(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Morning mummies!


Your mum and MIL became friends?? Unbelivable to me! My mum and MIL were 'average' before Chris arrived. Afterthat became a nightmare to me becoz of her jealousy and domineering character. Till today, she never once complimented my mum did a gd job in looking after Chris (well, at least I find my mum did a gd job in disciplining him and he is ah bui). When Chris great grandmother complimented my mum, her face turned black.


Yeh, always gd to have choices. Can earn extra money why not? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yuki>my mom and MIL became closer after I gave birth to Ayden cos my inlaws would visit often during the confinement that I did at my mom's. After confinement, they continued to visit so there's more interaction between them now.

Pauline>you faster get your licence then if I go over, you can handle the rental of my flat. :p hmm, reminds me I better go find out market rate for commision to pay agent for rental flats...

Firipy, yup, course still need to pay ourselves n it's almost $1k. :p

Thanks, yuki. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yl, haha, thanks! I will be glad to have u as first customer but think won't be in time lar cos once u got formal offer, will be going quite soon right? I was checking the May course date, it ends on 15 June, i will have to miss 2 days of class on 8 n 10 June cos we will be in Hk. Dun know if I can still pass the exam if skip so many days of class. :p

Pauline>aiyah, too bad. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] since you going for the talk, can help me find out what's the market rate for agent commission for rental flats? :p

ohh, your HK trip coming so fast. excited? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Sigh, it seems to be the opposite in my case. My mum did my confinement and stayed at my house during confinement. When my MIL visited me and saw my mum looking after Chris, she got jealous. She literally made my mum get out of my house when she came over. Then she got more drama, cried and wana jumped down, demanding my mum could not stay at my house and wanted her to go back immediately. More drama than TVB show...

Yl, sure, will ask for you. Keke, yes n no, cos I must suffer for 1 week w/o maid before we go to Hk. And the tiger flight is super duper early. :p

yuki>ya, I rem your case. Must have been so stressful for you. I guess in my case, I lucked out perhaps cos my mom and my MIL are in the same line so perhaps they have similar temperament? Not sure. But I do see similarities between both of them.

Pauline>saw that its 1 month commission for the agent. Just want to verify that this is real industry practice :p

tyl> can only rent aft 5 years right? or coz u go overseas is special case?

pauline> i didn't get my car from him. just the insurance. coz my car was from my cousin. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

saw a very sad news abt a grandma drowning her grandson coz of zodiac clash. sighz sighz.


Maybe u can rub rub shoulder with Pauline and see if she can give u some discount on the commission? (opps, hope pauline doesn't frown [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])Kekeke

I think Xin is right, need to stay for 5yrs before renting. But for your case, can always write in to HDB with supporting doc that the family is relocating. My gf did that and she rents out her flat legally.

Now I am thinking abt my confinement for number 2 next yr. V scared to go thru the same saga again. But hubby MCP, will not want to stay at my mum's place. Haizz.. headache

Pauline, aiyah Chris will be back on 28 May, else can meet in HK [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

xin>I checked HDB's website le. Can rent whole apartment if working overseas. But need to get approval, etc. leceh so prob just get my previous housing agent to settle for us.

yuki>I asked Pauline but she said she won't b qualified yet leh. :p

u can continue to stay at your place n hire a confinement lady? one of my other mommy friends just gave birth recently and kept posting pix of her food during confinement. Looked so good!

wow yl if u go overseas no.2 will be made in USA ah???

yuki, tat day i was trying to recall which mommy had a big saga during her confinement...i remember tat saga vy headache ah!!! ya agree wt yl, nx time hire a confinement lady and do in ur hse lor...

yuki>ya. If you want the contact of that confinement lady, I help u check. She seems really good lor.

Megan>ya. if give birth in US, bb will b US citizen by birth n SG citizen by descent. When turn 21 then decide what he/she prefers. But successfully make bb then say. :p

yl: if it's a boy he'll have to decide by 15yrs old cuz of NS. For girls, not too sure, but I think it's 21, like you say.

But I understand from my friend that paid maternity leave in US is not a given (depends on company), the pregnant mom can claim some disability benefit from the state, but essentially it's 12wks of unpaid leave.

firipy> yeah.. my MIL hugged me and cried. so scary hoh.. she was happy and also relief that she can finally see an end to being ridiculed.

yuki> your MIL is rather extreme. really like watching HK drama. does she have a lot of free time? i find that generally, the more free time a person has, the more narrow their mind becomes and over time, their behavior also become more abnormal.

re: MMRV

i didn't ask the doctor about booster jab and he also didn't say anything. so, out of curiosity, i googled around and found this article from CDC (http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/vis/downloads/vis-mmrv.pdf). i've also read that a booster jab for Varicella can be taken 3 months after the 1st jab, but it seems to be optional.

andie>wah, so early for the boy.

