(2009) Twins/ Triplets/ Multiples mummies to be

76, your PD for hernia problem is in KKH? Which PD you seeing?

Katherine, security bond shouldn't increase the agency or maid salary. It's better to get the maid earlier but with twins, you just have to take chances because you won't know when they will be out.

Annfresh, how's ur babies? Still eating durians? :p

:) I eat durean but not so often as b4 :-D
I'm ok, now 35weeks+ Boys haven't tern to the right position yet, but still have time for it.
last mth we were busy with moving house so I didn't come here regularly but it seems more mum joined this forum! It's good =)
wow annfresh, time flies, you can see your darlings in two weeks! I miss the feeling of mini old men partying in my tummy, enjoy the feeling while it lasts!
yes, time flies... this pregnancy is very quick for me. may be because I was busy with my son. And of course all of us looking forward to see them but same time don't want to rush them! They still need to grow, put weight and change position )
Grrr....!! my new maid of less than 2 weeks just told me to send her back to agency!! She said she doesn't think she can cope taking care of twins!! Mind you, i have not even asked her to hold, feed, even touch the babies yet!!! she has only helped with household chores and cooking simple dishes like beehoon and fried rice...When we interviewed her, she said she can take care of the babies, and now she say cannot..pengz! like that how? i need someone to assist my mom during the day when i go back to work and i'm apprehensive about engaging the next maid...and time is running out..i only have 1+ month of ML left...
Annfresh, when I was pregnant, friends me to sleep more because once the babies are out, I won't have enough sleep. I am not going to ask you to sleep more because I feel that not as if we will feel that we have rested enough just because we had slept more previously. Go out more if you still can walk. Have a hair cut, mani, pedi, facial and whatever to pamper yourself. Once the twins are out, you won't have time for all these pampering treats.

Twinsmama, don't panic. It's better to send her back than have her around and make mistake or mistreat your babies next time. Get the agency to get you a replacement maid soon. If you are fortunate, they may have some which have just arrived. You need a helper for your mum. One adult can't handle two. While waiting for the maid, how about putting one in infant care or ask you MIL to help out first? The housework, you can engage part time help to dong first. If you need contact for part time help, let me know. I had used a few before.
I'm kinda put off with engaging another maid..any mommies here manage without maid? then when u start work, who is gonna take care of your babies? Or put one baby in infant care? Can't bear to send one to infant care and then have the other one being taken care at home...

bbq98, will PM you for the part time help, thanks
agree with bbq on pampering ourselves before babies pop! It's a pity my tummy was too big else i would have 'par par zao' in my last few days!
Twinsmama, my maid also said she wanted to go home. She's only doing cleaning and she can't really cook. We don't let her touch babies except for one or two occasions when we were desperate. Come to think of it, she's having it easier than us cos she can rest during the day and sleep through the night.. Anyways my mum convinced her to stay cos she's really too busy and tired to train a new maid on doing housework

If you really dun trust this maid it's better to engage someone else or you'll be worrying all the time while working.
Does anyone know when babies should stop wearing mittens?
If I'm not wrong, babies wear mittens to prevent them from scratching their faces. As long as u can cut their nails and keep them short, it should be fine. I asked my sis in law about this question too and she said my niece stop wearing them after 1 month or so.

I am one of those who will cope without a maid. My mum will be caring for the twins at my house and my MIL will pop by in the day too to help out with the babies, marketing, housework and cooking. Its better to have 2 adults around whom you feel safe to let them touch your babies. Due to my current work schedule, I have school holidays and such, and quite often I can reach home by 4pm, I felt I won't be utilising my $$ to engage a maid to come and do housework or live with us. But it will definitely be quite taxing on everyone I guess... Will try out and see, and if it does not work... then think of other solutions.

However, I fear...the 2 mothers will have disagreements... keeping fingers crossed. hee...
xiaofu, if your mum or mil cannot cope with the housework, you might want to engage in part-time cleaners. i engaged one during my pregnancy and they're very well-trained in cleaning. i feel that they're much better and work faster than maids

as for conflicts at home.. you need to handle carefully le.. during my confinement there was a lot of conflicts at home, between my mum, cl, hubby.. everyone has different opinions.. need to be the middleman, very tiring de..

