(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Hello~~ Am back from last min shopping.. Haha.. Went to get steamboat stuff cuz hb's men coming on chu 2...~~

sporty: You super bad.. say your girl fat fat~~ wahaha! den thk my girl will also take longer time to flip cuz she also pui pui.. LOL!

juz pm-ed u..
mm6j, your boy very fast hor can flip liao..... my gal is like taurus boy, can lift head high up liao but cannot do full flip...... i think only half flip? hee..... then she will get so frustrated midway....
me very sian at work lor....... while on maternity leave, got some "small people" bio my portfolio cos her own portfolio not visible enough (cos she is incompetent in bringing out the visibility of her own stuff) and the most sian thing is i got a new reporting mgmr who happens to be the same color as this "small people"..... and i'm being forced to co-share my portfolio.... and my new boss is very biased.... allow this "small people" to pick and choose what she wanna do in my stuff and while i'm the project lead, i have no say? ask me to take that "small people" like a consultant, help me to improve on the current process..... simi sai lah..... a consultant who know nuts about my project? come meeting always ask stupid qns.... more like hindering rather than value add.... arrggghhhh........ hopefully new year brings me new luck......
sporty, hope your boy recovers soon..... it's very sian to have a sick child during festive season cos he also cannot eat the goodies..... this year is the first year my gal gets to enjoy the goodies cos last year she still not yet 2 so cannot eat... hee...
hope your boy gets well soon.. there was one year where my gal was sick during cny.. so we stayed at home.. only went inlaws place to visit.. somemore is chop chop one.. haha..

this morning my gal successfully flip until she was on her tummy.. lolx.. e last few days she was trying.. haha.. but den she don't know how to flip back.. so make noise to call for help..

her head pretty strong now le.. but sometimes will still need a bit of support..
sporty, hope your boy gets well soon, so that your whole family can enjoy CNY.

ariesgal, sayang. there are always these kind of ppl at work. and they always seem to "prosper" in the beginning. but just continue doing your best, and sooner or later, this person will be shown up for the incompetent person that she is. hang in there!

saintbaby, my girl is the other way ard. she can flip from tummy to back. but from back, she can only turn halfway and cannot get back to her tummy. but her neck is very strong. can lift up very high. and can sit front facing on the carrier now.

here's wishing all beautiful mummies and cutie babies a wonderful and blessed chinese new year!
juz finished some minor spring cleaning...pumping now before i go to my ILs' house for reunion lunch...then will come back and do the balance of the spring cleaning...
thanks all for ur concern...my boy's temp better now...last nite it went up to as high as 39.5 but now still in control...

shirlin, my gal really abit bui bui like my boy last time...seems like i can only make them bui bui after they were born rather than them inside my tummies...

shihui, got ur PM...will trf to u later...thks for paying first

ariesgal, sorry to hear abt ur colleague...hope this new year brings u new luck @ work!!

saintbaby/zhen zhen, thks for ur concern...i hope we can enjoy cny...if not i also dun mind resting at home :p hehhe...
happy new yr to all!!! May this year be a Grrrrrrooood year for all of us!!!

Aries gal, sounds like you met a B*****y small people. dun worry, it will show who has more capability when time comes. then mayb you will have the last laugh!

Sporty, thank god your boy's temp is ok now. he can usher the new yr with a good mood liao!
My girl these days like to flip and then raise her head ... looks like a big tortise!!! Hahahahaha .... opps ... so mean ... =P
Happy CNY to all mummies & babies!

About flip, my girl cannot flip yet. Rather a lazy bum...seldom try to flip from back to tummy. Neck not that strong yet, sometimes still needs support.
dunno why my boy now change pattern. used to drink 120ml per 3 hours. now he likes to drag to 4 hours. then when we tried to feed, he will cry and cry and refuse to drink. only after some coaxing, will drink. why is it like tat? he;s going to be 3 mth. i tot growth spurt is not like tat?
Happy new year to all!!

my bb still can't flip yet.

