(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Mm6j: ya! Den they can be 青梅竹马 and we can be 亲家! Lol!! You also agree they look alike ma....

Superwalker: actually even not under direct sunlight also will hav UV rays lehz.. Not gd for lil T wor..

MM6J: Must wait for my eye to recover heeh Thurs haf to go NUH to do therapy =(

RuYun: *faintz* colleague is see everyday le *pengz* nvm i think the trick is to not reply n stare blindly. haha Last time i got one colleague oso like tat..always suan me abt things..den i keep at that..nvm answer juz erm stare at her haha ..den nowadays she seldom talk to me! =P No point bothering with this sort of ppl.

BTW * salute* u for doing shifts haha I always siam hospital job last time coz i dun wanna work shift..very xiong even without baby lor..But yes juz try to treasure the time ..Sometimes i drop off my gal at my MIL i wanna cry lor sigh..but we are not alone =) All children will feel their parents love wan..not to worry!
shirlin> childhood sweet hearts ah, ur gal's skin hor is so SMOOTHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.. * jealous, even mine also not so smooth. LOL yah they maybe got "fu qi xiang"? think it's the "eyes"

superwalker> timmy will be "mini walker"?
Raerae: lucky is we diff coy so I only see her on my am shift coz she takeover me.last time when I pregnant I stop toking to her for a few mths. She v xtreme, pregnant also diet coz scared after birth can't lose weight. Got 1 time she told my colleague she diet coz she don't want her tummy to be like mine pointing at my tummy. I was so angry I told her at least my baby is healthy
mm6j - bring lil j.o lah .. i bringin lil e and i tabaoing my hb along cause usually will be my hb and his mum feed my boy whahaha ..
Shirlin, your Lil L dun want my Lil L anymore le ah? *sob sob*
I think i should be bringing him to give my mum a day's rest...

Superwalker, french toast not sure abt their oil.. but if they have kaya/peanut etc toast then ok..
But i still prefer udders waffles..hee
ru yun, shuan le la...ignore her!!

shirlin, what is leann's xiao baobei?

superwalker/chris, actually the walk to tmc from novena sq is ok la...not very long walk mah!

raerae, btw how's ur eye now ah?

ayukie, lil M will be at home as i will be working!! she's not going!! haha
haha yeah lil e can meet lil jo tml agn hehe .. yeahlor all gt match must make sure my lil e dun get left out whahahaa ...
sporty> yah i agree walk is def walkable esp for superwalker, jus pray for good weather cos no shelter!!!

ayukie> lil jo and lil e very violent lo.. *opps
sporty: her xiao baobei is this small lil beanbag tt has her smell.. Hee.. She uses it to cover her face whenever she slps..

Chris: I tot your lil L ardy fell for lil R?? Lol!

Mm6j: dun envy.. Her smooth skin is only cuz she dun get to enjoy aircon since birth.. So when the weather is hot, she suffers too.. Hehe..

Ayukie: we just realised tt they look alike too.. Esp the eyes..
ayukie> my mom wants to meet him. i tink my mom wants to go beo the babies tml!! lol.. i told her abt lil e

shirlin> haha, i also beo her nice round head... yah yah, the eyes! i am right, right?
Shirlin, i love to smell my boy's xiao baobei leh... so addictive!
Lil R and my boy stays on 2 diff ends of the island, can be weekend couple only...hee..
Shirlin did u buy exersaucer? I bought around-we-go and learning table then realized actually the exersaucer middle round thing is like learning table oredi... When bb older take out the rotating chair then it's just a table liao. So now my learning table is still in the box... -.-"

ok looks like udders here we come!! Udders go to udders! Haha
ariesgal_76: I brought both the pouch and a stroller. I used the stroller when shopping around big shopping centres and our mealtimes and when it's office hours (lesser people). Peak periods i would use the pouch. With that being said, the people in HKG are nice so even if you use a stroller they would make way for you
nvfm> how much u bot the learning table? i have both ard we go and learning table also.. i thinking of buying learning chair also. LOLLLLLLL
ayukie, aiya...take pic tog dun mean anything hor...pls take note hor!! LOL

mm6j, its a nice awalk la...of cuz for superwalker not a prob la...she can walk from suntec to dhoby ghaut lor!!

shirlin, ohhhhh :p thot whats her baobei...heheh

nvfm, i agree learning table quite similar to ard we go! hehe... but learning table the tunes and the buttons more interesting leh...hehhe
i finish all my ML liao... fully back to work MONDAY TO FRIDAY... KILL ME PLS... I am die tired! Lucas last night woke up at 3am cry so badly until 4am... feed him dun want... change his diaper still cry.... give him my salty nipple he oso dun wan... wah now i like walking zombie... extremely sleepy....
superwalker and NVFM: I might be able to meet u guys for quick lunch tomorrow... cos u guys at novena i can take a train down.... how how?? sms me wat time u guys meeting ya?
tanly: super high class..... i loved it n lucas loved it too.... he swim in the high class bath tub oso... hehe.... got individual butler service for each floor... and the food super high class oso... but damm freaking expensive.... above all no still no XXX cos aunty in town...

