(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

hmmm no one answers me when bb is ready to put in a walker or jumperoo kind of stuff?

Oh, I intend to buy just 1 small small world playmat, BUT, intend to buy a cheaper alternative and put at in laws place....anyone got suggestion? cos there no "di nam" or soft matteress or dun have wooden floor.

ayukie> thanks ah, i got wear a sweater over hahah later maybe before go meeting i don wear sweater than when everyone in the room then i "action" wear sweater.. wahahahah

superwalker> yah, i erm piak button before. sian. :p yah i scrutinize my boy everyday since my husb and i bathe him once in the day and once at nite, and both will "audit" each other hahaha and "audit" my mom! lol mine got a lot of "folds" lol... u jus check check.. so many lunches u plan, really leading tai tai lifestyle sia!!!

superwalker, sporty, shirlin> was jus telling husb wanna take leave erm before mid april cos erm my bldg will be super crowded and i hate it. so maybe 6th april i can join u all hur hur hur... lol

shihui> u mus wash the bottles "extra clean" ah, sometimes hor, i think i wash things use water like nobody's biz. *opps

sporty> i also kena blocked ducts this morning. haiz... maybe cos last nite i lazy din pump :p too bz with erm. ST. lOL.

rachelle> is it cos he took vaccine? don be depressed just let him drink as and when he wants? as long as he's growing fine, don worry ok! *hugz

ardenz> maybe ur bb jus wants to be near u, she wants ur "smell".

bb always give us "surprises"..

my bb schedule all messed up with he fell sick...now he is better, I thk the tough time is over "for the moment"..
they are so unpredictable, that's y, they are so innocent.

I tried to follow the contented lit bb, from day 1, no use. EVERY bb is different.

I understand on the pump, I pump 30 mins, bb drk in 5 mins. somemore have to interfere with my work schedule and wat time to rush home latch, cos i wan the bonding.

but i thk i will wean him after 6 mths...so now, I latch n latch!

work vs bb, or can say, work n bb, v v tough, but this is the phase we have to pull thru. worst. my hub even dare to criticise me on my work..(long long story) n he is not paying me $$ leh.

If I intend to go for #2, thk i will take 6 mths leave to concentrate on BF....so back to work, can forget about pumping.
Government should give us 6 mths maternity leave since minimum 6mth of breastfeeding is recommended. If it really happen, I will seriously consider having #3.. kekeke.. ;p
velo... i oso dye and rebond my hair.. so far so good..

rachelle... relax gal... me oso the same here.. to me, when bb is hungry, they sure wanna drink. so don't worry too much.. I am oso getting pretty tired but i told myself i can be persist on and I CAN DO IT =).. i lack of the slp too.. everyday travelling from west to east and back to west and by the time i settle my gal it's already 10 plus.. sometime will be 9 plus <-- bonus to me.. only afterwhich i can have my dinner and do abit of my stuffs.. one word "TIRED".. I really "xi sheng" alot for bf.. i will still cont and if can, like jane go for 2 yrs =)
i think now we can apply for additional 2 mths of ML n employer cannot reject, right?

but i thk govt will hold on to 4 mths... since recently, the birth rates r better...
unpaid, i read from mom n my co site.

any way we can feedback to the authority to promote 6 mth ML?

most european countries are 1 yr!
hey folks, heard from someone that govt IS considering 6 months ML already.. they will be testing it out with teachers first... any teachers heard of such a thing??!
aiyo, i spent 1 hr reading and writing my reply then forum down yest evening.

<font color="119911">sporty</font>, ya lor. lol. no more buying toys for my girl liao. *hugs* u like always kana blocked ducts. poor girl.

<font color="119911">momo mummy</font>, ya lor. at first never buy ky pain like dunno wat but keep quiet pretend enjoy lor. in the end give in go and buy. hahaha.

<font color="119911">melodie</font>, if $100 i dun buy liao lo. bu she de. izzit?! i was stucked in front of the shelves digging for the animal toys. my girl got a zoo now. lol.

<font color="119911">mm6j</font>, lol. me got lock jaw problem leh. blow also in the end do one. coz halfway jaw pain.

<font color="119911">anise</font>, lots of small toys. i bu she de spend so much on a single toy. *hugs* u take care of urself ok.

<font color="119911">ayukie</font>, icic. i still thinking which to get...

<font color="119911">chris</font>, i know wat u mean abt financial strains. u wont wana know mine, u will cry. tatz y i very cheapo when come to buying things for my girl. so hang in there ok.