Today my bb is 3 months old. Duno why today start to drink lesser milk. Can't finish what I give her although sometimes it had already past her feeding time. Hmm why ah?
She had always drink finish wat I give her de leh..
3 months shld be growth spurt n drinking more mah.. Why my bb is drinking lesser?
Any advise? Thanks!
Same same... My bb also like that. But hor after coaxing, she still dun want to finish leh.
I also getting worried, duno why like that leh.
Experienced mummies, pls advise us..
My bb also drinking lesser milk(always can't finish) and need to coax then drink especially the last feed at night. She is 3 months 4 days now, but her pattern like this since 2 weeks ago. Change teats and etc... but doesn't really work.
Wshing all mothers & babies a healthy Tiger year & happy visiting!~

Rachelle, my ger drinks @ least 200ml every 3hrs in the daytime but she only has 4~5 feeds a day. She likes to cluster feed in the evening & will drink even more in her last feed so that she can sleep from 12am ~9+pm! And she's juz past 3mths & 5.7kg last wk!

Sporty, her tummy quite bloated @ times, she used to fall asleep while latching but had not done that for the past mth due to my cut nipples, will try to latch her tomorrow, hopefully not painful....

Esther, I've recived the doidy Cup. Hmm...should have stuck to Cerise, the Purple not as nice irl...& should have bought the clothes w ur VIP card, more savings! ;p
lil E flip from his back to tummy yest and lifted his head for a good few mins .. so happy without help but erm he dont know hw to flip back from his tummy .. neither do i know hw to flip him from his tummy cause scare hos hands pain ..
Starrz and Karen, I tot my baby was the odd one out! So, it;s a common prob among us huh?

Starrz, your baby has been like tat for how many days liao? if it;s one or 2 days shd be ok. Mine is like for the past 3 days like tat.

I heard baby will self adjust after 3 mths. either that or the bmilk composition change and can last baby longer. but then mine is strange. he used to be able to sleep 6 hours at night without waking but now cos he drag his feed in the day, he wakes up every 3 hours in the night to feed. so, his dailyu intake of milk is more or less the same. but it's tiring cos have to wake up more often at night to feed. it;s like going back to when he was younger

ARGH!! very very sian lei. just when i tot he more or less settled down with his routine, his pattern change again! he's even more "shan bian (always changing)" than his mummy!

Karen, did you talk to PD? But if has been like tat for 2 weeks, shd be more or less settled down huh? daily milk intake also decreased? i;m going to ask PD when i go for his 5in1. It's really worrying me!

Carol, seems like your baby has quite a good pattern lei. at least she can hold her milk for 9 hours!! i think as long as her daily intake of milk is not too much (since she feed only 4 or 5 times a day which is good lei. not so stress) i think she's having quite good schedule. My boy cannot drink more else will have reflux. he kept having reflux these days tho.
back home for a breather and to pump.. bb been crying over an hour just now at granny's.. Not to mention last night, she was crying nonstop for two hours during reunion dinner last night, whole family waited an hour before i begged them to start first...

super cranky.. also not as keen to drink now.. new pattern again!

Gong xi to all mummies here.. Wishing all mummies a smooth journey thru the year of the Tiger with her little baby
rachelle, we didn't talk to the PD, she still drinking but need to coax only. When she can't finish the milk normally is like 10 to 20 ml, where she still drink at least 90 ml. Normally when she didn't finish the milk is because she is sleepy and fall asleep at the end of the feeding. So we just leave it cause if force she will have reflux again.

