(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Talking about breastfeeding issue, anyone has problem breastfeeding babies? Coz I've intended to breastfeed baby till I start work again, but only worried that supply too little, too stressed or too hectic (coz have to feed baby approximately every 3 hours?).

Ashley, wow....u so fast lost all the weight liao...envy leh, but u r the slim slim type but i'm already overweight even b4 preggy so tough tough lor...mmm...no matter wat will still try lor :p
finished latching...my sleepyhead went back to zzz...
now pumping...

jing hui, wow ur mil treats u like a queen...so u juz eat n sleep! good life leh... 13kg can lose quite easily with bfing...dun worry!!

magical, wait till cl go rest first isit...LOL...mine told me dun wash hair too early but i insisted la..so i washed lor...hee

bearycue, i cant be too eng kind...if not i feel so bored lor...lol...

rue, finally see u here... i latch on 15 to 20 mins one side...then try to wake her up for the other side if she falls asleep...u shd pump for 15/20 mins on the other side tha u dun latch...10 mins too short le...u can give her the pumped bm after u latch or if u wanna give fm...give like 10 to 20ml first...

ashley, actually hind milk comes in after 5 mins so 15 to 20 mins is fine...if u latch too long on one side, ur nipples may be sore n bb might not have appeitite for the other side...wow, u back to pre preggy weight le! i got 3kg to go!! hope to lose this 3kg by next week!!

PD says to see her again this sat.. and says that will do another test.. to see whether it is breastmilk jaundice or liver problem.. but i really dun wan my son to go thru go many test.. its like since he is born.. every week.. get prick for blood test.. he is still so small got so much blood mah?

i very worried liao...

I already stopped eating all ginger and rice wine...

ten i tot .. maybe they can see from the face? whether the jaundice is serious or not...
catechins, i saw the pd press his finger on bb's face...if there's a yellow "mark" left after pressing means got jaundice....
sporty.. do u use handsfree pumping?

i got the pumping pal from mums fairy.. but every time i use..it does stay there.. so i can't read or use pc.. got to sort of hold the bottles when i pump... so boring actually.
catechins, i have the pumping pal which i haven used or can use handfree mode on my pump (but i lazy to figure out how to use)... so i used one hand to hold 2 pumps while i typed with another... LOL... did u use the shields for ur pumping pal? if u do...rightfully no need to hold bottles...
Sporty, I know..but different ppl tell me diff thing....got one book (Gina Ford) says we should let baby suckle as long as they want.....faints!

And for pumping, I pump for 30 mins for both breasts...on a good session, can get 80ml (my highest record), on a lousy session only 30ml!

Yeah, I can say I've got a good MIL that treats me well
She cooks delicious yummy food for us everyday and took the effort to make nutritious food for me (dang gui, birdnest etc). So, no complain at all! :D

Well, hopefully this time can breastfeed for long, then will loose weight fast lor. Must have the determination...
ashley, parentcraft told me 15 to 20 mins...since my #1 time...so far it works for me... dun always latch on one side,...wait boobs lop sided lor... u wanna try power pumping? one of the mummies from my other thread swears by this...lemme go find info...

Same as sporty mentioned, last time for my #1, PD also checked for jaundice in that way by pressing on baby's forhead with his fingers. If the pressing mark left got yellow color, then still got jaundice lor.
What's the cause of BM jaundice? food that we ate?

I rem we should avoid liver in the 1st 2 weeks of confinement & broccoli & cauliflower.

Any other stuff?
ok finished pumping! now so relieved and light!! haha

jinghui, ya lor...u very fortunate to have such a good MIL...so she's doing confinement for u as well?? dun worry abt bfing...we jia you for each other...

ashley, i using freestyle now... ok, found the power pumping thingy for u...so far i didnt try it yet but some of my frens swear by it... here you go...

"Power pumping to increase milk supply

For 2 days do 4 times of this system

pump 20 mins
rest 10 mins
pump 10 mins
rest 10 mins
pump 10 mins

you will see increase in your BM on the 3rd day - if you have the time to continue try to incorporate at least 1 power pump in the 3rd - 4th day at least.

