(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Jo (mummytey), I remember my ah-mah will boiled barley for brother and sister when they are taking vaccines long long time ago. Thanks for reminding.

Don't worry too much.

I have a friend staying at Australia who told me that in Australia they can choose not to have any vaccination but their government promotes vaccinations so if u complete all the vaccinations you will be paid. Actually is true that some babies fall sick easily after getting vaccinations and sometimes those allergy or whatever health issues may detoriate after having jabs. There is no scientific proof but if there is those pharmaceutical industries creating vaccines will in big trouble thus no doctor will discourage or pinpoint that the vaccines is the cause of certain health issues as is also a source for their income.

No choice but have to be good mummy cause see my boy's skin with so many rashes also heart pain. And is my fault that my boy inherit my lousy skin.
Here's something i extract from the vaccinations injuries thread: <font color="0000ff">A lot of parents think that vaccines can protect their children from the diseases and the complications that comes with it. What they don't know it's the accumulation of toxins that their their children get from the 10 over jabs in their first 2 years of their life. Furthermore, the way vaccine works in creating immunity is very unnatural. When we fall sick naturally, the virus will attack our respiratory system (nose, throat). The runny nose or cough we get is the defense mechanism of our immune system to prevent the virus from getting to brain. Vaccination works differently, virus is entered through the blood and there is the tendency for the virus and toxins to pass the blood brain barrier and infect the brain. Though it doesn't affect every child, that is still a mystery to me. The side effects are :auto immune system disorder, like allergies (e.g eczema), autism, brain damage etc as children's blood brain barrier are not fully formed yet. Toxins or virus from the vaccine can travel from the blood to the brain, and this can damage the brain.

Immunity acquired from vaccines are not lifelong, the immunity we acquired naturally is lifelong. That is why that are booster jabs included in immunization schedule.</font>

I just like to share cause find that autistic children are increasing and my husband's niece who eats well and grew well suddenly have fits at the age of 6. She's attending primary school this year and the school principle told her parents that is common as they have a few students who have fits too. So really wonder if all these problems are caused by the vaccinations.
morning all!
finally friday!!

ashley, thks for ur trf...will check

taurus, its not ur fault tha ur boy inherit ur skin condition la...no choice one mah...

Updates on payments...
<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD>No of paxs</TD><TD>status</TD><TD>payment status </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>melodie (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>sporty (2A + 1 todd + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>mm6j (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>ayukie (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Jane (2A + 1 todd + bb) + maid</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Piggy (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>jolene428 (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>devlina (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>ashley (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>fieda (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>shirlin (1A + bb)</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Mitsy (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>novbaby (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>Nicole (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>Tanly (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>on the way? </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>Swanston (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>Xuanxuan (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>veryfatmum (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Shihui (2A + 1 todd + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>reenie (2A + 1 todd + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>zentan (1A + 1 todd + bb) + maid</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>41</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Pls transfer $18/pax to my posb sav 126-34558-5. thanks
Superwalker, hmmm dun think will bring Lucas on Tues ley.. cos i going to do nails and maybe facial oso... with lucas i cant do all these ley.... yup i shld be well by then
*cross fingers*
Hey girls been mia for quite awhile cos busy with cny and stuff.. Also been quarrelling big time with hubby for the past wk.. Haizzz but now ok Liao.. Anyway got online to tell u girls there's a Kate spade warehouse sale up to 70% off at 45 foo wah building at japan penimpin bishan.. My hubby's gonna buy me a bag from there and just gave me his ATM card to shop! Hee.. So dono how will the sale be.. Am nearby there Now cos hubby gave me a ride cos he working there.. The sale from 9am -9pm.. Will update again here if I see gd bargains.. The last time I heard the last sale alot of ppl managed to grab gd stuff dono how true..
rehi all

so happy its friday..whahhahha

fieda, hahha...u think everyone gimme ang bao ah? :p nvm, trf to me by next mon

carinez, hope u feeling better after the retail therapy
Carinez, where is the sale. Perhaps I pop by later. Hope still can grab some good bargain. Hb gonna kill me, cos I always buy n buy but never use and throw 1 side ;)
morning ladies.

<font color="119911">jo</font>, my girl also abt 6kg at almost 4 months. last time my girl wana drink more my mum keep dragging say too close dun let her drink. now she want her to drink more. -.-" then now her legs swelling like balloon.

<font color="119911">bearycue</font>, same same lah. but tat time saw u u look smaller size than me.

