(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Hey mummies anyone want avent bottles? Cos I got too many bottles Liao.. I got two Used 125ml ones to let go at 10bucks actually dono how much brandnew ones selling for la so negotiable and Dono bps free or not dono how to differentiate.. But without teats just the caps round thingy, rim and cover.. Meet up along north east line..

hey mummies,

btw, i walked past Guardian just now..they are having 10% discount on FM and certain brands of pampers..(saw it a CWP)

hihi so many posts!

me jus bk .. went to AM. lunch was not bad..
thks for the recommendation sporty!

then went to JP to meet a gf of mine.. now back and pumping... ;) go read up first...

i see next outing 2nd mar huh..
re: hair loss: i tink for those ladies dropping hair shld try reverting to use bb shampoo. i heard it helps. since i delivered i been using bb shampoo
ayukie> lol, usu at nite i too lazy to argue. he wan zz living room then go lo.. but mus try be more smart liaos, i will put my bb into his cot tonite.. hehehe...

swanston> kicking feeling? nvr felt it lei.. could it be uterus contracting??
momo mummy> don be sad.. guys like tht one lah. to them their gi nah more impt than their wife. i also feel the same sumtimes, but i tink it's good in a way. means they love their sons mah.. hehehe

ayukie> thot u were gg to send resume in to my pl? lol
sporty> i also erm bigger nipples than pre preg/ preg but i tink it's cos of the way fs pumps, it "sucks" the nipples. lolllll
hi mummies im a Apr 2010 MTB...me very stressed with the clearing of the guest room to convert it to a nursery room...need to let go of a Ikea TV bench and a standing steam iron. i tried to post under the marketplace but becoz im not yet a member for a year i cant post it there at all...sigh!

pls pm me if u're interested coz im not selling the things too expensively and i'll email u the pics first..thanks!
momo mummy, zhen zhen, fieda,
now i'm wearing a wrist guard.. there's a metal splint tt keeps my wrist in position.. quite useful.. reduce my numbness as well..

the hairloss will slowly go away by itself.. took me 4mths to finally stop dropping.. once it stop, can see baby hair sprouting out liao..

i oso got carpal tunnel syndorme for both hands.. ya lor.. the Vit B is useless one leh.. n makes me heaty.. the best is to rest our hands lor.. i got to go make apptment with occupational therapist n get them to make those plastic wrist guard for me.. coz my work is dealing with bacteria mah.. cannot use those with fabric.. will trap dirts lor..
Just got the thumb stabilizer after trying out all possible models to guard the wrist. Hope it helps!
Esther, I still haven't get e cups. It's by normal mail right? Think I wait till Tom c have or nt
hello all....

me started work liao and completely no time to "eat snake"...... so no post here... then come back, me so tired that i knocked out both days at 9+pm..... today then getting better so come in to post..

those having wrist pains.... me too but mine now getting better liao it seems or maybe my pain threshold for it went higher hee.... i think having a wrist guard helps a lot... i went to acupuncturist 3x a week..... he suggest that i take the steroid jab too but as now bfeeding so cannot....

me also starting to drop hair.... today had meeting with my colleague and i busy "sweeping" hair off the table.... my colleague who is single was quite put off by the hair dropping hehe...

got gathering again? when when when?
Fieda, pls let me know if you haven recd by tmr, i go check with the bp organizer. Yes, by normal mail. Momo_mummy has received today but zentan has yet too.

Other mummies who haven receive your diody cup pls PM me.
Hi anyone using Pigeon rapid sterilizer encouter before the steamer got weird smell and the after steam water turn brown? I now worried if its burnt and if my baby bottles & teat are spoilt. Not sure if i should change the whole lot cos i went to wash all and the rubber teats got smell. I am re steaming all again. Mmmm....
feeling very zzzzz now
so quickly pumping now and wanna koon liao!!
my #1's not feeling well, kena sent back by teachers today and we brought him to PD as he's having some red spots on his face and hands...so he need to stay home for 2 days to monitor...

mitsy, my gal also had been observing her hands for these 2 weeks...hahhah....

mm6j, great tha u enjoyed aquamarine...very wu hua rite!! i think FS or pumps juz stretched our nipples leh! hahha

ariesgal, wah...u can knock out so early at 9pm? i always tong until 11pm then KO cuz must last pump mah...hehhe

velo, u have to descale ur pigeon sterliser every now and then...if not the metal part inside the sterliser will turn brown and have the smell u said...
hey sporty> hope lil a's better. cny comin . maybe get him to water parade to flush out any "toxins" yah, i also worried now my breasts dunno become like wat after bfing...
Yah Sporty, me & hubby always amazed how bb can take in so much milk when her tummy is so small...she juz drank 240ml!
Had started Milo and oatmeal since last month and this wk started taking Mother's milk, will try Fenugreek soon....

