(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Carinez, i use those glass bottle to keep my EBM... i have 20 over bottles at home... hahahha.. but very sad i cant produce much...

Thanks for paying 1st, i transfer liao... pig head removed!
To Account POSB Savings
126-34558-5 SPorty
Amount S$32.96
Transaction Reference 2692158212

BlessedCYN: ME ME ME but tues and thurs nia ok... I AM THE YAO GUI REPORTING MYSELF... we go aqua marine ai mai??
Superwalker and Shirlin: Onz bo???

(1 for 1 buffet) gathering
Date : TBC
Time : Afternoon
Venue : AquaMarine

1) Momo Mummy (tues or thurs nia)
2) BlessedCYN
3) Shirlin
4) Superwalker
Yo! Back home from mil house liaoz.. Had a great time at the HT session just now.. Hee.. Love the movenpick icecream.. Wahahaha

cyn: No problem.. I'm still on ML!! Till 1st March... Hehe!

momo: Thanks for the topshell! LOVE IT! =) And you so steady ah.. auto include my name in the buffet ist liaoz.. Wahahha.. But yup.. no problem at all.. =D
blessedcyn, shirlin, momo mummy:
i m freeeeeeee
shall we do monday again? 8 jan? like that mm6j and swanston may be able to join us??? actually nelly's is really a very very good 1 for 1 leh. usually works out to be less than $10 per person n the food is really very good. if at nelly's i bet sporty can join us since she is working near there???

i have trf the $ to u via ocbc. pls look it.
sooo sorry to miss today hi-tea due to work .. haiz didnt get to pump proper today in office now one side gt lump .. cant pump out .. i chamz liaoz sia ..
superwalker.. Monday have to see if momo can anot.. cuz she indicated tues n thurs only wor... and its 8th feb la.. jan over liao... wahahaha =X
momo mummy... Onz u haha

Sporty: Thanks. Transferred
To Account POSB Savings
126-34558-5 Sporty
Amount S$32.96
Transaction Reference 2692303588

(1 for 1 buffet) gathering
Date : TBC
Time : Afternoon
Venue : AquaMarine

1) Momo Mummy (tues or thurs nia)
2) BlessedCYN
3) Shirlin
4) Superwalker
5) Nicole
momo mummy, if u gals going to aquamarine, better make reservations fast! this week already fully booked! thks for ur trf

blessedcyn, my lunch can be up till 2 hrs...but depends on which day...

superwalker, u really durty nelly supporter like me!! LOL...
thks for ur trf...will look out for it...

ayukie, no prob...

nicole, once out with bb alone, 2nd time not shy liao!!! u are hooked!! lol... thks for ur trf...will check!
go take a hot shower, try to squueze out some milk to remove the blockage...no choice, better wto waste some then to get the painful lump.
If the milk squirt out v v far, means the blockage is removed.
Shirlin, u r most welcome AH... Hahaha, i love making top shell for top shell lover... hehe... i am oso mad abt top shell...
thanks for the angbao and the bag too... hehe
Ya if is Monday I got to eat and go liao... cant stay long like today and oso depends where is Nelly's...
kimifin, who are ur 2 juniors?? haha... u dun look tha old la... got older pple like me ard...

nicole, think ur boy was tired and wanna koon, thas why abit cranky but u handled him well
ok, since momo mummy is always soooooooooooooooo humorous n we really enjoy laughing with her, let's do nelly's on tues, 9 FEB? heeeee.....time past so fast...i forgot its FEB liao! ha!
superwalker, if monday i oso can la.. no problem.. if MM6J, sporty and swanston can go then better oso ma... I ok 1... I add abit of my EBM for my boss to drink she will let me go liao... WHAHAHAAHAH
i did shower le .. tried squuezing but nothing comes out .. cant squeeze cant pump .. hot milo dont works as well .. im in deep shit how to go wrk tml ???
momo mummy, aquamarine is buffet and durty nelly is ala carte western food...both are 1 for 1
monday i dun think i can, first day of work...may need to "entertain" my colleagues during lunch...hahha

ayukie, try massaging??
AYUKIE,wah wasted ley... i very heart pain oso cos yday i accidentally pour out 20ml while pumping to take tissue paper... urs 180ml... i cry manz...
Updated list...for payment
Our high tea date!!

Date : 1 Feb 2010 (Mon)
Venue : Coffee Lounge @ Goodwood Park
Time: 3pm

1. tanly
2. kimifin -paid
3. nicole - paid
4. carinez
5. mitsy
6. Sporty - paid
7. Agata
8. superwalker - on the way
9. shirlin
10. zhenzhen
11. blessed cyn
12. fieda
13. haitong
14. alicia
15. momo mummy -paid
16. 1st time mummy
17. shihui
18. momoko -paid

Pls trf $32.96 to POSB sav a/c 126-34558-5. thanks
Sporty, now become I on starhub cable coz starhub modem no wireless n he's on my singnet .... grrrrrrrr .... I still prefer my singnet, more stable =(
it's digital perm... thanks for noticing my new hairstyle.. hehe.. :p

my #1 used to reject avent when i first intro bottle to him.. but he took NUK very well.. i started with latex first.. den when he's used to the teat's shape, i switch to silicon.. coz silicon more lasting.. latex got to change once it becomes sticky.. which can be at least once a mth..

count me in for the 1- for-1!!

