(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

back home...

dingdong, dun be upset la...think cashier in ntuc call everyone aunty one...hahha

peipei, never tempt u mah...since u are there at FP sale, shun bian see whether got other good buys or not mah!

anise, ayukie wanna book my gal since long time ago...even before she was born if i rem...hahha

ariesgal, hahha...think mm6j must start charging u gals for helping u all to LETDOWN...hahha

mm6j, dun jealous la...i'm sure ur LN will be gone soon also...i think mine wasnt too obvious then so now easier to fade!

sporty> y u make me sound so erm sleazy "HELPING GALS TO LETDOWN"?? *faints i also jealous u at home now :p hope my LN disappear soon.. mine was really dark....got any erm cream to apply??
wat bu jian..I'm here ok..
Dun wanna come here in case I LETDOWN too!! Wahahaha
ermm..actually when I read shirlin's "uniform" I also form an image of nurse in my brain..lol
helping girls to let down also buay pai leh..can earn extra income..but hor u machiam "sex icon" leh..lol..like men watching xxx rated shows until they "letdown"..lol
the jumperoo is for bb 4mth n above, since mine is already 4mth, i put him in to try, then find tt he's abit short can't touch the floor, so i place some magazine for him to step on. but after awhile i think the spring loosen abit so now he can touch the floor n jump in it loh...
mm6j, dun jealous la...i very bz at home...juz had dinner with Lil A...gave him some fruits and on the tv for him to self entertain while i quickly pump now...later must bathe him, do laundry, fold clothes and put him to sleep...i dun laze at home ok...

zentan, hahhaa...u another joker!
Ok Tanly zen and Aries, pls report when u all wanna meet for lunch cum letdown?! Diao! We 4 persons can go swensens 1 for 1 lei

zen> I knw u here, lure u out . Lol pls don give pple more imagination of me lei! Sex icon? Far from it lah but I gg to make sure tml I dress up for my work meeting with all the guys. *drags neckline lower Lol

sporty> I knw u "working" at home la bt go home still good lo!!

Ayukie> no more "xia ci" ah?? If not gg to pull ur ears!! :p
anise, when did you go down? anyway, i dun feel like getting the rocker liao. will see what else i can exchange it for. hmm...

MM6J,Sporty, wah! bad influence... haha... but i like! think i will go fp sales, then toysrus to see if got cheap toys or not. heee.......

sighz... hubby working late again, want me to fix dinner... but going to fetch my gal, bathe her, put her to bed, pump, cook... arghhz... it's gonna be a busy night again... i really pei fu those sahm who can do all these by themselves.
think forum was down juz now...
juz now after shower, i took out the avent manual to clear my blocked duct...think its slightly better liao...

mm6j, no good la...come home and kena tortured...haha

tanly, dun salute me...i have no choice one!

peipei,hahhah...see...u tempt urself also...heheh

ayukie, no need to regret...can still buy NOW
yesterday I went to pd and told pd that my boy has ugly rashes on his neck. he told me my boy got rashes as he has NO NECK! hahaha!!! double, triple chin! hahaha! so he gave me some cream to clear the rashes and asked me to use nappy cream on his neck as prevention after it clears up.

talk about boobies, actually i only plan to bf till 6 months too as I cannot wait for the boobs to go back to normal size. I don't like big boobs as they make me look fat. also, these boobies cannot fit into my dresses no more....
Ya forum down just nw . Try to poSt twice MSG gone... Ya abt to tell ayukie, no need regret still can go grab lol

peipei.. I was there last fri. Ayukie n Mel there too but din see them coz I dun recognise them. Hehe.. Tink later I go fix up all the toys to see if there is any missing parts lol..

Mm6j... U make so many gals haf let down huh.. Haha.. I read ur post den I feel my boobs hardening.. Lol..

