(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Ya, if skip the 7pm nap she will be very very cranky at 9pm+ and very difficult to put to bed.
BTW, she sleeps in Yao Lan in daytime and cot at night. Don't know if that is how she differentiate day and night? I use the same method with my son, he also like that last time.

bidosoh, my boy too sleep yaolan in day but cot at night..
do you have to rock both your #1 and #2 in your arms before putting them down in the cot for the night zzz?
or just put down will sleep?
mine have to carry carry and rock rock.. dunno is it because of the yaolan?
wow i was just planning to ask you ladies about napping schedules! so zhun! :D

my bb dunno why started waking up very frequently (about every 1-2 hours) at night since 2 nights ago.. when i checked on him, he's not really awake, but making loud sounds (ah ah ah, eh eh eh) with his eyes closed. and sometimes he moves around.. struggle wriggle until he's at side/top of cot.. But can't be hungry so often mah.. esp since he's feeding normally in the day.. Any idea why huh?

i put him to bed between 8pm to 10pm depending on what time we reach home and what time he starts to exhibit sleepy signs. usually wakes up about 3am for milk, then every 2-3 hourly.. until 2 nights ago..

bidosoh, my son also only sleeps in cot at night.. daytime he sleeps on playmat ie on the floor :p

bidosoh & sporty, how do you feed 2.5 hourly or 3 hourly during the day? Now i feed on demand day and night cos otherwise i dunno what to do when he starts crying for milk..?
and oh, napping schedule - he wakes up very early around 7am, then nap around 9am to 11am. Then nap again around 2pm for about an hour. Then nap again around 5pm for about an hour. Until 8pm+ bedtime

Do you ladies fix your bb's nap times or wait for him to get cranky bcos of sleepiness?
min, i think the nap @ 7pm makes a diff cuz my gal also naps like 30 mins after her 7pm feed...then she will cluster latch and then KO by 930pm... think most importantly is to follow a specific schedule everyday lor... my #1 had horrible schedules last time cuz i fed him on demand, this time round i practised fixed intervals feeding in the day...so my gal tends to sleep thru earlier! me same as u la, cannot stay at home one...so i rather go out to work :p heheh... i dun rock my kids to sleep...#1 sometimes still need some patting now... #2 will usually feel "drowsy" after her last feed and i will tuck her into bed and swaddle her tightly and lights off!

bidosoh, i will usually close my gal's room door after her feed at 5/6am so she can zzz longer and wun get disturbed by #1 when we prepare him for skool...i agree routine is very impt! thas why even my mum offered to take care for me 1 nite i also dun want lor, scared she spoil everything! LOL

ayukie, OT again??!! *hugs*

veryfatmum, could it be the weather? my gal also eh eh eh last nite at 1am...i saw tha her romper's wet as its very hot...so i juz on the fan for her and she went back to zzz... for me, in the day, i feed on fixed schedule and at nite on demand...i started doing tha since we were back from hospital... i think in the day fixed schedule is good cuz the bb will take enough milk and wun wake up for middle of the nite feeds lor... i used to do feed on demand day and nite and my boy sometimes even now at 2 yrs + still wants milk in middle of the nite! as for nap time, my gal will usually cat nap for awhile in her bouncer, we never specially "force" her to nap kind...
hmmm sporty i think you have a good point!! come to think of it, if always feed on dd (like what i been doing), the bb will never learn to 'endure' a bit of hunger.. a bit of hunger wa wa wa oredi.. time to put him on a schedule.. my bb won't know what hitting him! (a 'different' mummy-cow after his nap) haha..

as for the 'auntie' problem, the sahm gotta remind one another not to become auntie ok??! knock my head if you see me becoming auntie..! i very scared too, esp when all sweaty and rushed when doing housework during bb's nap : /
veryfatmum, frm my own experience hor, this feed on demand thingy hor, made my son a real milk junkie lor...before he attended skool, he suka suka will ask for milk one ok! thas why this time for #2, i make sure i wanna change tha bad habit tha we cultivated him to have! u where got aunty, i saw from the durty nelly's pics, saw 4 gorgeous mummies, no aunties at all ! (even tho i dunno which one is u la :p)
want to comment, from the pics veryfatmum not veryfat leh...

sporty is right, only saw 4 gorgeous mummies...

ayukie: i sayang u, satu orang... :p
My baby will have her evening shower at 7.40pm. I will then start feeding her at 8pm in my room under dim lights. She kinda knows that it is near zzz time and will drink more & longer for her night reserves. She will zzz by 10pm, wake up at 4+am and another at 8+am.

