(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

carinez - the caps are on sale at Mt A retail pharmacy at $7+ per bag of 10. Got many colors to choose from. If you have the Mt A membership card, you can get 10% off.
Sporty, thanks for organising and paying first. Trf the amy already trf ref: 20100202209674

Momoko, thanks for letting me board the taxi first.
Yesterday, we were talking about giving water to breasfed bb.

I read that we should not give water til we introduce solids, but bb might refuse water by the time.
Anyone can share on this topic?
Kimifin, my girl is on total formula milk and I ask my PD, he mentioned that if the weather is too hot and the pee is too yellow, can give bb some water. Maybe you like to check with your PD.
Carinez -TMC also have the caps. 3pc per pack at $3 if not mistaken (pardon cant recall) but FBI members no additional discount.

Jane - my boy started on nuk bottles as the teat same as hospital but after few weeks home he disliked it. Avent he also no like and now on pigeon wide neck bottle.

BTW, any mummies here have Avent BPA free bottles? I bought 2 set and tried 1 set only to find it leaking by the brim. Any mummies have the same problem? How ah!? The bottles expensive leh and now cant use! Wonder if can get any exchange from Avent or not.

BTW Sporty, where you go facial? I in bad need for one too. Sleep deprived and skin looks bad.
Hi hi Mummies, Aqua Marine is fully booked liao unless smaller group like 3 to 4pax
So i guess we got to go Nelly's liao....

Sporty and MM8J cant join us next week Monday... Wonder if Swanston can join us... if cant shall we stick to TUESDAY? Cos I off that day... Hehehehe....

(1 for 1 buffet) gathering
Date : Tuesday 9 FEB 2010 (unless Swanston can join us then change to Monday)
Time : 12noon
Venue : Nelly's

1) Momo Mummy (tues or thurs nia)
2) BlessedCYN
3) Shirlin
4) Superwalker
5) Nicole
6) Carine
7) funne
8) Shihui

Yes, this is a problem. My fren went back to kiddy palace (where she bought) to change, but the same thing happens.
I suspect the old/new parts do not match up.
Sporty, my transaction here:

From Saving Account 138-144-595-5 (SGD)

To Michelle Ng 101-370-974-8 (SGD)
Amount SGD 32.96

My Initials FieDa
Transaction Reference 1002020003234480

Thanks for being lady boss!
shihui and carinez1:
thanks for your advice. will go get the nuk premium teats asap.cos i hoping to train kyan on bottle soon. gg to work in march lor.

wow, we stay so near to each other. can meet at playground one day. u hv any older kid?
Mummies, Tentatively i have made reserevation at Nelly's for 10pax on 9 Feb 2010 (Tuesday)

If Swanston joing us then I change it to Monday Ya...

(1 for 1 ala carte) gathering
Date : Tuesday 9 FEB 2010 (unless Swanston can join us then change to Monday)
Time : 12noon
Venue : Durty Nelly's Irish Pub
6 Raffles Boulevard # 01-01/02/03 Marina Square Singapore 039594
Tel : (65) 63388023 Fax : (65) 63388043

1) Momo Mummy (tues or thurs nia)
2) BlessedCYN
3) Shirlin
4) Superwalker
5) Nicole
6) Carine
7) funne
8) Shihui
jane, if baby dun take bottle, must be persistent..
my boy also rejected the bottle, and i have to be very hard hearted cos he cry super loud and refuse to drink..
then fall asleep without drinking.. and look at me with the pitiful, why arent mummy feeding me kind of look.. so heart pain!

but persisted and finally he drank when he is hungry enough..
Carinez, I am using both plastic and metal cap ley... my metal cap didnt go rusty leh... must waste and air proper then shld be ok lahz...
momo_mummy - yeah v heartpain ... worse after i cleatred the lump yesterday ... today my ss drops like shit again sian //
juz finished spring cleaning my kitchen!

tanly/fieda, thks for ur transfer...will check later

velo, i went clarins for facial yesterday...i found it not bad and signed a package with them...heheh...

momo mummy, if its on tues, i may be able to join u all for lunch...but KIV first me...thanks
(1 for 1 ala carte) gathering
Date : Tuesday 9 FEB 2010 (unless Swanston can join us then change to Monday)
Time : 12noon
Venue : Durty Nelly's Irish Pub
6 Raffles Boulevard # 01-01/02/03 Marina Square Singapore 039594
Tel : (65) 63388023 Fax : (65) 63388043

1) Momo Mummy (tues or thurs nia)
2) BlessedCYN
3) Shirlin
4) Superwalker
5) Nicole
6) Carine
7) funne
8) Shihui
9) Sporty (KIV)

Ayukie, Keep pumping la... think SS will come back again
esther Zhang:
would like to tag on for the diody cup,can?