(1 for 1 buffet) gathering
Date : TBC
Time : Afternoon
Venue : AquaMarine/Nelly's

1) Momo Mummy (tues or thurs nia)
2) BlessedCYN
3) Shirlin
4) Superwalker
5) Nicole
6) Shihui
great meeting up with all you ladies today. would love to meet you all next week too. but not free on mon & tue. other days, count me in!

sporty, thanks for organising. i will transfer $ to you tmr.

ayukie, can try using a hot towel or hot compress to soften lump. and when you press, must really press hard. see if that works.
(1 for 1 buffet) gathering
Date : TBC
Time : Afternoon
Venue : AquaMarine

1) Momo Mummy (tues or thurs nia)
2) BlessedCYN
3) Shirlin
4) Superwalker
5) Nicole
6) Carine

haha I also 'hooked' Liao! And i'm kimifin's junior! Haiz lil J don't wana let go of my neh now.. Loves my neh so much.. Give pacifier also don't wan sia... Cham Liao la...
i wanted to go aquamarine tom actually.. but was told it's full!!

i want to join the gathering!!! and it will be my first time to see you all.

(1 for 1 buffet) gathering
Date : TBC
Time : Afternoon
Venue : AquaMarine

1) Momo Mummy (tues or thurs nia)
2) BlessedCYN
3) Shirlin
4) Superwalker
5) Nicole
6) Carine
7) funne
Haha I'm kimifin's junior and nicole's junior hee...

Sporty> can store ah? Any idea where to get the caps?

Momo_mummy> u have so many bottles?? Haha I think I gg to start using them Liao.. U using the metal caps or u bought new ones? And I can accept pm Liao la hahaha edited profile liao...

Jane> u mentioned abt bottle feeeding with the avent bottle and ur bb reject right? Can't rmb who mentioned lazy to scroll up cos iPhone mafan hahha anyway, u can try changing teats to nuk and still continue using avent bottles... Nuk premium teats can use for avent bottles.... Must be premium one... Premium one can use for pigeon wide neck bottles also I think... Save money ma don't need buy new bottles... Cos all my bottles avent then lil J getting pek cek with the teat so I changed... And he became better Liao...
jane, me also meridian lrt there! but it's 107d
my husband tendered, while i am not working.
so now we are on the verge of being broke, lest he make a mark in his new career.
that's also why i can't join most of the gatherings too. on budget! sigh...
momoko, yes starhub modem very slow one...sometimes my connection also siao siao one...

shihui, big change of cuz will notice la! btw how much does a digital perm costs now?

zhenzhen, no prob...lemme kno after u trfed

funne, aquamarine is full for this whole week...if u wanna go...have to book for next week!

carinez, my fren gotten the caps for me from Mt A...i think the pharmacy there...one bag of caps costs abt 8 bucks...
opps... my name got left out on the way... add myself back in.. :p

(1 for 1 buffet) gathering
Date : TBC
Time : Afternoon
Venue : AquaMarine

1) Momo Mummy (tues or thurs nia)
2) BlessedCYN
3) Shirlin
4) Superwalker
5) Nicole
6) Carine
7) funne
8) Shihui

hahaa...ya lor.. big change.. :p it's $180 plus cut.. top up $27 for pre-perm treatment..
today (tue) hb took leave, next wk don't think he want to take leave again since he's taking another 1 wk off during CNY..
most prob we will just go swensen's 1 for 1..
Ladies, I've just sent in our order. Sorry for the late placement as I was caught up with something at home.

Devlina, I have smsed and replied your email, do reply me soon ya.

1. Esther - Cerise Sparkle - PAID $12.41
2. zhen zhen - Cerise Sparkle - PAID $12.41
3. carinez1 - Orange - PAID $12.41
4/5. Fieda - blue & purple - PAID $24.22
6. Shirlin - Cerise Sparkle - PAID $12.41
7. momo_mummy - red - PAID $12.41
8. zentan - red - PAID $12.41
9. carolorac - Purple Sparkle - PAID $12.41
10.Cheryl - Turqoise - PAID $12.41
Ladies, De Baby Shoppe has confirmed our Diody cups order. Please note that for colours which are out of stock, they will send them out when the new shipment arrives. I will keep you updated whenever she mail out the cups.

1. Esther - Cerise Sparkle - PAID $12.41
2. zhen zhen - Cerise Sparkle - PAID $12.41
3. carinez1 - Orange - PAID $12.41
4/5. Fieda - blue & purple - PAID $24.22
6. Shirlin - Cerise Sparkle - PAID $12.41
7. momo_mummy - red - PAID $12.41
8. zentan - red - PAID $12.41
9. carolorac - Purple Sparkle - PAID $12.41
10.Cheryl - Turqoise - PAID $12.41
11.Devlina - Blue & Turqouise
Swanston n mm6j, u gals interested to join us next mon? If u r, we set the lunch on mon. Otherwise, I suggest tues so tat momo mummy not rush?

hey all..

i am back in office for a meeting. but stupid person didnt turn up for the meeting!

thx for all ur well wishes i am still a bit giddy and think will later take half day again...

i cant make it for next mon's gathering. bringing my bb for bb massage class. also alr book aquamarine buffet with my husb for next week so prob wont wanna go again.. u all enjoy!

take care all, will try to log on more often..
