(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

morning all,

Been following the thread for a while.
I am a first time mum and now in 13 weeks.

I am now seeing a gynae from Mt E but thinking of changing as i don't feel comfortable with the gynae after my last visit.

Any recommendation of good female gynae who is experience, patient and caring?

sporty, so nice. we haven go for our honeymoon yet. intended to go after the system upgrade project at my workplace de. looks like have to postpone even longer liao.
sunny, I have cravings for KFC whipped potato too...esp after seeing the TVC!

Welcome Karen! I'm a first time mummy too
Am seeing Dr Yvonne Chan at TMC. I think she is great! I totally recommend her.
sunny, hahah...dun envy la...u can book also...me going Tokyo, tha time booked my tics during SQ promo...wahh, ur KFC sounds good...i feel like having LJS leh! love the fries...yum yum

karen, welcome to the thread! when's ur EDD?

swanston, actually hor, i have been customary married for almost 6 yrs, till now also never go honeymoon...at first thot wanna book this trip as a "delayed" honeymoon but my hb wanna bring our lil rascal along and now with #2 inside my tummy...so not honeymoon anymore...hahhaha...maybe u can go for a trip after u popped or after ur project ends...

ashley, did u have ur subway yesterday?
Sporty - yeah I did...had my fave turkey breast! So shiok!

Am having strawberries now...yummy! And my silly dog ran away after eating one...dunno how to appreciate.
ashley, when i last called, yvonne was closed for jan cases liao. maybe i should have asked my fren to reco me then i would have gotten to see her hor. anyway no regrets with my current gynae so ok lah.

sporty, the project is expected to end in mid oct worr. lol. for all u know i deliver early so may pop in oct too.
ashley, hahaha. the strawberry u gave it is sour izzit? our dog love fruits, even lemon he also eat although he will give u a disgusted look and start to pui pui pui. after that he will come back for some more and pui pui pui again. hahaha.
wah... tokyo! good food indeed !!!! minus the sushi/sashimi darn... anyway, all other the food are super duper good! plus all their bakeries bread/pastries are too good to be true... all the bento boxes at train station are so so yummy! For your starters, here are some food photos which we took 3years ago (around this time of the year during our trip to japan). :p

hahaa tomolo is my subway day.. cheesy steak here i come!
i am gonna go get some new underwear from the robinson sale.... for the panties, do i need to get one size larger for my expanding tummy? or should i just get the current size? i usually go for the hipster type that does not "wrap" the tummy.
sporty, envy envy..i love Tokyo, esp the food!!. went there 4 yrs ago. intend to bring my daughter to the disneyland when she is 5yrs...hehe

karen, welcome welcome..

KFC whipped potato - i just had it yesterday for lunch...hehe
ashley, now discussing with my colleagues what to eat for lunch...i dun wanna walk too far, think maybe might go for subway also...slurp slurp! kekek :p i haven let my chh try strawberries but he loves apple alot! can eat almsot like half an apple everytime!

swanston, yes u are rite...we might pop earlier than EDD cuz can pop anytime after 36 weeks...bo bian lor, juz have to go for ur postponed honeymoon after u pop then since ur project ends oct...u juz got married eh?

jeelomeelo, haha...the gals here were psycho-ing me to eat sashimi there tha day lor...lets see whether i can tahan or not! hahhaha...cool! thanks for ur link
alamak! why all pics of food??!! making me so hungry...

karen, we have the same EDD

mamapig, u shd get one size bigger as our butt will be bigger since our hips expand also...tha time i wore my usual undies and after popping, i cannot wear liao, cuz all very "loose" le...hehe

shannonbaby, yes me looking forward to the food also...kekkek :p and hopefully my lil rascal wun give us too much trouble!
i haven go for honeymoon too since wedding in Feb'09...unexpectable pregnancy so gotta wait til maternity...
sporty,so nice of u going tokyo...my dream place too...i wanted to go but cant, i am super tired n no energy...
thanks sporty! u know.. even b4 being preggie, my hips are 41 inches!!! yes, freaking 41 inches!!! wah... next time pop already.... dunno have 45 inches or not!
Swanston - the strawberries are sweet not sour leh... I think he doesn't like the rough texture of the fruit. Hey your dog is sooo cute leh!