Her morning shower is at 10am. No fixed day nap schedule... She doesn't nap much during the day (2hrs on average) and wants to play or be entertained. But i will coax her to zzz at every opportunity when she exihibts sleepy signs. (I need my me time!) I think the short day naps cld be the reason why she can zzz longer hrs at night. In fact, she has slept thru from 10pm to 7.30am and 8.30am respectively for the past 2 nights! Had to drag her out of cot cos I heard her poop... haha, hopefully she is starting to sleep even longer hrs at night...

Veryfatmum, I will ignore bb's eh ah at night till it becomes louder or when she opens her eyes, then I feed her. Do u swaddle Jiale to zzz? I still swaddle my gal and helps to reduce her uncontrolled hand/body movements that will wake her up...

Yeah yeah, we cannot become "huang lian po"... haha!
xuanxuan, i think my gal also agar agar knos its near zzz time when i feed her cuz had been doing tha same routine for the past few mths! mine also dun have fixed nap schedule in the day but she tends to sleep more in the mornings, afternoon naps is like 30 mins kind...

superwalker/xuanxuan, i must go and see tha pic again to see who is veryfatmum! i think the 4 ladies are slim!
oops my identity neeb exposed.. i am actually undercover.. haha no la :p

xuanxuan you also very li hai can make your girl sleep thru the night!! jiale's ehs are very loud.. too loud to ignore.. until my ear pain lor. and he doesn't like swaddling since 1mth+.. will keep complaining.. so no go either..

sporty, so if baby cries before the 3-hour, still wait huh? and what if 3 hours oredi but he still never complain? do i still feed or wait for him to show hunger?
veryfatmum, in the day if before 3 hrs like 2 and 1/2, i will feed lor if she cries... if she never complain, i will still feed every 3 hrly...but nowadays she seldom complain cuz shes curious abt her environment so she always forgot tha she's hungry!! i think "tanking" them with milk in the day is better, so they wun wake up for milk in the nite...
agree with sporty... stick to 3-hr schedule unless she wants to drink before time's up... but hor recently, there were many times when i gotta spend a long time to coax her to drink at the 3-hr mark... she only wants to play and will resist the feeding position. So to counter this, i feed her when she juz wakes up from nap if it's abt 2-2.5hr mark. she blur blur will drink and saves me the effort of fighting with her... dunno why recently she doesn't drink much, so i juz monitor and see how...
Hi mummies,

My gal will have her feed at around 7.30pm after back from nanny place. If she want to nap will let her nap till 9+/10 then i will wipe her body and change her clothes and her last feed is around 10.15 pm. So he koon time will be around 10.30pm. On weekend, she can sleep till 7+ am, on weekday we will wake her up on 6.30am and feed her before bring her over to nanny house.
Try keep her on 3 hours schedule but if she on BM or she don't nap the interval will be around 2.5 hours.

Nowadays we can't control my gal nap, she likes us to play with her, sometimes she keep yawning but still don't want to sleep. However, normally for night time, maybe got the wipe body, change clothes routine, she will fall asleep during feeding or burping. If not bring her in to her cot, she can fall asleep with the pacifier on.

As for struggle or fuss during feeding, it happen to me around 2 weeks back. Change my avent teats too variable and even 3 holes also can't. At the end, we use pigeon wide neck teats, L size (for 6 months and above) and she is ok now. I guess is the flow coming out too slow. We using L size for FM and M size for BM. So far so good , only fuss if is too hot or too hungry.