Sporty.. Envy u hm soooo fast.. Me finaly settled my gal.. Nw can go grab some food
superwalker, thas very true...i only can wear selected tops to work now...the rest too tight! LOL

anise, dun envy me la...i came home early with mission one...not to rest one lor... finally my son koon liao...so abit of ME time now!
hi superwalker> ariesgal jus told that she also uses desitin for heat rash cos i notice my boy's armpit gt a bit red red.. weather so unpredictable these days.. .. since timmy got no neck, means u doing a good job of bfing! kip it up !!
worry abt boobies later. lol

anise> wah leu, u very explicit leh, read my post then feel boobs hardening?! *faint

sporty> yah lah, those shirts cannot button rite. that day i wore i button dress then in between the buttons got "hole" i din realise till i went office then wore my colleague's jacket the whole day...
mm6j & sporty, ya....engorge and then PIAK...u see a flying button! kekeke!

mm6j, oh ya armpits too huh? emmm..... i must be careful and check all his body parts everyday! i felt so so so so bad when the rashes broke out BADLY on his neck cos i felt that i did not take good care of my boy.
superwalker, ya lor...flying button!! hahha... thas why all my shirts went to cold storage liao...better dun wear and embarass myself... aiyo, if ur boy have no neck kind and the arms and legs like michellin kind...when u bathe them, must slowly open up the "folds" to clean lor...if not sure rashes one...
sporty, mine only has no neck. luckily the arms and legs not michellin
kekekeke! will your hb be out of ns by 6 apr? if yes, will u be able to join us for lunch? if u can join us then we choose a location near your office
superwalker, my hb's done with reservist by end march...so after tha i will be back to usual working hrs... so fast u planning for lunch on 6 apr liao!!u all haven gone for ur triple 3 next week lor! haha... oh ya, today i walked past the suntec porridge buffet, reminds me of the times tha we had our lunch buffet there and the waitress was guessing the gender of our bb!
Shirlin, hooray !!! U can join us again
we get momo mummy to crack a few jokes during the gathering, so as to help u relax n pass the exams with flying colors!!!
Ah yo, work busy no time to see forum till now..seem alot of happenings on xxx, hubby, boobs, etc. Funny...trying to read all the posts.

BTW, any one got any idea if hair dye will affect the taste of Breast milk? I planning to dye my hair next week but some ppl say breastfeeding cannot leh. Is it true.

BTW, saw something about rotivirus..wat wrong ah? Pardon i cant manage to finish reading all the posts.
Superwalker: yeah yeah.. Hopefully the lunch out will make me more relax for the paper..
let me know once you all decided where to go ya..
juz finished pumping.. still got to pack the kids' school bags.. sian ah...

erm.... somehow, uniform reminds me of nurse uniform too.. hehehe.. :p

re hubby's need,
now, although no XXX, i make sure i make dinner for him every night despite being v tired aft long day at work.. he appreciated it too... guess the way to control a guy is really through his tummy... :p tt day hubby really cute.. he saw me so tired... suddenly, he asked if i want a maid.. :p

wow.. so nice.. big leap in cupsize... mine no change at all.. but hor, it's seriously out of shape.. tt day went shopping.. want to find a dress.. but gave up.. coz i couldn't find a size tt fit nicely... it's either too loose or too tight.. :p

hubby oso said tt washing bottles is my department.. hate it most when he says 'you n your standard'... very suan..

hehehe... i gian mah... :p

i got to check my gal's skin fold (not many lah) too for redness... her skin quite sensitive.. so everytime aft i bathe her, will apply thin layer of calendula cream..
morning all!

superwalker, i agree with nvfm...u plan very far in advance wor...or u everytime bz looking at credit card promos on where to eat! heheh...

velo, i dyed my hair twice since i popped...so far its ok...

shihui, pack skool bag very fast one la...but then u have to pack 2 lor...wow, u can still cook dinner every nite, peifu...i cant lor cuz by the time i'm home...everyone dying from hunger liao!
morning sporty, piggygym

im up pumping too! sigh whole nite my bb wanted to latch ~ couldnt sleep properly, gotta let her sleep on our bed cos its so tiring to wake up and pick her up from the cot each time. i dont know whether im spoiling her by always giving in to her demands...
sigh.. my boy pattern changed again. he kept dun want to drink milk. and now his schedule all messed up. i also have to follow him and now not enough zzzzzz. sometimes i really get so tired and frustrated with him. he already dropped one feed of 120ml a day and it seems like he wants to drop further. I;m so tired. have to work and have to worry about him. sometimes i just feel like giving up and dun care. I even felt like stopping pumping cos really tiring. I think i'm going thru this mild depression. work and baby........, not enough zzzz............., baby not guai........