This year is our first year celebrate CNY in SG, a bit not use to it. Went out to Jurong Point for lunch just now. Had Fish & Co, 90% of the shop is closed even NTUC, didn't get to shop but had nice meal with hubby and bb sleeping guai guai in stroller.
Rachelle Ling - have you started work yet? If yes, probably he prefer latching (at night) instead of drinking from bottle (in the day time). I read that from a very reliable breastfeeding book recently. Quite amaze that baby know how to analyse too! So the book recommend co-sleeping with the baby so that mummy can feed bb without actually waking up. The book recommend that mummy pickup laying down BF technique. Not sure if any of the bbies here are like that.
karen, then your baby is ok lei. 10-20ml is not too much. shouldn;t worry so much
you not s'porean ah? glad that you had a peaceful time with your hubby and baby. it;s vday also mah. heehee

Bidsoh, i have not latch baby for a long time liao cos that time had block duct not enough milk and he was frustrated. I expressed out and bottfed him since then. now he won;t latch and prefer bott. so, it's not the latching prob my boy has loh. thanks for the advice tho!

my boy now has new pattern. prefer to sleep on the rocker and be fed. doesn;t want to be craddled to be fed. aiyoh! everydya change pattern! but at least he finishes the whole bott now. except that the dragging of his feed from 3 hours to 3 and half to 4 hours still worries me
Was out for CNY visiting. very stressful cos baby's feeding routine dragged and cannot plan ahead. in the end, when want to leave a relative house, he wanted to drink. so, have to quickly warm my ebm and feed him. it;s really an adventure bringing him out when he doesn;t have a fixed feeding schedule!

my boobs nearly burst cos 4 hours never pump out. in the end, pumped out my record high. 180ml. hahaha tho is not as much as our Milk Masters here, I'm still very happy. at least i know both my breasts can hold up to 90ml of milk each hahaha. i certainly hope the capacity can increase!!
Rachelle, my hb and I are Malaysian, normally CNY we will go back for a week. Ya, we have a nice lunch as it is less crowded and we can enjoy "restaurant" food together for the 2nd time since bb is out.
Yah Rachelle, she's on total FM for the last feed @ nite tats why can hold her milk so long lor...and feeding 4~5x a day easier for us but scared she indigestion w such a huge vol.
Sigh, tats how mothers r like, more feeding tired but less feeding worried?
Anyway, happy for u tat u manage to pump out 180ml w/out blocked duct after 4hrs!
I also happy coz try to let bb latch for a while juz now after 1mth of not latching! =)
Hi gals! My baby also drinks less and less, and needs to be cajoled to drink. On Tues, when my baby had her 5-in-1 jab in Polyclinic, I asked the nurse and doctor there about this...but doctor said as long as baby is growing well, pee n poo everyday...as long as healthy, not to worry about amount of milk. Cause baby will cry when hungry, will stop when full, so i was told not to worry.

My gal at 3 mths and a few days, is 62 cm, 6.66 kg. She drank less than 700 ml per day (in some days less than 600 ml) but still so chubby. So relatives also told me not to worry, as long as baby is healthy nvm amount of milk she drinks.
hi all...hows the visiting so far?!
mine was quite ok...pumped twice outside today but have to lug 3 bags...very mah fan...hahhaha
my hb's granny was so kpo tha she come inside the room when i was latching my gal...kept talking to me in teochew, asking me to feed fm la, blah blah blah...i juz smiled to u...hahha

re: flipping
my gal still no signs of flipping...maybe becuz we let her sleep on her back everyday using the sleep positioner...thas why she dunno what is 'turn sideways" hahhahahha...

re: reduced feeding
my gal also like tha but if she doesnt wanna drink, we dun force her also...sometimes bb do have their mood swings as well...as long as shes growing steadily, i'm not too concerned...hehe
carol, so happy for you!! my boy also haven latch for 1 mth liao. i gave up letting him latch when he cried so much when i tried to latch him. i think i will jump over the moon if he cna latch again. i miss the feeling..... oh, so your baby is drinking bm and one feed of fm huh? why not give all bm?

