(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

sporty> that's wat i told swanston. hehe

ayukie> wow. u damn power!!!

i also told my husb to come "rolling" home now cos i wanna go out and do MY OWN CNY stuffs. lol... but he's ok onez

Now the topic is about hubby. Ha ha!

My hubby,
Also works late. I have to do all the work. If I ask him to put my elder daughter to sleep, he will dose off first while my daughter is still walking around. His staminar is very bad. If he did help middle of the night to burp baby, he will take long naps in the afternoon. End up, might as well I do all the work. We must write down all our hard works in our baby blog so that our children knows how much we mummies have to go through.
shihui - 4 MONTHS??!!! i will cfm b botak le sianz ...

i dont use them cause my work is deal with comp when i type hor it pains my hands like even more pain .. and i cant dont work so i have to stop wearing them but when my hands v pain i will wear them when i slp at night luckily ive been refraining from using comp overmuch to strain myself so havent need to wear it again .. i gt the futaro wrist guard with thumb splint also and one the medium hardness kind got frm hospital i also gt the guards casts by the occupational theraphist in sgh as well whahhaa i gt lotsa those ..
ayukie, think long hair when u drop is more obvious lor...thas why i chopped my hair after i had #1...also for easy management!

mm6j, hahhaa..swanston go and hide liao...hahhaha
oh mm6j - i told him le my limit is 1.30am .. and he better dont cross that line these days 11pm i will start calling and 11:30 i will bomb his hp if he still nt appear whahhaa ... must make him feels the pinchhhhh ..
yeah hb ask him chop it off and i just reminded him I JUST SPENT $200+ bucks on rebonding it ... whahhaa .. i think i will switch to using baby shampoo like mm6j says .. maybe i will borrow my boy baby california body and shampoo to use whahhaa ...
I bfeed so long liao, not sure if I am still dropping hair or not. But I do use organic shampoo and no conditioner. Apply old after wash.
ayukie> yahm u shld! i am gg to give my husb hsehld orders later machiam he do so little everythign also i do.. yea, shld try using bb shampoo..

sporty> i tink swanston went off to practise for something
Sporty, i'm taking half day today!

Re: Hub
Sigh.. i think i have complained enough abt his working hrs. Yday he didn't come home. My wrist pain.. i told him my mum went out n i can't bath the boy. U know what he say? Dun bath Ryker then!
I was supposed to wait for him to buy me e wrist guard but luckily i went to buy by myself after work. Knew that i can't trust him!
Saphira, my hubby like yrs.. no stamina.. at home means want to nua and sleep. I told him his work is his priority. Only for work he can wake up ultra early and work till ultra late. THere were 2 weeks where he woke up at 4am to go work n come home at 10pm. I think i have tolerated enough.
is it everyone's mind switch off liaos?

saphira> u typed "Apply old after wash" i was like wat is old??

lol, ok i am gg to taka for "me" time tata
fieda - ur hb also "jue pin" ... can dont bath his son .. bth .. liewz ... wiat he tio rashes you end up more probs manz ..
Fieda, u shd be happy that your hb is ambitious at work. Now with the little one to feed, he shd be feeling more pressure to perform at work so as to make more $ for the family. So don't be upset ya
Superwalker, I can't see e extra money at all. I'm jus sian la everyone in my family will ask hw come he work so late everyday
Fieda, u don't see the extra $ yet cos now economy is bad n he is just trying to keep his job ma. My grandma used to tell my mum ( and then my mum told me ) that it's better to have a hb who works hard than one who does not work n spend the time gambling away. See...now when u think of it this way, aren't u glad that your hb is a workaholic?
hug hug
Hopefully as your child gets older he will be more homey. Like the olden days, guys are afraid of doing house chores and taking care of babies.
mm6j, enjoy ur ME time!

superwalker, u are very positive and supportive of ur hb
i think u used to it liao...hehe

bidosoh, both are as quiet
<font color="119911">sporty</font>, ok lah. not really off for cny. off for the stupid talent time tat i kana arrowed for. sian big time. pissed with my head over some stuff too. me never hide lah. me go rehearse lor. 2.30pm competition liao.

ladies, calm down. men will always be men. some times they just dun understand. guess i am lucky. shall go back and sayang my hb more. hee.
<font color="119911">superwalker</font>, true lah. hb working hard outside better than "playing" hard outside. my hb same lah. no work no income. so i rather he work and bring money home lah. see less often less things to quarrel abt. lol. anyway the less u see each other the fonder u will be hor (erm, did i get the phrase right?).

didn't make it to taka. lol. only made it to j8 so "minus" was didn't manage to choose my vday gift from my fave store lol..but very happy still cos husb is home doing all the chores and i can kiao kar, jus now NTUC so many pple but really got nice pple ard who like help me take basket and let me go their turn in the cashier queues! lol and i FINALLY STOPPED PROCASTINATING and went to ST to get my iphone, giving my husb my "old" one for vday lolllllll

saphira >
enjoy ur half day..

fieda> i know what u mean!! my husb self-employed largi worst. sundays and phs also can work one and i agree with superwalker> now times are bad. hope when good times come we can see the $$ jiayou!! anyway, it's good that ur family asks u where is ur husb better than they don bother rite? take care of ur arm!!
Fieda, same same lor. My hb can work n work n work but never bring back extra. I am spending my own $ loh most of the time. But now what ever I want to buy for bb I'll ask $ from him. If wait for him to buy die liao lor.

