(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

Juliana, try not to "waste" your maternity leave before you give birth. i was on HL for 5 weeks. i feel that we should "maximize" our ML and use the time to bond with our babies after they're born.

good try, i am unable to send you private message.. i just enabled "Private Message", you can PM me

gschui -- wah, the confinement agencies I called this week quoted me between 3k - 3.6k for a confinement nanny for twins. Yours seems very reasonable by comparison. I wasnt intending to get a confinement nanny at first, just hire a maid, but am now thinking of getting a confinement nanny as well cos it doesnt hurt to have more help!
hi mummies - wld like to join back this forum. this thread was quiet for a long while, looks like more active again. my twins now 2.5 months old already. and i'm back to work. can't cope, miss my twins terribly. cry and cry. any working mums with twins ?
Thanks all the mummies for the info.

Chameleon, I was just about to call confinement agency to find out their charges for twins. Now seems like agencies are much more expensive.

I think I will confirm with the CL since her charges is reasonable.

BTW, I will be hiring another maid to take care of my twins when I am back to work. I already have one maid to take care of my elder and doing house chores. All cost me a bomb
that's what my hubby told me too.. I will just clear my leave and get my HL from Dr Loh..
Work can always find a new one.. but our babies are more precious..

Btw, Sophia are you getting two playpen or babycot? I'm still thinking which is better...
Does anyone have the vaccination charges at polyclinics? I have been calling for the past few days and their operator is always engaged!!!!! Then what's the point of having a helpline?
the charges for s'porean are..
3-in-1 -> free
4-in-1 --> $77.15
5-in-1 --> $87.4

bestberry, who are your helpers when you're working?
Hi Bestberry, My twins are over 3 months now, so its pretty close to yours. I think i saw some of yr post in the June babes forum. I never posted anything though I'll look into it whenever free.

How heavy r yr babes now??? Mine is in the light weight range. The check up last week showed they were abt 4.8 kg. Now shd be abt 5kg. But still, a big jump from the 1.6 kg they were born into.
i am also getting a maid who is coming in 3 weeks time. My mum and I alone cant cope leh...really need 3 pairs of hands, otherwise will die standing.Got to pump milk and feed them, how can?
Wow..the days just melt away..days become months...kinda scary..my twins are almost 2 months old...seems like yesterday when we brought them back from the hospital!! Anyway, how's everyone?

Hi 76, i totally agree with you that it is very tiring for 2 persons to take care of the twins...technically is possible but...super siong..so i'm getting a maid soon too...bo bianz, at least she can help with the household chores, cooking etc..anyway, gotta get a helper once maternity leave is over right? so better get one now and start training her to assist my mom before i go back work...anyone with maid now? what are her duties? do you trust / allow her to take care of baby at night? where does she sleep - with the babies? 1st time engaging a maid, hope everything works out fine..read in newspaper today that a maid tried to murder employer's child...so scary

Gosh..i just realised my twins finished off one big tin of milk powder a week! and is only for night feeds...day time that are having EBM!! and 2 packs of diapers are gone in 4 days...pengz! bobianz..must return to work...haha anyone taking the full 16 weeks ML?
hi, i suggest getting an experienced maid who has handled babies in singapore. my maid is completely inexperienced and the funny things she do sometimes make our blood boil. we don't allow her to touch babies except once or twice when we were really desperate for an extra pair of hands. she rocks my babies like nobody's business and my mum once caught her using her finger to poke my baby's soft skull lor.. feel so angry

my mum and i take care of the night feeds, and my mum being the superhero never wakes me up cos she wants me to sleep more.. feel so touched..

twinsmama, same here! i really can't afford to be a SAHM at the rate my babies are drinking formula milk and using up the diapers! think it'll be even more expensive if i'm not breastfeeding..

