(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

juz finished pumping...haven pumped for 7 hrs!! hahah...
and i realised i forgot to wear breast pads today! ahha

saphira, u can spend 40 mins to pump? becuz its lunch time? i juz took 20 mins juz now, didnt managed to clear all tho but nvm la...later then pump!
Sporty, i never thought of that! Maybe i need to get bigger shields! You’re so clever!! Cos i only pump 10min each side, cos i cannot tahan. So cannot be pump too long right?

Superwalker, does your boy suck on the carrier when front facing? My girl does. I think i need to get the bib for my baby bjorn soon.

Fieda, i had painful wrist after my #1. Turns out i had developed tendonitis! Had to go for steroid jab at that time. it was due to the way i handle my girl.
shihui, you had same problem as me! did it come back? i'm more careful now with #2. cos doc warned that if you have it once, you're more prone to get again.
He he! start pumping at 12noon then eat into my lunch time lor. Don't really want to stop pumping since the flow of milk is still there
Just packed 5.5oz of milk to be frozen.
my boy use to take oly one side but yesterday he suprised me by taking both sides! 2x already. My poor girl have less to take now since she don't want the expressed milk.

Want to check any of u mummy have start dropping more hair? Cause now find i had started to drop more hair liao.

And does ur baby have some balding spots on his head?

Did u ever wash ur ergo carrier in the washing machine? When baby's neck is firm i can start using ergo, correct?
zhen zhen,
doc told me it's due to the way i hold my gal as well... i'm very careful with how i hold my gal this time... so till now, so far so gd..

my hair starts dropping laio.. my gal's hair thinning too...

i washed my ergo using washing machine for few times liao.. i put it in the laundry net first..
zhenzhen, maybe its the shield prob then cuz ur nipples will be rubbing against the shields if its too small...better get it changed!

saphira, ic...for me, time's up i will stop so even got flow i also stop! hehe :p yeah, agree tha bfing really help weight loss!

taurus, i only washed ergo using handwash and drip dry...never use washing machine...i dun think it can tahan the wash in washing machine ba, thas why i dun dare... also i have been dropping hair also, my hair getting lesser liao!!
so far still ok liao.. i think i washed it 4-5 times n spin dry... only never put into the dryer.. haha.. :p the carrier is still in gd condition now..
Ya long time no see
Yup non. How about you. I am amazed at how advanced is my baby's developement (mentally and physically) comparing to my 1st baby. He knows how to shy away at just 2 and a half months! He's very happy and love to catch peoples' eyes so that he can talk to them. During the first week, he is already tracking the camera with his eyes. And at new born he was already looking into my eyes.
i was always been complained as i also worked late for almost one week.the expressed milk become less n less,so does FBM. bought a papaya this morning to increase milk production. must have enought milk for bb during CNY.
No vit K too. I make sure I fully bfeed him on demand. The first few days I actually feed him 2 hourly (arounf the clock)as per his demand.
Fieda, i also hving super painful wrist till NOW... i cant open bottle cap and carry baby my wrist hurt so much.... how huh? wat can i do????

Superwalker, yeah... cant wait to EAT n EAT....

Shirlin, we change to 2 Mar to Aqua Marine liao... u can join ma? I guess u started working liao hor?

Karen, ya is really no life when we dun hv parents help or maid... i am taking care of Lucas with my hubby all alone.... the only "ME couple time" is our journey to work and off work before picking up Lucas.... Haiz, this makes me think twice of hving my 2nd baby....
Recently just had an arguement with hubby and end up he carry lucas walk infront and leaving me behind with all the bags.... now got 1 baby nia, i am already given such treatment... last time preggy i am like queen... now i am 2nd class citizen... SAD and just make me feel that is not worth to have another kid.... hubby forgot how painful my csection was and how much suffering i had while i was pregnant.... things just change when 1st baby comes along.... guess if 2nd appear i will become lowest class citizen!
momo Mummy,
Sayang...sayang. Ya, without help, it's tough. When my inlaw was not around, I had a lot of arguements with my hubby too. It's normal. It will be good to try to talk it out than having any misunderstanding. Hope things will get better for you. U just have to remind him that u need his love and supports too.
taurus, ya. my hair is dropping now. that's why i cut short, so that it's not so bad. and i wash my beco in the washing machine. just put in netted bag and wash. it still looks fine. i'm too lazy to wash by hand.

momo mummy, maybe you're having tendonitis too. you better go and get it checked. if serious, you'll need to take a jab. otherwise it will just end up getting worse UNLESS you can rest your hand completely. but with our little ones, that's impossible.
wrist pain:
Try to keep your wrist in straight positions. Don't twist it too much. happens to me last time with my 1st child.
momo mummy, sayang sayang... u are not lowest class or 2nd class citizen...u are wei da de mama!! cheer up gal

zhenzhen, i also cut my hair shorter also becuz of hair dropping off...hehe
Don't worry so much about hair loss. I've been breastfeeding more than 3 years and still have healthy hair. Let it be natural.
momo_mummy - aiyo dun think likdat lah .. sometimes guys are just sooo heartless i oso likdat say my hb .. i will remind him i ended up cut up to deliver his son and my pain in the labour ward before i had emergency c-sect for sooo long and esp the blood i bleed .. and i will show him my c-sect scar as well .. and hw i cant fit my old wardrobe haiz .. nw gt hairloss as well .. but then hor remember ur child is your precious lor .. so its worth it lah ..
Momomummy, try not to over analyse things now. Your hubby still loves u and cares for u. Same as u, he is also overwhelmed by being a father for the 1st time. During fights and arguments of course undesirable things happen la...after that u find that he still dotes on u, right? Hugs hugs!!!

