(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

morning all...
so sleepy...
wished tha i could zzz longer but cant...haizzz

ru yun, ohh...bt panjang got a few tha i can rem...taurus and dingdong lor...ayukie n kimifin stays there sometimes also...

bidosoh, hope ur ss increase from today onwards...what feast u plan to have? i get what u meant by this world is funny/unbalance, the grass on the other side is always greener lor... fried stuffs can take la...once in a while but juz drink lotsa water after tha lor...

Good morning......

So sleepppyyyy too..nt sure why my gal last nite toss n turn..Technically she did not wake up but she like eehh ahhh ehhh ahh den wake me up so carried her to sleep with me..but still no use coz she turn here n there ehh heree ahh there.. geezz duno what's with her le...*yawnzzz*

Sporty: Hee hee u wen 333? Havent been there for sooo lonngg...i dun take oysters la so lugi hor if go haha eat sashimi only..But i like the chicken rice sushi le hahaha so innovative i feel!

MM6J: Mid week break ar?? =) keep seeing all the cool suff u buy for little JO on FB aii yoo so envious haha i so niao..coz my gal last time i bought all the FP stuff for her to play den she play for a few mins den mai liao!

Ru yun: Quite a few Bt panjang ladies...Ayukie new pl is there =) Taurus...Bt gombak which is nearby oso a few..got me shihui..think saintbaby issit ar? hee heeh West got quite a number

Bidosoh: U so cute..haha ppl like me are envious of u! coz for me the last 3 Kg i put in from preggie days still cannot lose..even though i pump pump pump hahah Sighh...Most impt is healthy =) other than that nvm la..I rem last time someone say take milo n oats can help increase SS..I find drinking DOM helps me..I usu take after the last pump den sleep..the next day for me is drip drip drip haha so now i dare not take coz i tryin to stop my BF liao..my target 6mth mah!
mm6j, enjoy ur leave today...what do u plan to do?

raerae, 333 no oysters anyways...so u wun lugi la...juz whack the sashimi its good enough!! ohh good tha ur target of 6 mths coming up! then u can try to reduce ur pumps liao...
hi raerae, no lah, ig g for weaning class tml.. yes, play a few mins each day lo.. heheh
MM6J: Next time u can rent out liao when ur boy bigger! It may b big business hee hee..Ooo Weaning class...is it the one which the other gals are goin? Hai speaking of which my MIL is harassing me to let her feed my gal si sen brown rice or any semi solid food.. i told her to wait till 6mth she keep asking why must feed one food by one food..and why must wait..she keep saying my gal very skinny..i was like hello my gal is like 7.5kg at 5.5mth..ok wat!!! How heavy she wan?? *sorry* kena reminding haha

Sporty: Wooo issit..haha okies i brought my hb there for bday like 3 yrs ago haha so long rite..cant rem too muchie liao
Raerae, my mum is like your mil, kept nagging at me to give semisolid now. Last week I already told her not to nag liao...if today when she comes she nags again, I think I m not gonna invite her over for the next 2 weeks liao!! Kekeke :p

last nite got tekan by my boy again....been 1 week...going crazy liao! Hahaha!!!

Oh reminder - tomorrow's lunch is at xin Wang at united sq, not subway.
raerae, why you wanted to stop. You can continue to bf even if you wanted a second one. My friend bf for 3 yrs+ and when she is preg she continue. She stop when her boy suddenly don't like the taste of bf. Maybe its the preg that chg the taste. She stop when she is 4mth preg. Tis year weather not too good. So our bb ned our anti-bodies protection.
sporty> ooh, yah relac relac..

raerae> no lah, i gg to keep hope can let #2 play hahahah. yes the same one.. haha ur mil so cute...she loves her grandchild too much lah...

hi crazy superwalker :p c u tml!
raerae, aiya...mils or mums are like tha one, always wanna hurry us to start solids...i wonder whats the hurry!! hehe

superwalker, is ur boy teething? if not why is he so grouchy?!

mm6j, yes...hope i can relax abit la...hahha
adeline, saw you came back from HK? wanna ask you if you sling your bb through out or you use pram? cos me going in june but dunno how pram friendly they are....
sporty, havent thought of where to feast. I think its abit late to have a good lunch. I don't like to take heavy dinner. Afraid of acid reflux. You have any recommendation good place for lunch? I am going with my HB.
bidosoh, how abt kuishinbo at suntec? jap buffet and u can have lotsa sashimi to boost ur ss...hehe... if not can go for 1 for 1 lunch at swemsens, billy bombers or durty nellys...
Raerae: u working or sahm? Maybe nex time we can have a mini west outing?

Superwalker: my mum opposite leh, she say don't give so early even though since quite long ago my aunt keep saying 4mth can give already.

By the way I met my irritating fren at NTUC and she commented few times that my son LOST a lot of weight no wonder he underweight. Then go home my son keep crying for ard 1.5hr .
sporty, not sure if he is teething...he kept shouting or crying in the middle of the nite while his eyes are closed. yesterday he cried so cham - i think he had a very very bad dream. when i picked him up to sayang him, he was still very sound asleep but still sobbing very hard. i had to wake up and sayang him 4 times between 11pm and 1am last night... *chant* bad dreams go away...bad dreams go away!!!!

mm6j, crazy superwalker waves at u :p
Ru Yun, tell your its ok, don't have to cry.