<font color="119911">sporty</font>, ya. we just found out on tue. lol. haiz, wat to do... some call me ah bui lor. just weigh myself this morning. 4kg more to go!!! btw how is jocelyn lee doing? long time no see her here. she still want the dog treat toy? if not i give other pple liao.
I do hope my girl will have balloon legs! Juz worried she's not getting enough nutrients if she doesn't drink much. If I force the teat into her mouth, she'll merlion what she had just drunk! She's a real san por, mabbe like her mum, I'm underweight all my life, haiz...

You can sell off what you have, so you can buy more! haha... that's what I did.. sell on ebay! :p

Hello mummies, sorry to barge abruptly into this forum. I've been a silent reader since I was pregnant last yr.. hope to join the forum now! I'm a Nov mtb as well, though my girl arrived early, 23 Oct. I'm a sahm for this yr, taking this chance to watch her grow!
re: KS sale
there's always long queue one...i heard of pple going at 6am+ to queue when the sale starts at 8!

swanston, 4kg very fast one...jia you jia you...or shd i say jian you ?! :p jocelyn lee ah? i think u FB her...she will reply one...

jo, welcome to the thread
u wanna PM me ur bb's details so tha i can update the table?
Hey mummies,

I'm posting this on behalf of my colleague.

My agency is conducting some informal group discussions among Mums to help us understand how they feel about certain issues. This is more like a chat among friends, with a peer asking a few questions. The responses and insights we gather will be used to help us put together some new product ideas—your feedback as a Mum will definitely help Mums all over the region!

Who are we looking to speak with?
We need Mums, with at least 1 kid aged 1-3 years, and who are still serving their child Formula or Growing Up Milk (eg, Gain/Gain Plus, Nan 3, Enfagrow, Pediasure, etc).

If you fit the bill, we’d really appreciate it if you could come and take part in these discussions. They normally take about 2 hours, and will be held at the BBDO (advertising agency) office at Riverside Point (near Clarke Quay), on 5 or 6 March (time to be determined, based on your availability). There won’t be a need to bring anything apart from yourselves—there will be drinks and snacks served. We do need your undivided attention for the duration so it would be best if you could have someone else watch the kids for a few hours =)

To show our appreciation for your time and trouble, we will be giving each of you $150 worth of NTUC Fair Price vouchers. Do note that this should not, in any way, affect your unbiased responses to our facilitator’s questions.

Please respond by email to [email protected] by today if you are keen to join in. Kindly include the following information as well—

Number of Children and their Ages:
Brand of Milk served to kids:
Swanston, how I wish my gal can drink more. Every feed I got to fight with her to force her drink. Sometimes I need to throw away 2 bottles of milk in 1 day as it took hours for her to drink. Sometimes she don't even suck. What a waste. I kept telling her that there are children in another part of the world don't even have milk to drink and yet she wasted so much milk each day. Don't know she understand or not....
sporty, ya lor.. only when we met in the nursing room then we realized! haha

superwalker, what is lunch on Tues this time? I may be able to join coz on leave.. hehe
can i join in lunch next week? i jux called Aquamarine to book they have slot only on tuesday for next week at THIS moment...
hi taurus, me also very skeptical abt vaccines.
spoke to my gp, she is the dun vaccine the unnec kind and spoke to the pd, she said abt the vaccine and autism relation is unfounded.. she said the hoo haa was created in the 1990s and the dr who wrote the paper had some vested interest but the paper have since been retracted..

but i can agree that vaccines are rather unnatural and injecting babies small small body with so many toxins can be harmful..
hmm dunno leh.. did you send your bb for vaccines?
Regarding the group discussion I posted above, please note that the available slot now is 5 Mar, Friday, 2pm or 5.30pm.
ashley, tha group discussion sounds good but too bad i cant make it next weekend!

tanly, u so cute leh...tell ur gal tha other children have no milk to drink! they understand one...cuz i always tell my gal, pls dun wake up at 3am again whether she did tha then the next day she wun wake up at 3am! haha

chris, really qiao lor...and u gals didnt realised it! nvm la, now u have moo moo kaki liao!
Novbaby n chris, I could not change my booking of 6 to 8 cos they claim that they don't have a table for 8 that day. Duh right? U wanna try calling the restaurant n book a table for 2, then we move the tables ourselves? I called the restaurant so many times that they are annoyed with me liao. Thanks!!! Lunch is 12 to 2.30pm one for one buffet, chris.
jo and tanly, i also wish my boy would drink more.. he like on nursing strike recently because of stuffy nose.. balloon legs like going to lau hong already..

sporty, wow your girl so cute and guai, say dun wake up at 3 am guai guai ting hua? care to share your schedule? and other mummies too? waht time do you let your bb sleep? and what time do they wake up for the day?