1. Esther - Cerise Sparkle - PAID $12.41
2. zhen zhen - Cerise Sparkle - PAID $12.41
3. carinez1 - Orange - PAID $12.41
4/5. Fieda - blue & purple - PAID $24.22
6. Shirlin - Cerise Sparkle - PAID $12.41
7. momo_mummy - red - PAID $12.41
8. zentan - red - PAID $12.41
9. carolorac - Purple Sparkle - PAID $12.41
10.Cheryl - Turqoise - PAID $12.41
11.Devlina - Blue & Turqouise
12.Jane-cerise sparkle
velo, same problem, i never use them already. My hb went to get the btls with an extra blue rim part, then no leakage liao.

Sporty, facial how much? At which branch ah?
mel, the session i went yesterday was a foc one as i have this voucher due for redemption...usually its abt 140 bucks for 1 hr session
sporty, ic.. My package with body contours no more le so want to try elsewhere. No red marks sounds good leh! But then again, you got good skin leh!
fieda/mel, they dun do extractions so no red marks la...but they use like 101 products lor, kept bua-ing/massaging dunno what...but overall feeling is shiok la... i dun have good skin la, its the wonders of makeup...hahha
momo: If its on Tues den I have to KIV lehz.. cuz its my hb's birthday.. So if he manage to take off den I wun be joining u girls le.. if he suey and gotta work den I'll go meet you all for lunch lor.. Okay?? Also, yday so qiao.. I go FEP wait for bus right.. My hb also there den we nv see each other den when i boarded the bus and msged him, he say he's also on #5.. And we realised that we were on the same bus but he's upstairs and I'm downstairs.. Wahahaha~~

(1 for 1 ala carte) gathering
Date : Tuesday 9 FEB 2010 (unless Swanston can join us then change to Monday)
Time : 12noon
Venue : Durty Nelly's Irish Pub
6 Raffles Boulevard # 01-01/02/03 Marina Square Singapore 039594
Tel : (65) 63388023 Fax : (65) 63388043

1) Momo Mummy (tues or thurs nia)
2) BlessedCYN
3) Shirlin (KIV- Hb's Bday)
4) Superwalker
5) Nicole
6) Carine
7) funne
8) Shihui
9) Sporty (KIV)
Thanks Sporty! I think i going to try spare a day for facial too at clarins! Sound so shiok! I need relaxation! Where is clarins ah?

Kimifin - can exchange ah. I bought mine last Oct/Nov from Robinson. Wonder if they will let me change or not. Hard pain as so ex and never get to use.

Melodie - what blue rim can stop the leaking?
Hi momo Mummy - Talking about Nepia, i saw NTUC having promo where 2 pack of Nepia for about $28. Is it a good deal? Nepia good or not ah as i have always been using Mamypoko
shirin, u and ur hb sounded like some taiwanese drama...on the same bus...whahhahha :p

momo mummy, my nepia came on time last week...hahha

velo, its @ wheel lock place 5th floor and their shoulder massage and face massage damn shiok :p heheh... yes, nepia 28 bucks for 2 is a good deal cuz usual price is 15 bucks a pack if we order from them direct!
velo, i think my hb bought the new packaging of avent bottles, not bpa free though. The plastic is a bit opaque kind and comes with an extra rim. But i don't know how the pkg looks like le. You want me to send you a pic of the bottle?
hihi mummies,
your high tea sounds like fun!

see my hubby agree let me go out alone for the next nelly outing not.. he so protective of this little baby.. must convince him.. anybody hubby like this haha! say no transport cannot go.. alamak

sporty, your clarins facial sounds shiok!
havent gone for facial for so long!
tanly, did u trf the monies from dbs/posb? cuz i dun see ur amt and ur txn ref dun seems like the usual dbs/posb ref...

min, u shd convince ur hb tha u can do it....maybe he too baobei his son la

Updated list...for payment
Our high tea date!!

Date : 1 Feb 2010 (Mon)
Venue : Coffee Lounge @ Goodwood Park
Time: 3pm

1. tanly
2. kimifin -paid
3. nicole - paid
4. carinez
5. mitsy
6. Sporty - paid
7. Agata
8. superwalker - on the way
9. shirlin
10. zhenzhen - paid
11. blessed cyn
12. fieda - paid
13. haitong
14. alicia
15. momo mummy -paid
16. 1st time mummy
17. shihui
18. momoko -paid

Pls trf $32.96 to POSB sav a/c 126-34558-5. thanks
Hi Jane(littleprinces_mummy), you are most welcome! Pls transfer $12.41 to my POSB saving acct no. 057785608 and pm me your home address.

