(2009/11) November 2009 MTB


I'm 39 weeks and 5 days as of today. 14th Nov is my EDD. My #1 was induction on 38 weeks, so I cannot compare lor...

Haha, I really thought LS is a sign woh :p since quite some of u ladies had that before going into labour.

Wow, so many have popped ler...almost half of the table liao as it's mid Nov now. Congrats to mommies who have popped!

Anxiously waiting mine...!

For mummies who are interested in natural birth or hypnobirthing, this is a super detail site with lots and alots of info:

Good to hear baby and son are doing well
aiyo... i feel so tortured.. suddenly got this BIG BIG craving for coke and bubble tea.. and the worst thing is, there;s a bottle of coke in the fridge!!!!!!

i always secretly open the fridge and mumble 'should i? should i? should i?'

momo mummy, tried waking her up by all means but she's still sleepy...i can pump out la...but i dun wanna intro bottles yet...thas why i refused to bottle feed... all my pump out milk all goes to #1...

jing hui, hope ur turn comes soon...maybe meimei too comfy inside le...

piggy, did ur gynae tell u tha bb was above 4kg before tha?

magical, hahha...can have coke la... HOT COKE!! wahahhahha :p juz kidding
Afternoon all... =) Fell slp only ard 4+ last night so now den wake up..hehe.. To all those mummies waiting to pop.. Same here! I'm also waiting.. hehe.. By the time we pop, there'll be super experts in BF in the forum le so we can consult them ma.. Its a gd thing after all.. hehe!

shihui: My hb now abit only gan chiong.. haha.. I wake up in the middle of the night, he also wake up ask me 'Yao sheng le ah?" den i say no... just wake up to switch sides.. haha

sporty: Ya, i now super relaxed liaoz.. Let her take her own sweet time la.. Only regret is tt I will have lesser time with her lorz.. But nvm, nxt yr still have to clear my leave.. 28days plus CC leave 6 days.. so still okay la.. Lol!
magical, basically i thk its up to you la.. Some old folks insist really no cold drinks etc cuz scared we old le den got pains n aches.. But like my MIL, she say 'aiya, even if you nv drink, nxt time old liao also will have aches right?" so I dun thk she will bother abt such things... If its me.. i cfm cave in n drink liao.. hehe
Piggy/blue ginger, congrats!!!!

superwalker/jinghui...heee...i'm oso waiting, no sign and seem like after awhile i'm not gan cheong anymore coz baby seem comfy inside so i might as well just enjoy life relaxing, window shopping and feasting...having the "ME TIME" now lor :p
Hi all,

I've been following thread for past months but never really make an "appearance" (coz i forgot my password for a long time!) .. anyway, my edd is 22/11 and gynae is joy wong, similar to many here..

Have been feeling the excitement for the popped and would be poppers!

Just wondering also, anyone had bloody show (how much blood is a real show though) as a symptom? And how long after did u deliver?

Coz i read that mucus plug dropping can still mean days or weeks away and not immediate labour since it can also regenerate itself...

And one more question, if first few days no supply of BM yet, we should still latch on reguarly to feed colostrum is it? And supplement with some more formula milk after the feed?

Thanks for any advice in advance!
shirlin, ok la...bb first few mths more sleepy ones...u can take ur 28 days plus cc leave when she's older when she's more reactive and fun!! woow...u slept at 4am? cant sleep or what??!

bearycue, good mentality!! i like!!hehehhe :p

piggy, wow...ur gynae's machine not tha zun leh...hehhe... my fren gave birth to a 4.2kg bb thru natural...the gynae was shocked and said tha would had asked her to c sec instead of natural if she knos the bb so big...

chriszinc, welcome
i had bloody show for my #1, its a symptom...i popped one day after tha! its abit like menses discharge... yeah, mucus plug dropped off doesnt mean its immediate labour...could take days or weeks... yes we shd latch on every 3 hrs to generate supply and feed colostrum... actually first 3 to 4 days no need to feed FM yet...cuz bb is self sufficient unless bb never pee...maybe can give glucose water...
Jing Hui,

I also thought LS is a sign leh.. coz saw this before as one of the signs...