Wishing all mum and bb a happy lunar new year. Me going back to Malacca now.
tanlY> yah, i also buy most of the tings for bb cos husb no time to shop, if i with him then he will pay (without jio jio ing thankfully) but sumtimes i will "claim" from him. hehehe

happy new year to u and ur family too! Safe journey
Re: Hair Loss
I find eating millet helps a lot. For my #1 i didn't eat millet so i dropped so much hair till i going to cry. When i washed my hair the drainage was filled up with all my hair, it was horrible and my hair really thinned. After when i started eating millet for quite sometime, i was surprised to find my hair grew thicker. And since confinement, i had been eating everyday so now even it drop more than during pregnant time, it still much much less compared to my #1. As millet contains a lot of minerals so perhaps it helps.

Wow ur boy so fast can flip liao. Once he knows how to flip the next thing he will do is raise up his head. My girl also flip first then raise head but my boy is the other way round as now he start raising head during tummy time but still can't flip yet.
thanks for the Marina Barrage experience..

Will bring bb there...noon, cos he more awake then. evening he tend to fuss for nite sleep.
Re: Hubby
But i think our hubbies still need to prioritise things when start having children. When having #1 my relationship with my hubby was rather strain cause he also everything work first. Even when i sprained my back, he can tell me to bring my girl and go see doc on my own. He prioritise his work first and expect me to do everything on my own even when i'm sick. Now a bit better but he only help out with housework not the baby. Better than nothing.
swanston, ur co so cute...still have talent time one...hehe

mm6j, hahha...ur hb wants ur old iphone as v day gift eh?! heheh

tanly, enjoy ur trip in malacca...next time maybe we shd have a road trip to malacca and u bring us ard...kekekke :p

taurus, my gal also dunno how to flip yet...either shes too fat or maybe becuz i seldom put her on tummy...anyways, me ok la...let her progress at her own speed lor...hehe
Hai....my boy still have not sleep thru the night cause find that he doesn't take full feed but difficult to get him to drink more as he refused to open his mouth. Got a mind of his own.
taurus, ic...slowly ba...mine already got pattern now...every nite will sleep latest by 930pm and every morning is 515am EXACTLY will wake up one...hahha
saphira, after i latched my gal at 8/9ish...i will last pump at 10/11ish before i sleep and latch her when i wake up at 5am then pump after tha...now i can tahan 8 hrs w/o pump/latch...
me after starting work very lazy to pump liao as my night routine are quite pack. Reach home quickly take bath, eat and feed baby. put him to sleep. Then latch my girl and put her to bed by 9:30pm. She normally dose off only at 10:30pm. When she's asleep, I will wash my pumps and sterilize all equiptments and bottles for next day office use.

At 11pm or before I sleep, I will try to latch bb on again before sleeping. If he cannot wake up, I will sleep.If he takes the 11pm feed, he will wake up only at 5am or 5:30am. If he didn't take the 11pm feed, he will wake up around 2am for feed. The remainder, will have to kacau my daughter to suck while she is half asleep.

If I were to pump at night, I will have to sleep very late as I will need to wash and sterilize the pumps for next day usage in the office.
saphira, icic...for ur case as ur gal still latches so u will be "more bz" ... my #1 will KO before 930pm also... so by then i will have my free time ... hahha... i will need to pump after latch as my gal cant clear my boobs...
your 1st can sleep on his own? I'm okay with latching her as she will help finish the milk in my boobs. My bb can't finish all too. The problem is my girl wants me to sleep with her. Normally have to wait 1 hour for her to dose off.
saphira, yes...my #1 sleeps on his own after his milk but sometimes need some patting... and both of my kids are sleeping in their own rooms lor... yah, tha 1 to 2 hrs of ME time at nite very impt to me but this week i slept earlier cuz very tired after work...heheh... dun worry la, i'm sure u have ur ME time during weekends or whenever ur hb can help!
My hubby cannot help leh. He works late. If he put my daughter to sleep he will sleep first. If he carry bb, baby will cry

How do u train your kids to sleep on their own?
Happy Chinese New Year &amp; Valentine Day to all mummies &amp; babies!

BTW, i remember someone wanting the Avent BPA blender cum steamer. Saw it promoting at CK tang today at a bundle deal of $199 with cups, containers, etc.
went to the PD after work as my #1's having fever...and PD confirmed tha his spots were not hfmd or chix pox and its juz insect bites and his fever is a viral fever...so these 3 days we will be bz...monitoring his temp and handling his grouchy behaviour!! also have to keep #2 away from him too! juz in case she kena... what a way to spend CNY!! haha

saphira, sorry ah, didnt reply u juz now as was bz at work and went to pump after tha... for my #1, at first he sleeps between us...then suddenly one fine day, he said he wanna sleep by himself so we juz let it be! for #2, since she's back from hospital, she had been in her own room cuz my room too small to put in the cot... we juz monitor her thru the bb monitor... i never really train them la...

swanston, whats the prize for the talent time?
