(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

saphira, now u mentioned hor...i think u not on my fb hor...add me pls cuz i dunno which one is u

mm6j, alamak...no pump...cham!!
finally got time to post...tks 4 well wishes avrielle be discharged tmr but still need med interventn at hm.

Momoko, yes, started wif cough..may or may not develop into bronchities if lungs clear then ok

still on xxx??
Me never since preg till now..no idea when will resume..mine is a case of wife keen hb not keen..he doesnt have need he told me haha..amazing we got 2..once a while we can strike lottery =) but nowadays aso not on my mind hahah
waaaaaaaa mm6j - more fp toys??!! gd sale ar i also wan go toysrus leee .. vivo 1 gt sale?

stacey - me also been busy whole day now then can post haiz .. ot agn sian ..

re: XXX erm i nt as gd as u gals i have no mood nor energy for it so ive erm been rejecting as well furthermore last try very sore dont like and i dont like the feeling the nehs already feels sore enough and it bothers me enough as it is .. mm6j lol i still nt as nice i ask him to self relief lol
very sian, my house got those rainy day flies flew in. yucks.

just bought a new blender and steamer from giant.
going to use for preparing bb makan when she turns 6 months.

saphira, you really power lei, 120 bags of milk, envy. how old is your number 2? you latch?

today very funny, my first one point to my breasts and say, "this one for mei mei."
lucky he say at home, not outside.

stacey,do take care! *hugz*
yoyo! I am back :p

i went out with my hubby and baby to fetch my air stewardess SIL just now :p

rachelle: how come i dont know u wear big eyes contact lens ah?!! never tell me lor :p

mmj6: i only a C leh... aiyohh.. ur D sure bigger than mine leh :p Maybe i wear pushup lah so it looks more revealing :X

Anyway i was a B :X So I am very happy though no milk but neh got bigger :X hahaha...

wahh u all really have a lot of milk leh! I am seriously thinking of adding a Milk Bank service into our new website :p Hahaha.. anyone wana donate your milk to get it started :p
stacey, good tha avrielle can be discharged tom! so u taking leave to take care of her? ur hb is good leh, dun have the need?!

myboyjovan, does ur #1 latch as well? thas why he said tha?

jolene, so ur C came after delivery eh? then not bad leh, at least u gain a cup size after giving birth! hehe
sigh.... i bf still only a B cup. i think that's why i cant hold my milk for long. every max 5 hours must pump.

MM6J, Hmmmm.... if not too many order from Toyrus, i can still buy for you. cos is staff card, they are not allowed to buy so many toys. why not you list down the toy you wan. i see what i can do.
myboyjovan, my #1 aso do dat..point then say meimei milk..sometimes she curious will take a suck then shrugs off wif embarrassing expression..hahaa

sporty, no 'need' good meh? I rather not lor..like so abnormal relationsp..more like friends i feel..haha..i takg leave tis week if no bomb fm office..looking 4ward to bumper mat delivery!

Gd nite gals..me sharing hospital bed with bb...gd food...min movements..majiam im the one recuperating..hhaaa..cya
Had another great lunch again today with the mummies. as usual, we started with lunch at a table and then we started to spread out and occupied the entire section as we take pics, chit chat and change diapers etc. hahahaha!!! think the waiters hated us! :p

Details of next lunch:

Triple Three 1 for 1 lunch buffet at Orchard Mandarin Hotel
Original price $48 ++ per pax
Date : 30 Mar (Tues)
Time : 12pm to 2.30pm

1. superwalker
2. momo mummy
3. xuanxuan
4. nvfm
5. novbaby

anyone else free to join us?

mm6j & zentan, u gals able to find some time off from your work to join us?
Hello.. finally can meet the mummies for lunch once again.. xuanxuan n nvfm: Nice to meet you girls! =)

sporty: I wanted to bf Leann till 1yr de.. but hb ask me dun be so xinku lorz.. cuz sometimes i'm so tired tt i fell aslp while pumping.. so see after hit 6mths mark how lor.. if I still got determination, den i'll prob continue.. Miss the feeling of sleeping thru for more den 7hrs... hehe..