3. Loose Stools
Loose stools are caused by the release of prostaglandins in early which causes cervical effacement, softening, etc. Prostaglandins also can cause soft stools or diarrhea. Time until labor? Usually only a matter of a day or hours.

my hub dun bother, he jus sleep thru despite me turning around in bed or getting up for pees, cos he taking leave (next Monday, my EDD) n plan his work till end of this week. so anytime now, he needs to take "extra" leave.. haaa. so he told bb to come out only Sat, sun or mon onward...

sporty, hee...no choice la, rather do sometihng and keep myself occupied if not very sian to wait lor :p Waaa...u steady leh, seem to be so energetic all the time, hope after i pop can have the same energy like u, hee
Bearycue and all waiting mums,
share what u doing to occupy time?

I read topics in forum, watch drama..
now backache...

baby room is all set up.
my gal slept for 4 hrs liao..trying to wake her up but she still sleepy!!! sianz!!

chriszinc, no prob! dun worry la...juz enjoy the time u have now...

bearycue, ok la...i must find things to do...if not i very bored...heheh
sporty: Cant slp lor.. Almost everynight also like that.. Even if i go lie on my bed..also end up playing psp till my eyes bth den fall aslp.. Ya, gonna leave my AL till she's older and know how to play with me..hehe!

kimifin: Lol..My hb different la.. he gan chiong ma.. if not he wunt come knocking on the toilet door just cuz i was pooing inside for 10mins.. hahaha.. ( i still find tt super funny) He's busy this few days too so I also ask bb to gui guai n not arrive this few days thou chance is super slim la.. =)

Anw, got sth to ask those mummies who delivered at TMC b4.. Are we allowed to check out on Sundays n PHs?? Or gotta wait till the nxt wking day?
sporty, hahaha...dat's y i say u energetic leh, taking care of bb can still got energy to feel bored!!!! :p

kimifin, i'm stayin over @ my mum's place til i pop...so i surf net, watch tv, go jalan jalan, read novels, "entertain" my 2-yr old nephew, go kopi with my frens, watch movie w hubby or or laze ard or nap...etc, to keep myself occupied lor...heee :p
nice cool weather to sleep mah!
U dun wan to express out?

hub was Kanjong only one time, when he's back, I was bathing, but whole house not lights on...he din even guess I was bathing! He tot wat happen to me in the toilet..

But I can sense he is KJ cos he was sleepless one of the nites. Just once.
oh, I am Home alone...hhaa, peaceful as I prefer to have my time now.

Last week asked Agata n Momo_mummy out for lunch on friday...then Agata pop the next day!
finally my bb's up n i latching her...u too excited until u cant sleep isit...LOL... i never checked out of tmc on sundays n ph before so not sure but i think shd be ok ba cuz they want the room back for some other patient...

bearycue, yesterday my colleagues came to visit...suddenly i feel like going back to work leh cuz stay home very boring...cuz i cant do housework now... so nothing much to do...

kimifin, will express later cuz i dun wanna express halfway then she wakes up...
kimifin: I'm also home alone.. hehe.. watch drama.. play games.. do hsework.. Sometimes i get too bored den go over find MIL.. Try to go out walk awhile everyday lor.. now waiting for rain to stop den help hb go pay bills..
sporty n shirlin,
that day hubby ordered mac i already sipped some sprite.. maybe a little coke should be ok.. ha.. anyway i'm already secretly washing my hair n blow dry liao.. no one knows.. *evil laugh*
magical: Aiya, like that den nvm le la.. hahahaha! Just dun drink too much lor.. satisfy the craving can le.. Lucky these few days not so hot liao if not even worse..
afternoon ladies..

just now my house area suddenly so heavy rain!! but now the skies clear le.. should have rained more!

went for my checkup just now.. gynea removed my stitches already and gynea said very gd no infection..
hubby say the wound is just a straight line.

I read books, saying it's best to latch on one side and express on another.
But if bb finish milk on the 1st side, 2nd side how to give bb? dun express all out, and let bb drk the hind milk?
Then next time, bb shd start on which side? 2nd ?
Hi kimifin,

Hahaha..... I'm also a all waiting mummy and hoping the day will come before 15/11. Same here!!! Reading topics in forum, watch drama, play musical instruments, play computer games, online games and PS3, experiment cooking and baking. :p

I guess we can't walk around much for the time being except staying at home and relax. To me, I find that sometimes walking too much will cause some strain in my muscles, aching and pelvic pain. I do go to my in-law's place, but still deciding whether to go since it's so near the estimated date of delivery now.
you've been so quiet..