Saphira, my bb was on total breastfeeding for for the 1st 2mths and I had always latch 1 side and pump the other side @ the same time till I got cut lines on both areola. But bb will normally finish the ebm then and sometimes feel that boobs are not emptied =(
Think u r right abt the storage capacity thingie, I have small boobs hence used to leak very badly while Sporty has huge supply but big storage tanks so never leak...

Rachelle, u right tat let down very impt, I managed to pump 110ml this afternoon w a few let-downs but the subsequent 2 pumps only 60ml each and can feel breast still heavy coz only 1 let-down but don't dare to pump longer in case worsen the cut lines on my areola.

Sigh, parenting really not easy, sometimes me & husband only get to eat dinner @ 10/11pm!

Esther, thanx for informing abt the delivery of the doidy cup, but have not opened my mailbox yet
velo, i think its the rust from the metal base! I have the same steraliser and experienced that too 2 weeks ago.. Just squeeze some lemon juice n leave it soaking for awhile, then wash away. apparently due to the 'hard' water context in singapore... u can check out pigeon website for step-by-step instruction.

thanks sporty.. Okies will wait for post CNY Robinsons sale n get e Avent manual pump as backup. hmm...could also use it to pump when outside.. i ever pumped in a shopping mall washroom, must hv been weird to some ladies hearing a particular cubicle ~hum~hum~hum~Freestyle~in~progress~hum~hum :p
mm6j, thks...i think have to monitor him tom again...see how isit...hope he recovers before cny...

carol, what? 240ml??!! thas scary... how u kno i got big storage tanks?? hahha...u never seen me before mah, how u kno rite?!...hahhah... i think my boobs are immuned liao so seldom leak...today i never put breast pads and never pump for 7 hrs still ok leh...hahha... aiyo, how come eat dinner so late, u all shd eat first before u handle bb...

novbaby, FS is quite soft tha...the sound...so quite ok if u use in toilets...if u use mini electric hor, everyone will be wondering what u doing in there...hahha
thanks sporty for the advice. was worried burnt as funny smell, so safe to use the bottles & teats hor. hee i no descale since use in dec.

my nipple also longer & bit winkled..no young & pretty anymore...hahahah. oh no tis only my 1st bb.
sporty, tat's why i wish i can have ur storage tanks since she can drink so much @ 3mths. Hee, I know abt ur storage tanks as I am a faithful reader of this thread thou I seldom post.....
Sigh, she kept wanting to drink & drink till she's very full & sleepy, so by that time dinner become supper lor....
carol, wow, your gal can really drink! she drinks 240ml every 3 hours?

Nov baby> thanks for sharing about the rust at the metal plate. I also had tat! i used normal paper to wipe but rust still thr! tmr going to buy a lemon to try soaking.
Rachelle, i just read the manual. Can use vingear also. 40ml vingear + 80ml water mix pour into steamer and steam for 1 min (dont do full cycle as vingear corrde the metal). leave it for 3 minute then wipe off the stain with a soft cloth. rinse (can use pigeon dish washer to clean if wan). Then re steam (empty) on full cycle. Then you can use the steamer.

The rush look scary i scare my bottles & teats spoil. Can use the bottles & teats?
Taurus033, been losing hair like siao for the past 2 weeks, whole pillow, bed and floor full of my fallen hair ... hiakz ... so worried I go botak.
momo_mummy, cheer up! Guys are lidat, not sensitive, guess he's too into his new role of being lil L's daddy. My hb oso lidat but I abit worse off then u, before lil A, I was 2nd class citizen already. Now I'm lowest class ... below my dog =.= Hahahahahaha
morning all!

KOed at 10ish last nite as really very shagged liao!!

velo, u need to descale every week or every 2 weeks lor...i also very lazy, wait till the metal part becomes brownish then i descale! hahha... i have been using the bottles and teats lor...thas also the reason why my pump softfits are brownish too...

carol, hahha...u shdnt trust what other pple say here la...my storage tanks are not tha big like what they mentioned! haha...i think u better control her leh...if not she becomes very bloated from overdrinking! could it be she wanna suckle for comfort nia...cuz my #1 dun even drink 240ml leh...

1st Weekend gathering (with bbs and hbs)
Date : 7 March 2010 (Sunday)
Time : 11am to 3pm
Venue : Park Green Condo @ Rivervale Link (Seng Kang)
Organising Committee Members: Sporty, Devlina, Jolene428 & Melodie

1. melodie (2A + bb)
2. sporty (2A+ 1 tod+ bb)
3. mm6j (2A + bb) (KIV)
4. ayukie
5. verda
6. Alicia (2A+ bb)
7. Jane (2A + 1 toddler + bb)
8. Piggy
9. jolene428
10. devlina (2A+ bb)
11. ashley (2A + bb)
12. fieda (2A + bb)
13. Kimifin
14. shirlin
15. Mitsy
16. novbaby (2A+ bb)
17. Nicole (2A+bb)
18. Tanly (2A+bb)
19. Sharon Lee (2A+bb)
20. swanston (2A+bb) (KIV)

Add ur name if you are keen
limited slots avaliable! Also indicate no of paxs coming...
Morning all, i realised that i have a btl of expired EBM (3 hrs more than 48hrs)..i smelled the milk likeno sourish smell, so can i transfer to freezer? Dun want to waste cos' my supply already so limited....
<font color="119911">mm6j</font>, hmm. until now still contracting ar...

