(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

MBJ: Wat Fieda say is true...keep thinking abt it will make u get well slower. Yes I kena H1N1 Aug 2010, think we were 7mth preggie or something... Dun even know from where..no one i know got it! But anywayz, i was super upset had to take Tamiflu..but well Thank God that everything is ok..My gal is so far so good * touch wood*

Sporty: Hmm is 1.5L too big to cook baby food?

Thermos food container: Hmm i wondering if 300mL is enuff..i wanna get one but not sure if it is big enuff... heeh heeh
MBJ, I know how you feel. I also had taken medication which is not really safe for preg in the initial stage of my preg. I took it for 13 weeks then my gynae changed my med to something safe. I think the exposure is long enough, luckily my baby wasn't affected.

Your children need you. Your sadness will affect them. I think you can ring up your PD and tell them your situation. If you have a long term PD, they should entertain your call.

Raerae, you and your baby girl are strong ladies to got through h1n1.

Hurray, my ss is back by 80%. Tomorrow going back to work. If possible save as much leave as possible. With 2 kids you don't know when you will need it.
MBJ, don't worry about BM, can build up slowly one. My ss dropped 70% on Monday. Now its back to 70%. Just only 2 days can have such a huge difference. All the best.
Mbj: how u know can't take synflex? Synflex was given to me by tmc after delivery as painkiller lehz.. So it shldnt be a prob even if u bfing ah.. Cuz I'm on tbf-ing too.. Dun worry ya..
Shirlin> jus now when I was leaving, the tmc woman who wanted to "kidnap" ur lil LA ask mr take another one

mbj> take care and what is "over" jus forget it don let it affect u further ok? We're all here for u. Cheer up and take more Milo to build up ur ss !
Hi devlina> so shiok can work from home! ;)

fieda> I help u ask mrs wong jus now about biting bb. She said to tell bb NO firmly each time he bites, if it doesn't work, after he bites, bring his arm to ur mouth and gently bite him so he knows biting is bad. Hope this helps. Jiayou!
Mm6j, thanks for bringing me my "loots"
heee...I also have 2 goodie bags. The same lady practically forced me to take it as I was walking out the door! Haha!

I walked home from tmc just now - 35mins walk...was drenched in perspiration by the time I got home! Ha! My boy was happily sleeping while I walked
he is getting heavier...think I cannot walk long distance anymore!
MBJ, feel better soon!

My baby seem to like the white rice cereal sample from the weaning class. Will start her on this then

I've finally got to try the famous KOI, thanks to an angel

And as usual, it was nice to meet up with the mummies and babies. So when's the next lunch gathering? hahah

Mitsy, I owe you $ for the cab fare. Let me know how much to pay you back. Thanks!
superwalker> u're welcome
yah, they "lazy" to carry back..haha.
good for us.. lucky ur "drench" was ur perspiration lah anot not the rain.. u really superwalker, when timmy learns to work, he can be "miniwalker" hehehe

ashley> wah i ANGEL? hahahahah
glad u like it.. ur earrings very chio lei! i can imagine ur lil "A" making them hers.. hehehe
Mm6j: orh.. No wonder.. Actually even if they gimme 1 more I also can't take le.. Hee.. Tks for Koi ah..

Eating my dinner alone on living rm.. Hb not gg to be hm again tonight.. Hai..
mitsy, ya..... i owe u cab fare too! sorry..just now many people very concuss...forgot to pay u back. how much i owe u?

mm6j, heeheeee...i hope my lil T can be a mimiwalker, cos his daddy n mummy can really walk a lot a lot *picture me n my hb walking hand in hand n lil T stumbling along with us ...awwww...so cute!*
but his grandma already want to buy him electric car liao...wah ...like that he will rather "drive" than walk leh! hahaha!!!
Ashley, so how is the koi? Love at first taste?

Luckily I brew my liang teh today. Should have brew 2 weeks back to prevent flu outbreak at home. Need to remove heatiness due to hot weather. I don't perspire that much after the liang teh.
raerae, i think 1.5L shd be ok juz to cook bb food as bb dun eat much also mah

mm6j, still got goody bag for the class eh? whats inside?

bidosoh, good tha ur ss is coming back

superwalker, u walked home from tmc??!! u really live up to ur nick!!...*faints*

shirlin, so late then having dinner ah?
sporty, heeee...that was one of the "quests" that i had in mind
this evening's weather was perfect for walking
i m extremely full now.....had 2 HUGE scoops of mao shan wang ice cream today after lunch, then a big packet of beef hor fun for dinner and then followed by a HUGE koi. *burp*
sporty: ya.. Not hungry just nw plus dun wanna eat too early if nt midnight feel hungry.. Hehe..