My gal still drinking 130 BM or 120 FM, have yet to increase her intake as she still have reflux on and off.
back frm my moo moo session!

veryfatmum, i will start my cluster feeding(latching) from 8pm onwards after i finished my dinner and showered!

xuanxuan, yeah...nowadays my gal sometimes juz drink like 70ml for her 3 hrly feeds...sometimes she can finish everything...must see her mood one!
my boy very funny lor..

today did his first flipping stunt...

when flip over to tummy, his left hand is stuck beneath his face, so he struggle, struggle and struggle...then i see closer, walau, realised that he is sucking his fist and hand lor...

Hi sporty, my maid is filipina and she's from the rural area, her family r farmers back home...she's mother of 3 kids but e way she take care of kids in filippines very different from us coz she seem rough handling my gal so i have to tell her off and show her how i want her to attend to my gal...her english is ok but pick up/do things very slow or maybe she act blur, seem quite lazy to me...we r still observing lor
min, veryfatmum, I don't have to rock using hands or yao lan for #1 to sleep even from day 1 he is born. We start using the Yao Lan when he is already 5months old. Y? Cos sleeping on cot/bed had flatten one side of his head badly. We just need to put him into the cot/bed and he will start sucking his thumb and fall asleep. Thats why thumb sucking is actually quite good.

My #2 is entirely different. She needs to yao and yao and yao. Night time sleep, what we do is put her in yao lan, we will transfer her to cot after she slept for more than half hour. Funny thing is she can sleep til the next day lor. I know this is no good, but can't help it, just want her to sleep. BTW my #2 start sucking her fingers intensively this week. The more she suck the more awake she is! Headache, my kids are exactly the opposite of each other. But one thing is the same, they are extremely talkative. Even the small one, can "talk" non-stop too.
veryfatmama who is not fat at all...haha we have the same question in mind...
actually baby have a lot of REM sleep, when they can be a little active in their sleep making funny noises.. mine too.. so if he nv cry, dun need to wake him up..
last time i also feed on demand in the day cos building up supply then he slowly adjusted himself to a 3 hrly schedule for milk.. so maybe your boy will adjust soon too?

sporty, your #2 like easier then ur #1 right? learn from experience hor.. hmm i next time also know for my #2 what to do right from the day we come home from hosipital then dun need to change any bad habits..

sporty and xuanxuan, i didnt swaddle my boy since 1 month cos he very scared of heat, always got heat rash on his neck and we nv on aircon for him cos mil say will fall sick easily (agrre mummmies? i dunno leh, books day better to keep constant temp which is aircon loh and summore our weather so hOT!!)

got many tips from you ladies today.. so decided to adjust his sleep time a little by little bit.. made him nap until 6.30pm today and then his usual bedtime he already fussy fussy.. so zhun.. but try to distract him a little massage him.. then feed him and he slept at 8.30 pm, 1 hr later than usual.. hmm hope he'll sleep a bit longer in the morning!

superwalker, ur mum so funny, she scared waste the milk so sayang.. and she actually drank it?! i would have to squeeze my nose to drink my fbm!
bidosoh, yah yaolan will make head round round
i slept in yaolan when i was a baby and my head v round, my laogong slept on bed and his head got one flat spot!
ah both of your darlings different pattern.. my boy same as your #2, the more he suck his fist, the more awake he is.. want to put him in the yaolan and then trnasfer him to his cot for nighttime also but weird thing is that he would cry v loud if we put him in the yaolan for his bedtime.. weird.. hmm not a bad thing lah i think.. if it works for your family and keeps your baby happy and sleeping, its a good thing!
min, thank you for the support. Heee... to make our darlings sleep and eat/drink, parents resort to different means. Method that works are good methods to us. "Be it black cats or white cats, cats that can catch mices are good cats".
thanks a lot for all the advice!! i started 3-hourly feed this afternoon and will continue tomorrow. And will on the aircon for tonight.

bidosoh, i m scorpio leh!! no routine now yet!! arrgh! come to think of it, most of our babies here are scorpios!! so urmm, hopefully they have their own routine and will stick to it..? :p

re: fbm.. i read that someone used the fbm to give her bb a milk bath!! muhahaha!