Agata, so, you mean if baby never cry for milk, we shd not force him to drink? cos now is like if 4 hours he sill doesn;t want to drink, we will kinda force him to. My boy used to drink abt 900ml per day but now is around 800ml, sometimes 700+. he is also very chubby. We sometimes say him chubby in front of him. then my mum say cannot do tat cos baby petty. dunno if it;s really true cos now he's drinking less, like jian fei like tat haha

Sporty, whr did you pump? at relative's house? very ley chey to pump outside rt? sometimes i really hope that we can like only pump once a day and still can maintain supply and also not get blocked ducts.
yesterday was a super busy day...... early morning changed #2 and in less than 5 mins when about to leave the house, she got this super explosive poo that went all the way up to her back! meaning her new year romper is stained.... so no choice gotta wash her again and let her wear a not so new romper cos was staying over at MIL's place and somehow just forgot to bring extra clothings for bb....
then #1 was super super cranky.... dunno why..... didn't want to scold her but then she really stretched hb's tolerance to the limit and thus gave it to her.... she really needs some good disciplining liao....
then after visiting hb's side of relatives, went to my mum's place and then dump the 2 kids to my mum's maid and we all went to Universal Studio for the preview opening ... hee..... not too bad... took lotsa pics and busy walking around that i forgot to pump (i brought my pump out).... only pumped in the car on the way back home and that is like 8hr liao...... didn't go to Casino except for my aunts and uncles cos they are not local so free entrance.... local / PR gotta pay $100 to go in....
i saw this baby centre which is also a nursing room.... cannot go in cos need to sign in and there's a concierge there..... but from outside it looks very good..... was told there's fridge, microwave oven and dunno what else.... it's like a room with a lot of facilities....

re: reducing milk intake
my gal also like that recently... then to make things worse, she was on full latching on sat and yesterday cos visiting so easier to latch.... then at night she reject bottle! i gave her bottle, she wail until like kenna beaten.... then i stuffed my nips into her mouth she suckle until like so hungry... then i squeeze the bottle into her mouth... it works only 3 tries and after that she knows the diff and the min the bottle touches the lips, she started wailing... no choice gotta waste that 80ml of EBM and i latched..... so while i was not at home (out at USS), she didn't feed a lot from bottle..... jialat... must start her on bottle again if not, later when i go back work this week, she reject feeding....
morning all!

my left boob survived 10 hrs w/o pump n latch! hahha

rachelle, i pumped once at my mum's pl in the living room with shawl covering the pumps and another time at my hb's cousin's pl, inside one of the room... its quite ley chey to pump outsidde cuz have to bring many barang barang lor... dun think we can pump once a day la...unless we are weaning them off lor...so juz have to accept the fact tha we have to pump lor...anyways, 3 mths had passed liao, another 3 mths to go to make it to the WHO standard...which is 6 mths lor...heheh ... yeah, i heard pple say cannot make comments abt bb's size in front of the bb...heheh

ariesgal, ur trip to Universal Studios sounds good lor esp w/o 2 kiddos :p hehehhe aiyo, i hope ur gal wun reject bottles after this long cny break!
ariesgal, my last pump was 11ish then i went to sleep, my gal woke up at 3ish to latch instead of her usual 5ish...i only latched on my right... then we both ko till 9am then woke up...so my left boob 10 hrs " untouched"...
Hope your boy is okay now. Better not hold longs hours so often as milk supply may drop

About bb taking less.
Same case here. Seems that it is just a phase. As long as bb is contented, gaining weight, pee and poo good and happy should be okay.
By the way would like to do a survey. how long have you tried keeping your frozen milk to feed? I have some source said okay to keep 6 months and some 3 to 4 months. I personally have fed my 1st bb 4th months frozen milk.

How long do u thaw? 12 hours to thaw in fridge and 12 hours to consume? Or 24 hours to thaw and another 24 hours to consume?
Hi, how is everybody New Year and V day?