My boy sleeps at 7.30 pm (i find it too early leh, but he will fuss and cry and want to sleep le) then wakes up at 3 am to feed and then 6.30 am wake up for the day (so early!!) I want to put him to bed later he refuse and want to cut down on the night feed by dreamfeeding (fail, dun want to open his mouth) and cluster feeding (fail too, refuse to drink and cry at my breast!)
min, here's my gal's feeding schedule...she normally wakes up at 5/6am for first feed, then after tha she will continue to koon till 10am for next week, then every 3 hrly after tha (1pm/4pm and 7pm)... then last feed at 8ish to 9pm and she will koon all the way till 5/6am and the cycle continues... she will nap more in the morning than in afternoons...
Sporty, wah your gal good leh. Can sleep from 9pm till 5/6am. My gal last feed at 10pm then will sleep until 3+ and eh... eh... ehh... already.
Tanly, same here....sometimes even earlier. Sigh...that's why I m so reluctant to go back to work. If I have to wake up a few times at night and have to work during the day, I think I will shorten my life by 10 years! Lol! Sporty u are so good at training your gal. Can help train mine?
Hi all!! Been MIA for sooo long :p Hope I'm not being forgotten, hehe! And hope all mummies here doing good...


My gal usually need to sleep by 10pm, so will bring her to bed to sleep around this hour of the day. Will dream-feed her at about 12.30-1.30am, which is also my last pump of the day before I go to bed (she'll have a feed before sleep around 7+-8+pm). She'll sleep thru the nite and wakes up around 8am in the morning for her morning feed.

Before that (old schedule), my gal will have her mid night feed at around 3+am which I dreaded and thus changed my pump schedule. So now, it has been nicely adjusted and luckily my gal can adapt to it without any prob...

So far been following this (new) schedule since she's 1 mth + and has been going well, and I hope it stays this way
And also I've been following a 6 hourly pumping schedule everyday (can get about 300-350ml per pump session total for 2 breasts), and only recently trying to drag to 8 hourly hoping to reduce a little of my supply! :p Coz been feeding both my elder and younger also still got extras!! 8 hourly still can get about total of 360ml per pump session.

Don't know whether my gal take too much milk at this stage or not...at 3 mths, she's taking about 150-160 ml per 4 hourly in average. Last 2 days went for 6 in 1 jab, took her measurements and was 5.7kg and 62 cm, growing at 75 percentile. Thank God, she did not develop any fever.

Hmm, after about 2 mths delivering with breastfeeding, back to my pre-preg weight ler, which is surprisingly fast...but still have a flabby tummy tho! :p Lazy to apply slimming cream, haha. Very tired at the end of the day, taking care of a hyperactive 2.5 yrs son and attention seeker 3 mths old daughter! :D And also doing household chores (laundry and cooking).

Alright, quite a long 'update' from me :p

Wishing all mummies a great weekend ahead!! :D
Just finish fighting with my gal.

Bidosoh, your gal super. I like her.

Superwalker, I can never be a SAHM. I find that this few months of not working I become more aunty.

RE: Pre-preggy Weight
I still have kgs anf kgs to loose. Dare not even weigh myself now. I am not breastfeeding my gal hence, loosing wt damn slow or infact not loosing at all. So sad...
Update on KS sale:

ya it's a one day sale only and alot of items already last piece when I went in at 9.45.. I damn stupid can.. I actually reached at 9 but went to have breakfast cos I tot I too kiasu.. Obviously I underestimated singaporeans la they went at 7plus and grabbed all the good stuffs Liao..

Tanly it's at japan penimpin foo wah building #11-02 and it's only for today.. If u all wanna go bettEr go quick!

Bought 2 bags for 750bucks one baby bag and anothercasual bag which was the las piece and everyone aiming for me to put it down when I was contemplating which to get! Kept asking me if I wanted it and whEre I got it.. Wanted to gEt another wallet but scared get killed by hb so gave up the idea hahah.. I think the baby bag outside selling at least 500 I THINK.. I got it at 385.. Good buy!
Need your advice:

my boy has not been very keen in drinking from the bottle despite exploring all the different kind of teats.
So we have come to the conclusion that the problem does not lies with the teats.
cos he will only drink after kicking up a fuss for abt 20-30 mins each milk time.
my mil has run out her patience on him to the extent that she jus let him fuss and sleep if he refuses the milk bottle.
then when he is awake and remembers that he is hungry, he would scream the house down.

my mil suggest that i go cold turkey on him by not latching him on at night(the only time he latches on).
she even suggest that i feed him from the bottle during weekends as she is not around to help me feed my boy.
my hubby has no patience so after bb fuss for less than 10 mins, he would give up trying to feed him fr the bottle.