I love the magmag.. Let her feed herself and all i need is to look at her to make sure she dun anyhow poke her face with the teat.. Lol
just finished reading archive from yday till now . what's KOI actually? being seeing KOI every now and then? i saw from the pics, look like bubble tea kinda thing.
anymore wkday lunch gathering coming up??
superwalker, at least u achieved ur "quest"! hhahha...actually i love to walk also but nowadays they realy getting heavier...so more tiring! hahah...geez, dun burp leh...i very scared of liulian one...kekkekeke

shirlin, u always have ur dinner late (tha what i noticed), not good lor...hehhe...hope ur mood's better now...u dun sound too good on fb juz now

ru yun, koi is a bubble tea brand...its very yummy
weekday lunch is always on tues for the sahms

bidosoh, march gathering meaning @ the park green one? think my weight ard there already...maybe 1 to 2 kg diff ba... but pics are decieving la...hahha
sporty: thx , i shall try it 1 day. AMK is amk hub isit? wkday lunch like very few mummies ma.

To sahms: next tue i am off (hopefully wont b recalled to work. Am i welcomed??
sporty: ya.. Always late dinner lorz.. Know not gd but it's to prevent me from feeling hungry during the night n end up with gastric.. And ya.. Since yday quite emo le.. Abt my work.. May have to throw letter.. Sian...
ru yun, its near AMK hub...somewhere near the venus/song and song at the hdb shop house there...

shirlin, ur bm make u angry ah...dun emo la...find another job before u throw letter lor
Bidosoh, I had the normal milk tea with pearls. The milk tea is not bad and the pearls are very smooth...I likey!

This afternoon I very clumsy...dripped Koi over my baby and myself! Terrible!
sporty: not my bm la.. It's HO.. Wanna trf me to cck Br n do Sunday bkg which I refuse to.. Too far! Plus Sunday bkg means no time with leann.. Tmr gg back Br to talk with bm lorz.. Hai.. Ya, will find a job before I throw letter...
hi ladies, thanks for your encouragement.
i am much better, having sore throat now but i can live with that, as long as i can breastfeed and got energy to look after my kids, i am not complaining. keke
my ger just took panadol again before she went to sleep at 6plus. hope her fever goes away by tml. then can go for jab on fri. but aiyo, later go jab again fever. sian.

shirlin, i also got the synflex after delivery as painkiller, that's why i thought safe to take but after that i asked my pharmacist friend he said will be absorbed into breastmilk and much stronger so not recommended for those breastfeeding, sigh, anyway, yup, it's over so no point sulking over. just hope my kids in good health ba.

shirlin you using magmag to feed bb? milk or water?

bidosoh, mm6j, my ss still low but i will keep latching and try to build up. only thing is bb not feeling good so drink very little, without her latching i can't pump too cos can't get let down.

superwalker, i just remembered, are you the one either when pregnant time or was it with baby walked home all the way from orchard after a gathering? no wonder you are superwalker. i remember the last time furthest i walked was when i was in secondary school, i walked from ang mo kio all the way to macritchie reservoir.
Mbj: hmmm.. Nvm la.. Over le.. Nw focus on building bac ur ss lorz.. Rmb to drink more Milo n eat oats..
and yup, I use magmag to feed her milk.. Easier cuz no need carry her n feed.. But if I gt nth to do den I'll still use normal bottle to feed her la..
Mbj: FM can also use magmag ma.. You tried before?

Ru Yun: you search under Pigeon pdts.. It's a sippy cup by Pigeon.. Thk alot of mummies here bought it too..
Ru Yun: cuz my girl holds the bottle herself so I just put her on the rocker den she can finish the whole btl of milk herself which sometimes gimme some extra time to do stuff..
haven't post here for quite sometime cause been busy with my boy eczema. Sunday his eczema flared up which is the worst of all not sure if its due to the ikan bilis nasi goreng i ate. He was unable to sleep on sunday night, really poor thing. So brought him to see pd on mon cause non of the natural product works and the itch had been disturbing his sleep which had affected his growth. He only weighs 6.67kg at 5.5 mths. So after seeing the pd had applied steroid almost everywhere on his body and it did heal and his sleep also improved. Now also have to bathe him with potassium permaganate. I was really frustrated that why does he have to inherit my eczema, really feel so sad seeing him in such a state. Feel that he's drinking very little milk as he always suckle ard 5 mins and will unlatch and my ss also not a lot. Now worry about his weight growth and also if his eczema will come back again. Forever there's always something to worry, dunno why my kids got so many problems. At times feel so demoralised. And i also got so much restriction in food that i feel so sian can't induldge in yummy food. Now really paranoid on the food i eat cause afraid it will cause another flare up.

saw those photos of the yummy food u took makes me drool.

ru yun,
which part of bukit panjang r u staying?

Hope u and ur bb recover soon. Think is best not to bring ur bb for vaccination if she just recover from illness. Its alright to be off the vaccination schedule.

Didn't know u kena h1n1 during pregnancy. How's ur eye now, better?
MM6J, thanks for helping me get the KOI!! Yeah! Finally tried the glass jelly! I like I like!!! Oh no, feel like drinking some now. Hahahahaha
ladies, thanks for the warm welcome back. It feels good to see many mummies and babies at the weaning talk today. =) Just thinking that the talk is repetitive cos much of the information can be easily found on most books and websites... guess it's the Q&A that interests me most.

mm6j, almost all our loot from HK are for baby manz! only 4 pieces are for myself.. sob, i'm sure most of us shop for bb more than for ourselves now... hehe, will take a pic of lil yx's clothes and post of FB soon.. need time to sort out the HK pix. hehe..

