(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

min, i will 'collate' results of poll and 'present' it here :p

at hwa xia it's $30 per session. package of 10 sessions = $190 + $50 annual membership. 20 sessions = $330 (i think) + $50 annual membership. the membership entitles u to discount on products and services (haircut & massage). Big pool is $33 per session, dunno abt package

me too me too!
i also scold my students when i was pregnant and though my boy not bad temper per say but still not an ultra easy baby...
hais what to do.. real bo bian leh.. the students really drive you up the wall man!

rachelle, not to worry, your boy got so much reserves! he will pick up on drinking again when he feels ok
bidosoh,min and celine,
my boy also sleep in yaolan during day and cot during nitetime. But during the nite, have to put him in yaolan and wait for him to fall asleep b4 transfering to cot.

Does baby has any prob sleeping w/o the yaolan when outside or in someone else home?
Rachelle and min:

totally agree! students drive us up the wall.
to the extent, my eldest son likes to point his finger at everyone when he was younger.

Re: bottle feeding
Thanks for all the advice. I will experiment with the best way to feed my ds.

will make the transfer this wkend. sorry for the delay
chris: lil r also always sleep in air con room. she cannot stand heat. always kick her socks off n blankets away. so sometimes dun even bother wearing socks for her.
Min and jane, ya, the kids really know how to infuriate me. sometimes really cannot tahan. there were a few times i screamed at my kids till my boy kicked me hard in the tummy. think mayb that't why now he got such bad temper coupled with a loud voice!

Oh ys chris, dun worry about not giving baby bmilk cos most of us also grew up on fmilk. there are pple who even say that fmilk will make kids smarter tho bmilk makes kids healthier.

i thk 4 mth above can bring already.

over 1 yr thk got outside pools...hhee

i bringing my boy tml to Northpoint, only NP got big pool..
I will be there around 11-12, so after that can lunch(cos bb if tired, can sleep in stroller)

But if swim in big pool, need to top up $ on top of my current pacakge to swim in the big pool. I wan bb to try big pool cos his legs are kicking the sides of the tub.

Oh, any of the babies here got dry rough skin cos bb kick n rub their arms n legs at the rocker or bed? cos my got rough skin..dat time PD said was due to contact. It was just at the surface of bumps, so I only apply moisturiser.
oic, hopefully his poo becomes back to normal. but I find him gek sai a lot...my nanny ask, if every time he wakes up 4-5am to gek sai, then u v tired? I say, no choice lah.


1) Air con or not, same result(normally on from 10pm to 3am, when up for feeds)
2)max is 4 to 5 hrs straight
Vfm, thanks for the info on huaxia.. Wanna bring bb go try..
Mayb next weekend cos he just recovered from a cold

piggym, I also had the same qn when iwanted to intro yaolan to my boy.. But bo bian.. He dunsleep well inthe day.. It's better with the yaolan, he naps v well. my boy can sleep inthe carseat or carrier.. but ifnot have to carry n rock before he will sleep on someones bed loh

kimifin, hmm mayb it's the medication.. My boy pooed more when both of us on medication.. I checked the medicine online n said it might lead to diarrhea. Checked with pd, pd say will go away once finish medicine.. Mayb u can check for side effects of the medicine?
rehi all!
back from outing...now pumping and both of my kids are asleep...hope i can catch a nap later!

velo, the watsons sale at expo sounds good...anything else tha they are selling?

min, maybe ur boy haven gotten used to new routine tha u feeding him more in the evening...thas why woke up more times! slowly...

veryfatmum, answers to ur poll...
1. no aircon and no fan
2. yes abt 8 hrs...
tha time i asked mrs wong before as my #1 used to have probs sleeping, she said aircon at 25 degrees will be good for bbs as their body temp is higher than us...so they will sleep longer as its not hot!

chris, FM is as good as BM nowadays la...dun tear dun tear...some bm is better than none! so jia you!!

kimifin, northpt there's a nursing room i kno near the library...got hot water etc but tha room is very stuffy cuz seldom got pple use tha room...