btw, anyone has good massage lady to recommend? i cannot stand mine, she is never punctual de
theoretically, i wun allow my maid to touch my bbs. But hor, i think i will eventually. Perhaps list down the things you need done for bbs,e.g. make milk, change diapers, feed, pat,sterlirze etc..then choose the least dangerous item for her to do...well, every item seem potentially dangerous, e.g she can poison the milk, pat damn hard at the bbs, put shit into mouth when changing diapers..but what to do..need help lor..
My 1 twin alone finished 2 packs of diapers too in 1 week...jia lak..wanted to use napy, but dunno how to use...once it leaked...
hahaha...76, u are so funny..
"e.g she can poison the milk, pat damn hard at the bbs, put shit into mouth when changing diapers.." pengz...my worst case scenario is that she will add 'extra ingredient' in our food..now u make me worry...i think at least day time can watch over her, but at night..who knows what she will do if i allow her to take care of baby...guess gotta monitor her carefully till can trust her bah...

btw, anyone using fitti diapers? got this lobang (from a kind mummy from aug thread) - 6 packs for $60 (offer till end oct), they will deliver to your place..interested can PM me..i will fwd the order form
can save $$!!
Maid Duties (at least for me):

I have a Mymmamar maid. Been wif us for 3 mths. She does all the housework, washing, cooking, sterilising, making/heating of milk, and set water for bathing (but its me bathing them)

I try not ask her to carry my 3 mth old babes bcos i am a clean freak. I cant stand (its just me) that she cook and wash and have to carry or care for my babes when she has this smoky and sweaty smell.

But I do make her rock or carry or talk to them whenever I really need to (bo pian situations). I do not ask her to change diapers too. I KS ma, scared she is too rough to my gal's private part when cleaning inside.

When we take her out wif us, she helps us when we need to prepare for a change of diapers or to make milk. She may carry the babe while we eat.

The twin pram we have is kindda bulky so she helps in our purchases or to look out for my older boy when we shop.

We do not use her services at night at all. She goes to bed in the maid room at 10.30pm. My hubb and i settle the babes on our own regardless the time at nite.

In 2 mths time or so, i'll have her to learn how to do pureed food for the babes.

Hope this helps...
Thats very detailed description..will certainly use it as a benchmark..hehehhee...i have to wake up every 3 hrs, just wondering if you ask maid to wake up too...she willbe sleepng with my mum with the kids in 3rd bedroom...
Hi Juliana, I've gotten 1 cot for now. Thought they might sleep in it together first. Read that it's not good to separate twins. Maybe later when they outgrow their cot, I'll put mattress on the floor. Dun know yet.....
Went to AMK central today and found this shop, Red Tomato which sells toiletries at very cheap prices, some things I bought: J&J top to toe wash $4.50 (saw at cold storage $8.15), Kodomo lotion powder $4.20. Panty Liners 40 pieces $1.60. Cotton balls $1 a pkt.
I am also getting a maid soon and can get shampoo and soap for a real bargin: Shampoo $4.50 for 1 litre and body wash $4.00 for a litre. Not famous brand, but can use I think should be good enough. Even their Laurie pads are so much cheaper. No wonder there's so many people at this shop all the time.
I do not ask my maid to wake up at all after she turns in for the night. I doubt she can hear the babes carying anyway as her room is at the yard. My babes cot is in my room so not convenient to ask her come in and pacify as my hub may be sleeping.

But anyway, generally, i rarely ask her to help in caring for the babes unless absolute necessary and boh pian....

For mummies already delivered, do u give the pacifier to your babes??? My gal is sucking the thumb/fist now. I think it will be dirty for her to put the thumb in her mouth when she crawls a few months later

As for now, her hands are always wet from her sucking it. Dont know shd i let her suck thumb or pacifier better....
we dun wake the maid at night as she needs to do housework in the day so just let her sleep. Plus, if she's tired she may make mistakes and put the wrong number to scoops of formula or anyhow wash the bottles etc..

My babies have been sucking pacifier since 2 or 3 weeks old cos sometimes they cry non-stop at night..

Cooking-wise must keep doing spot-checks! My maid tried to wash minced meat yesterday -_- myanmar maids also tend to have more salty tastes. They only season with salt and ajinomoto
I'm thinking of getting a playpen for my twins at my mum place.. The one baby cot for my place for them to sleep at night, they when they are bigger thot of making them sleep on mattress
I give my twins pacifier but only when they are unmanageable..i.e. when waiting for milk adn crying...mum also not for the idea of getting them in habit of pacifier...so will use in moderation. but hor, myelder one quite smart..he knows it is pacifier..he will 'pui' away...he never kenna conned.

