(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

*laugh* shy shy ...

i din tell alot of ppl leh, i tot of change nick then login to apr thread ... but aiyah i felt troublesome ... so use back the same [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

* hi 5 cocomama*

hee tks tks

TYL , BOY again ... oh no, i pray mine is GIRL :p



HW going to playgroup nx yr. Registered already and pay for her school fees liao...it's those 2 hours playgroup near my house..

dolphin, hope u get a girl ah!!!

TYL: aiyo shy leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] *laugh*

Megan ya ya i hope too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

Long time nvr come in le.. Congrats to all who are preg again. I just delivered my #2 last mth. Btw my gal is already 20 mths.. She is also small build and weights 10.6kg. But she keeps eating non-stop. haha.. Recently, i notice my gal keep blinking her eyes. Is it normal? Anyone have this problem also?

davian : yes my bb is Dec bb as she was out earlier than expected....;p

Gina : I noticed that my bb likes to rub her eyes even during day time & bend her chin & rub....also dunno normal or not ?

Sometimes when she walks, still tip toe leh....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

cocomama : sorry, confused abt yr previous hospital. Parkway East ? Is it Parkway Eastshore ? Shld be cheaper than Raffles ?

My boy was born in dec 09 too.... Wonder anyone with a Dec09 baby and staying near sembawang/yishun.....Can arrange kopi /playdate for our little one.

Ms tan-My boy up to now still like to tip toe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] had to remind him dun tip toe. Can your girl climb up the stair independently without holding the handler at the side??

Ms Tan, My gal also like to rub and blink her eyes these few days. The blinking of eyes seems to get more frequent so i was thinking if i need to bring her for a eye check. As for tip toe, she do it once in a while too..

mummy-mummy...my girl also dec 09...at times my girl tip toe too but it's quite normal cos last time my older boy did the same...

mstan...the one fm TMC it's me...haha remember i went and visit you during my stay in TMC...haha

Hi all... long long time nv log in to this thread... Congrats to all preggers and mums who delivered recently again!

Having a newborn and a toddler is no joke. Really no joke. Hubby and I gng crazy and is so tired everyday... Hope this tiring phase will pass soon...

By the way, are all your little ones talking already? I see some facebook comments and seems like quite a few tods are speaking very well already.. but Kaden is already 20mth and can only speak those single word... and not a lot also... how? should i be concern? hmm...

Megan : yes, I remember a mummy come over my ward during my stay at TMC but juz cant remember who & the nick....sorry !

davian : no, my girl still need to hold to go up & down stairs - I still hold her hands.....;p

clarissagoh : my girl coming to 21mths mostly only speak single word but can with double syllables.

E.g. for elephant - she can only say "el phant" without the middle....;p

aeroplane will say "air plane"....always with no middle syllable

Oh, but today she say "mummy one" & "daddy one"....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Usually she repeat after me wat I told her but will miss out some words or juz say 1 word or 2 words.....;p

My boy always miss out some parts of the word.. like elephant, he will say "ele", apple he will say "ple", rabbit he say "bit".. Normal? He never really say double syllable yet... and he only started calling "mama" these few days... Quite worried that he may be slow...

clarissa, each kids speed of developing language is diff...my fren's son start to talk more at the age of almost 3 yrs old but he is quite ok now...HW also like short cut...slowly they will pick up more and more words...all the sudden there may be an "explosion" of words...by that time you will hv to ask then to stop talking liao...haha

Yar, I know each kid is different.. but just worried leh.. cannot help it.. keke.. Hope he pick up more words soon and put gan jiong mummy's mind at ease...

Hi all,


Yup my boy only speak a few words only. Papa, ma , nie nie (milk), no more, ball and bao bao(ask you carry him) that all. I tried to read to him but whenever i open the book he will close it and walk away......... haiz.... trying to teach him ABC also not interested. Any tips to make him more interested in reading????

Oh, heard that boys speech is generally slower than girls.

She also recently start to talk more, previously still dun wat to talk....;p

Gv a little more time lor....;p

HW loves to read...she will go to her mini library, choose a book and ask me to read, one after another...sometimes she pretend to read on her own...my maid taught her how to count 123, ABC and many things...must say she did a better job than me

Hee... Terilyn loves to pretend to read too... From fast food flyers to magazines & newspapers.. Or maybe she is jus looking at the pictures. But I find it v cute.. She is able to pick up simple words & associate them w actual objects with her picture book but has trouble pronouncing words.

By d way, any mummies previously got changing station for ur LO? Where can I find them apart from Ikea? I am looking for a high changing station cos hubby & I find that it was too back breaking for us when we use the changing tray that came w d playpen.

