(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

i dun take coconut one worr. how?
swanston, go attend la...i find it very useful lor...and hb will learn how to massage for u one :p kekeke... my hb even asked me, this time no antenatal class ah??!!... aiya, dun peifu me la...i'm sure u can do it also...my weakness is tha i very scared of needles so i cannot tahan epidural...sounds lame rite? but its true la, even tha day drew blood for oscars, i was so scared lor... take coconut at later stage la, not now...like 1 mth before u pop
So confused.. some say drink liao bb will have phlegm.. some say only drink when u're ard 8 or 9mths, but dun drink too much.. so confused!!!

Then i tink beta start drinkin nw liao.. i love to drink baby coconut juice..
sporty, i am one of those who are too pain until forget all the breathing techniques..hehe. u r similar to my friend, she is also scared of needles, thats why opt out of epidual.

hmm, i thought coconut is liang, so cannot drink too early?
Hmm... For my 2 pregnancies, i only drink the coconut water.. and it must be young coconut.. and i only do it once a month from 6 months onwards. When i was abt 9 months, i drink it weekly..

both my babies came out clean.. keke..

now a bit too early to drink eh..
sporty, thanks. i saw it. i dun have fbi card coz i delivering in mt alvernia. think some one here registered liao. coz the website dun indicate the cost. wana compare wat's the diff with mt alvernia's.
STmama, i think trisomy 13/18 is much more serious than trisomy 21. I think it's better to go thru amnio with an experience gynae. But fret not, your baby should be normal!!
Maybe we can drink like what saintbaby recommended, to be save. When I had my first baby, she was very clean too although I didn't drink any coconut. My daughter had slight jaundice.
for the OSCAR test, must baby be active to detect well? cos i'm gg for it tml. Haven seen baby since 6.5 wks, & i'm 12 wks now
swanston, think u have to call to ask lor...i have frens who pop at other hospitals but they still attend antenatal class at tmc...thas's why most of their classes are very full...

rue, oscar test is like another scan but its more detailed...if ur bb's not active, the gynae or sonographer will wake bb up one...dun worry ;P
Did anyone watched last night's Michelle Chia's wedding? I watched the beginning part with my MIL, and helped her to see the license plate number of the wedding car. Haha....so today my hubby asked me to help buy 4D using those numbers, 9494. But I was told that number sold out! Wuah, so many people got the same idea arh. So after asking MIL, I bought other number combinations.
agata, early in the morning got someone complain on fm933 radio that this number sold out liao. lol. then he so angry coz that's his car plate number too and he cant buy in.
Has anyone gone for swimming recently? I'm keen to have a dip in the pool and do some relaxing exercises in the water. Do you think it is ok to wear my bikini? I dun have a tankini and I dun wish to gross people out with my tummy. Should I just be thick-skinned and wear my bikini?
Juz wear wateva ya comfy with! Show off that baby bump!

I taking birdnest weekly now ... still need to take coconut juice?? will it be too cooling??
Hi Ashley,

Yes, I just wend swimming and I got my maternity swimwear from BHG Bugis at $29.90. It comes with a stretchable front pouch..which can wear till full term.
Hi Ladies

I am a Jan 09 mum.... sorry to interrupt... Just a quick note, I am selling my breast pump - Medela Freestyle, bought in Jan 09 from US, used for one month and stopped as my BM is low. Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested. Thanks.

yap, don't worry. I swim almost every 2,3 days... I still wear my bikini.

when i am having my #1, i also still wear bikini when tummy really big, when I am about 6, 7 months. yap show your baby bump! haha...

but, ya...u definitely get stares... heeehhh...
ashley, i went swimming a few weeks back. it was great. u should try. just dun over stretch urself.

al, so cheap huh. then i should go bhg to take a look. i was wearing my old one.
morning gals...
didnt sleep well this few days...so tired!!

saphira, oscar test is done at abt 11 weeks to 12 weeks and its diff from detailed scan...this is mainly to check whether bb have down syndrome...gender wise, usually can tell only after first trimester...

ashley, i also wanna start swimming when trimester 2 starts...thas when i return from my trip! hahha...i think i will be wearing my bikinis...hehhe...yes u shd wear bikini and show off ur bump

momoko, u wanna start the coconut juice at a later stage? say end of trimester 2? now like abit too cooling for us...

jeelomeelo, how did u announce to ur boss? i juz announced like 2 days back also...hehe
Thanks for your advice, ladies!

Momoko, by aqua exercise do you mean aquarobics? I used to do that when I was not preggers. Is it safe for pregnant ladies to do aquarobics now? I'm keen to take it up again.
i used our internal chat system and typed this "hi, i'm expecting #2, due end nov."
then she replied, "ooo good news, congrats!"
anyway, my bos is a super mom of 5 (with no maid!)...
Good Morning mummies.

Ur boss is superb! A working mum with no maid, how does she handle the kids? My son has a friend whose mum (SAHM) also bore 5 kids and has no maid. I am amazed!!

As for the OSCAR results, I likely will go for the amnio test just to be sure that the bb is normal. My gynae kept telling me that he had done several of such test and rest assured that the bb will be safe in his good hand. Keeping my fingers crossed...
saphira, no prob...

periwinkle, welcome

jeelomeelo, yes...think family support very impt if there's no maid, like they have to chip in to jaga the kids esp if the mummy's tied up at work!
morning all!

jeelomeelo, yr boss is really a super mum!

sporty, u going for holiday trip? me so envy..hehe its been a long time since my last holiday trip.
sunny, i'm hungry now even i had rice kway for bf...heheh :p think maybe later go and see what i wanna eat at 1145am as i'm on lunch duty today...heheh...u have any cravings today?

shannonbaby, yes...flying off on fri nite...these few days still struggling with packing my luggage!! arrgghhh...
you can plan for a short hols during 2nd trimester, best time to travel!

Wow! sporty, so envy you! can go tour, where are you going?

I always have a lot of craving, so scary. i crave for Katong laska, kueh pie tee, KFC whipped photo, home made sardines puff....Mmmm...but when i think of it, all not healthy...still have not come to a conclusion yet...
