(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

hi yuki, yes i took mc for my gynae visits or from GP when I am not feeling well enough for work coz i did not want to waste my leave mah.. you?

cindy, me too take MC but for Oscar test and first visit i took leave ....i wondering if it is ok to take frequent MC ....not sure if company will complain

yuki>I was on no-pay leave for my first visit, MC on my second visit and intend to take leave for my next scan. Prob take MCs for the rest of my gynae vists after that.

lsntyl, why no-pay leave? i feel like requesting for longer Mc to rest at home ...so tired n stress at work nowaday ....

cos that time my company require all of us to take certain number of unpaid leave every month mah. so schedule the appt on my unpaid leave so no one will know I go see gynae lor. :eek:

I don't dare to take long MC becos of company situation. Waiting till 1st trimester is over b4 i tell my boss.

lsntyl, icic .......yes maybe wait after 1st tri then tell ur boss n c how ...the last time i took MC to see gynae then my boss ask me if i pregnant then i dare not let her know ....my colleague are guessing duno y.......

yuki, company wont complain.. but colleagues bound to make noise.. me been trying not to take mc previously, but start last week, MS and ES real bad..

and work does create stress and makes my body tired and migraine comes back, tat's y after that, I gave up "donging" and just take mc if I don't feel well..

coz at the end of it, its ur body and u who suffer, work wise i think the company will not collapse without us not being in ofc haha..

and i told my boss abt my pregnancy during by 9th weeks and now most of my colleagues know liao. not pantang to tell early.. coz boss was telling me wanna put me up for promotion at that time, so i quickly surrender and broke the news as i do not want to shoulder more stress and responsibilities at work.. also tat time shifting ofc so gonna tell so they spare me from shifting all the bulky stuff..

i guess rest and health is most impt to all mummies now, so try not to think too much abt work lah k..


after i eat tom yam soup, my stomach was very uncomfortable the whole nite. going for scan later in the afternoon, praying very hard can see baby growing healthily and strong.

morning mummies

i had malay rice yday with beef rendang...but i think too much chili liao...last nite had bad stomachache, end up LS...kena lecture by hb

Good morning [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its raining heavily over my side here.. luckly reach ofc liao..

i had dinner at pizza hut last nite (At last...kee).. end up so bloated .. cant slp well for the nite.. somemore #1 keep waking up to disturb.. now i m so tired..

cladi > I went to take Mc yesterday and also visited him for my migrane, cough...3 daysMC...but still back to work...

I askedhim about the results..he said that usually youwillknow the results there and then..buthe will call if anything bad..he say better not to recieve his phone call...

Anyway, things will be fine!!

Morning all! It's a super rainy day to sleep in ;)

Oh dear Lyn & Megan > Hope your tummyache will go away soon. BTW, i heard they say cravings for spicy food usually mean u are expecting a princess. Wonder if it's real... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

good morning mummies...

happy anniversary cladi...

hope u have a great celebration..

will resent to you in a short while... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

magan, dun take too spicy food...

it caused our stomach to turn...

Bryest, dun worry...

BB will be fine... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cindy, yes i agreed that colleagues bound to make noise....whenever i take MC then they ask me wat wrong, y keep MC ............make me feel so bad.

sometime i get migraine often when at work so was wondering if it is the work n stress that is causing it ...........when i am on MC and weekend dun feel like tat.

glad ur boss is understanding [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i had not told most of colleague ...maybe when they ask then i will tell.......i hope they reduce my workload but think unlikely.

Bride09> called the gynae last nite and he say if no bleeding, its ok wo..

I have a women's clinic downstairs so am still thinking if i should just walk in and get a scan

sherry, if you still worry, better go and scan lor...ease off worries...take care leh...

Tks yeocouple and febie...after yday's lecture fm hb will try to control my chilli intake...


y still go work?? sld rest at home ma...

wat time were u there?? i was there ard 7pm.. i m in red top standin with hubby at the door..waiting for my mc...


thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hope u r fine.. b careful hor..

sherry>if uneasy, go get a scan. at least u will be more at ease. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

get well soon, megan. I also have been having cravings for spicier food lately. :p

cladi > Cant rem leh....i amsittinginside the clinic alone...

I still need to work,have to la..not that sick till cant work...maybe go back slightly earlier...

Heard fromnews yesterday that a preggy died from H1N1 after she gave birth prematurely..she died from the disease..We are in the high risk zone where no medicine can cure...wonder if Govt shd protect the preggy?...


hee.. i doubt i can rmb oso..

where was tat preggy?? not in spore rite.. like very scary leh..


have u seen doc for tat??

Hey bride09 > Yup, we are definitely in high risk category. My gynae told me in my visit last week, there were at least 5 preggy deaths (worldwide) associated with H1N1. She kept urging us to be VERY, VERY careful. *scary*

yeah, think i will just call the clinic later. Better be safe lah hoh..

But actually taking Vit C doesnt really help, right? Hope god/buddha will protect all the preggies.. Am worried as they were saying that the virus might mutate and get worse in August

Febie: R u sendin Cladi e song bk wif e numbers on it? i'm still waiting for my sis to write it for mi..

Cladi: Happy Anniversary to u! how's ur celebration yest?

Yuki: i'm taking my AL to see gynae twice but i tink for my july appt i'm gotta tak MC. hehehee!

Sherry: itz best to see a doc. dat time my 1st pregnancy i also slipped then i went to see my gynae, he was telling mi wenever u slip or fall must wait for a while then slowly stand up dont stand up immediately. he also told mi if no bleedin itz okie but i still went to see him.

bryest: how r u now? take gd care k.

I din know about the pregnant ladies dying from H1N1. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hope everyone will be fine. really better avoid unneccessary travel for now...


did u receive the email?

I sent liao...

Sherry, better go see, dun drag too long...

so that you feel safe too...

lynn, yup...

u wan??

I can send to you too... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

no lah...

once i went to popular, they were selling a nursery piano book...

so i itchy hand go buy lor...

go according to the number and punch...


ok i email to you liao...

please check. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yaya.. i agreed.. cos ..long way ahead for us to go rite.. this is only 2nd anni..hee


image very small.. when enlarge.. go blur.. cant see wo..

mummies, can i check will your MS/ES get worst as the week goes? I'm feeling extremely awful every evening... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ok cladi...

will resend to you tonight...

thik the silly hotmail go resize it...

if not should be ok....


me back from GP.. GP said its a local infection on my eye lid so its not going to harm my bb.. *phew*...

nowadays i wear mask when im out in crowded places, in trains or clinics.. pple will look at me with funny looks but then i feel safer..

me in week 9. every evening like half dead like that... need to eat the non vomitting pill from doc then can survive... if not, I'm like running to the toilet every half and hr.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

no lah...

u nv give me pro...

i should have use my gmail instead...

will send to you this evening.

think lyn also can't see if enlarge...


febie, u will get better...just hang on there...

melody, good to hear tat...last fri after my oscar test i oso wore mask in the bus, and everyone was looking at me