Help! I am returning to work soon and my boy still not taking milk well from the bottle.
Appreciate all your suggestions
okies, i called Aquamarine and booked already. So chris, you'll be joining as well eh? superwalker i'll PM u my contacts now
Chris, join us next time

Novbaby, thanks!!!! now we have an extra seat. Anyone else wanna join? Otherwise wasted the one for one deal.
tanly: i think our gers same same... i must fight with her to drink her milk. can take up to 45 mins to settle her to finish her milk slowwwwly.

she will cry and struggle at every feed, like i'm feeding her poison. dunno y like tt, almost 1 mth liao...

but she still finishes 120ml of FM/EBM every 3hrs. will chk with PD nxt week, haiz.

jane: i think ur boy is behaving like our gers. nothing to do with the teats, because I changed teats for her also no use.
Mel, I have check with my PD. He mentioned that the teat hole too small, so I enlarge them. Still same same. Then PD say maybe my gal doesn't like the FM, so I change and change still the same. I think it is her character. Atleast your gal can finish 120ml. Sometimes I fight for 1hr she don't even drin. All spit out. Somtimes only take 50ml then stop. Very scare she does not have enough nutrients.
have transferred to you $36.00 already, reference number 2734789972. Thanks for getting it together! Not forgetting the "committee"
tanly/superwalker, my gal ok la...i think her timing suits my schedule cuz after i latch her then i will pump and prep for work... luckily shes those who will drink and continue to zzz after the 5/6am feed so at least weekends i cant snooze abit more after the feed and before my #1 wakes up at 7ish... i'm not good on training la, i juz give her 3hrly feed in the day and night time is on demand but at times she might wake up at 3ish also..depends la...but once in a blue moon!

superwalker, train Lil T ah? u bear to leave him to me meh? whahhahha:p

bidosoh, ur gal more power leh...zzz 10 hrs straight!

jing hui, nice to hear frm u
ur son not attending skool? if he is, u will feel more relax!

carinez, sounds like u gotten good buys frm KS sale!

jane, have u tried letting other family members bottle feed ur boy instead of u urself? if not have to resort to cold turkey!

novbaby/superwalker, too bad i have team lunch on tues...if not i join u all at aquamarine!

novbaby, will check my a/c tonite
jane: it's ok. once he settles to sleep, let him be. but once u see tt he's abt to wake up, carry him up and start giving him the btl. i tried this method on my ger, she will blur blur start suckling. :p

tanly: yes, nothing to do with the teat hole size, i use avent size 3 liao also same. i dun dare to change her formula b'cos we also come to realise tt it boils down to her own character.

maybe u can try giving her smaller feeds at shorter intervals so tt u don't waste the milk.

mine will suck and spit from the side of her mouth at the same time, buay tahan... so even if she finishes 120ml, at least 20ml kena spit out or flow out from the sides of her mouth
sporty, wah your girl good leh...

bidosoh and jinghui,
your babies sleep at 10? hmm maybe i'll try bidosoh's schedule too.. nap at 6 plus when he is a little fussy then let him sleep at 10 then maybe he wont wake up for night feed and sleep a ittle longer in the morning..

tanly, i also cannot stay at home.. i also think i become more aunty hahah! and since my boy fell sick on second day of cny, havent stepped out of house except went to see dr twice! omg! what have i become??

jane, how long has it been like this? were you exclusively latching him on previously? have to bottle train loh.. think not to worry about him not drinking enough for short term cos he should have reserve! oh and for my boy, he initially refuse to drink from bottle then trained him for one day, then the third bottle he drank le.. and a tip, my boy didnt like to be carried when drinking from a bottle, will squirm, we put him in the rocker but use a cushion to prop the base up so he is more upright and get someone else to feed him..and you can also try feeding him the bottle when he is sleepy.. happy experimenting!

superwalker, tanly, sporty, its just last week she decided to skip the 5am feed. She used to wake up at 5am for her feed. Actually I suspect she can sleep up to 9am, but because 8am is also my son's wakeup time for school. So there will always be a small commotion to wake her up. So I will nurse her at 8am then yao her to sleep, she can sleep til 10am.

Trainning? I think its routine. I will sponge bath her and massage her a bit. Then put her to bed. It helps to relax her and let her sleep longer. Also I tried to feed her more times in the daytime. I feed 2.5 hourly.
