(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Thumb sucking:
I think it is natural that they do so now. I will let him do so if he is needing to fall asleep. This somehow help them to develope the habit of falling asleep on their own. It is better than having to carry them to sleep.
morning mummies :D

Just wondering how many babies here drink Mamil Gold or don't mind trying out Mamil Gold? Because I may be able to get some good discounts from Dumex ^^
OMG! my boy is 7.46kg at 3 mth!! already on 90 percentile. now i worry that he may get too fat but doc said if on bmilk, shd not worry too much.

he just had his 5 in 1 and rotavirus. hope i din make the wrong decision to give him that. i decided to postpone Pneumo jab for as long as possible since he will not be going childcare or wat. suddenly, i dunno if i made the right decision to give rotavirus.....
wow... must be careful about baby's weight gain k?!! coz I saw my hubby's cousin's baby boy at 7mth still cannot flip from tummy to back~!! Each time he flipped from back to tummy and will get stuck there and cried~ Heard it's coz he is too fat :X He was 9kg at 5mths and now 11kg at 7mths. But fyi, he is on full fmilk from 2mth.

Whereas, when I visited my friend yest with a 7mth boy as well, her boy was flipping like doing stunts like that... back to tummy then tummy to back one shot. So cool...

My jamie watched in amusement and when she came home, she attempted to flip AGAIN~!!! think she was very inspired by my friend's boy~!!! SO cute :D

And hor, my niece 16mths and only 9kg~!!! My mum said because she 'exercises' alot everyday. She is a busy girl who always walking everywhere in the house.. taking out different toys to play and keeping them back after she played and take another toy.. and so forth... hahaha...

So must start to exercise our babies more so they can grow better and sheds their baby fats ^^
Superwalker, i so scared my baby too heavy and cannot lose the fats. Any mummies have heavy babies too and babies lose their fats liao? i think i need some consolation to tell me my baby's normal....
celine, is ur blocked duct cleared? if not milk ss will decrease lo

veryfatmum, i agree its not easy to stop our bbs from sucking thumbs...mine prefers her 2nd finger...hahha

rachelle, wow...ur boy is huge!! ur bm damn power lor!!
my son was a 75% percentile last time...now he's normal weight...so dun worry...ur son will lose weight or shd i say weight increment wun be tha much when he starts to crawl...walk then run!

jolene, dun worry la...bbs all grow at their own pace...we no need to exercise them and they will shed their bb fats automatically one! by then u worry how come they never put on weight! hehe
Rachelle - like what PD and sporty mentioned its alright with the weight gained. Especially he is on full breastmilk all the more ok. BTW, my son last time when 3 months old is 7.57kg (97% percentile) he is on FBM, just checked his healthbook. Now 5 years old also normal weight. Just on the tall side. Wear any clothes also nice - vain mummy (hahaha).
Sporty, think i ate too much bah kwa and fatty food that's why baby gets all the fats from me. sigh... i think he knows he's too chubby also. he tries to jian fei by drinking less these days. hehe
sporty: hahaha it reminds me of my niece lah.. eat so much everyday.. she has bread for breakfast and afternoon teabreak.. then one big bowl of porridge for lunch and dinner... plus 120ml of fmilk 3-4times a day and she is still so skinny~!!!
rachelle: hahaha.. maybe hor, he has enough milk reserves to last him more hrs so he drinks lesser :p

but hor, old wives tales said babies knw when u said they are too fat.. :X so my mum also ask me not to comment on baby weight in front of her :X
Rachelle - ya, take already don't worry. Not sure about rotavirus. If its a old vaccine should be rather safe. While P jab is rather new, I think around 5 years only. The older the medicine the more reliable. Thats why Priton (1st generation) are used to treat flu in preg women.
rachelle, bfing time is the best time to eat all the fatty stuffs and not afraid of gaining weight lor...i normally dun take chix skin or eat fatty meat if i'm not bfing...now i juz whack la...hahha...

jolene, ur niece have high metabolism rate! thas good lor...no woes of putting on weight!

piggy, ur boy is another big boy!

anyone lost more weight after back to ur pre preggy weight??
sporty, aiyo blocked again...how to clear block duct in office :S

hmmm.. dunno whether to take rotavirus/P jab when i bring my boy for 6 in 1 next monday.. after all Pros VS Cons, abit half hearted... hahaha
sporty: my weight linger ard my pre preggy weight..managed to squeeze in my jeans liao, heng ah...

yeah! big boy! wonder if he will he 8kg by this weekend...hohohohoz

btw, now i total BF but i only pump twice a day, once at 9am and another at 10pm in the nite..should be no problem right?