rachelle, for my #1's pregnancy, i used to be very hot tempered also due to my job and stress...for #2 even tho its a similar job, i'm more relaxed la...so dunno whether tha makes a diff?!

celine, most of our bbs go thru a "milk strike" period...maybe thas what ur bb's going thru now...

tanly, the watsons sale is at hall 6B

jane, no prob...lemme kno after u have trfed...

shihui, its 18 bucks/pax...so u and ur hb will be 36
Chris, I also did not feed my gal bm. I am a lazy mum. At times when I saw all mummiies in the forum talk about latching etc. I will also feel sorry to my girl that I did not make an effort to bf. But that doesn't mean I don't love my gal or my gal has miss out anything. Infact, I can be a happier mother as I don't have to worry about supply and block duct etc. I also found that now a days formula is very nutritious. So no worry lah, our bb will grow well and healthy.

Sporty, thanks. Asking my hb to go check out since he has project near expo.
Hi All Mummies,

I'm a March Mummies. Any of u using tollyjoy detergent (Powder type)? Interested 2 buy at a cheaper price? i had 9 boxes on hand to sell. Kindly PM me if you are interested. Thank you
hi sporty, yup yup....really hope the maid can pick up things fast so i can go back to work in peace coz my colleagues already pre-amp me abt the heavy workload ahead as boss want to increase productivity...poingzzzz...so dun want to worry abt my girl whie i work if not really can faint!!!! :p
MasterMilky600MLJane, I am continuing to BF, just that I am going to work, so need my MIL to bottle feed my girl EBM. Will BF her as long as possible. I am not going to give up until 2.5 years later.

Heard from my friend that her son kena Hand Foot Mouth disease and recover in just 3 days with minimal and baseline med at 2.5 years old. That time he is still been BF. So I really appreciate the power of BM.

Sporty thanks will try nuk. We really have similar worries. I won't enlarge the hole either.
1). Yes, need AC but only at 27 C. Cause MIL and hubby worried baby will catch a cold. But cannot without AC, otherwise both me and baby will sweat.
2). Usually, max 6 hrs. Only once for 7 hrs. And once for 9 hrs - but both me and baby knocked out after long day out

Chris & Tanly,
My BM is dangerously low after blocked ducts n pump problem - even before, didn't have much either (60 ml or less). Now it's reducing to almost nothing (20 ml), no matter what I tried. Sooo depressing...so I'm going to stop soon. I agree with Tanly, FM can be as nutritious and I'd rather think I can spend a happier time with baby without the stress.
About cheap places to buy FM or other baby stuff, last time we talked about Pasir Ris. The address is: Pasir Ris St 72, opposite Blok 723, at Pasir Ris West shopping centre. It's on the 1st floor, has 2 competing stores there. I forgot the names though.

About Robinson Sale,
if you have OCBC Robinson card and received a voucher by mail, you have 25% discount if less than $200, or $50 off for above $200. And you can ask for home delivery if above $200. I saw a mom bought lots and lots of Pigeon Baby Wet Wipes (6 packets) and Tollyjoy liquid cleanser. I bought some, already paisei :p
agata, your long day out was it our lunch outing? hee hee :p

the robinsons voucher hor, i used it too!! but i was told delivery is free as long as above $150 wor.. I busted the whole voucher on a jumperoo :p

MIN! today i 1st time brought my bb to huaxia on weekend.. really many pple! got waiting list, were told to go back in 45 minutes. Maybe bcos there was more 'tension' in the atmosphere, my bb cried a lot and didn't enjoy the swim at all. First time he cried during swim, previously either enjoyed a lot or looked bored. If you can't go during weekday afternoons, try weekday evenings? cos i find weekends very scary.. : /

sporty, no aircon AND no fan??!! wow!! not warm ah?