THanks for the charges. I think I will either go GP or KKH because polyclinics have no 6 in 1 and Rotavirus jabs. Jabs are so expensive and we have more than 1, so the cost is doubled or tripled for some. Govt should give free jabs to babies.

Twinsmama, how many pieces of diaper are there in one pack of fitti?

How many diapers your babies use each day? Mine about 5 only. Do you babies have constipation? Mine poo once in 3 days. I don't know what to do.

As for maid, I have no choice but to "trust" my maid because I have no other help. I take care of my babies alone at night. Very tiring. I let the maid sleep through the night. After feeding them, i still have to pump. Therefore, I am thinking of stopping bfeeding so that I can have more rest.

Besides 76 and Seejay, all of you have mums or mils to help? It's only me and maid on wkdays and husband will help only on wkends since he need to work.

Btw, how much fm arte your babies drinking now? Mine seem to be drinking very little.
bbq98 & CJ, can I start to eat durians now that I am in 16 weeks? Or shd I take it later?

Poko1, which weeks were your twins born? Did they manage to stay with you till EDD? I am worry that my babies will come out earlier than EDD in March 2010.

Any mummies experience chest tightness after meals? I have this feeling that I am almost out of breath everytime I get this feeling. How to overcome?
Actually I am in a dilema, my hubby said he does not want to buy babies' stuff until they are born cos he pantang. He wants me to have a smooth pregnancy and deliver the babies. But I am afraid he does not know what to buy. How huh? Anyone has experience in this? *headache* lei.

You will have NO time to buy anything once your babies are born. Pls get all that you need during your second trimester because by third trimester, you will be too heavy to move around.

I believe a lot of us bought our babies' stuff before they were born and have delivered smoothly.
Katherine, Sorry I cant comment on that because I have no GD. Anyway, usually pple will only start "beefing" up the babies during the third trimester or later of second trimester when they know their babies are of lower weights.
bbq98, my SIL married an Indian and the Tamil culture, they are not allow to purchase babies stuff, only after baby is born then hubby will go buy. So my SIL will provide the list and then her hubby will go buy the items. My hubby aso mentioned that his Malay colleague aso bought baby stuff before bb born and then had a miscarriage, all bb stuff throw away and now his Chinese wife is pregnant again, he will buy after bb born. So this thot came to my hubby's mind.

I quite skeptical of not buying bb's stuff though I will be very free till bbies born. I just afraid he does not know what to buy even if I provide him the list. However, he has his mother and 2 sisters who will probably help him cos they are mothers already. As I mentioned, one of my SIL is giving birth next month.
bbq, Normal gp can do vaccination for babies?
My mini men use quite a lot of diapers a day so i'm buying the cheapest brand i can find now - petpet. They're drinking 90-120ml each feed, depending on how long ago the last feed was

Juliana, thanks for recommendation! I can't wait to lose my pregnant figure!
katherine, i was kinda pantang also so i only started buying when i was 14weeks. But my mum insists tat the cot can only be set up after babies are born. Best to be prepared early cos i remember i was already moving like a turtle somewhere in second trimester.. Oh, the chest tightness will improve slightly (slightly only) after your babies' heads turn down
understand the tight 'schdule' in pumpin and feeding, i also havethe same problem..so i have let go 1 pump session atnight...so i pump 1x less.otherwise you tire yourself, and milk ss no good also likethat... better to rest, thennext pump willbe better.My bbs are 5 weeks now, drinking 50ml and 65ml per feed...also v little.
My bbs were diagnosed with TTTS during week 21 and i din buy till week 28...so my hubby and i would shop around first and check out items..when confirmed both bbs ok, my hubby would have an idea of things to buy...

It's up to individual then. I am someone who prefers to be prepared and do everything myself. You will need your husband to be around too when your babies are born so he may not have time. Unless your mil and sil can help with the shopping.


Yes, Gp can and some can pay using the baby bonus too.