Karen - waiting time can be quite long....maybe 20 mins...yes, she works on Sat.

I'm gonna have lor mee later! And will go and buy KFC whipped potato! Too lazy to go down to Tanjong Pagar for my Aglio Olio. I love you girls...always give me inspirations for what to eat...hehheh
sporty, we just got married in dec 08. not sure if we will ever go on a honeymoon coz i dun think i will go at ease without my bb. the first time we went on a trip without our dog was so funny lor. we left the dog with my mil and my hubby actually called her to make sure the dog is ok the first morning. lol. so i cant imagine we go anywhere without bb.

sweetie, wah! so bb is ur wedding gift! hehehe.
mamapig, sama sama. i got wide hips too. and fat also. so dunno after giving birth will look like wat. my hubby keep telling me be careful if not i will end up looking like my mum. she is huge. ;p

ashley, ya. he can be very cute de. but he very tam jiak lah. even garlic, ginger, onion, chilli he also wana try and eat lor. also the same thing. eat liao pui pui pui then come back for some more and pui pui pui again. *faint*
sweetie, wow...tha means u preggy rite after ur wedding since ur wedding in Feb 09? u can plan a trip after u popped...

jeelomeelo, thanks for the other link...later will go and see...hee hee :p ya la, good to play safe..heheh

klew, welcome
when's ur edd?

mamapig, hahha...dun think too much la...after u popped, u bf, sure can lose weight one...my hips size did go back to pre preggy size tha time also...so dun worry too much and enjoy ur pregnancy now

ashley, yes ah...need to get inspirations here for food! cuz whenever someone mentioned abt some food, sure perk out our cravings...kekekke :p

swanston, hahha...i kno...cuz our first trip w/o our dog, we also missed the dog sooo much! heheh....nvm la, play by ear when the time comes lor...
Sporty, I think you can limit yourself to just a bit of fresh sashimi at Tsukiji. Maybe order a salmon sashimi don that sort of thing. Don't eat too much raw food but at the same time, it's Tsukiji leh! Don't eat like very wasted!
haha gues wat i had breast large n sore symptom while preparing my wedding...n i stil don believ m preggy even tot my fren tol me...thn 2wks after wedg, i got d news m preggy for 5 wks...haha...reali super fast...n yes its a gift...a lot of ting happen upside down n now i stil gotta keep d bb...m so happy...
yah loh, sporty, agreed with ashley. Actually me and my hubby also have not go honeymoon, initally planned end of this year, but lao tian ya give us a SUPRISE, but we are happy about it...hur... after the baby come out, how can go tour, think if we need a one week tour, got to wait two years from now....anyway, you try to avoid raw food but must try the rest of the good food, Enjoy your trip!

Yah, Yah! i crave for KFC whipped photo gravy, make me drool...not ard my work place does not have KFC....
sweetie, you know what, you baby is a healthy and strong one! so many stress/ up and down before your wedding, the baby still insist to come to this world! A tough one! *thumb up*
I think I will make some mash potatoes with lots of butter and garlic...I love potatoes in any form. Make my own bangers and mash for dinner tonight and surprise my hubby!
mamapig, wear hipster underwear for nw will do.. But when ur tummy gets bigger, 3rd trimester, heard tat is beta to wear those high high type, cos beta support..

Since dec 07 until nw i also havent go honeymoon yet, cos tat time spent it impulsively of all my balance ang bao money for honeymoon de.. which is 6k, haiz, kenna scolding cos buy alot unnecessory items.. and i'm the one who says no need go for honeymoon la, but nw i regret liao.. sobx..
jeelomeelo, i love your pictures, thanks for sharing!