<font color="119911">myboyjovan</font>, dun be upset. some guys are like tat, cant be help. my hb and i know each other for 10 yrs liao he still dunno wat i dun like to eat lor.

aiyo, i see u all so slim and pretty hor i feel sad for my hb leh. have to settle for a fat pig. sigh. so fat cant find nice clothes how to look nice?

btw, i remember long long time ago someone mention she custom made a mattress for baby. can u advise where u made from? the mattress my girl using 'sink' 1 hole in liao.
date: 11th april (sunday)
venue: hillington green condo fn room (hillview ave, near bt batok)
time: lunch (11am-2pm or 12-3pm?)
cost: (to be advised)

1. swanston (2AA + bb)
2. sporty (2AA + 1 tod + bb)
3. MM6J (2AA + bb)
4. tanly (2AA + bb)
5. Piggy (2AA + bb)
6. Raerae (2AA + bb)
7. Chris (1AA + bb)
8. devlina (2AA + bb)
9. saintbaby (1AA + bb)
10. wendy lim (2AA + bb)
11. celine (2AA + bb)
12. sponge (3AA + 1 tod + bb)
13. ayukie (2AA + bb)
14. dingdong (2AA + bb)
15. zen kiv
16. ariesgal kiv

add ur name if you are keen
swanston, hee.. maybe we can share while pumping and cry together lah.. dun think I'm better.. but then again, we drive, have a roof over our heads, can afford to give baby toys not just meals, and have a decent job.. so we very fortunate already.. i believe we can be contented le, no matter how tough the journey is ;p
6 mth ML:

not in my sector, teaching but not MOE.

But many of my MOE frens took 1 yr leave to take care of bb full time to BF!
Admire them!

I hope this can implement b4 we plan for #2...
chris, really? 6 mths ML starts with teachers?? how come i dunno? yaya, since recommended bf for 6 mths, we shd have 6 mths ML!!

Anise, i admire you!!! it seems that you are really sacrificing a lot of your personal time for baby. y9ou tot of changing job to somewhr nearer your house? can save some time.

hahahaah now you gals are so into the topic of XXX huh? now really no mood lei. you see, we got engorged breasts and sore nipples. somemore that part dry. whr got the mood? i really pei fu gals who are bf and still can do it. sometimes so painful that i feel that part is tearing like that!!

MM6J, my baby haven have vaccine yet lei. i think he really trying to jian fei. or mayb just readjusting himself. a bit "look open" liao. if he wants to drink, he will. anyway he got excess fats to lose so quite ok.

swanston, woman dun have to be thin to be sexy. it;s how you carry yourself. i used to have low self esteem about my body cos i kept thinking i got thick waist. then i went for exotic and pole dance classes. somehow, it boost my morale and to be frank, it add the spice during XXX. hahahaha so mayb you can consider dancing sexily. trust me, guys will "marikita" when they see a sexy dance. hahahha
Kimifin, your frens are lucky to be able to take 1 yr leave. my hubby kicked me back to work and i;m now stuck with a class of 29 P2 pupils. actually P2 pupils are very cute. hahahah somehow after being a mother, have this motherly love towards my pupils more. last time scold them like nobody biz. now is like i tihnk my boy next time also will go sch and i scare got retribution cos i keep scoding pple kids, then my kid will also be scolded hahaha
Thanks for the advice on hair dying.

Wow, if got 6months ML, i be bery happy then i can build my milk supply and get some sleep. But then again, now given 4months also cannot take in full due to work. I only used 2.5months straight and had to return to work cos our dept short of manpower :p
rehi all!

piggym, haven seen u ard...u bz eh?

ardenz, ya...think u will create a habit for ur gal if u juz give in to her demands lor...

rachelle, cheer up gal...its part and parcel of motherhood! its tiring but u are giving the best to ur boy lor! actually hor, after a few sessions of xxx...u wun feel so dry anymore...hahhaa

mm6j, what is ST? ST= s*x task??!! hahhahhaha

kimifin/esther, if govt give us 6 mths paid maternity...think we will have no "market value" liao and no one wanna hire married women!! hehe

anise, u are good...wanna bf for 2 yrs...jia you!

kimifin, not all company can apply for 2 mths additional unpaid leave...my company do have tha option but i cant exercise it cuz i haven even finished my ML now lor...haha

swanston, only recently kena la...think abit rushy nowadays so didnt pump on time lor
rachelle> hahah, u damn funny abt "retribution"

sporty> no lah, the thing i was talking abt last nite - the list! yah lo, our only resource pple lah, can forget abt maternity leave 1 year anyway, dragon year coming, more pple having bbs i doubt govt will extend maternity leaevf and y start with teachers? :p
mm6j, ohhh ohh...stock take!! whahhaha... ya lor, i agree we can forget abt 1 yr ML la cuz our resource is pple lor... think we will feel very "lost" if we really take 1 yr of ML...hehe
Wah Rachelle, exotic and pole dance ar! Last time I'm also interested but shy and the classes location always inconvenient. Now body scarred by stretchmarks le, dance how sexy also look quite ugly rite? kakaka....
Hi Mummies,

Cheap Huggies for Sale. Drop me a PM if interested,

Huggies ultra - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies pullups - $14.50 per pkt
Huggies comfort (red) - $15 per pkt
Huggies dry (blue) - $15 per pkt

Collection at Punggol/ Toa payoh (fri evenings &amp; sun mornings) / Amk (prearranged) / Pasir Ris ( prearranged) / Science Centre (prearranged)
Swanston, try to get the ready made latex matress by Baby Safe. I find it good and cooling for bb.