50 to 65 ml is too little for a 5 week bb. You should try increasing their feed? Mine around 1 mth and drinking abt 90-100 ml per 3 hr.
My twins were born at 34 weeks. Dr would have preferred me to deliver after 36 weeks but my babes were of low birth weight at every scan.

After monitering for a month from abt week 30 onwards, dr said that the boy is not getting enough nutrients frm the placenta and thus not getting heavier. He said the gal seems ok though, but i need to deliver soon bcos of the boy's weight.

The boy was 1.6kg and the gal 1.9 at birth. The boy stayed nearly close to a month at NICU, the gal 2 weeks at Special Care.

My gal has "found" her thumb and is loving every minute of it (sucking)!!!!!:mad:

They also drink very little! 100 mls of EBM or formula!!! And even i increase more, no use as they sometimes cant even finish 100mls!!! Arrgggghhh...
really ah, too little ah? i increase 5ml every few days...tot my premature, so din really increase much...My small one was on 50ml when he was discharged last friday...anyway, i am increasing 70ml and 55ml liao...

Hmm...maybe diff babies have diff appetite. You can try increasing a bit...for a week and see. How heavy are they now? Both are back home with you now?Coping ok? I take care of 2 by myself at night. Very challenging and lost my temper many times at them due to insufficient sleep.
Just to share, my 5mth twins still cry for no reason too. One moment he is smiling at you, the next, he yelling. Then got to coax him down. Yesterday,older twin who is the more kuai one, cried non-stop no matter what i do. Then the moment the babysitter carried him, he stopped. sigh. my ego was deflated. I knew this will happen but was hoping that it will come later. I only got 2 hrs at night to carry them and feed thembefore they sleep at around 9pm. AS they sleep with my babysitter and maid in another room, and I am working, so sometimes i miss their cries at night. My babysitter very nice, will try to make sure i am not disturbe knowing that i have a tough working life. But really, was really heartbroken. Even hubby dare not say anything but took a night walk with me to relieve the sadness. Nowadays I look forward to weekends and PH where I can stay home to take care of them.
Yes. Mine cry most of the time if they are not sleeping. Mine too for 3 hrs, refused to sleep ans somemore by the time he slept, the other one woke up for milk.


How you manged to engage a live in bbsitter? I need one too.
poko - just saw your post. my twins are 12 wks now. only gave paci once or twice, they starting to find their thumbs tho. are you sahm ? i felt very tired during ML taking care of twins. now i back to work, miss my bbies v much but feel less tired. u can email me at [email protected] to keep in touch
*yawnz* just finished night feed to one of the twins...anyone know how to 'train' babies to sleep through the night...?

sometimes one of my twins cry at night from 9pm for no reason too.. read that it is quite common..haiz..quite stressful, whatever you do can't seem to console him.
wah, yest my big one cried for 3hrs from feed 1 to feed 2....machiam like we are going to slaughter him that kind of screaming...initially tot he tummy ache, put ruyi..then cried..then as the feed 2 comes nearer, we thnk he is hungry..then feed him..then subsided, then cry again...i also forgot how we managed to tame him? thnk my hubby did it..my mum sprained her waist while bending down to pacify him on cot..coz have been carrying for too long..
my bbs were born prematurely at week 32..now 5 weeks old..could that be why they are drinking lesser?
Oh yah, my bbs seem v timid esp the small one... when i bathe him, he grasp my handv tight, like i wana drown him... how ah..then wheni touch him, he will jerk...got to give him light touch first, before really caressing him to 'warn' him...otherwise he wil be scared..if suddennly touch him..think he has my genes, i also timid kind...jia lak..hope they dun get mygenes...they are boys leh, shld be brave
76, my bigger twin is very timid also, and he cannot sleep on his own because he likes people to sayang him to sleep, i think everyone really spoilt him liao.
kath, i feel very sad that my babies prefer to be carried by my mum also. and everytime i bottle-feed them they will vomit milk. when my mum or hubby feeds them they're ok. feel so upset about it

76,How heavy are they? I think that cld be the reason coz I read on the fm tin that the amt of milk to give is roughly determined by the weight of the babies.