Zhen zhen, my bb does not bite the carrier, but he drools on it. I use a hanky to shield the carrier. No time to buy the bbjorn bib yet...

Sporty, talk about "me time" ...just now I thought he fell into deep sleep so I swaddled him and went for my shower. Took time to do hair treAtment n scrup myself...happened that there is condtuction near my place n is very noisy so I could not hear anything while in the shower. Wah Lao...after I turned off the tap, heard my bb screaming like there is no tomorrow. :p oops...dunno how long he screamed for :p felt guilty :p
ayukie, this is just a phase. after a while, the hair will go back to normal. just have to bear with it for the moment.

momo mummy, don't be sad. you try and go paktor with your hubby a bit more. it helps!
ayukie, cannot stop hair loss la...we didnt drop much hair when we were preggy, thas why now drop and drop lor!

superwalker, hahha...i totally understand! cuz normally when i shower hor, halfway thru...i will off the tap and listen whether my bb's crying...whahahha :p "occupational hazard"....whahhahha :p
**hugs shirlin** paiseh paiseh .. i also want the red packets .. i also wanna go hi-tea with you girls but got called back office bo bianz haiz .. somemore just gt news my coverer just tendered ... haiz .. i dunno hw to cope liaoz haiz /.. no matter what at least gt 1 more manpower still better haiz ..
Shihui and zhenzhen, i hope i dun nd any steriods jab. Zhen zhen, any advise on holding or lifting the baby up? Intending to get a wrist guard u think will help?
ayukie, we can shake hands la...my cover left liao...so now i'm "swimming" everyday! hahha

swanston, opps...another bb in ur tum tum?! :p
Re: pumping, i always pump till i have second let down. can see the diff cos after some time of pumping, let down will occur again and you will see milk spurts out like waterfall like the starting let down. for me, the second let down comes at about 13 - 14 min. so i pump max 15 min loh.

momo mummy, dun be upset. think your hubby is also trying to adapt to having a baby in his life. just give him more time.

i think my shield also too big lei cos my nipple and aerola painful, red and sore after pumping. it got worse these days. i see the parts whjich are red are those which rub against the shield. I already changed to the SoftFit but still got friction. sigh... i just bot 2 sets of shields if got to change, have to change size again. waste $...
sporty - haiz .. i nvr expect him to throw in the towel sooo sooon manz .. chamz liaoz seems my ot nitemares days or night are v v near ..
momo_mummy, maybe can go try to get wrist guard. Haha we can compete whose wrist will go first haha choy choy choy!

swanston, u preggie again ? hee
fieda - i gt carpal tunnel sydrome in both my hands due to my work (occupational hazzard) .. went see specialis before had steriods before .. also gt wrist guards/casts done for my hands but if u use them while using the guard abit v painful cause its supposed to make ur hands rest .. so more rest for your hands better .. if need be get ur hb to take care of ur bb for time being lor .. since you bfeedin i think better dont do steriods jabs .. i use to be given vit b as well to helps heal the nerves but like nt much use .. main thing is rest the hands ..
ok i needa pump liaoz .. coz i had done a 10 mins just nw 3+ hrs ago .. gg go crazy if i dont pump .. haiz .. sian i hate pumpin at work ..
ayukie, mine thrown in towel when i was on ML lor...hahhaha...thas why my 1 mth balance of ML is hopeless liao...hahha

rachelle, if i'm not wrong...soft fit only one size rite?! also hor, i noticed after pumping for a few mths now, the nipples like become bigger liao...dunno why!
<font color="119911">sporty, feida</font>, cannot be soooooo fast lah. lol. we very careful leh.

<font color="119911">rachelle</font>, icic. so i'm not a wierdo. hee.
Wrist pain,
I have wrist pain for some time is due to the wrong posture or position when carry baby, but sometimes just can't help it. Anyway, i went to Watson and bought the wrist guard, i wear it in the office to stablize the wrist (as i work in IT industry) and it helps. At home also can wear but sometimes need to wash hand often , a bit troublesome. You gals might want to try, the one i get is Futuro Sport, yellow box the guard is black color, i think is 18++ for 1. (http://www.futuro-usa.com/product_detail.aspx?id=8)

momo_mummy, dont' be sad or upset on your hubby. As superwalker says, he also overwhelmed by fatherhood.
I use to have numb right hand and was given vitB. So I use my left hand more when carrying baby but in the end injured my left wrist. Now still pain. My hubs help me massage with counter pain a few nights in a row and became better. Now I just try not to strain it.

My boy today super cute. Its like he just discover his hands. He keep staring at his right hand and when his hands move, his eyes will follow and he keep talking to it. So cute.

tautus033, My hair also starting to drop, think getting more and more everyday.
my hair also dropping like nobody's business. just wish that all my grey hair fall off. got soooooooooooooo many ever since i got preg!
Superwalker, my baby licks the carrier like its super delicious. I tried putting a hanky there, but it got soaked and the carrier still got wet! *faint* wonder if the carrier bib has a waterproof backing? Otherwise it won’t be much use either.

Fieda, the doctor recommended that i use a thumb stabiliser. Cos it’s the thumb movements that trigger the inflammation. This time around, i use my arm to support baby more, rather than my hand. So less stress on the hand/thumb, and my wrist has been ok so far. Like what ayukie mentioned, the most impt is to rest your hand. That’s the only way for it to recover. If not the problem will keep recurring. This is the guard that i used: http://www.futuro-usa.com/product_detail.aspx?id=13
Thanks zhen zhen n karen for the recommendation. I will go get it. My e other wrist seem to be getting it too =x

re: Hair loss
I am also losing hair!

My bb hair is also dropping all over... 脱发!
Going to shave her hair when she is 4 months old. She is going to be 3 months on 初夕...