piggy, my bb can flip from tummy to back but not the other way round.. dunno why.. : /

re: thumb sucking.. i was so embarrassed on the bus just now!! cos my bb sucked his thumb SO loudly!! argghh..!
min, my bb sleeps with us at night in air-con room. so far i think she's ok leh, not sure if wat your mil says is true... No aircon during day so she gets very sticky by evening and can get very "mang zang"... somehow, i think she can zzz better in aircon room....

re: thumb sucking: veryfatmum, mine too! I was sooo pai seh when she sucked so loudly at the restaurant lor... everyone turned and looked at me... must be thinking this mummy didnt feed baby ah.. my friends who were tog with me were laughing all the way lor!
bearycue, hope ur maid can pick up things soon la, if not u cant go back to work in peace lor

superwalker, i salute ur mum for drinking ur fbm! peifu!!

bidosoh, yes i'm a scorpio...hahha...scorpio pple like routine meh? tha means our bbs all can follow routine well leh...

min, from some sharing with frens with 2 bbs...all of them agreed tha if ur first one is a difficult bb, ur 2nd one will be a easier one and vice versa... i guessed also we learnt from past mistakes lor then wun cultivate any bad habits from the start... my gal also seldom sleep in aircon room unless its super hot la... tha time i was trying to make her sleep thru, even if i on aircon whole nite also no use lor...

veryfatmum, hope ur bb can get used to the routine soon

veryfatmum/xuanxuan, my bb also suck finger like eating some delicious meal like tha...the "zu zu" sound very loud!
saw this poem online. was only intending to bf for 6 mths (b4 the little one grows teeth!!) but now re-considering whether to extend..

Mommy I love your milk so sweet and yummy,
It's the very best stuff for my little tummy.

Mommy when your patience is running low at best, sit down, take a few deep breaths and bring me to your breast.

Mommy hold me close to your soft warm chest
Because being in your arms is where I like being best.

Mommy do not listen to those who say I am spoiled.
It's just that you're my favorite person in the whole wide world.

Mommy when their negative comments put you to the test.
Don't worry, trust yourself
Because mommy you know me best.

Mommy ignore them when they ask, "Isn't it time to wean?"
Because when to stop is up to only you and me.

Mommy continue rocking me, sing another song.
I am still a baby, but not for very long.
sporty, I assume you are using the Medela teats to bottle feed your girl. Do you enlarge the hole in the teats? I am worried to enlarge it as I am afraid my girl will prefer bottle to latch. As this is what happened to my son last time.
veryfatmum, sporty, my friend and my own MIL are both Scorpio. They use routine method to take care of our babies. Both of us agreed that during weekends when the whole day is taken care by ourselves the routine goes haywire :-( and they can't sleep and eat well. Generally babies needs routine, my boy is not Scorpio but routine suits him very well. Without following the routine during weekends he is fussy and cranky when young. So you can guess, I am not a Scorpio. I have to try very hard to follow routine when raising kids, as its the easiest way to handle them.
morning ladies. am i the only one pumping now?

been a long week, the first full 5 day work week for me in 2010. finally finished moving office yesterday...

fell asleep last night again and didn't pump. "auto" woke up at 3 am to ask my lil one to help me clear my breast a bit..

superwalker> ur mom drank ur ebm and LS? are u sure the LS due to the ebm?? or maybe ur mom is lactose intolerant? i dunno whether bm got lactose though but for me , when i drink those milk powder eg anmum, i will LS cos i lactose intolerant but i am ok with drinking fresh milk..

bidosoh> u shld continue to bf! the last line of the poem u posted "I am still a baby, but not for very long" makes me wanna cry.. becos i really feel my son is growing up so fast!! and i will miss his baby stage! re: my boy's routine: i will say my boy established his own routine. every morning he will wake up abt 7+ (auto adjust on weekends to wake up later) then shower then drink milk roughly every 2 hourly. in the evening, he will "cry" to be bathed and have a nap before he officially goes to sleep abt 10 pm (sumtimes earlier, sumtimes later depending on his nap during the day)

sporty> paiseh, haven trfer u. will trfer to u by the weekend. pls don hang pig head on my door! lol

any mom here took 6 in 1? will like to confirm the vaccination "months"
morn all!
went back to zz after i latched my gal @ 5ish...didnt pump...now then kena woke up by my boobs...