Reminds me of my honeymoon last year....we went Japan too and ate all teh good stuff. Would love to go Japan again!
Jocelyn, no worries, can save up and go honeymoon next time!

For my wedding, I scrimped and save for my hubby (cos he paid for everything) - choose inexpensive hotel and bridal package, just so that we can have money to enjoy a good honeymoon.
My honeymoon has been postponed n postponed eversince we got married in 2006 ... was finally supposed to go this year jul but I got preggers. God knows when then I can have my europe honeymoon ... wats gonna happen to bb if I fly away for 14 days??? Seems like my dream honeymoon has gone up in a puff of smoke!!! Sobs ...

My dogs love carrots and apples!!! Any other fruits they turn up their noses and walk off. Very attas! N my JRT seems to like curry chicken very much too ... lil weirdo!

My friend recommended me the aqua excercises at KKH. Its specially for preggers and done in warm water. Here's the link.
klew, icic...so u stay ard thomson area eh?

ashley, u naughty leh...kept tempting me!! *smack smack* i love potatoes too...tha day i even went to google on how to make baked potato cuz was craving for it but realised it takes sooo long to bake one then i gave up the idea! haha

sweetie, yes...its really a blessing esp now u been thru so much with the bb!

sunny, thanks
will enjoy my trip
kfc hor, have delivery leh!!! so call and order now...kekekkee :p

joycelyn, where did u go for honeymoon?

momoko, ur jrt takes curry chix??!! wow...very adventurous leh!!
sporty, ya lor, once I drop on the floor accidentally n he juz ran off with the chicken and gobble it up before I can snatch it back from him, frm then he keeps aiming me wheneva I eat curry chicken to the extent of trying to dig into my dustbin for the leftovers.
sporty, i didnt go for my honeymoon.. but b4 wedding we went taiwan for a week and really went alot places in taipei and tai zhong. free and easy package, tat time air tickets very cheap, nw very ex leh.. if wanna see my taiwan photos cn go to my frienster. hehe..
back with my subway sandwich!! heheh :p hungry hungry!! hehe

momoko, icic...i thot how come u fed ur doggie with curry chix...ur jrt likes spicy food! hee hee

joycelyn, whats ur friendster? isit on the spreadsheet?
Speaking of curry chicken, i love the stall at Amara hotel food court...damm shiok! Hmmm...maybe I should ask my ex-colleagues out for lunch....hehehe...

Momoko, your dog is ok after eating the curry chicken? I dare not let my dog eat spices or chilli.
hi gals,
I'm back from OSCAR scan. Trisomy 21 1:1948, Trisomy 18 1:7180 Trisomy 13 1:17198, baby 6.58cm @ 12wk 6 days. NT 2.2mm, nasal bone is another indication of healthy fetus.
Able to see the overall structure, limbs of baby, so happy
I drank green coconut juice twice a week from week 36 for my #1. My bb dun have any phelgm, I likes the idea that she cames out without any bloody stain on her. Will try it for my #2 too.
Do try it for your baby. MUST be the green ones, and dun take the fresh. I'm also not the one who like coconut, but the green coconut juice tastes sweet.

Dogs love apples and carrots. Vegetarian dogs? What breed are they?

I'm also planning to have mine at MT A. Peaceful environment. My #1 was at Thomson, very noisy.

I tried Yoga before. Very good. Help to relax your emotion.
jeelomeelo, yes lor, he's my hb's bao bei, how can dun bring? haha...i juz hope my boy be a good boy thruout the trip!!

gals, i realised my weight gain is like stagnant! maybe i kept comparing it with my weight gain during my #1's pregnancy...juz pray and hope bb's growing well...

sporty, how much do you gain in the first tri-mester? i think i gain too much, altogether before preg. until now (3month) i gain 2.5kg...:p