'auntie' alert: huggies Little Swimmers diapers offer at Giant, $15.10 instead of $16.10 for pack of 12, ends tomorrow. Petite/Small is for 7kg to 12kg, so can keep for pretty long i guess :p
tanly, not a good choice to go expo this weekend cuz got natas sale...sure very crowded one...heheh

bearycue, ya la...unless u consider infantcare as a backup lor if ur maid really CMI...

bidosoh, u are good...wanna bf ur bb for 2 and 1/2 yrs... for me 1 yr for the time being la cuz i dun wanna get all my nutrients/calcium kena sucked by her...hehe ... i agree with ur theory of power of bm...i fed my #1 with bm also and recently his viral fever always clears up in 1 or 2 days instead of the usual 3 to 5!

veryfatmum, so fast u bought jumperoo already?! ok la...my gal's mummy also can tahan no aircon no fan...whahhahha :p i stay near the coastal area so quite windy at nite so no need to on aircon/fan one...
sporty, yeah i very ks hor? haha it's bcos my fren told me she wanted to buy it for my bb, so since i had the voucher, might as well use it so that she wouldn't have to pay so much :p Not intending to let bb use it yet, think gotta wait till 6 months old
Hi min, i working at Star Cruise. Only good deal is a 1for1 promo for selected sailing (Wed departures) in Mar to Malacca/ KL.

Watson sales is at hall 6. To avoid the crowd mayb can go before lunch time.

Man, i been having late dinner, now i have a very big tummy which i can sit my laptop on!!
goodness! How to lose this float aroung my waist!

Yawn, damn tired oh, whole day at work.

BTW, Mar 19-21 there going to be a baby fair at expo. While Takashimaya will have baby fair from 10 Mar - 28 Mar.

Oh i use my Robinson voucher too buying a pack of pigeon wet wipes and other miscellaneous stuff for my boy. I max out the voucher!! Ah yo, spending again. BTW anyone know if Philip will be having warehouse sales? Hoping for one as i wish to get a blender and some electronics.
Q1. Do you let your bb sleep in aircon?
NO, cos i scare Lucas fall sick cos both me and hubby got sensitive nose... so guess baby will hv sensitive nose tooo....
Q2. Does your bb sleep more than EIGHT hours in a stretch?
SADdddDDDdd..... Havent yet... max is only 5hours nia.. he usually sleep at 8+pm and wake up at 1am and then 4am and DUN SLEEP till i send him to nanny

VeryfatMum: Do u only use Huggies Little Swimmers diapers as a form of swimming trunk? Then dun need to buy those swim suit? Like that baby wont catch cold ma?

Chris, ***LOVE LOVE*** aiyo BM not really so powerful la... my lucas oso fall sick and somemore fall sick for so long.... my gynae always tell me dun stress abt Bfing... got feed baby can liao... simi milk oso can make baby FAT and good can liao....

Superwalker, wah ur mum really very CAN ley... i smell my own BM i wan to vomit liao... and hubby face turn green cos kanna cheated by me to drink my BM... she still can drink ur FBM....
i cant wait for TUES to come.... Aqua marine here i come.... Lucas missing lil T

Min, nanny rate is abt $600+ but i got mine at good rate at $550 and she oso very kind say if Lucas eat solid food liao dun need add $$$ just maybe at times buy some food over will do....
Hi, I happened to chance upon this thread! I find this really useful cos it's an avenue to share information. At least mommies can share their experiences and exchange information!

Me too, a Nov 09 new mum. Actually I'm a 1st time mum, there are so many things that I'm not familiar with. Just last night, my gal refuses to take her AVENT bottle (trying to get her to bottle feed, as she's going to infant care when I return to work in Apr) and we rushed to get new NUK bottle, hoping she will drink her milk. Well, tried just now and she did drink, but not the full amount.