Toking about "aunty in town"... agata really tot i am really toking about my real human aunty in town... she sms me tell me enjoy my hotel stay and hope my aunty can take care of lucas for me... hehehehe.... but my "aunty in town" means I am hving menses... WHAHAHAHAHA... so cute Agata...
btw, jamie had her first swim (somemore in the public pool) last saturday! It was a short 15min swim coz it started to rain after that! Jamie loves the water :D And had a great time in her new float too :D hahaha... Hope to bring her to swim more often ^^
Hey mummies! Advice needed. My gal suddenly running a slightly higher temp, 37.2 deg for the whole day and appear tired. Wondering if I shld be concerned. What can I do? Need to see doc???
peipei, my pd says 37.5 and above then is fever. keep your baby cool - remove excess clothes (just wear thin cotton cloths) and cool baby down in well ventilated room. otherwise, give baby a cool bath or cool wipe down to bring temperature down a bit and keep monitoring.
Superwalker, thanks for ur advice. The infant care teacher said they also sponge her to bring down temp. But after a while, it goes up again. Well, I'll just monitor her for tonight. If not better, then I bring her see doc tomolo.
mm6j, the "cookies" on the table very cute...i totally agree!

raerae, how come not too good leh? what did the doc say?

momo mummy, so fast u finish ur ML liao...u will get used to mon to friday la...dun worry
u working at raffles place isit? share ur pics of the high class hotel leh...i wanna see the nice rooms

ayukie, the FP learning series are very addictive...u juz wanna collect them all!!

peipei, 37.2 is not considered as fever...37.5 above then it is...now u juz cool bb down like what superwalker said...
Pei pei, hope your gal is ok. Usually its just viral fever. Especially nowadays weather is hot, humid and will suddenly downpour.

raerae, if possible just continue. Your bm is powerful one lah. jus that nowadays virus is getting tougher too. My gal also fall sick with my milk. But I she is able to recover with jus nose drops and my bm. So I think its worth it to continue.

sporty, in the end i jus went to sakae sushi. i took sashimi there. nice.

ru yun, Jus ignore her remarks. She jus want to make you unhappy n feel bad. She had suceeded if you are lor. Your boy's had good wt gain wat. So dun worry.
i had my first koi with grass jelly today! and it's really fantastic! thanks for the mummies' recommendations : ) But expensive wor, $3.50 per cup! going broke.. : /
Yipee! Tml is the class finally. But gotta go most prob without lil A coz PD say she cannot take solids before Fri review as PD say mayb the cereals that irritated her stomach too other than her gastric flu. Hiakz ... tried organic cereals on her on Fri nia then Sat she admitted liao cannot take solids le =(

And thank god for BM, pd say it could be the very thing that help prevent her from getting full blown fever. Think I better not hang up my boobs first.
morning all
my gal still zzz...didnt wake up to latch so i had to pump longer...haiz...

bidosoh, great...at least got sashimi to boost ss mah!

nvfm, welcome to the koi addicts club! whahhahha...

shirlin, i haven drank koi since the gathering @ swanston's place lor...everyday kept thinking abt it...whhahahha

momoko, i'm sure Lil A will recover soon...u also take care...
Momoko, hope your girl recover soon. Yup BM is the best food. Perhaps you can try non-organic next time. But try little bit first. I say non-organic because she is used to non-organic food as most prob what you are eating are non-organic and it gets into your bm. I also mention b4 my son is allergic to an organic moisturiser. But ok to normal ones. Good lor, save $ for us.
nvfm & sporty, I wanted to try koi leh. But no outlet near my house and orbit. Everytime you all here to tempt me, sob sob sob....
bidosoh, which area do u stay at? i also have no outlets near me... nearest is amk lor... last sat almost had it but my boy fell asleep so very troublesome to carry him there even tho we are at amk... sighz

Morning all! My gal's temp is still hovering ard 37 deg, even I was using the cooling pad on her forehead throughout the night. Hmm... Have given instruction to the teachers to keep a lookout and give her more water. I hope she din kena the virus from me when I was coughing for the past one week plus. Oh, I'm wondering could it be due to her din poo poo for the past 2 days? Hope her temp can come down to normal today.

Then just now I scalded my hand with boiling water. Sigh... My left hand is red and pain now. Probably due to lack of sleep, can't concentrate well...

Anyway, those going to the weaning class today, ENJOY!! have fun!!