veryfatmum, u shd bf longer la...even if ur lil one have teeth, juz teach them not to bite ur nipples or u can pump out to feed!

bidosoh, i using nuk teats to bottle feed my gal...so far no issues...i dun enlarge the holes cuz i also worry tha she prefers bottles to latch as the flow is faster lor...so i'm using the smallest flow one now... actually i think kids need routine lor cuz even now after my boy attends skool, he sleeps and eats better cuz everyday got a routine...
mm6j, u are not the only one who's up pumping...i juz finished pumping! haha

Updates on payments for Gathering @ Park Green...

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD></TD><TD>No of paxs</TD><TD>status</TD><TD>payment status </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>melodie (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>sporty (2A + 1 todd + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>mm6j (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>ayukie (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Jane (2A + 1 todd + bb) + maid</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Piggy (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>jolene428 (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>devlina (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>ashley (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>10</TD><TD>fieda (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>11</TD><TD>shirlin (1A + bb)</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>12</TD><TD>Mitsy (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>13</TD><TD>novbaby (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>14</TD><TD>Nicole (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>15</TD><TD>Tanly (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>16</TD><TD>Swanston (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>17</TD><TD>Xuanxuan (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>18</TD><TD>veryfatmum (2A + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD>received </TD></TR><TR><TD>19</TD><TD>Shihui (2A + 1 todd + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>20</TD><TD>reenie (2A + 1 todd + bb)</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>21</TD><TD>zentan (1A + 1 todd + bb) + maid</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>confirmed</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>41</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Pls trf by mon (1 Mar )to POSB sav a/c 126-34558-5. thanks
Its $18/pax
Hello! I am going to go work today for NATAS travel fair...
yesterday totally no pump till i home at 11pm. So exhausted.

BTW, there is a watson sales at expo and selling pampers at 29.90 for 2 pack. I bought the S size. They have M, L, &amp; XL. I think its a good deal so if interested can go check it out.

Ahahhah...heard yesterday got KS sales! So sad I cannot go!
Veryfatmumwhoisnotfat, I love the poem so nice.. Allow me to post it elsewhere to encourage other mummies too k? Like mastermilky600mljane, I also like the last line somuch, though he is still little, already miss him when he is much smaller, they really grow so fast everyday!

Mm600mlj ur boy is so lovely will auto adjust let his mummy sleep more on weekends..

Sporty, ohh I like what uve said, this is a consolation to me hope my #2 will b an Ultra easy baby! Yday though got him to sleep later nfed him more in the evening hoping he'll sleep all the way, he didn't!! In fact woke up more times haha! So weird...

Velo, what are u working as? In the travel line? Natas got good deal? Hmm the pampers promo sounds GOOD!

Bidosoh, yeah! 只要能让宝宝睡觉的方法就是好方法!
min, i also got the poem from somewhere online who got it from somewhere else online.. :p Yep the last line is the 'killer' isn't it? brings tears to my eyes every time i re-read the poem..

velo, thanks for telling about the lobang!! i think i might drop by expo!!

sporty &amp; xuanxuan, thanks for advice!! i let my bb sleep in aircon last night and he only woke up at 3am and 6am, still not as li hai as your babies, but at least he's back to his normal routine instead of every 1-2 hourly : )

hey let's do a 'poll' leh..
Q1. Do you let your bb sleep in aircon?
Q2. Does your bb sleep more than EIGHT hours in a stretch?
let's see whether there's correlation between aircon and sleeping thru the night!! *excited*
1. yes, my bb must sleep in aircon.. spoilt or not i dun know but he sleeps longer.. but longer means about 5 hours for me..
2. No never yet...sadly..

