.. *no offence hor, i stating her exact statement, she always call her boys a bunch of monkeys*

Shower me tons of baby dust please.. hehehe...

ET, dont give urself too much stress lor. relax and take it easy. haha.. easy for me to say :p.

ya. my boys are like monkey too when they are with their cousins. wat makes me hot is i always have to call for my elder one numerous time and he still will not response to me. if i have 1 more like him. i going to die very young.

ET what does TTC-ing means ah ?

I know u r trying for 2nd one, best of luck [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] & relax, dont over stress [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks redtea, no stress lor, initial stage very, cos keep testing testing testing.. hahaha.. Guess most boys are like that, mine also monkey, climb here climb there, bang here bang there, buay tahan, so active lor...

Dolphin, TTC-ing means trying to conceive lor.. Hope u get *PINK* for no. 2... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Smalldreams, thanks for remembering me. I am real estate agent with ERA now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ET, jiayou! Understand that lousy feeling of seeing red every month when ttcing. Hope you strike very very soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi redtea

hope you'll spend this weekend without worrying too much if you're pregnant. From my personal experience, a pinkish discharge is quite common during early pregnancy - it's the early stage of implantation. I thought I lost the baby but I googled & found that explanation.


All the best [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wah, that's good. Does it give you more time with your girls?


Good to know Bryan gained a bit more weight. I guess eating nonsense is inevitable ya? Especially when there's a birthday cake every other day. Are you still very strict about Bryan's diet?


haha.. i din think too much abt it during weekends but then it's a confirmed case. i even went to my cousin's bb first mth party. her little bb boy is sure a pretty boy. just that we are taking time to think it thru. i'm thinking that if i am to keep the bb, i hv to go thru all over again. aiyo. the breastfeeding process is a headaches. somemore my new job dont hv a pl for pumping.


what did ur gynae tell you or advise you?


Gynae told me that i have PCOS, which is why ovulation occurs without egg. I have irregular long cycles too.. Now need to lose weight to help to ovulate properly. Lost some already, still need to go down further..

Redtea, its definitely tough, guess u have to make a decision asap. For breastfeeding, you can stop just before you go back work, there are many mummies who gave full formula since birth too, not that its a crime not to breastfeed.. Don't stress over it..