1. Esther - Cerise Sparkle - PAID $12.41
2. zhen zhen - Cerise Sparkle - PAID $12.41
3. carinez1 - Orange - PAID $12.41
4/5. Fieda - blue & purple - PAID $24.22
6. Shirlin - Cerise Sparkle - PAID $12.41
7. momo_mummy - red - PAID $12.41
8. zentan - red - PAID $12.41
9. carolorac - Purple Sparkle - PAID $12.41
10.Cheryl - Turqoise - PAID $12.41
11.Devlina - Blue & Turqouise
12.Jane-cerise sparkle
momo: Most likely Sunday den can cfm lehz... Cuz his schedule quite luan de.. If really cannot den bobian lor.. you girls go enjoy la.. No worries.. =)
And no lor.. nv arrange with him.. I still told him to meet at MIL hse.. Wahahaha.. Got fate la.. =P

sporty: Yah lor.. like those typical taiwan drama.. Thk of the person den he/she suddenly same bus as you too.. LOL!

I went facial on Sun too.. Mine is at Bugis Erabelle.. Quite relaxing too.. She did 1.5hrs for me this time.. I slp gao gao sia.. Haha.. Hmm.. Maybe 1 day shld try clarins..
Thanks Sporty for the info. Will try spare a day to try as my shoulder aching man!

Melodie, its ok, no trouble to take the pic. I probably try see can exhcange when I have time to go down to robinson. Avent no QC check oh, so angry as i had only Avent BPA free bottles when i delivered. Had to rush out to buy new bottles.

BTW, can i check if my boy is eating right? Currently 2 months & 4 days and he eats every 2 hours 3oz. Is this ok? Very frequent? Or too little?
Size S nepia is out of stock till mid Feb! argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! die la... i only have 3 days' supply! @#$%^#@#$%
Weekend gathering (with bbs and hbs)
Date : 7 March 2010 (Sunday)
Time : Afternoon
Venue : Condo @ Rivervale area at Seng Kang

1. melodie
2. sporty
3. mm6j
4. ayukie
5. verda
6. Alicia
7. Jane
8. Piggy
9. jolene428
10. devlina (catmon)
11. ashley (witch)
12. fieda
13. Shirlin

Better put my name in now.. Mel is 'scolding' me for not doing it.. Wahahaha.. MEL! SEE AH... I PUT IN MY NAME LE! =P
velo, my gal drinks abt 100ml to 120ml every 3 hrs.... i signed like 10+2 facial treatments with them...they will analyse my skin and asked me whats my concern before they do the treatment...the one i did yesterday was more for radiance lor...

superwalker, alamak! then u better get other diapers on standby...

Weekend gathering (with bbs and hbs)
Date : 7 March 2010 (Sunday)
Time : Afternoon
Venue : Condo @ Rivervale area at Seng Kang

1. melodie
2. sporty
3. mm6j
4. ayukie
5. verda
6. Alicia
7. Jane
8. Piggy
9. jolene428
10. devlina (catmon)
11. ashley (witch)
12. fieda
13. Kimifin
14. shirlin

Add ur name if you are keen
I want to go for this gathering

Weekend gathering (with bbs and hbs)
Date : 7 March 2010 (Sunday)
Time : Afternoon
Venue : Condo @ Rivervale area at Seng Kang

1. melodie
2. sporty
3. mm6j
4. ayukie
5. verda
6. Alicia
7. Jane
8. Piggy
9. jolene428
10. devlina (catmon)
11. ashley (witch)
12. fieda
13. Kimifin
14. shirlin
15. Mitsy

Add ur name if you are keen
I want to go to this gathering also.

Date : Tuesday 9 FEB 2010 (unless Swanston can join us then change to Monday)
Time : 12noon
Venue : Durty Nelly's Irish Pub
6 Raffles Boulevard # 01-01/02/03 Marina Square Singapore 039594
Tel : (65) 63388023 Fax : (65) 63388043

1) Momo Mummy (tues or thurs nia)
2) BlessedCYN
3) Shirlin (KIV- Hb's Bday)
4) Superwalker
5) Nicole
6) Carine
7) funne
8) Shihui
9) Sporty (KIV)
10) Mitsy
heh shirlin, really like taiwanese drama

sporty, me can do it! and he knows i can do it too.. he just dun want me to stand by the roadside with all the traffic and fumes with baby to wait for cab.. really bao bei this #1, hah #2, think not so bao bei le anything also can..
hmm i shall ask him how about i call cab.. so waste $$

superwalker, mamypoko and pampers are good

velo, my boy is about 2 months old too.. he drinks every 3 hrs.. and bet 80ml - 100ml..
my dr says 150ml per kg per day. so divide by number of feeds..
my baby is drinking too little, cant get him to drink more leh.. guess babies are all different just like us adults are all with different appetites and sometimes feel like sleeping more than eating!
superwalker, i pass u pack of Nepia 1st ai Mai? Let me know... can pass u maybe.... hmmm.... thurs? can wait till thurs bo? u sms me la.. i goign out liao
PIGGYM: NEPIA good! I love nepia, got urine indicator and can contain explosive poo poo (but not superwalker baby poo... too explosive liaoz.. hahah)