i dun want to pump to much cos baby not drinking also EBM and i need to freeze them when time is up, is kinda stupid cos he hardly drink FBM...waste $$ and waste space..
celine, try to massage and press hard on the blocked area when u pump in office...have a hot drink before u pump... if not, go home ask ur boy to latch... i always latched my gal when i'm home to "cleared" whatever's tha blocked for tha day... for rotavirus, have to take before bb's 6 mths old...so better decide fast... i think rotavirus's ok la, its a oral vaccine and its more to prevent dehyration when bb have excessive diarroea...my gal's due for her 2nd dose next week! for P jabs i will delay it...

piggy, if ur 2 times a day enough to feed ur boy then ok la...no pt freezing it if u dun feed ebm lor...i also never freeze any ebm cuz i kno i wun use it so save monies on milk bags, electricity costs and the efforts! hehe... so when u going back to work?
i'm going back to work on monday nite

so my boy only need to drink 2 servings of EBM from 6pm - 12MN..then when back i can latch on...daytime also can

btw, next sunday, if my hubby cant make it (got to work) then can ask my sis to come? her baby, my niece is 18mths
piggy, icic...thas fast! but ur working hrs are good lor, at least u can spend the day with him... sure, u ask ur sis to "replace" ur hb lor
sporty, I lost more weight then pre-preg weight. 4 kgs. So when I went to buy nursing clothes/bra 2 months after delivery from 2 different shops, they don't believe that I have just delivered. Before that they ask me who I am buying that for?

Secret for weight loss? Breastfeed on demand.
sporty, i tried massage. not really working. Prob later i try pump again after drink hot drink. Hope can clear. i haven let my boy to latch on for 1 mth le :p he prob dun like to latch on already. i fully rely on pump

hmm.. got to think & discuss with his dad this few days . got to consider whther to take P Jab(P jab take before 1 yrs old cost 2times more than after 1yrs old)

i weighed almost the same not much diff. but gain 2kg after cny (eat too much cny stuff + Ice cream le) haahha.. must watch my diet already... too sinful
sporty: hahaha.. yaa.. or maybe coz she is always very busy walking around.. hahaha and climbing up and down... :p

think when my maid and baby go to my mum house.. my niece will be even busier being the Guan3 Jia1 Po2 around!!! Thats what she did to my confinement lady when i had my confinement at my mum's hse! My niece 'ordered' the CL around~!!! hahaha...
piggy, both of us have big sumo babies! my hands also ache after carrying him for a while. but can train my biceps. haha

Bidosoh, ya, i agree that older med are safer cos they have been tested for decades. i just hope that the jabs are created for the good of babies and not for the good of profits for the co!

Celine, use hot compress also helps. must really squeeze. that time i squeeze till i cries cos very pain! but then if you want your ss back to normal, must ensure that ducts are cleared fast else like me, for 3 weeks, my ducts not fully cleared n my ss was like ...... too low....

I still have about 3 kg to lose to my pre preg weight. Sporty, i also have the same mentality as you. since bf, can eat as much as possible hahah. but then hor, i think if i control my diet and eat healthier food, i shd have lost much more weight and be lighter than before preg. I still got this HUGE tummy to lose. sigh..
I feel movements in my tummy that's been occuring quite frequent like baby kicking. Scary!!!

Btw seems P jab not necessary unless bb attending cc? After reading the links and mummies' posts, I dun feel like doing the mmr and P for bb so fast. So far my bb had bcg+vitamink at tmc plus first dose 6-in-1 and rotavirus at 2mths. No fever yet....Cross fingersss
Celine, my gal had her P & rotavirus juz before CNY. Since then, her appetite seems to have dropped and can go very long (>3hrs) without milk. She will grumble and cry if I force her to drink. A small appetite gal - she is usu quite satisfied with 10-min latch, but can at times go up to 30-min latch. Not sure if this appetite loss is a side effect of the jab (i heard some bbs do)... this timing also concides with babies' self adjustment of how much to drink when they are abt 3-mths old?
sighh.. i m so envious of the mummies who had slimmed down~!!!

i m still 56kg
sad... 6kg more to go

and i have a tummy that looks 3mths pregnant still

haizzz... but too bad i dont have milk for my bb or else i will love to flood her with bmilk...
sporty,mm...i'm giving my gal similac formula milk, so far most recommended by my frens and my gal seem to accept the taste too...