i still wear mittens for the mini old men because they get frightened easily and need to "grab" something when they're frightened.. but mittens are getting tight nowadays, i think gotta stop wearing le..
My PD is Dr Zubair Amir at NUH. Why? you have lobang? I havent seen him yet... I only confirmed my suspicion with GP downstairs who asked me to see PD for follow up.
see Jay
any reason why bbs cant wear mittens indefintely? or at least tillthey outgrow? My bbs mitten still v loose, need to use scotchtape kind...they just swing their hand and it will drp..hahahha
bbq98, you are right, now I have time to think about myself and it's could be the last time for next year! :-D
I'm active and moving around. I put 17kg+! Last week, just 1 week +1kg! :-O
I still need to prepare babies staff, wishing and ironing new things. Need to buy pampers, bottles and formula.
Experience mummies please advice: How many bottles do I need to buy? 120ml or 150ml?
But already have buggy)
Did I forgot something important to do?!
annfresh, i'm using 5 feeding bottles, each 200ml. I have 8 breastmilk bottles but only using 4 now as the boys finish up the milk quite fast. But i use the steriliser many times in a day because there are only 5 bottles for the two guys.. Dun worry about weight gain now, as long as babies are healthy. I put on 20kg, now still can't wear my pre-pregnancy bottoms yet due to my fat butt and thunder thighs, haha..
I am so angry at my maid. She used my house phone to call her fren without my permission last night. Then this morning she opened my wardrobe to take out my pillowcase, again without my permission. Then there was once she opened the door and came into my room while i was pumping and my boobs exposed. Soooo angry at her and keep scolding her nowadays cos she's getting bolder and bolder. My bro is worried and asked me to keep my hubby's long katana in case one day she goes crazy and kills me
hahaha, CJ, i knw its not funni.but ur description of maid sure sounds funni.iwill take note when mine comes...hehehe..
annfresh i am only using 4 125ml bottles for bbs and 2 pumps..
Annfresh, I was almost "bed-ridden" at the later part of my pregnancy so couldn't go anywhere. Now, I am mobile but also can't go anywhere.

I have 3 bottles for each and 4 more on standby. Different sizes. Don't get 120ml ones because by about 1 mth, your kids may be drinking about 100 ml there about. If you have more bottles, you can accumulate and wash all at once. Dont' need to wash after each feed.

Seejay, just need to sterilise once a day mah...how come so many times? I can;t even wear my pre-pregnancy tops because of the enlarged breasts and the tummy.

You should sit down with your maid and tell her the house rules. Mine also initially come into the room without knocking and I told her off. I disallow her to open any drawers or wardrobe in the house except those in the kitchen and my kids' wardrobe.
I have abt 6 bottles, however, at any time - 1 or 2 bottles may be in the fridge to store Breastmilk.

My Nuk steriliser is one of the stuff most well -used. Cos my helper sterlise every other time a bottle is used.

Even my breastpump shield that we use to pump the milk out, has worn out thus needed to buy a new set. Ladies who are or will use the madela shield (that comes with the set), the shield is quite soft, so maybe it is wiser to take it out if u r sterilising other stuff. (a new piece is @$15 each)....Just my advice .

My " time of the month" is here wif a vengence (of not coming over a year...haha)...
Did not expect it to come as i am still breastfeeding, though supplementing with formula.
haha, i thought we need to sterilise before each feed! Looks like i'm over-sterilising my things!

Poko, my 'good friend' came right after my lochia discharge ended leh.. But it wasn't heavy and lasted 4 days only. My mum says it will change as our hormones are still changing..

I'm staying at kkh with my bigger twin now, he suddenly drinks half the amount of milk he used to drink, dunno why also.. Hope everything's fine and he gets discharged soon ah..
hi all.i m back to forum. juz gave birth during aug naturally & juz started work this wk. Any ideas wat formula milk is gd? Is it those with A+, DHA , AA is better?nowadays lots of new formula milk in e market. really duno how to choose. Sigh, my breastfeed milk supply v little.
Hi everyone,

Need your advice as am a blur mama

FYI - Was suspose to be due 26Oct but had a emergency C-Sect - babies born Premature on 26Sep at KKH 2.24Kg & 1.6Kg

1.6kg is ICU as shes low birth rate & cant feed well

bb feed time is every 3hrs
Ie: Feed time is 10am - bb havent wake up during her feed time, do u wake her up or just let her sleep till she crys
How do u guage the next feed time?
Base on the time she starts or finish ???

How do u know when to increase her feed?
Shes 2wks now,2.3kg and taking varing from 40-60ml?
Is that enough?

Pls advice
Tel: 9738 2631 (Marcia)
little queen, congrats
how come you're back to work so fast? Who's helping with the babies while you're at work? I'm using mamex gold cos kkh fed the babies this so i just stick to this brand..

Marcia, in hospital the nurses would wake babies every 3hrs for feeding but at home i let them sleep until they wake naturally. For increasing volume per feed, i estimate based on how often they cry for milk.. If they cry every 2hrs then i'll increase by 15ml and see if they can finish. I chart all their feedings based on starting time. Hope this helps!
At NUH, they also wake up bbs every 3 hrs..i ever asked the nurse bfore, she said must wake them up...but my mum and older pple believe to let them sleep and grow..so i have been letting them sleep and grow..haha..but if they exceed 4 hrs, i will wake them up...dunwan them to miss too many feeds... as for increase of feeds, i increase feed by 5ml every 2-3days if i think they are feeding well and seem hungry...Like see Jay, i also keep 2 notebooks, one for each, recording time they start feeding, how much they drink,how they are fed (e..g bm, direct bf, EBM), and shit/urine...
At initial stage, you will need to wake them up every 3 - 4 hours for feed. That is because some babies who have jaundice tend to be very sleepy and they will sleep very long stretch without wanting milk.
little queen, congrats!!! On my mеmory you are the first one how went for natural!
On how many weeks did you deliver them? What was babies weight? Which hospital?
bbq98, how cum you mentioned that you are 'bedridden' at later part of pregnancy? Which weeks were you at?

