(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Pei Pei, hope your baby and your hand recovers soon!

Looking forward to the weaning class later!

Bidosoh, I'm also very tempted by the mummies here to try Koi....never try before and no outlets near me

Sporty, yes the nearest one is also AMK. I need to go there daily to pick my girl from MIL. But my hb refuse to bring me there to buy.

Ashley, yes, must try one of these days.
peipei, dun worry la...ard 37 degrees shd be ok...hope ur hand recovers soon!!

bidosoh, if u go there everyday...shd go and buy n u will be HOOKED! hee hee
Morning gals!! Got tekan big time again last night.... now I have phobias when night falls already! Hahaha!!! (it's the crazy laugh...my eyes are twitching n hands are shaking from the lack of sleep... Hahaha)
Whoooo...meeting the mummies n babies soon
I go get me n baby ready

oh...baby just gave me a heart warming smile again. All is forgiven
morning all!
helping myboyjovan pass a msg she;s not joing this afternn coz both her and bb unwell. today aso day of weaning class rite? enjoy!

i started avrielle on puree liao she takes it quite well..hehheee..but as usual i will buy those ready-to-eat type coz duno how to puree...=p
Superwalker, SAME SAME... me and hubby going so PANDA... LUCAS SCREAMING AWAY in the middle of the nite and yday was terrible... he slept only at 11pm and woke up at 2am CRY non stop then sleep ard 3plus then wake up screaming CRYING at the TOP of his voice.... give him milk he oso dun wan... I going mad liaoz... now working but super zombie... wah i hope this pharse will go off soon.... SUPER TIRED MANZ....

Sporty, hahaha.... i forgot to bring my camera... but hubby took a few pix of the luxury toilet using his lok kor HP lah... I upload in my blog when he load up the picture in my comp... hehehe... I love the toilet more than the room cos the toilet damm shiok... so wanna tear down the whole toilet and bring it home manz.... hehehe.... guess is a one off experience lahz... cos too expensive to go back again... hahaha

Peipei, dun worry... my pd says the same 37.5 then consider fever.... so just monitor and dun worry ya

NVFM: ur boy develop so fast... he really can "move crawl" liao leh... how u train one? my lucas forgot all abt how to flip liao... he always cry and wan to be cuddle.... haiz... i am super tired... this morning i brush teeth until want to vomit... my hubby just walk in and tell me.... dun tell me u pregnant again... he say he cant take it.... another baby comes he goes MAD... we are both super tired from lucas cranky mood swing.... *I shld rename my nick to PANDA MOMO MUMMY...
stacey, what puree did u start on avirelle?

momo mummy, how much did u pay for ur st regis? ya...i saw my fren took the toilet pic before...thas why i told u the tub damn shiok lor!!
Panda momo mummy,
hugz hugz!!! Let's just believe that this is just a phase. Once we jump over this hurdle, all will be fine
just focus on the nice smiles our babies give us now
morning! on leave today. slept through the night to 7-ish to pump! hehehe, almost got engorged because din pump the night before!! maybe shall go nap again since lil JO zz now..

not bringing lil JO to class later jus in case it rains, mommie comin over to look after lil JO for me
)))))))) HANDSFREE!!!!!!!!

i mus be one of the "luckier" koi addicts cos i stay at bishan and got koi at AMK, Toa Payoh AND BISHAN!!!!!!! wahahahah..
later got time i go buy koi to drink, had the pearls yesterday today want drink grass jelly!!
hi gals, reporting back in sg! juz came back last night! then did laundry and unpacked! trip was fun but realised tt i'm actually very tired now!

missed so much forum posts, will read back later. now gg to do more housework before preparing to go for weaning class. not gg for lunch cos still so much laundry to be done!
mm6j, u shd send one koi to me since u handsfree!! hahah...juz kidding!

rue, think no need to ask whether got reservations or not la...juz go in...see the big crowd then its them lor...whahhah

xuanxuan, welcome back...hk must be fun
i also hated to do laundry after a trip cuz very tiring one!!
Sporty, $600+ from hubby's pocket + a favourite cake from jane cake station but no present from him.... i rather hv present i told MM6J... hahaha..... is an expensive experience worth only for the luxury toilet nia... the room so so only...
fieda, scold him lor!! unless u wanna wean him off ur boobs since 6 mths's coming up!!

momo mummy, thas ex leh! 600 can buy one small branded bag liao :p heheh... at least u got hotel stay la...last yr my bday, i got NOTHING lor...whahhahha
xuan, hugs.... SAHM and SOM + myself WM miss u very much...