Yes, i dun dare shop alone, also walk clumsy now...and legs ache easily.

yes, experiment cooking...
not baking now, cos trying to cut down on unnecessary sugars.
saintbb, i also went to gynae's today...heheh

kimifin, i will latch 15 mins on each side...so 30 mins both side... if i still feel full, i will pump out... if ur bb drinks one side only, then u have to pump the other side lor

piggy, hows ur stay at tmc so far??
I feel I'm like a pig nowadays! :p *LOL* Eat...sleep...eat...and so on coz MIL is around. So she's doing all the cooking that I used to do and helps to 'entertain'/babysit my boy (what a relieved!! :p). So, basically I'm FREE...wahahahaha. Online most of the time lor...

I also scared to walk too much as I have prob walking, not even for 10 mins. Else will be aching and easily get tired.
shirlin n sporty,
yay.. thank you so much supporting me.. but must wait til coast is clear before i can make my move.. !

yeah my cl say wait til 12 days after deliver then can wash hair..
i miss my previous one.. this one not as good eh.. my pump is not washed very clean, n after cooking she doesnt clean up very well. keeps forgetting to lock the main door n gate at night, n i caught her lying a few times.eg when she told my mum she made me chicken soup for supper, but actually she didnt. i saw so much dirt in the steriliser one night n i washed it myself, next day i told her must rinse every day, she said she did and added ' oh rinse once still dirty? ok i'll rinse twice in future' .. pls loh, any idiot can see that the amount of dirt accumulated is over a few days. still wan to lie.. as if i never rinse my steriliser myself before. chey...

luckily she takes a pretty ok care of my boy..so i'll just bear with it loh..
sporty, cannot do housework then juz enjoy ur confinement period to be "tai tai" lor...hehe

jinghui, at least u dun put on much weight, i'm still putting on during tis last lap althought i try to control intake..signzzz...
Hi ladies,
I've been MIA for a wk. really tiring taking care of newborn.

Hmm, I've some issues on breastfeeding. Hw long shd one latch baby on 1 side? She always fall asleep after latching on 1 side. then my other side will feel full, which i express it out. but only 15ml after pumping for 10mins. I think she's not full after feeding on my breastmilk, so i gave her FM after breastmilk? Will that overfeed her?

Ur WRONG! I think I put on 1kg per week ler!! :p Coz MIL cooks/prepares 3 meals a day religiously!! Then portion is relatively BIG (more than what I usually take)! Really a PIG lor!! :p
Jing Hui,

this is the only time we need to feed ourselves more so bb can absorb more..
unless bb is oversized already :p

wah, i duno if I cud ever fit into my old clothes, cos i luv them so much!

Haha, me too! Was telling sporty, hope I can slim down quick/fast this time round so that I can fit into my old clothes, esp my levis jeans and denim mini skirts :p Want to look good, haha. So vain...!

Lucky my baby is on the small size, so no worries. But actually WORRIED coz all the things might end up goes to me instead of baby! I'm the one who gain weight in the end then jialat liao! So far, total gain is 13+kg ler :S
Jinghui and bearycue, Don't worry I'm sure you ladies will lose weight after you have given birth and breastfeed!

My tummy was more than 40" during pregnancy, now 3 weeks later, my tummy is gone already (thanks to the post-natal massage also) and have gone back to my pre-pregnancy weight.

Sporty, latch 15 mins on each side is very good leh....my girl will latch for more than 30 mins on one side....if I delatch her too soon, I worry she will not get enough hind milk....latching her is very tiring. Whenever I try to delatch her, she can feel it and will suckle even harder and refuse to let go.
I gained 13-14kg already, bb still on the same side, less than 3kg

My levis long time cannot wear, thk jeans not worth, cos cannot alter, unlike pants...

Maybe buy dress more worth it for the time being, can hide the "leftover" tummy.