Thanks for the heads up. I've checked and the organisation will give 4 months maternity leave. Best is they will pay for almost all the medical bills.

cocomama>oh, maybe the clinic just wanted to earn my $... They even called me up asking why I haven't brought my boy there for jab. I decided to bring him to the poly for the MMR cos the clinic changed doctor and my mom said the new doctor is quite rough

yl: That is absolutely brilliant, you'll be the envy of the lot over there! Less than half of the mothers in US actually get paid maternity leave from their companies. And yours is 16wks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Okay, I know I've been going on and on about taxation, but do check their taxation law in detail so that you'll know how to gauge your compensation package.

Also read on how you may be classified as a US tax resident. Once you are classified as such, even your rental income, investment dividends, etc, from SG and elsewhere are also taxed in US due to capital gains tax. Look for alternatives to minimise your tax liability.

Afterall, you are relocating, not migrating. You and DH ain't gonna get your dough from the state when you retire, no point paying that much tax.

My cousin (an Aussie), after working in SG for 8years, and paid last than 10% tax from last drawn salary, went back and is now taxed 35%.

cocmama: Emma only went for the 6-in-1(3jabs), then the GP said the next jab is at 18mths. I was looking at her health booklet but i've no clue what's going on...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

andie> the jab at 18 months is actually a booster for 6-in-1. in between, YX has taken the pneumococal and flu jab (we opt to take this due to travelling). some said the pneumococal is compulsory (which is why he took it), but some said it's not compulsory. but you can also choose to take this much later, at 1 or 2 years old where the number of jabs reduced according to age. then in between 1-2 years of age, i think only the MMR and 6-in-1 booster jab is required.

i also thought the 5-in-1 or 6-in-1 is compulsory, but a distant relative who's a GP once said out of the 5 or 6, actually only 3 are compulsory.

your GP is probably more for 'natural' upbringing and only recommends the required/compulsory jabs. the vaccination table in the health booklet also make my head spin big time. everytime i visit the GP for YX's jab, i will make him tell me again (repeat at every visit) when the next jab is due.

hi 5 me also vy confused wt the jab...i did a 5 in 1 in healthway but notice the last jab they put there 6in1...me now confused and worry whether HW got her last hep jab bo??? another worrying thing is who will issue the jab cert ah???cos diff places jab???haiz...regreted now, shd do all in polyclinic

Hey bbin, andie & cocomama : I also very confised !

My bb took her 1st MMRV at 15mth & was told that the 2nd jab at 2yrs old.

cocomama : how come yr article say 4-6yrs old ?

I know bb need to go for booster jab at 18mths too.

So confusing !

megan: i understand from my GP that the clinic will inform MOE of the jabs taken by the child cuz certain jabs, like cocomama mentioned, are compulsory.

cocomama: we actually wanted to do the rotavirus vaccine the last time but missed the window period. thanks for the info, will check with the GP on MMR jabs. I also need to get myself a varicella vaccine jab, I've not had chickenpox yet.

andie>:p I am tax exempt as long as I work for the organisation. But need to contribute to pension plan.

cocomama>yes, the vaccinations are v confusing.

I read pneumenoccal is compulsory

megan>need jab cert meh? I thot as long as they write what vaccinations bb had in the healthbook can le?

andie n yl, my son one hv a cert issued by poly...cos when register for P1 need to show tat cert...it's transfer all those data fm the book to a cert

okay, yes a cert is required for school registration, and may also be required for overseas school registration.

The GP will usually issue a cert after completing all childhood immunization, around 3yr old? If the GP doesn't, or jabs taken at different clinics, you can request for a copy of the cert here, provided the clinics had informed the board dutifully:



yah, the clinic/poly should submit the cert, else, when P1, the nurse will call you to submit. If taken at different places, more lehceh. Sometimes, forgot to go certain booster jabs, like what happen to my no. 2, took 2 hep b but only recently I realise he never went the last jab, so now need to start all over again. Problem is, now that he is 8yo, he refuse to take any take jab. Been trying to coax him but no avail.

i know cos my son will be registering P1 soon...hehe anyway like wat furby say i go so many diff clinic prob a bit leceh...dunno who to issue for me but mostly fm healthway...prob will get them to issue ba

YL and Megan,

Hubby and I don't like confinement nanny, coz we prefer to look after bb ourselves. Tat's wat we did for Chris. Think I will get either a helper or PT lady for household chores, order confinement tingkat. I just need to lay down my 'T&C' and manage MIL's expectation and behaviour. I know it is easy to say than done...