SAHM >> this one u know lah
SOM>> This one u know who lah... NVFM
WM >> working Mum... Hahaha
Gd morning ladies!!! Woke up thking of Koi.. Wahaha!!

sporty: my area also no Koi.. I everytime purposely take bus to chinatwn to buy de.. Crazy right.. Lol!

mm6j: see you later!!! *winks

xuanxuan: welcme back! Had fun shoppng?? See u n YX ltr..

Fieda: bottle feed lil R since he's biting??
Sporty, i scold liao.. he just eyes big big looked at me..

Shirlin, I only latch on at night leh.. i like e bonding.. feel kinda sad to stop haha plus i took so much pain to get it right..
sporty, ya can buy gucci liao.... i said that to hubby... he say i hard to please... then i zipped up my mouth.... must learn to appreciate him... whahahaa
shirlin, ur hse near chinatown mah...so quite mah

fieda, think have to scold a few more times la...does he have teeth yet?

momo mummy, ya la...at least u get to experience the nice toilet so its better than nothing!!
i am finally back on this forum........ booo.... BUSY LIKE MAD.... why did i choose this line..... damn....

Does anyone has any recommendation for highchairs that can last till baby quite big?? and any nice and fun recommendations for baby toys? sorry if anyone asked before already cos i really no time to read through past postings... i wanna get somethings for my baby for his 5 months today!
fieda - lil e refused to latch me now .. soo me nw no bonding liaoz haiz .. last i force him latch he bit me hard ..
alo gals...

I'm so shiok for the next 3 days. I've been instructed to work from home coz one of my colleague is suspected of H1N1. Boss said I got a small baby so don't wanna take risk

So let's chat!!! hahahahaha I've been deprived of SMH chat for so long!
Hello, Devlina! Long time no see. A few of the gals went for lunch meet then to weaing class at TMC...so it'll be quite this afternoon.
think this afternoon gonna be quiet cuz almost everyone went for the weaning class! hehe

ayukie, nvm lor...juz pray for BIGGER pressies lor

devlina, nice to see u here...come come...LETS CHAT!!
finally got strength to post here, thanks stacey for helping.
been down with high fever and vomiting since monday after my son recovered, now bb also kena.

worse is, the first night i took synflex which cannot take during breastfeeding (later then i found out) they say synflex pass into breastmilk, sigh,,now i am so guilty, dunno is that why baby till now still so weak and sickly. this fri got jab still, dunno can go or not, i keep taking panadol (cos fever never go down) till now no breastmilk liao...then depressing.,.....
Wow! Thanks Agata for the info!!
Dev, i'm pretty free in the afternoon too! Except for pumping haha
Sporty, ya he got TWO teeth at the bottom =(
myboyjovan, you've got to take care of yourself! sound like you are really very sick. Ask help from yr mum or mil?
ya fieda, very very terrible night the past two nights. mil weekdays not free to help, my mum also can't help. anyway feeling better today already, only baby a little cranky, still worried about the synflex that i took,
MBJ: So sorry to hear abt your situation =) thank goodness u are a strong mummy n made it through till now.. So take care and juz concentrate on getting ur bb well.. Dun worry so much abt synflex. Usually drugs need prolong exposure to make an effect. Last time when i was preggie I kena H1N1 and had to take Tamiflu despite the doctors not knowing if it will affect my baby or not. It isnt easy but do Jia you *hugZ*

Sporty: Hi hi heeh..wat is o/s ML??

Thermos pot: anyone bought the 1.5L one and also for the flask tat keeps food warm when u bring out...anyone know what size is good to buy??? like is 300mL good enuff?

Baby bitting: I not sure if my gal got teeth or not but i dun see anything on her gums BUT when she latch it is bcoming more and more painful!!!
myboyjovan, pls take care of urself...ask ur hb to take leave to help u with the kids...jia you!

fieda,ohhh then better scold him more! heheh

raerae, o/s ML =outstanding maternity leave...hehe... i also bought the 1.5 litres thermo pot...wanna try to cook soup this weekend with it! heheh
thanks raerae, hopefully bb gets well soon, so heartache to see her looking listless and tired, especially got to give her panadol, so sad. you kena h1n1 last time? sigh, health is really important, especially when there's no one to help out.

i bought the thermos last time, actually no need so big, cos bb food small portion only. the water flask i bought 490ml one.
myboyjovan, i always admired those mothers who can handle all by themselves! U are a strong one! Dun worry abt the synflex ba. LIke Raerae said, it need prolong exposure to take effect. Beside you have already stopped taking it liao, keep harping on it could stress you further n hence impeding your recovery =)