Hi all,

Anyone start to give ur child vitamins? My gal will be gg to cc soon and i would like to give her some vit to build up her immunity. Any brands that is gd?

mstan> it used to be known as Eastshore, but changed it's name to Parkway East now. price wise, i think not much difference. but it is very near where i stay.

clarissagoh> congrats... is it a little sister or brother for Kaden?

megan> HW is sto studious eh... at best, YX will flip thru the book at lightning speed and throw the book back to me.

lin> i think u asked about some weekend classes earlier. i have just registered YX for a 1 hour programme on Sat morning at Zoo-phonics in Siglap. Otherwise, he looks restless and bo-liao at home.. but need one parent to accompany though. you can check out their website for their programme.

gina> i think that as long as they are eating a variety of food, sleeping well and active (plenty of exercise), there's no need for supplements. but i do have a friend who swear by fish oil. not sure which brand though.

Davian, yar, ftwm.. but on maternity now till early nov.. i stay at cck.. my parents' place at amk.. where do u stay?

Megan, ur hw so smart.. my one not interested in abc leh.. numbers wise.. i nv really touch.. sometimes i think if u have a gd maid, it just makes things a whole lot easier.. so lucky u leh..

cocomama, thanks... it is another boy.. -_-" how about u? know gender yet?

Clarissa- I am staying at sembawang.

Gina-U can consider vitamin C or fish oil. I let my boy take vit and i realise so far so good. He used to cough, running nose or got phelgm after taking it...so far so good!!!!!!!! Keep my finger cross hopefully dun need to visit PD for the rest of the year !!!!!!!!!

cocomama, my gal has been eating well but since she will be gg to cc soon so i am worry that she can catch virus easily. Btw have ur boy started zoophonics? is it gd?

davian, can i know which brand of vit C is ur boy taking? and where can i buy it?

clarissagoh, u just delivered also? congrats..

clarissagoh> too early to know the gender for me. is Kaden enjoying his little brother?

gina> i c.. perhaps you might want to consider taking the flu jab since it's quite a common ailment and can be passed on easily.

my boy went for 2 sessions of Zoophonics, but I think it's probably too early to evaluate yet. In the first session, he was still trying to acclimatise himself and in the second session, he was fussing and wasn't able to concentrate as he did not sleep well the night before and was tired. but overall, i find that he's quite willing to participate in group activities so i will continue with the lessons and try to evaluate along the way. which cc will your gal be going to?

you just delivered too? congrats!

Time for me to come back to this forum... but to 'another thread'... hee...

How's everyone? I am kinda lost with some of the new nicks i've seen.

Can i suggest that mummies to upload their little Jan'10 latest photo?

hi, I have a rarely use playpen to let go.

Dark blue colour(exterior), Nickelodeon (spongebob) theme interior. Dimensions are 24.5cm x 24.5cm x 81.5cm height. 11.9kg. Very spacious Can be folded to keep away during festive periods or when need more space.

Letting go at a nominal $100. Self collect in the west. If you need delivery, we can discuss.

For any queries, please msg me at 9117 8727.

Gina, yup, delivered in July... Now i got 2 boys... How about u?

Cocomama, Kaden is quite a handful.. sometimes he will sayang didi and want to carry him... other times he will pull out didi's pacifier n pinch didi... got to keep both eyes on them and not let them be alone...

Congrats Gera! How many weeks? Boy or girl?

Hi everyone, kinda stuck at work still....Wanna say "hi" to everyone!

Am so tired lately, work seems to be never ending with headcount cut, always so tired...

Out of curiousity, can I check if anyone use old wive's tale to try for a baby's gender, like the lunar calendar or scientific method?

firipy, I did.. after I conceived though... and it was accurate for both my kids... but my friend's one not accurate.. u thinking of using it to plan for next baby's gender? keke...

clarissagoh> they know how to pinch at this age?

firipy> with YX, i wanted a baby so didn't bother about trying for a specific gender. and this one wasn't planned. but i find the lunar calendar not so convincing. we all know that gender is dependent on DH's swimmers, but the lunar calendar focus on mother's age and conception month. probably you can try the scientific method if you are planning.

geraldine> congrats!

cocomama, for A it just happen so we were surprise, we just started thinking abt having a baby n with a europe holiday, just strike ahaahha. I checked with the lunar calendar after I conceived, it was accurate for me after doc confirmed its a boy that time. Need to use the age calculator to see the lunar chinese age at the date of conception oso. This time I really hope can get a girl, but if its not its ok oso la, at least I tried. But not trying so soon, doing some research first ahahha! The scientific method is kinda chim, like must know the period of ovulation, then gotta maybe try diff positions.......

geraldine, congrats! r u on my facebook ah, ur gal is Lerynn?

firipy>the lunar calendar accurate for Ayden but not accurate for #2. according to the calendar, I'm supposed to have a gal. but gynae says I've another boy.

geraldine>congrats! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Firipy, yup... i'm on your FB, my gal is Lerynn...