Is it true that mummies with twins tend to look larger than singleton? Now only 18 weeks, I am feeling so heavy now cos tummy increases in size.
Katherine, by around 30th week, it became quite heavy for me to move around. Yes my tummy was bigger than those with one. But there are also some with singleton who look like they are having multiples :p
Just to share, I think all is different. My 1st preg with my boy 8 yrs ago, I was so huge at 6th mth that all thought i due already. Then with the twins, I was huge too but from behind, it was difficult to see that i was preg. So really depends lah. But I got to agree with bbq98 that it was difficult to move around
Yes, only my tummy was huge. The rest of my body remained the same. So my legs and body can't support my body.
Same with me only tummy is very big, I was 30w+ some ppl asked me: are you going to deliver next few days?! Now 36w my tummy walk b4 me, my friend call me - ship :-D I already put 17kg (just checked)
Hi ladies, went to see Dr Loh on Wed and my twins are only 1.2kg at 30 weeks. Dr told me to eat more as they are small. Is that the only solution? I'm oredi quite 'fat' and don't want to risk getting GD. Any advice to fatten them up?
sophia, maybe you can try low-fat milk and cheese? My babies were quite big until the last 2 weeks where their growth slowed down, i drank a lot of milk, ate cheese and ice-cream for calcium. I also cooked ginseng soup every week, supposed to make babies strong. Many mummies also ate durians but i didn't dare to try.. Hee hee..
thanks Juliana
Din realize mine can start wearing S liao..hehehe, i am still dreaming...mine is 3.2kg and 2.4kg...i prefer pampers...anyone got any lobang?
ok, will try to drink more milk and cheese. I have my reservation with ginseng though.... heard that that's the cause of jaundice in babies.

What about getting diapers from JB? went over last sunday and Jusco had offers for Dryers. I bought 2 S packets. I think their Tesco and Giant even cheaper.
sophia, haha i only heard of the ginseng thingy after i gave birth.. thank god my babies' only had the normal newborn jaundice that didn't require any treatment

come to think of it, i am not a good mother.. drank coffee in office throughout my second and third trimesters and even during breastfeeding (i am simply too tired!)
Maybe try to eat durian let's say 2 to 5 seeds. I've been craving for durians lately since the price of D24 durian are cheap.. But I only had 4 seeds.

I've read somewhere that eating durian during pregnancy is okay if you have no GD. And drink lots of plain H20.

I'm scared abt my babies weight too.. So did Dr Loh gave u extra HL???

I've been sleeping for less than 6hrs per day.. Cant sleep well at these stage.

I still have 10days to see Dr Loh for my 32th week
Seejay, don't worry you are not the only one. I have not stayed away from coffee since my first trimester. However, I've limited them to only 2 a day. If I'm good, I only have the morning cup. Really cannot function without the caffeine!!

Juliana, ok will try durians as well. Dr Loh didn't give me anymore HL which is good too as there's really too much work to settle before the year comes to an end. I'll be seeing him on the 4th which will be my 33rd week. Same here, sleeping at night is really tough, esp with the backache and the constant kicking.
All the best to our twins as they pick up their weight!
hi ladies,

i am expecting my twins in Apr next year and would like to have some recommendations from you mummies.. my previous CL quoted me 3.8k!!! so exorbitant!!!!! she told me she had wanted to charge me 4k but since she did my 1st kid for me so she give me 200 discount...
I don't think you should be paying so much for the CL. My previous quote was around 3k only and most mummies are getting quotes around there. Moreover, the CL wouldnt really be able to cope with the 2 crying babies no matter how experienced with twins they say they are (in my opinion). Maybe you'll like to look around for another quote.
ya.. i find she quoted me too much..... but i would prefer to find one that is familiar with taking care of twins lor... so would like to see if mummies here have any recommendations.

i got a gd& experience CL to recommend to you. she call auntie xinhua, you can contact her mobile no +65 90699570 and +6017 6088006, she had lot experience of take care twin bb b4
Went KK for my growth scan today. Felt dizzy on the bed after 30 mins of scanning even though the bed was not flat. Any twins mummy had this problem when you went for their scans? Should I request them to raise the bed even higher the next time round?
You still looking for CL? I have a few contacts who have exp in looking twins and have met them as well. Fees are not higher than 3K, for twins bet 2.6-3k but got to negotiate first. Those from agency will be around 3.5-4k.let me know if keen then i can pm you their contact.
any mothers can recommend good fm? my twins on similac then poo reduced to 3x per day..switched to enfalac, din poo for 3 days... saw pd tdy..but thinking of changing fm..any suggestions?
ahbui, I just confirmed my CL for January. I know she is currently only booked up till March 2010. If you are interested to speak to her, pm me. But just bear in mind that I havent used her myself yet, but Ive met up with her personally to talk to her and also spoke to one of her past client who had twins and was satisfied with her.