This was what i did - power pump 4 times for 2 days then only 1-2 times in the 3rd -5th day. the rest were 10-20 mins pumps but i increased total pumping sessions to 5-6 times cos i power pumped only once on the 3rd-5th day.

you mix & match -dont have to follow 100% for the 3rd day onwards - you play by ear see what's suitbale for your schedule as well. If at work - may be just express 3 times at work for 15 mins each session & 20 mins every 3 hrs when at home or try to incorporate a power pumping session. (tip power pumping 2 days - you can try over the weekend especially if you are not going out - well worth the staying at home for anyway just to increase your BM ss)

I liked this power pump system better than my SIL's prescribed 30 mins every 2 hrs - 30 mins stuck to the machine is tiring & depressing lor - this power pump sessions lets me have the inbetween 10 mins to attend to my baby should the need arises - no hard & fast rule - if baby needs you & you dont have anyone to help - just stop pumping & make up for it later - i didnt follow exactly 10 mins rest too - sometimes i took 15 mins rest instead or 8 mins depending on baby's need & sometimes i needed the loo.
kimifin, should avoid ginger, alcohol and chinese herbs. I have cut out all these cos I am BFing.

Bearycue, also dun forget when your baby comes out you would have lost the weight of the baby, placenta, aminotic fluid, etc....so you actually have less weight than you think to get rid of.
Woah Sporty, thanks heaps for the power pumping method...I will try and let you know if it works for me

I found a less depressing way to pump...instead of sitting at the table, watching TV and holding the two bottles while I pump away, I now hold the two bottles with with one hand (I kiap the pumps to my breasts with my forearm and fingers of my left hand) and use my right hand to surf net and play bejewelled on facebook! LOL....time passes by more quickly this way.
ashley, no prob... i hope ur supply will UP UP UP soon! u tried the mother's milk tea or fenugreek yet? yeah...thas how i pump usually since i haven figured out how to use the handsfree mode for my freestyle...i also kiap one bottle like u... cuz i find it very cham and boring to hold 2 bottles and pump so i will kiap and surf net !!! hahah
Sporty, ya I drink the mother's milk tea everyday and I take fenugreek too...

Hahah...we are the kiaping moo moos!
jing hui, great great...hope ur MIL's not those kind who's very strict in confinement! heheh

ashley, can eat oatmeal and drink milo...these 2 helps for me to increase ss... hahha... kiap-ing moos moos...what a good term! hehhe
ashley, thas my breakfast everyday lor! juz get the quacker one...instant one...normally i juz add a spoonful of condensed milk to sweeten it and eat it...

Not really, she's quite flexi. Coz she went thru confinement her own last time and told me how 'strict' her mother was. So, she's flexi with me, hehe. Thank God she's so understanding.

sporty and ashley,

I must learn from u both next time when I use my dual pump, haha. Never tried that before :p Used manual for #1 and was terribly pathetic!!...

Yeah, she did confinement for #1 last time. I've got myself Ameda dual pump this time round, 2nd hand set tho as I intend to stop at #2 liao :p
jing hui, good good
jia you on bfing since u got so much ss tha time...this time wun be a prob...juz have to hang on lor
i got bad engorgement.. help!
bb can't latch well coz nipple big for her mouth.. waste the side i got operated b4, milk can't flow out too.. stress..
Thanks Sporty for your reply.

Wow... the mummies here are so active. I just started my maternity leave officially to rest home this week and suddently felt like nothing to do. So happy to find you ladies here and share about our excitement.

Kimifin, the kidzloft sale is really informative and helpful. Yet to get a stroller and car seat.

pardon me, but I tot ginger is "compulsory" during confinement? Is it can put in cooking, but dun eat for the sake of BM?
funne, seems like ur milk come in liao...massage and pump it out if ur bb dun latch well...have to keep doing it till ur boobs become soft...

twinklesmurf, no prob...u wanna gimme ur details so tha i can put ur details up on the spreadsheet? thks
this thread used to be even MORE active... juz tha some mummies MIA after they popped...hehe
sporty.. during the day when i look at him .. he looks fine.. then when go doc.. under the light.. got some yellow.. and wen we press him.. on his hands and legs and also face.. got some yellow also..

dunnoe what the doctor meant when she says need to check the liver.. this worries me loh..

i get hungry very fast.. after my bf and lunch.. in btw.. i eat alot of biscuits.. and bread.. hahaha.. how to lose weight like tat..