Anyway, any of you are back to work now and still breastfeeding? Care to share your feeding and pumping schedule??

hi ztaciep : )

momomummy, the hwa xia swimming is warm water, like bath water, plus the swim area no/low aircon, so no worries about catching cold. they used to let the younger babies swim butt naked.. only today they said new company policy - all must wear swim diapers. Well, they sell the huggies for $2 a piece lor.. so i prefer buy outside and bring myself.. cheaper!

when i start to bring bb to public pool (cold water), i will buy wetsuit type for him plus the huggies swim diaper
Veryfatmum, i m trying to get wetsuit for lucas but i cant find so small size 1 ley.... my lucas now 5.5kg nia... i think he is the smallest among all babies here in Nov... my office got 1 nov baby oso, her is already 13kg... my lucas now drink max 120ml nia... and must force somemore then he finish....
what??!! 13KG?? urmm, sounds a bit scary leh.. er.. overweight?

did you try mothercare? i haven't bought mine yet but i got see see look look at mothercare, thought got for young babies? i know kiddy palace is only for older babies/kids
VFM: mothercare sibei expensive, i saw mothercare got but still very big for lucas... he very small size ley... he wearing Nepia S size still so big for him....
And ya, i think my colleague baby is super over weight... her baby is very very big size but hor both parents oso super big size la.... my colleague is abt 1.79cm... and i am totally opp... i am super short... Whahaha
Q1. Yes
Q2. Yes

For the first 3 weeks after we are discharged from hospital. We didn't on the aircon. My girl's shirt is always wet with perspiration day or night. So we decided to on aircon at night. It better, she sleeps better. Just to share, if bb's clothes are wet with perspiration and then expose to fan or aircon, they are more likely to catch a cold/chill. So its important to change clothes often, especially now, hot and humid.

I went to a talk about children allergy last year. According to the PD, aircon is not suitable for asthma kids. But aircon is suitable for eczyma kids. But usually kids who have asthma tends to have eczyma too.

We set AC at 25/26 deg c. Even they kick blanket its still not too bad. For my children, when they are under 1, I let them wear sleeping bag. No matter how they kick its still in place.
Hi mummies, been going thru the thread. As for the poll, my daughter

1) Sleep with Aircon
2) Max is 6 hours only.. How I wish she is sleep thru, but she is very used to suckling to sleep..

Regarding Hwa Xia, I brought my daughter to Harbourfront branch for her first swim at 1.5 month old. She happily kicked the waters and will try to reach d sides of the tub. I think she want d security. Visited harbourfront 3 times before I went to northpoint branch.

However, when the ladies in Harbourfront recommended me to go Northpoint cos of the big pool, I was tempted. Cos I thought my daughter will enjoy more in big pool.

Is my mistake, her first visit there at northpoint, when she was about 2 months plus old, she did not enjoy. Perhaps the pool is too big for her alone and she grabbed tightly to the swimming float handles, she even cried out loud. I don't think is she not used to the waters, since she alreAdy been to harbourfront more than 1 time.

Also, the ladies there never do much warm up for her, minimal interaction with the baby, when I suggest to let my daughter come out of d big pool, and go back to the small pool, they wanna charge me for another session. Sian man.

I find them unfriendly and not professional. Their baby massage is brief and super "eng xiu" (in hokkien).. They like very commercial. Kept on asking us pay this pay that..
Anyway, that's my one n only visit to northpoint. I like harbourfront cos nursing is easy since there is an area cater for that. Also, the ladies there are more friendly and will interact well with bbs..

I am just telling u all my bad experience I had there.

Wanna ask all mummies if bb poo smell sourish? My bb poo is bright yellowish, and smelling very sourish. I wonder something wrong with her digestion. I am on total bf.
Hi VFM, is hwa xia swimming really good? I wanted to let my gal try, but my husband is quite skeptical about it cos it's too commercialized. He said he would rather get the neck float and pool to let her swim at home. But I'm worried abt the water temp at home, since it is not controlled. So till now, my gal hasn't got the chance to swim yet.
As for the poll:

1. Occasionally, when weather is SUPER HOT.
2. Nope. Usually max is 6 - 7 hours, either fan or aircon.

Seems like no correlation.
velo, i think philips sale not so soon cuz there was one in nov last year already...btw added u on FB

momo mummy, if u are afraid of bb catching cold at pool, invest in a thermal suit, its more ex than a wet suit, abt 50 to 60+ and u can wear the huggies swimming diapers inside the thermal suit for the bb... i gotten the thermal suit for my son last time at tangs...think kiddy palace also have...its thick in material like those diving use kind... wah tha 13kg bb is damn kua zhang lor...my son 2 yrs plus only 16kg!