Superwalker, actually good for yr mum leh.. maybe she got a lot of hao liao from CNY to pass out.. hee

i agree with the sentiments about the last line of poem wholeheartedly.. yesterday i was just looking at my boy's pictures at birth and realized how time flies.. i still remember the slimy little thing put at my tummy when he came out.. such an amazing and wonderful feeling..

For mummies who can bf and have supply, pls do continue as long as u can do it.. My chronic low supply still makes me tear whenever i feed formula or read articles about how good BM is.. And i dislike it when people who knew i just gave birth ask me "So u r still breastfeeding?" How to say i never really started?? Okie, got to stop coz tears are forming...
anyone got bb poo changing color to brown, or darker mustard?

duno if cos i took cough medicine.

bb also got constipation, gek siah early in the morning, now pooo 2 x per day

Hwa Xia swimming-yes, Yishun North point got bigger pool for bigger kids.

Me going tml, Northpoint, also found out that got nursing room in the new building. but duno much about the carpark.

Anyone been to Northpoint with bb?
chris, don't be so sad.. *pat pat* No matter bm or fm, as long as bb is happy &amp; healthy, it's good milk!! my bb tbf also fell sick about 1 month ago.. i was so shocked lor, thought bm is some miracle milk and he won't fall sick : /

kimifin you also bring your bb for swimming? me too! usu go to plaza sing, today going harbourfront - about 5 times oredi! Do u use the big pool (the one for 4 babies) or the ind tub? the big pool is supposed to be for babies over 1 year old right? but do they let u use? cos when i went to harbourfront, they told me my 3-month-old also can use the big pool oredi leh..

Anyone interested in bringing babies together? cos if i bring bb alone to the big pool, might end up he only 1 pax, so lonely..
1. yes sleep in air con room at night
2. so far, longest he can sleep is 7 hours. short of the 1 hour you asked.

MM6J, you take the following vaccine in the following mths

3rd mth - 5 in 1
4th mth - 5 in 1
5th mth - 6 in 1
18th mth - 5 in 1 booster

Sporty, i do hope my #2 will be a easier one cos my boy now is super cranky!!! and super bad temper. I think cos i;m a teacher, i always scold children when i was preg and actually i'm one of the tigress teacher in sch. So i think my boy kena influenced by me and has very bad temper now. he will scream and cry and kick if he's upset about something. even helping him wear his romper he will cry like we are abusing him.... sigh.... i think if i get preg again, i shd convince my hb to let me yang tai at home!!

Sigh, i'm very upset now. after his 5 in 1 jab on thur, he has been drinking little. and I had already poured away more than 200ml ebm for the past 2 days. just now, he drank only 30ml out of his usual 120ml. ARGH!!!! i feel like pulling my hair!! i'm still keeping the milk in the warmer but then if he still doesn;t want to drink within 1 hour, i have to pour it away again. I hate doing tat!!
bidosoh, my boy sleep yaolan in the day. cot at night. he too need to carry and rock at night before putting down to cot. He loved to be hug to sleep..

veryfatmum, My boy sleep in aircon rm with us. But he maxi sleep thru 6-7hrs.

My mum told me if its too cold he tend to be hungry faster. Dunno how true.

Recently he start to drag his feeding time from 3hrs to 4 hrs. He like drinking lesser per day. Any mummies have same experience?

veryfatmum, hah your poll very cute but interesting to see results!
1. no dun switch on air con
2. got sleep more than 8 hrs for some time but recently dun have.

chris, dun be upset.. my boy also fell sick though also total breast feeding.. many of us mummies also grew up very fine on formula.. then you also dun need to worry about breastfeeding issues just concentrate on bonding and enjoying your little one as much as you like.. 只要是能让宝宝长大的奶就是好奶!!
but can always try again with you #2!

kimifin, my boy also like that!
when i was on medication for flu, his poo became a little darker mustard and not so seedy.. then now finished medicine le ok back to yellow seedy poo! so dun worry

ohh i want to bring baby go swimming too.. last time dun have baby always see ppl bring theirs to swim at plaza sing, so cute.. now i can bring my own! my turn to see passersby stand outside and watch and say so cuuutee!
ey how much is it?