Superwalker, you are the winner man! Walk all the way back... think your beef horfun was cold by the time u reach hm?

Shirlin, envious that ur gal can feed by herself liao... i gotta retrain my gal with the bottle... she has been rejecting it for the past couple of weeks... tried to dreamfeed her with bottle, but in her subconsciousness, she can still push the teat away... faintz!

taurus, jia you... your bb will recover soon!
morn all!

shirlin, good luck in ur job search!

myboyjovan, glad tha u are feeling better...jia you
not easy to be a sahm...

taurus, dun feel so demoralised la...my son's skin also not very good but recently i switched him back to "esemtan" to bathe him and its improving lor...what did u use to bath ur son with?

ashley/momoko, seems like u gals are hooked on koi too...thanks to mm6j!! hahha
shirlin: ur gal gd leh, my son only know how to play n pull, duno how to hold.

tauras: i stay bangkit, my son got this thing duno is caused by the milk/saliva or eczema, now damn jialat, spread till the chest there , whole neck n now mouth area oso got already, ltr bringing him see doc.
ru yun, today late liao cuz i overslept! usually earlier...hahha... esemtan is a brand of a liquid soap for ecezma...

hhaha...sorry blur...changed liao...

u can buy it at guardian pharmacy...abt 11 bucks
morning gals... it's thurs.. 1 day to friday..

seems like you gals enjoyed the weaning class ya.. btw whats inside the goodies bag.. i very kpo =p
mm6j such a good angel to get KOI for you gals.. everyday i walk pass the bubble tea shop, i will just go and grab one tho not KOI.. tink all mummies here are addicted to bubble tea..

sporty.. nice seeing u at 333

BTW, check with you gals, those using bjourn carrier.. there are soooo many type, which are the one u gals buy? And how much it cost?? i tinking of getting one so that i can bring along during my aust trip else will have handache carrying her. I am tinking of getting one from amazon..
Good morning Ladies =)

Taurus: so nice to see u here =) Sorry to hear abt ur boy..It must b tough for u to see him like that..Really nothing much we can do but bring him go Dr..In the meantime, juz do ur best..Already u have done so much Ie food restrain..Is there anything in particular ur boy is allergic to that causes the Ezema?Mayb do a skin prick?

Yup had H1N1 when i was preggie..and worse of the worse is during my BDAY!!! Wwanna faint but those times had gone by already =)

My eye not well..I am goin for a procedure this afternoon =) Hope everything will be fine.. Its a condition caused by my extreme myopia so ladies TAKE CARE OF KIDS EYES!! hee hee

Anise: I use the Bjorn air carrier, it is not bad but i think can use until 13Kg or something. Although i think the new synergy should b better coz got additional back support. For mine is old one, my brother pass on to me de..I am not sure how much it coz on Amazon but u can haf a look at http://agapebabies.livejournal.com/?skip=40

Ruyun: why not u wear bib for ur baby? My gal oso salivate like no one business yucky so i put bib coz old ppl say wait the chest area wet not good will gget "cold" heeh
Taurus , just concentrate on bringing down the flare up now. Bath baby in cool water as warm water will cause itchiness. Also keep baby in cool room - heat is one of the biggest trigger of eczema. For me, i actually use water to bath my boy now. I also use water to wash most of his clothes, unless there is a obvious stain then I use a bit bit of baby detergent. After the redness goes down, apply physiogel cream liberally everywhere a few times a day. Thank god the physiogel works for my boy, as his scarred skin is now repaired
takes about 2 to 3 weeks to go back to the original form though. Jia you!!!
I have very bad blocked ducts again!! Emmm... Think it's the durian ice cream AND pearl tea combo! Ouch! Haha!!

Xuanxuan, ya...my hor fun is a bit cold, but I was so hungry by the time I got home I gobbled it up in less than 5 mins! Yummy!

Mbj, heee... Yes....that is me ....*bow
Xuanxuan: try to get ur girl back to bottle lorz.. In case she starts teething deb cannot latch her anymore.. Have u tried changing teats since she rejects the btl?some bbs only prefer certain type of teats...can try nuk or TT..

Ru Yun: slowly ya.. Your bb will learn hw to use it in time.. My girl very haolian.. Since 3mths plus wanna hold btl herself.. Keep pushing my hands away so I just let her use magmag lorz.. Hee

Tks sporty.. see how's the talk with my BM ltr lorz.. Hope u wun need to throw letter..

Superwalker! Def is cuz of Koi! Everytime I drink, ss also up alot.. faster go ask lil T to latch n unblock.. Hee..

Declination: yday's class was more like a gathering for us.. Lol.. Only gd part is we get to ask Mrs Wong qtns lorz.. Hee