Actually, i'm okie with either a girl again or a boy... both is fine with hubby & i and we will not be affected by what gender other family wanted... heehee... if he/she wants to have the gender opposite of what my No.2 is, ask him/her go have one himself/herself... haha...

Congrats Cocomama, TYL, Dolphin, Geraldine and other mummies who are expecting No.2/3!!

Firipy..Haha, actually i dun believe in following the lunar calendar to predict gender cos it is not accurate for me..

by the way, any mummies interested in this item?

Kalencom 2-in-1 POTETTE PLUS Fold Away TRAVEL POTTY & Trainer

My friend said that it is very compact and can fit nicely into a diaper bag.


Mothercare selling for $46 but I am thinking of buying directly from USA and getting one for my bb. will be cheaper than buying locally.

Organizing a spree to buy it from Amazon


Anyone interested to join?

View the product video here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDlztIriDqM&NR=1

- Full size travel potty that folds flat into a trainer seat

- Non slip, durable and comfortable; improved sturdy, well-balanced rubber base helps keep your child feel secure

- Legs lock into place when opened, folds flat so it can fit in a purse or diaper bag

- Uses self-absorbing, disposable liners that discard like a diaper

- Comes with three super absorbent, leak-proof and easy-to-use disposable liners and a drawstring carrying bag

From the Manufacturer

The new 2-in-1 potette plus is a portable potty and trainer seat all in one. It is great for travel or use at home when potty training. Great to take anywhere that you may not have access to a sanitary bathroom. It's a clean potty and trainer seat for your child no matter where you go. It is a great potty for the park, beach or to keep in your car, boat, camper, or RV.

Product Description

The Potette Plus brand portable potty is great for travel or to take anywhere that you may not have access to a sanitary bathroom. Its a clean potty for your child no matter where you go! The seat is contoured for your child's comfort and it folds flat so it can fit in a diaper bag or large purse. The potty uses self-absorbing, disposable liners that discard like a diaper. Liner handles secure to the potty and tie closed for disposal. Its a great potty to keep in your car, boat, camper, or RV.

Hello mummies, it's been a long time since I come into the thread... Hope everyone is well, n the little ones r growing happily! 

Need ya advice. I'm thinking of sending my boy to a playgroup either daily or a few times a week next year when he turns 2. Anyone with recommendations? we stay in sengkang so hopefully somewhere nearby... Thx thx for ya help!

Was very sweet of Smalldream to email me to check if I am alive! LOL. Thanks Nani~

Busy with my parents the last 3 weeks. I REALLY miss my mum loads so I am like a child, keep sticking by her side, if I can crawl back to her womb I would. Dun know why everytime I see my mum, I just feel I want to be with her all the time. I mean she is great mum and I guess with her around, I just feel safe and know everything will be ok. I think I was so sticky to her when I was in SG, I had to leave to work oversea to be more independent. She never is the type that controls me in anyway but always give her full support and love in whatever decision I make even though sometimes she knows it is not good for me.But I am too headstrong to listen to anyone anyway. Her love is one that always brings me back to earth when I stray! AHHHH..mums are simply great aren't they?

At least this time I am not so lonely cos my dad decided to stay with me another month. He is great too and I enjoy chatting with him. I am so homesick sometimes so it is just so nice to have a family member here with me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Geraldine : Congrats! Enjoy your pregnancy~ I am sure boy or girl , you will love them all.

Being a mother is truly a blessing. I am loved and can love a little being without barriers, without limits and unconditionally. I can love freely, happily and without the fear of being rejected . Weird huh this love [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So whatever gender, you all are going to be blessed doubly!

Hello everyone. Anyone planning to have a 2nd BD bash for the babies??

It will be nice to have something for the tots. Just a suggestion and see who's interested.

cocomama, yes, kaden knows how to pinch... teach him abc he dun wan, only know all these weird skills.. sigh..

Gera, err... how to conceive a baby of a certain gender.. i m not quite sure.. but heard ppl say got to do with diet also.. dunno must eat more meat for boys and veg for girls etc... but if u wanna check whether your baby is a boy/girl.. other than checking the calendar, u can also try the ring test... Details below... It works for me... but well, treat it as a fun thing lah... dun take it too seriously... =)

Take a pin, needle, or wedding ring and attach it to a thread or strand of hair. Hold the dangling item over mom to be's belly while she is lying down. If the needle or wedding ring swings in a strong circular motion, you will be having a girl. If it moves in a to and fro motion like a pendulum, you will be having a boy.

An alternate version of this baby gender prediction method is to dangle the needle or wedding ring over the expectant mom's wrist instead of belly.

Yoyo, pop in here to say "HI" to all Jan'10 mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And, congrats to mummies who is pregnant now, I'm one of it too, keke


Going to due on next month lo, it's girl again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How's your feeling today? :p