<font color="119911">sporty</font>, hope ur boy get will soon ya.
haitong, i think better dun transfer to freezer la...cuz its sourish already...

swanston, thanks
i hope he will be well b4 cny if not we will have to stay home during cny le...
Morning all,

wanna ask if it's a good place to bring bb to Marina Barrage?

Carpark toward the place accessible? Wat about the toilets, got nursing rooms?

Is it better to go in the early morning or evenings or there are shelters?
Kimifin, I brought my bb to the marina barage last week in the evening to walk. It's quite nice. I did not see any nursing rooms ( not looking for it ). Think it's nicer in the evening after the sun sets as it is cooler. U have to watch out for the kites though!!! Quite dangerous if one of those happen to fall on u!

Sporty, hope your boy is ok! Will be sad if the kids miss out on the cny celebrations.

My bb so funny... Whenever I surf the net on the phone, he will slowly inch towards me and kick me continously like what he is doing now. Lol! After I move him a few inches away, he will inch back n start kicking me in the ribs! Lol!
swanston> lol, ur msg to sporty, hope ur boy get will soon ya. haha i read first i was like huh? i tink u switch off mode for cny liaos...
Kimifin, forgot to add that the carpark is very accessible. Oh....if u wanna avoid the kites, there is this long jetty that u can walk on. It offers a nice view of the city - really nice!!!

Nicole, same huh? Haha!
<font color="119911">sporty</font>, alamak! typo. get well soon, not get will soon.

<font color="119911">mm6j</font>, thanks for pointing out ya.
lil J has managed to do complete flips!! so happy and he's more spontaneous in trying to lift his head now. can't wait for him to be able to "support the weight of his own head" however, it also means cant leave him unattended now in case he flips and erm, cannot flip back :p gg to get another positioner when hubs is back
superwalker> my son also! sometimes he "aim wrongly" and will kick my lappie.. so "pain"~ then i mus move his legs away.. and cycle repeats. :p
kimifin, i dun rem there's a nursing room there as i went there when they juz opened...but its very windy for sure lor...

superwalker, ur boy so cute...wanna inch and "stick" to u...hahha...

mm6j, nvm la...i got swanston's msg...gotten what she wanna say...whahahhaha

swanston, get "will" soon???!! whahahhahahhaha
momoko - i oso worried im gg botak soon .. later gg try get hair tyonic see how .. if still persist i think i will pay visit to beijing 101 .. ive switched to using ba wang anti hairfall hair and conditioner nw but like nt much use cept make my hair coarser nia ..
ever since the ebm smell dicussion .. i have been smelling my ebm before i pour them into my boy feeding bottle if there is any sourish smell .. luckily so far no have ..
Momo mummy &amp; momoko, I think most men are about the same. I am damn bloody piss with my hb now. Think I will explode on him if I never find some where to speak.

That fella can go out with friends till late night and don't even bother about his daughter then sleep till late morning. Whereas I am not feeling well and still have to takecare of our daughter. Then suppose to go back Malacca today but that fella just dilly dally take his own sweet time and tell me he need to go back to office then come and fetch us back to Malacca. Feel like telling him its ok not to go back Malacca thou. Any way its visiting his family not mine.

Everytime reach home just know how to sleep whereas I got to stay up to do the last feed and coax my girl to bed.

Damn bloody piss.

Also don't why want to get married and have kid.
tanly - my hb worse ... come back late .. when i sooo tired and nxt day still need work in morning and i still need pump as well and worse .. he came back DEAD DRUNK .. and you know what he puked in toilet 2 times not just that he puked inside the room where my boy is slping and KENNAED MY BOY NEW CNY POLO SHIRT ... my hb is "jue pin" .. in end i force him to go wash my boy shirt there and then regardless drunk anot ..
oh yeah i took 50 bucks from his wallet to compenstate for the cost of my boy polo shirt as well .. (the shirt costs $19.90) whahahaa
ayukie, ur hair so thick! dun worry abt dropping hair la... my hair so little...very sianz to see it dropping!!

tanly, chill chill!! think ur hb still not accustomed to the fact tha he's a daddy!!
mm6j - yeah i am gg haiz problem is ive been sooo tired last wkend supposed to send by my boy abit feevrish haiz .. hopefully cny wk i can do my resume ..

sporty - very thin le .... i soooo scare botak manz .. my mil also exclaim hor nw i drop everywhere like no1 biz even when i washing bb btls also drop in the sink haiz ..
