(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Mm6j, only bought the turtle toy by fp. Then got scolding from my mum for buying toys for my gal.

I also long time no ware sexy lingeries liao. Now also wearing ah mah type, cos butt too cannot fit into old one already.
anise - take care gal ..

me on mc today after so all the ots ..doc says my bpi is on low side agn havent been like this sice i preg haiz ..
dingdong> wow that's erm considerably "long" . i always imagine u to be jus "newly married" cos u look quite young. HAHAH, so i get hugs and kisses also? maybe u all go buy toto lah then maybe can fulfill sahm wish. i also wish the same sometimes...

sporty> i dunno lei, i always taught to wash underwear by hand!!! wah now like i am only one. haiz, most degrading rite? i used to think emptying trash bin most degrading but i realise washing underpants more degrading!! *embarassed

anise> yah lah, now i know how difficult it is to run with 2 "balls"

sporty> yes, the BOING BOING BOING.. which defy gravity! :p no lah, i said liaos, not branded lah!!! PLAIN COTTON UNDIES. ok, stop asking abt my underwear lah.. so paiseh

tanly> yah we better stop buying.. i got some stretch marks lah so i tiink wear lingerie already also very ugly. one day hor i was super engorged, my husb commented "wah, y ur boobs so big" i was like "NB lah" that time even the green vein on the boob was so visible, damn pain and scary...

lol i dont even think abt normal bras now its nursing bras and AMDK for me ..not to mention sexy lingeries .. imagine with 2 breastpads in them werid hor? lol
mm6j, wahahaha....i still look young ah. you make my day MUAKS! bought so many 4Ds and totos also no luck leh, at least for my hubby lah cos i dun buy.

talking about poin poin poin, i used to hate jogging cos i can feel my cheeks poin poin poin. now i hate jogging cos i can feel my boobs poin poin poin...
It was nice meeting u yesterday.

U r not the only one, i also wash underpants by hand. Yah thought underpants need to wash by hand cause sometimes got stain so better to wash by hand first. My hubby also told me must wash by hand too, more hygiene. But i dun find it degrading.

Me too didn't know u married for so long liao, even longer than me. I only married for 6yrs. Dun think u r the record holder for not xxx, i also stopped after pregnant till now also dun have yet. Really no mood or energy for it. Hubby complaining but i boh hue.
argh!!! any mummies got faulty units from fp sales? i bought an infant to toddler rocker and there are bolts and nuts missing from the packaging, cannot assemble!! can ask for exchange/refund from them anot ah?

so sad... then when i opened the box, it seems like a display set, got scratches at the rubber pad, etc.
Just to share that i think barley water helps to boost milk supply. My supply suddenly dropped when i was sick and i was drinking barley to relieve my heatiness and somehow found it helps to boost my supply. Yesterday whole day drinking barley water and my supply came back.
ayukie, aiyooo...u better take care...dun OT too much!!

mm6j, i agree tha dingdong looks very young! hmmm...since i got married, all underwear goes into the washing machine...where got time to hand wash...i even wash my suits and my hb's shirts in washing machine lor...whahhaha :p i also have the green vein on my boobs...hahha... oh ya, forgot to tell u...tha time after i stopped bfing for #1 hor, i have stretchmarks on my boobs lor!!! luckily it went away after away...can u imagine how ugly it was!! wahahhaha...stop asking ayukie to "imagine" us la!!

dingdong, actually hor...even walking now...walk abit faster also got boin boin boin lor...LOL

shirlin, u read mm6j's post until u LET DOWN ah...whahahhaha
taurus> degrading in sense that i think it's the most "lowly" chore in the hse lo.. kakaka

shirlin> wat's so funny? :p the resident joker is momo mummy lah!!

dingdong> heheh .. true lah, u look like student also.. hahahahh
d8raem8n, thanks for the advise. sigh... need to go back again, and i don't have anymore things to buy from there leh if there is no new unit.

anyone wants anything from fp sales? i can help you get if no new units for exchange.

haha... this forum has shifted from XXX to washing underpants to boobs! such enjoyable reading this forum. :p
peipei, think shd be able to exchange ba...for the faulty FP rocker...but u juz have to go all the way there again!

mm6j, dingdong is student now mah! hehe
shirlin> lol, i MAKE U HIGH! hahaha

sporty> omg, i still got *stains* of the linea nigra and stretchmarks on my tummy lo, haiz, boobs also will get stretchmarks? *faints!

pei pei> sux abt the fp sale...
Sporty: ya!! LET DOWN!! Lol! Lucky nv kana my uniform.. If not paisei sia.. Anw, I'll take ur advice n slowly pace myself see can tahan bfing till 1 yr anot..

Mm6j: I laughed at the part when u said stuffed breastpads in lingerine la!!
Hahahahaha! I nearly rolled off my chair when I saw the "running with sexy lingerie stuffed with breastpad". I miss sexy lingerie ... my nursing bra is so BORING!

Maid ... I made my hb wash his own laundry n underpants. Told him I bo eng, keke, made him vaccumn and mop floor too, excuse is I sweat, milk will turn sour then lil A dun like. Hahahahaha
sporty> yah, dingdong looks like FULL TIME student.

shirlin> dunno y hor, u said uniform, i suddenly imagine u in NURSE UNIFORM.. *opps, ayukie, dunno y but this is ur fault i think!!!
mm6j, my linea nigra almost gone liao...yippie!!
yes lor, my boobs got stretchmarks till i was so upset then but it went away after a few mths lor

shirlin, hahha...next time u want more letdown...ask mm6j to post more for u to read! LOL LOL
sporty, MM6J, yah... gotta go all the way there again!! some items are worth buying, but most are not.