I told the PD I am a lazy mum and hold him responsible if Chris misses any compulsory jab. Hahaaa... Chris has been taking his jab at PD clinic and I am too lazy to change. He is due for 5-in-1 in July when he turns 18 mth.


Bingo! My MIL is a housewife and very free. Jia lat, makes me think twice if I wana be a yellow face woman le.. heeehee


my confinement was done by my maid plus cooking, we just train her how to cook simply confinement food...everything went on quite well..

hello all!

Been rather busy past few weeks & I went to KL for a short trip too. I loved the open spaces there. They even have a huge playground & water play area in city centre! (errr, KLCC is city centre rite)?

I see the forum has sprung back into live! So many discussions too.


Don't worry,sure can do it one. I was alone during confinement & also had to cook my own simple soupy meals. newborns are at their easiest rite? Sleep so much. With experience I'm sure you can do easily even without a live-in helper. Less headache. Just get yr mom to visit once in a while lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re : Jabs

I've not taken A for a jab for the longest time! But in end Apr I'll take her for MMR at poly. Just because it's FOC.

Yl, yup, got cert, the nurse joked that my no. 1 got her graduation cert last yr from round market pd. I let her take all the jabs there for convenience. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] wa, tax exempt in USA is a very good deal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pauline>but still have to contribute to pension plan.

cert is only when bb finishes all the jabs in SG? wonder what it'll be for Ayden if we go over...

yuki>If I've no2 over there, won't have a confinement lady too. Will have to ask you mommies for advice. :p

Yl, yes but still better than taxes, at least pension $ is yours. ;) what happens to the pension plan if u leave the org? Yup, i think so bah cos the cert lists all her jabs (compulsory n optional) n it's their letterhead. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yl, think if u have no. 2 there, your mum will fly over n help u bah. ;)

yl, u go check the website tat andie provided...vy good...i think can write to National Health Board and ask them to issue..just provide them the info

pauline>donno. see how if it happens.

Megan>I did but parts of it blocked at my office. try to see more at home. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Megan n smalldreams,

Definitely will be more experienced when number 2 comes. Hubby took 2 wks leave last time to be the confinement nanny, while my mum took over the role after he went bk to work. I wld prefer my mum to concentrate looking after Chris this time coz dun wan Chris to feel unattended n get jealous with mei mei or didi. We mothers r tough n sure can conquer the challenges! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


For all u know both your mum n mil will fly over to help u when number 2 arrives? Can see they r really v nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya when hv 2, no.1 always seeking attention one...now Hw also know how to fight wt kor kor...when kor kor come n hug me she will and push kor kor away...jealous queen!

mstan> eerrr.. i don't have the answer. that article is published by CDC..

andie> oh! now that Emma is older, her immune system would be more mature. don't worry yeah..

megan> i didn't know that the certs are needed for P1 registration. i almost wanted to throw all of them away.

lsntyl> i was given a cert for each jab.

yuki> ha..ha.. can go facial more often so that the face won't turn yellow ..

smalldreams> how are things and 2 lil As.


Thanks for asking. They're alright. Big A is nursing a swollen eye, probably due to irritation. Little A is getting nottier & would park herself on me for her BM fix most of the times!

I notice you're posting more these days. That's good! i always enjoy reading yr posts [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


When I had #2, I felt a lil sad. I cried and cried when #1 came to visit me in the hospital and I think my mom was a bit surprised & thought I was a bit emo. I just missed him soooo much coz #1 has never slept even a day away from me. But after that, you somehow get the hang of it. My hb snapped a photo of me breastfeeding #2, while I let #1 drink from a cup. So you're right, you'll get used to it.


You mean RJ still seeks attention? He's already about 5 YO rite? I think that's more coz he's been the centre of attention all the way, suddenly must share with little sis. Oh well, no matter what this is part of having a sibling & growing up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

smalldreams, HW is the one seeking for attention...althou sometimes rj will but HW is the jealous pot...always pushing kor kor away...RJ is a sensitive boy, always want mei mei to hug n kiss him...then noti hw sometimes reject him...just like tis morning hw rejected him, he so sad, teared and say I'm your kor kor leh...y u dun love me...haha drama king ah