I think my gal is the lightest among all the bb here. She only weigh 6.18kg at 5 months nia. So light. My mum still say girl small size good mah. I almost fainted.
ru yun, thot ur boy's weight is quite power...why ur fren said tha??!! so bad of her...

superwalker, maybe he was over stimulated...sounds like "ham bin" ...

tanly, as long as ur gal's healthy...dun have to worry abt the weight la...
rue, errrr....as mentioned this morning and yesterday, we are going to Xin Wang Cha Can Ting at United Sq, NOT subway. not sure if still going to udders as we have to see how much time we have before the weaning class.
superwalker, same as my boy leh! He keep crying in the middle of nite and I dun get to sleep. Also dunno what happen to him, everything also dun wan, carry him and walk about liao stil cry and scream! Panda liaoz...
Superwalker : ham bin is nitemare

Sporty : my boy was 3.5kg at birth , 6.5kg at 3mth but only 7.5kg at 5mth. She reali v irritating coz she keep saying other ppl baby small but y must compare ley? Even if her baby big she say pple already not good but her baby small but say other pple baby small. Then keep telling us her baby heavy and keep telling her baby "u very heavy u know?"
Received a reminder sms from TMC on the weaning class tomorrow. The class is at 3.30pm. All of u going for this class right? Or is there an earlier one?
Tanly : my mum and I did tell him don't bother about what pple say but don't seem to work lor. My son very pantang 1. He say pregnant woman or touched by pregnant woman also keep crying
Superwalker and BPmama, that sounds like what happened to my bb. A lot of stirring and sounds many times the whole night. But no sobbing though, hmm. Anyway it stopped as suddenly as it started after about 2 weeks. Just before I went crazy :p maybe it's teething cos I discovered bb's teeth not long after. Or maybe it's sleep regression..

We gotta go udders!! Mao Shan Wang ice cream!! Urmm da bao to the weaning class? Or eat as we walk since superwalker wanna superly walk to TMC? Hee hee : ) imagine, yummy ice cream as we walk in the hot sun... Ah...
Ashley the same one, 330pm : )

urmm u all no need to go udders if u dun want la. I can run over myself then we go class together. *chant* udders udders udders :p
superwalker, yes ham bin is nightmares...

ru yun, think 7.5kg at 5 mths is quite normal la...dun care abt her comments la, treat it as she's farting...
Sporty: I was quite worried coz initial stage he gained 1kg a mth den suddenly became 1kg a mth . Even doc say can still feed a lot. But y she must say in front of my baby ley? She did the same thing to my friend's baby last mth when we went for a wedding dinner.
Ruyun:I am FTWM haha so sian rite... But sure was wondering if got anymore gatherings. Dun b affected by what ur fren says..at least u see her once in awhile..plus weight doesnt mean anything..light doesnt mean slow development BTW ur boy is not light lor! 7.5kg at 5mth ok wat!! Ignore her =)

Superwalker: Sigh..the stories of in-laws will nv end wan haha I juz cannot understand why cannot wait? But but yes my bb has taken to stirring in the middle of her slp occasionally these 2 wks! Not everynite but often lor... buay tahan coz she turn here n there..sometimes keep hitting the cot!

Bidosoh: hmm i dunno le..coz now i only pump 3X a day plus 2 latch..Very tiring n workwise i got to run here n there de..Speaking of antibodies..hai i total BF my gal but she still came down with flu n cough le...so i think my BM not power enuff la haha
*waves back to crazy superwalker! *grins

u all very ambitious hor, walk from udders to the weaning class. i help u all * fingers it don rain

i still undecided abt bringing lil JO to weaning class cos i think damn Xtra lo so maybe i jus go myself ..

jus had KOI. yums
nvfm, i'll go with you to udders thou I wont b getting 'cat mountain king' aka mao shan wang hahaha! Eat and walk is also a good idea. Hot weather plus cool ice cream..hmmmm yummy! *udders udders udders
Raerae: I also FTWM , have to work shift somemore. There was once after night shift I went home saw my son no matter how I play or call him he refused to look at me.
sad to say she is my colleague actually and coming back from maternity leave soon. And she stay beside BPP so not really see her once in a while.
As I'm typing this, my girl is gg crazy swinging her xiao baobei in her yaolan.. Lol..

Back hm from lunch and enjoying my Koi now!! Bought Learning Table for Leann too!

Mummies, see all of you tmr! Dun thk will b joining for lunch
cuz wanna let my lil devil slp gao gao b4 gg class..

Mm6j: bring JO along!! My Leann wanna take pic with kor kor!! :D
nvfm, i'll NEED to go udders as I'm intending to get the waffles as lunch! Xin Wang nothing for me ..

i dun understand why superwalker claims she doesnt like to exercise when she can walk superbly.. haha
Nvfm, I also want the durian ice cream
I intend to only have a toast at xin wang so as to save stomach for a big ice cream after that
keke...I plan to walk to tmc if the weather allows
Hahaha...yes...walking is just a normal routine for me

chris, I dun put sunblock for T cos I try not to walk in the sun cos he is so afraid of heat. Nothing for u at xin wang? U can take the French toast? That is wat I I tend to have. It's really big n nice!

mitsy, see u tmr
ru yun> no i don eat durians.. hahaha

i wanna faint. i wanna go alone tml. my mom now say she ALSO wanna go....... so now i my mom and lil jo all "must go" *pengz...