MM6J, yes! boobs can get stretchmarks too if your boobs increase in size big big. hee... not that i have, but i heard from my boss says she has. oops! need to apply stretchmarks cream to prevent it if boobs grow big big...
Peipei, my FP item also got defect. i bought the rainforest jumperoo, the dragonfly suppose to stand but mine like "ED" cannot stand no wire inside. As i had already assemble and its a hassle to disassemble n travel all the way back so me not gg to exchange loh.
oh so DOM is dirty old man .. i learnt a new word .. erm dunno doc says low bpi lor erm dunno leh she didnt say eat anything to bu but ask me rest lor and observe .. maybe cause alot of ots lately and nt enulf rest my bpi drops lor haha my head still spining manz sian .. hmz wads the normal bpi ar? she measure says mine is 60/90 ..
mm6j - i would wish to imagine sporty and you running but then hor i still wanna book her lil M leh wahhahaa so i imagine u running 1st lah whahhaa
pei pei - tats why i restrained myself during the fp sales .. unless the box is in a v v gd condition i dont get lor haiz ... and my hb says unless box is clean and new also no get so only gt learning hm so sad ..
shirlin - the one with stuffed breastpads is me whhaa cause erm i still leak at times so well i dare nt go w/o breastpads not even at home ..
esther, u very cute lor...always read never post...POST POST POST! hehe

ayukie, u clever hor...dun dare to "offend" me...whahhahha :p
hehe....i am so happy today cos many people said i look young...woo hoo....there's once a cashier at NTUC in his late teens called me auntie and i'm upset for days manz.

taurus, hehe, my hubby didn't complain woh. neither did he make any advances so far as he's also too tired out from work. btw, would it be convenient to get the HB cereal from you tonight at around 10pm?

pei pei, i got the infant to toddler walker and mine's ok. you can exchange it lah but just that have to make another trip lor.

sporty, hen nah hen nah, i know u're big lah...kekeke

i also handwash undies leh. but then i throw them into washing machine to spin dry after washing.

yeah, i'm an old student. damn, i should get back to my books liao.....ciao
sporty - yeahhhhhhh whahahaa :p

esther - yupz

jazz - then luckily hb refrained me from getting the jumperoo then cause i dman gian to get it and im still thinking abt the jumperoo but hb commented only the learning hm looks new new clean clean even the jumperoo box also looks v v old and like nt v v clean lor so he stopped me from getting in case of defects etc ..
sporty, stop asking me to buy more!! dun tempt me further, if not my hubby is going to ban me from this forum! haha!!!

ayukie, yah lor... i also see if the box condition is good then buy. but still got a faulty set.

dingdong, no choice, i have to make a trip down tomolo or friday lor. still thinking if i shld just take cab there... haha... then there goes my savings for the toy. :p
Mm6j: nurse uniform!!!!! Tts sooo naughty! Wahaha! But my uniform also sexy la.. Cuz pre preggy de.. So tight tight can see curves... Lol!!!

Sporty: idea hor!! Nxt time shall engage mm6j help when I can't get let dwn.. Pay her nominal fee la.. *winks at mm6j
ayukie, ya the box old old. i felt cheated after assemble n knowing the defect, but bb just love playing in it, so now no long upset liao.
Ayukie... U betta takecare. Dun play2.. Wah so fast u book sporty gal lol...

Pei pei... I oso got e same item as u.. Hubby fix Liao still ok.. Should haf another new set. When I was there, got many sets left.. I oso worry got missing item thus ask hb to fit up those big items... Nw wondering if I should open my learning hm to chk lol.. I gt a faulty Barbie camera @$10. Decided to throw since troublesome to travel down..
hello...... me taking a peek here while pumping in office..... mm6j say now here very happening topics in discussion so i kaypoh..

mm6j, i also dunno why but imagine shirlin in nurse uniform when she mention about her uniform.. haha.....
how come i didn't know mm6j can have the let down effect? like that i must jio you out for lunch more often liao lah..... once a week not enough leh...
i break from course just briefly read through. BTH ALL OF U LAH!!!!

but i want to say AYUKIE> SO U DARE TO OFFEND ME HOR? next time good deals u on my BANN LIST LIAOS!!!

pei pei> oh bummer but i suppport sporty. go buy buy buy!! make ur trip worthwhile by buying another toy with savings!!

sporty> wah ur LN almost gone ah. *JEALOUS.*cross fingers abt the boob stretch marks, i don mind erm boobs shrink abit to C but NO stretch marks! i still wondering if i shld get my belly button "re-pierced" cos tht time preg, i remove the belly ring so the hole closed...

shirlin> eh so u got dress up in ur bank's uniform to play GAMES with ur husb to XXX is it? lol, sounds so seductive.. wah i give u let downs? *fainted..

esther> hahah, perverts read our forum? what an idea! lol.. u also very "imaginative"

ariesgal> forum happening rite? hahaha, so when u wanna lunch again? let's jio zentan!! she bu jian again...