Jolene: Hi5! tt time when i preggy also xxx all the way till 39wks.. I still rmb we did it on a fri den sat night i kana admitted into hosp for delivery liaoz.. hehe!

mm6j: I peifu you! 2yrs lehz!

anw my girl fell aslp at 9 till now still refuse to wake up.. I really hope she will slp till nxt morning.. if she wake up in the middle of the night den i'll b panda tmr le...
Jolene - the funegreek no use for me but i find that if i empty my nehs a few times gt better yield lor so sometimes i will pump abit then go bath and then continue pump still gt abit 1 lor ...
ayukie, i just read the news after reading ur post.. Dun seem to be a big prob ba.. Dun worry too much.. My girl took 1 dose ardy too~~
rachelle, cup size is corelated to how long u can hold the milk meh?!

stacey, my good meaning not really "good" tha good...i meant he can tong meh?!

shirlin, if not slowly pace urself lor...if after 6 mths...ok, then continue for 3 mths, which is 9 mths...if by then still ok then another 3 mths and u will make it 1 yr liao...hehhe... anyways hor, i never have more than 7 hrs of sleep after i have a kid lor, sleep not related to bfing la...hhahah...maybe for ur case is diff since u and ur gal is those who can really zzz one! wah, think u won the most frequent xxx award here...hahha
hi shirlin, nice to meet u today : ) Had fun at the lunch!

we did xxx all the way till the day b4 i checked in hospital to induce labor.. cos that day happened to be hb's birthday! no escape lor :p it was once a week throughout pregnancy.. though i always pounced on him b4 i got pregnant.. cos i wanted baby mah! hahaha Now we just started once a week again 2 weeks ago.. after i finally got over the fear.. When i told my gynae a few weeks ago that we had only done it once since delivery, she said 'so little'!! *faintz* Not not using any protection.. maybe pregnant i also very happy! if not, will wait a couple more months b4 actively trying again.. hope can get pregnant while tbf..

sale sale SALE!!
wow my gynae told us to refrain from XXX when i was preg (just preg) .. we werent sure if he meant for 1st trimester only or what so we refrained all the way .. then after bb was born my gynae says due to c-sect to try for another bb 6 mths later so haha i made use of the "reason" to abstain cause my nehs already quite sore from pumping and i soooo tired and im v v dry .. so i guess im the least active 1 here .. but i think i will try for #2 maybe nxt yr after i stop being a cow for awhile and my house ready ...
We enjoyed our lunch today! Think we hit another new record - lunch till almost 4? Shirlin, nice meeting u too!

Momo mummy, nvfm and I went to walk around Singapore River thereafter... hehe, had more pix taken! Juz uploaded them in FB. =)
my cup changed from A to B also nia and i also feels bigger can store milk more so longer whhaha thats why i always feels engorged bah v sian also ... but i sorta miss being an A .. i hope i can fit in my old bras after i stop bfeed .. i also nt mcuh assets cept i have big bum and also too big wasitline nw haiz ...
swanston - i think i mite change back to lg prime playmat cause its like really firmer and altho it feels plastic it means easier to clean as well as well as the grooves nt as deep as parklon lor .. but i initially changed to parklon due to the carry bag too but more i think about it .. bag i can always get 1 to dump the playmat in besides like sporty's maybe after awhile the bag also mia-ed whahaha so get better quality playmat better bah rite? ssw is soo gonna kill me soon whahhaa
now i also worried. cos baby due for rotarix this week. ARGH!!! now i regretted not giving him the vaccine!!! I can only pray that it will not have any side effects. my boy is really my precious one!!!!
superwalker, we went after visiting the nursing room mah. Actually, we passed by singapore river on our way to the MRT station and Central... oh ya, singapore river is singapore "long kang" in momo mummy's words. haha!
Rachelle Ling - u mean givin him the vaccine? m precious sonny finished his 2 doses like commin 2 mths ago shd b ok bah hor?
superwalker, we were walking to the mrt.. suddenly noticed the scenery very nice for phototaking! dun worry, there's always next time! since that restaurant so cheap and good food!
Ya, i mena i regretted letting him take the vaccine!!! i read that there are 2 batches which are contaminated and they are checking if SG got the contaminated batches. so hopefully the batch we got is not contaminated. ARGH!!! the contamination is a pig virus which seemingly cause no harm to human but still, it's a contamination!!!!
xuanxuan & nvfm, the pics u gals took at the "long kang" were really nice!
nice backdrop, great lighting and of course beatiful smiles
my boy ko-ed while latching after i got home. i actually held him on my lap for more than an hour so as not to disturb his sleep! keke!

re: rotarix
my boy also completed the 2 courses of rotarix last month. if anything wrong with the vaccine, problems should have suffaced a few weeks ago bah? take already also bo bian lah.
huh, what's the news about the rotarix? got contamination? just? my bb took last month when she was 3 months, affected or not?

sporty, my #1 now drinking sometimes only my ebm, but not latched on la, cos i feel weird lei, so big liao. keke. pai sei. last time i latch him till 13 months wor.

wa, stacey, the way you say your #1 take a suck and walk away, like ma chiam your milk is free for all lei, suck and go. what bag you using to store?

do you mummies normally meet on tue? cos tue i always got lessons, so confirm cannot join liao lei.

rachelle, me too lei, breastfeeding also only B nia. before was only A. *sob*
i also think that's why i each time pump only max 80-100ml.