I really feel like eating the pig trotters black vinegar.. my favourite!!! but cos got ginger.. so i dun dare to take.. now drooling!!
catechins, if doc say wanna check then juz go ahead...bo bian have to prick them lor... bfing we need 500 calories more everyday, even more than when we were preggy!! thas why we get hungry very fast!! and also this is the best time to indulge in food w/o worrying abt putting on weight!! hehhe...

i also waiting for my pig trotters vinegar...my CL gonna cook this weekend!! whahha...
no prob.
this company has sale once a while...also got 50% off all items (except those already on discount) during your bb 1st yr old birth month. Not sure if valid next yr though.
just keep visiting the website.
Sure Sporty... Here's my details for your input.

EDD: 21-Nov
Gynae: Mary Yang
Hospital: Gleneagles
BB Gender: Female
Delivery Method: Natural w/epi
same same.. my bb's PD said the same thing... if jaundice still persist aft 1mth, she will be doing a liver function test for bb... this time round, blood will be drawn fr the hand's vein instead of poking the feet..

i asked PD already... told her tt i hav been consuming lots of ginger cooked food, dates, herbs, etc... asked if it will affect bb's jaundice.. she told me to go ahead n eat.. no prob at all......
been so tired.
haven't caught any sleep yet since discharged from hospital.
haven't gone thro the previous postings too, i suppose many more of you popped already?
tml bringing baby to PD to check if jaundice has gone down, otherwise so sad..
the last time checked was 15.3

now whole body aching.
wish i can just lie down and sleep for an hour or two..

oh no baby crying again.
she usually cries a lot during 1am-4am.
and sleeps well in day.
last night cry, now afternoon also cry...
urgh...i am so tired.

my son also poor thing.
he's getting rebellious and change in character cos he feels out of place with mei mei around
i think i'll have to go on outings with him alone after my confinement to cheer him up..
twinklesmurf, u already decided u wanna go for natural with epi liao eh? heheh...anyways will update ur details...

shihui, i think consuming ginger wun affect the jaundice level ba cuz i asked a PD before and thas what he said also...

myboyjovan, my gal also US timing now...very awake at nite... very hard on u to cope with 2 kids...today we juz sent my #1 to my mum's place for a few days so tha my hb and i can rest abit more...

chriszinc, we gotten it from the bulk purchase thread abt 1 mth back...maybe u can check on the sprees section whether anyone is spree-ing as well... i think only a few places sell in SG leh... later if i'm free, i try to see whether they have it on BP thread for u...
Ya lor... coz I am v scared of pain one. Heh..

Shihui, I heard from friends that if you are breastfeeding, try to have at least 1-2 hrs btw your confinement meals and breastfeedings, if you are concerned that the ginger and tonic. That's what I intend to practice during confinement period too.
I am so so so pissed now.. Argh!

Went out ard 3+ to help hb pay bills.. den started raining again the mmt I stepped out.. Nvm.. went to pay his bills le den bought some stuff.. ice cream.. fruit juice n maggi.. and started to walk hm.. When i reached hm n wanted to open my main door..guess wad.. MY DOOR LOCK BROKE! OMG!
Had to call locksmith to come.. den when he arrived 45mins ltr, i was ardy perspiring like hell n feeling frustrated.. Had to break open my old lock n change a new one.. Uncle den asked me to hide behind staircase cuz I'm preggy den he had to do drilling.. after 20 mins, I'm finally back hm.. Having my maggi now with chilli tuna.. So hungry cuz whole day nv eat anything.. And $140 just flew away from my wallet.. =(
welcome =)

i got massage for #1 and planned for this #2 too. other than slimming effects its also meant to rid the body of wind. (which you cannot really tell the effect). i did get back my figure eventually for #1 but cant tell for sure its due to massage effects. but for getting rid of wind, i think its better get one done.
OMG Shirlin, you should not starve yourself. Take good care coz you are in the final phase of pregnancy. Just realised my EDD is 1 day after yours!