Jolene, i bought the "chin feng san" from ZTP yesterday so trying out...if still no improvement on the phelgm then i'll get the Ba1 Bao3 San3 from Yu Ren Sheng, thanks thanks

sighs... i didnt lose much also.... but the bulge is horrendous..very ugly...... sit down stil look like pregnant, suck in still got lose skin....... wonder if really can be shed off or not one.... did our metabolic rate slow down or smt?
back frm moo moo session...haven pumped for 7 hrs! almost died! haha

bidosoh, me too...i'm like 4 to 5kg below and i find it disturbing tha i kept eating to "bu" back what was lost! where did u buy ur nursing bras from? any good deals?

celine, blocked ducts usually take a few days to clear la...even bb latch will need a few times, u juz have to keep pressing on tha spot when u pump!

jolene, yes kids at tha age are very cute one!

rachelle, but we have to be careful when we stop bfing lor cuz our appetites already became very big and very easy to put on weight after we stopped! hehe

ardenz, P jab is compulsary la...juz tha i dun wanna let my gal go thru so many jabs lor...if possible i wanna delay till she's 1 but my boy attends cc, i worry he come back with virus lor...so better jab her when shes 7 mths

bearycue, similac...i also started my boy last time on this FM when i intro FM, planned to give tha to my gal too!
ardenz, i think i will intro to her when she's abt 10 mths old cuz i wanna slowly mix FM into her diet so she can get used to the taste...if not i cannot wean her off bm, i will have to keep pumping lor... u leh?
sporty: hahaha cant wait for my girl to grow up~!!! hahaha...

sophia: haizz... i also!!! when i asked cab driver to send me to TMC for my checkup some time back.. he tot i was there for my regular gynae checkup~!!! arghhh...

bearycue: i think ching feng san is better for frights than for phelgm.. but u can try and see how...
Jolene, oic...but the one i bought indicate can rid excess sputum & for coughing...mm...will see how lor...btw hw much is the Ba1 Bao3 San3 from Yu Ren Sheng huh??
jolene, when ur gal grows up...u will miss her when shes a bb!

ardenz, for the time being its like tha la...but by then see how...maybe i wanna tbf for 1 yr...depends also but i also worried she gets hooked to bm and wants bm only then i cham!
jolene, u still go to TMC for checkups? i miss going there weekly to see my gynae last time.......and also the delifrance there has got very memorable memories for me hehe

sporty> i agree. even now i feel my son is growing up TOO fast..

bz packing office! moving office to the left side. so dumb rite
sporty, i oso wish i can tbf for 1 year but i dunno if my ss can sustain and also when i go back to work nxt month, i dun hv much control since im not watching her 24/7 bcos the grandparents always wanna feed bb food, water etc etc *urgh*
just a thought...

Have any mummies thought of drinking your own milk than trowing them away? Like if u know u're not going to use the frozen, milk, would u drink it than feeze it?
Saphira, i force my hubby to taste my BM that baby didnt finish... end up his face turn green... he says taste horrible... taste like goat's milk... Whahaha... maybe i born in the year of goat so BM oso got same taste... Whahaha
just back from haircut, the hairstylist advies me not to do rebonding due to the chemicals used...which may affect breastmilk, so i play safe lor.

din know outside is so HOT till i go out on my own n take bus...intend to pump outside, but since did not do rebonding, so tahan back 4 hrs to pump.

i put ice bricks in the avent bag, seem can last n did not melt much. I use the ice bricks to serve as a cooler bag. but the avent bag inside is so small, it says can put 4 VIA cups (2 X 2 stacks on top of each other...)but seems v squeeze. Did anyone here transport milk in milk bags instead of bottles?

if I pump more times outside, I need more bags/bottles. the avent bag will be too small then.

Question I ask yesterday:

If I pump at 5pm outside, n reach home at 8pm latest, if the milk is in room temp condition, can I still freeze the milk?
Hi all~ haven posted for super long...

Thk my girl's on milk strike.. Drinking so much lesser these days.. range from 60-80 only compared to her usual 110-120.. Tmr hav to tell PD.. She's gg for her 1st P jab tmr.. Even my grandma also say my girl like lost wt.. So sad.. =(

Ardenz, yes, very sian about the 3 kg that i have to lose. everytime i go up on the scale, i can feel my heart drop.... "wat, the 3 kg still thr?????"

Kimifin you can store bm at room temp (25 deg c) for 4 hours. after that can freeze or refrigerate. that is what i do now. i express out, put at room temp. cos i pump 3 hourly, so, if by next pump, baby din take the milk, i will refrigerate it and use the fresh milk which is expressed out.

Anyone here use the Avent Via cup to store milk? I used to use it and i have one cup of fbm in the cup now. the thing is i notice there are ice crystals forming on top of the FBM. and the ice cystals are a lot loh. like building a mountain on top of my milk. can still use the milk? i feel like thrwoing it away. now when i use the milk stick, no such prob