jolene, if you set up milk bank, count me as the awaiting recepient hor, haha.

ayukie, same here. too big waistline and fatty bum bum. in front normal nia.
Re: Rotarix
Now I oso worried after reading the post, lil A finished her second dose in Jan ... Shucks ... Now I feel stupid for letting her take it.
Rotarix: I guess we try nt to worry too much..coz at the moment we dunno wat is goin on plus already gave the kids the dose liao... In the past no reported effects too..
Triple Three 1 for 1 lunch buffet at Orchard Mandarin Hotel
Original price $48 ++ per pax
Date : 30 Mar (Tues)
Time : 12pm to 2.30pm

1. superwalker
2. momo mummy
3. xuanxuan
4. nvfm
5. novbaby
6. funne

ME! ME!!!
but i'll bring my gal along..
tis will be my first meet up with u all!!
Funne, u r welcome to join us
can u please pm me your number? Thanks

nvfm, your boy whines to change position? From what position to what position? Mine has been whining a lot tonight in his sleep after his jab....kept waking up, shoke his head violently and kicked his legs violently while keeping his eyes closed. Wonder if he is in pain. *sayang my precious!!!!
so tired tt i fell asleep aft latching my gal.. woke up at 3am but no engorgement..... sian... dun tell me supply is dipping...

re rotarix,
my gal oso completed her vaccination 2mths ago... if any prob, shd hav surfaced liao...

re cupsize = capacity,
hmmmm... am i lucky? coz me oso B cup nia... but i can tahan for 6 hours without pumping... maybe 2nd child the breast sag liao... so more space?? :p

ya.. i was oso thinking if i shd extend my bf-ing career this time round coz i may most likely stop at 2.. :p shall see how's everything lah.. the last time i couldn't tahan coz my bad posture was giving me bad backache.... :p

wow... jiayou!! it will be nice if i can tong for 2 years too...

ahhhh... i'm gian-ing the triple 3 buffet too!!!! but difficult for me to go this mth coz v bz.... somemore on special duty on 2nd apr.. need to go back work on a public holiday.. so better stay ard in the lab to make sure i dun miss out any impt stuffs..

will u all be going for a 2nd round soon? :p

i lost my waistline too!! :p
Re: rotarix
my gal is going for 2nd dose next week. Maybe I shld delay it a while since investigation from US will come out in 4-6 weeks' time??

I must say that I'm not very into it! And the last time we did it was the time I conceive more than a year ago! Oops!! Lucky my hubby never press me for it. He always respects my decision. :p

Re: Triple 3 buffet
I'm interested!! Actually I told Chris that I might be joining u gal this time round. But my gal kena diarrhea, so I gotta stay to monitor her condition. Are you making reservation for the buffet? Can KIV me first? Hee...

Re: capacity
my ss has not been very good, probably because my cupsize never change throughout (maybe just slightly if it's very full)! My hubby did said maybe size does matter. Haha... The neh neh is just this big, not able to hold more milk milk. When I complain ss low, he will say it's capacity problem. Sian...
morning all!
wed liao...sianz...tonite my gal will be spending the nite at my mum's as my hb's due for overnite training...this is the first time i will not see her for more than 24 hrs after i gave birth to her!!
and "best" thing is tha i'm having blocked ducts...arrgghh

nvfm, u and shirlin can compete for the xxx title :p... hehhe

dingdong, i say ur name, then u come in and report hor... aiya, think juz tha angle of the pic tha made it obvious!

ayukie, hahha...Dr Ang also told us to refrain from xxx when i was juz preg and never told us when can resume also...hahha...in the end we juz resumed after 2nd trimester

re: rotarix
think many of our bbs took already...so now also bo bian mah...its already absorbed and digested liao mah!

myboyjovan, 13 mths is good lor...i only latched my boy till he got teeth cuz he kept biting me!

superwalker, could it be ur boy having nitemares?!

sporty> yah, heng lo. aiyo u blocked ducts again? sux abt A's overnite training, jus hang in there 24 hrs will be over.

shirlin and shihui> i try my best lah

superwalker> i KIV first..

nvfm> i din give tip offs about the sale lah. i jus replying mel when she asked what i bought anyway, u bought alot alr mah! although erm, i bought more? LOL yes yes, mus stop buying

re: rotarix: HENG AH! my boy haven taken yet
cos that time i was pissed with nurses at his original pd then at the next pd i brought him to, dr say take alr also no use.
Rachelle> i msg u if i need/ want anything. thks

re:cupsize: erm, shihui, i was also a B now become D. opps. and some clothes there all cannot fit including this $200+ zara dress i meant to wear to lil JO's full month party. now still sitting in my wardrobe..................... *wasted