ztaciep, welcome to the thread...u wanna PM me ur details like bb's name, birth weight, birth height, mode of delivery, gynae's name and place of birth so tha i can update the table? hope the nuk bottle works for u...slowly the bb will get used to it.... i'm back at work now...my pumping schedule at work is 12/1ish and 4/5ish everyday and i pump after i woke up at 5/6ish in the am and before i sleep at 11ish... i intend to bring my gal for swimming in normal pool after her neck's stronger when shes 5 to 6 mths...

veryfatmum, what?! hua xia sells the swim diapers at 2 bucks a piece??!! thas really "kill pple put fire"!
morning ladies...

been a while since i posted le.. very busy at work den when come home busy with kayla..
how's everyone doing?

kayla has been coughing since thur.. brought her to PD on friday, now on medicine.. but at night she can't really sleep well.. so i keep waking up to pat her back to sleep.. *yawns* not enough sleep!

i've got a question regarding childcare leave.. it's compulsory that the company have to give us right? cos my boss say that the government encourage the employer to give but it's not compulsory. but to my knowledge, it's a must one le.. anyone can advice?
chriszinc1 - *hugs* i also started off with very low supply i cant feed my boy only can pump and express out 3 pumps for 1 of his feed also felt sooo depressed then i even cried in hospital when i cant latch my boy full haiz .. worse i cant even give birth naturally as well but its ok f.m milk nowadays also alot of nutrients .. as long baby growing up well some mummies i know bfeed 1 month only ..
gd morning! pumping now.. really bz n tired aft starting work.. only got time to briefly read thru the thread.. :p

regarding the poll:
1) no aircon at night.. only on the fan but no direct blowing.. juz for air circulation..

2) her usual bedtime will be ard 11pm.. n sleep all the way to 9am..

momo mummy,
my gal oso got sensitive nose.. we used to think tt she's cute to know how to snort at such a young age.. but then, i realised something's not right when she's always snorting.. brought her to pd n concluded tt she has a bad case of sensitive nose.. pd mentioned could be sinus... sian ah.. hai....

not too sure abt the policy leh.. how abt checking with MOM?
hello gals, wow, so many posts!!

My boy went for his first 5 in 1 on thu and since then, he drinks lesser. I poured almost 100ml of ebm everyday sigh. then till now he is not pooing. i suppose it's bcos he drinks less now and not much extra waste to pass out. how long can a baby go without pooing? i think 2 days still fine but when is the time i need to be worried?

Saintbaby, if i;m not wrong, 6 days childcare leave is out entitlement. first 3 CC leave is paid by employer and next 3 days paid by govt. same as our Maternity leave. First 2 mths is by employer, next 2 mths by govt. so, if your boss insist that C leave is encouraged, tell him that he can claim 3 days of leave from govt and he need not pay for it. at least you still get 3 days of leave even tho your boss refuse to pay for the 3 days CC leave

bidosoh, thanks for sharing about airon & allergy & ezcema!

sharon, my bb's poo smells sourish too.. guess all that milk went sour inside his tummy..? :p

by the way, i think harbourfront and plaza sing hwa xia are very commercialised too.. plus your experience, seems like all 3 outlets are 'kill people put fire'.. haii.. it's a commercial place after all, what to do.. : /

ztaciep, i dunno whether hwa xia or swimming per se is good.. it's just something to entertain bb (and me, haha). As for public pool, i intend to bring my bb once he completes his current package.. ie in about 5 weeks' time, ie when he's 5 months old.. I checked out swimming classes for babies, but seems like only start from 6 months onwards.. and i really wonder how they teach a 6-month-old baby lor.. i m the mother and sometimes i can't even get my bb to look at me lor.. lol. Anyone has experience / recommendations for swimming lessons for babies?