Re: xxx
Wah! Envy u all so active. Me deprive leh.
karen> i think swanston doesnt want to custom make. she wants to diy

sporty> yah lo places like canada offer 1 year but their taxes also very high. honestly, 4 months is already a very long time. if 4 mths cant cope, 1 year makes it easier to cope meh?.. i think govt will very like me, hahah i bth i 2 mths alr come bk to work le. my poor bb. opps
esther/rachelle, i almost wanna join those dance classes before preggy with #1...after having #1...no time liao...hahha...

mm6j, hahhaha...thas true lor...u kno the taxes best!! hahah... ask u a qn, so it is really tax effective to have #3? if so, maybe i will consider #3?! hahhaa

tanly, go seduce ur hb tonite!!
i was also very apprehensive when my fren told me.. she's a NIE trainee now and said it'll happen after she graduate... must be some info get twisted along the way lah.. maybe the last 2 months unpaid or something.. really dun know.. so dun quote me.. haha
sporty> only if both u and ur husb derive earned income and more than statutory limit to file taxes of course tax effective lah! LOL. for detailed erm planning, can refer to our website. LOLLLLLLLLL

chris > u used IS lei, now say misquote? LOL.

tanly> i help u "plan" wear ur sexy lingerie on nite before good friday since good fri pub hol no need to work can have good "fun" lol

kimifin> i don recall on http://fcd.ecitizen.gov.sg/MarriageNParenthoodPackage/FAQs/FAQs+on+Paid+Maternity+Leave.htm they talk abt 2 months of unpaid maternity leave. y not u show us the link u talk abt from MOM?

esther, rachelle, sporty> i joined MTV dance @ Jitterbugs when i was erm "pre-married" lol..
My girl has outgrow the M diaper so selling off whatever i had on hand at a cheap price.

1 x Brand new unopen Dry Comfort M size for sale at $14.00

53pcs of Dry Comfort M size for sale at $11.00

Buy all at $23.00

Self-collect at Khatib MRT.

Email me at [email protected]
mm6j, tsk tsk...i dun wanna check website mah...thas why asking u here...heheh

tanly, if not...go for a short getaway during good friday weekend...leave ur Lil S with ur mum and "enjoy"! LOL
market value...
yes, after all wat have sacrificed for bb, we still need to keep up with the working society..
y so unfair?

I missed my bb whenever i go to work, n find 12 hrs he spend at bb sitter, the other 12 hrs with me, but most of the time at nite sleeping.
really thk i m just a part time mum.
Planning for a couple retreat in June. Hopefully can come true lah with my hb biz schedule.

Seduce him, he also no mood one lah. He worry lil S will wake up and saw us xxx. He just feel uneasy with Lil S in the room.
chris> erm, u govt employee rite? so y mus come after u???

sporty> eh ask here no good lah. later u quote me, so of cos i disclaim and refer u to website lah!!!

kimifin> life is NEVER fair. maybe u shld look on the bright side. instead of jus complaining lah. my 2 cents worth. personally, i "gained more" than what i "lost" after having my son and am satisfied. try complaining to those who are trying so hard just to conceive? perhaps if u don ask for rainbows, u will jus see how nice the clear blue sky is ..
kimifiN. i see the way u complain, u better try to manage urself for #1 first lah. don "shi zi da kai kou" and ask for more than u can handle. like i said can dream abt 6 mths maternity leave... or if u want #2 so much y not go for unpaid leave? u cant ask the sky for rain as and when u want lei.. like tht very xin ku one
kimifin, its not unfair la...its juz a choice u have to make lor...if u wanna see more of bb, u can always be more laid back and be a sahm... if u wanna go out and work, u need to organise and plan ur time lor cuz its not easy to manage work and bb... thas why its back to the choice u make lor...to be a sahm or join the rat race! also, if govt one day give 6 mths ML hor, pple will ask for 1 yr lor cuz it will never be enough one...hehe

tanly, then dun do it in the room lor...whahhahha :p
i learning from experience, din know handling #1 is so tough with work. shd have tot of extending my leave.

maybe differs ppl to ppl or based on expectations lor.
kimifin> then extend now lo, sometimes actions speak louder than words.. u complain also no use... now u say din know handling #1 so tough u still want #2 ah? i sugg u think twice bah... talkz abt expectations. everuyone also has to manage mah, we have so many ftwms here with 2 kids also they can cope i don understand y others cant. maybe some pple jus too "gu niang" and "xiao jie" already.
wah, mm6j, u say extend means extend?

already working and rooting on...just can only learn from experience lor.

yah, every one is different, just like every bb is different.
kimifin> cannot extend then too bad lo, mus learn to live with it. if not u so unhappy everyday later spread to bb how???

yes everyone's life is different but MORE IMPORTANT is how they DEAL WITH IT that shows WHAT KIND OF PERSON they are.