I had a very easy New Year as my hb relatives only see our girl once in a few months, so all wanted to play and carry her. So I just in charge of feeding and changing diapers. Can shake leg and enjoy.

Hb gave me a real big surprise on V day morning 6am while I was feeding my gal. Really very touched by him.
After hearing tht most babies here also feed less, i feel relieve. i guess being a PD really is good money. Just have to say "as long as baby is gaining wt, poo and pee well, is happy and contented, then he's ok." i think next time must groom my son to be a PD also. good money haha

Saphira, My FBM coming to 4 mths and i haven use it. i guess depend on whr you keep the FBM. I think this is a good guideline


i think for me, if i'm going to work, I'll thaw the fbm in fridge the night before first then my in-laws can warm up when wanting to feed baby. within 24 hours after thawing is fine.

I;m running out of space to store my FBM. (not that i have a lot. just that the space in my freezer is really limited). anyone has good recommendation to buy a separate freezer?

Tanly, CNY is really stressful for me cos need to plan how many feeds baby will have outside and then have to plan the route such that i can have time to go home and pump (not so comfy pumping at other pple house). then i think my baby "han min" too stimulated in the day. when at night, kept making noises. hard for me to zzz. Din celebrate V-day. think too tired liao!! So what surprise your hb gave you? share share lei!
hi mummies!

the past few days have been filled with activities. both girls have been sleeping way past their bed times. hope that they can adjust back quickly after the cny break.

but one good thing is my baby has been sleeping thru the night these past few days. dunno whether it's because she's very tired out during the day. but she has been sleeping from 10+pm to 6-7am. so happy!

tanly, how sweet of your hubby. my hubby never even wish me happy v-day. think he forgot. sigh...
Hi mummies! Happy Lunar New Year!

Sorry to interrupt. I'm a sept09 mummy and have 4 tins of Friso Gold Stage 1 (0-6 months) expiring 30/7/10 to let go at $20 per tin. U.P. at NTUC $34. Please PM me if you're interested! $75 if you buy all 4. Thanks!
Rachelle, sorry to be so kaypoh, but I noticed your freezer post. One of the sept09 mummies tlisa is selling her FBM freezer, because she's finished her FBM supply. You can try going into the sept09 thread and look for her. I think she takes PMs.
Rachelle, coz my supply drop after my areola got cut 1mth ago as I stopped latching & only pumped gently. So now supply still cannot match my girl's humongous appetite! =(

Ha, talk abt Valentine's present, I've bought 1 for my hubby and he said " when did u buy this? I like it." and his only present for me is,"I've cleaned the house for CNY"!
saphira, my boy is better now...thanks

tanly, good tha ur hb gave u a big surprise? what did he surprise u with? mine have no surprises la cuz we married almost 10 yrs liao...so vday is juz any other day! hahha

rachelle, u can try harvey norman...during my #1 time i almost bought a chest freezer, it costs abt $300+ or u can try WTS section here, see whether any mummies are selling...

zhenzhen, my kids routine also messed up... #1 dun wanna nap at naptime...#2 was being passed ard like a ball, so she kept puking milk...anyways, hopefully today dun have to go out much so i can tune back their routine abit....

zhenzhen & sporty,
My boy also became cranky after going out (even thought we only went to 2 places) cause his routine was sort of messed up and he couldn't nap properly. But the previous night he slept from 11pm to 6.20am cause he was too tired. Last night resume back to normal, woke up at 2+am to feed. Wow u married for 10 yrs, so long? So u married at ard 23?

About pees, dunno why my boy seems to pee little but he poo at least 3 times a day. Sometimes he can even go without pee for 2-3 hrs cause when i wanted to change his diaper the next feed i saw that the diaper was still dry. But he's growing well and his skin doesn't look dry so i'm puzzle where the milk he drank went to. Dunno if he's body is too heaty and my yishi said to feed him water after every feed. My boy actually likes to drink water and even made noise wanting to drink.
