(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

u taking night flight? except the bassinet may be too small for him to sleep. width is small. did you get a seat for him instead? free n easy ar?

2.5kg is ok la. your BMI is normal right before preggy? my wt gain in 1st trim is 2.3kg.. tot ok la. coz b4 preg, i was -3kg pre preg of #1. so... even out now, i'm back to ground zero
sunny, so far abt 600g? last time for #1, i put on abt 3kg liao...thas why i kept wondering why?!

jeelomeelo, yup yup nite flight...i think he's too long for bassinet already...nope, didnt get a seat for him cuz it causes 500 bucks more and cheapo mummy thot 500 bucks can pay for 2 days accomodation so went for infant seat instead...yes, free and easy, so at least own time own target...
plus the bassinet wt can take up to 12kg nia i think (for SIA).. so u guys got to take turns to carry him.. or pray the next seat is not taken.. then he can have it.
Ashley, I'm tinking of going but I got to attend the course frm TMC starting from 25 Jul 2-4pm so my timing like abit crash ... so duno if KKH will let me take up after that. Jun class is like too early ... me want to wait till after 20 weeks which is my danger zone b4 I do anything funny. N yah, the dumb dog is ok after taking it ... he got rubbish bin stomach. Hahahaha

Blueginger, my dogs are JRT and cairn terriers. They r not vegetarians, they eat meat most of the time but they seems to like cold carrots and apples fresh from the fridge and yogurt too, it's juz like their snacks and icecreams. keke.
momoko, are your dogs on barf? mine is cocker spaniel.. was on barf.. but too expensive to go on.. so i switched to kibble recently.
I was rawfeeding my dog too...but he seems to be sick of it and prefers cooked food. So now we feed him cooked meat and veggies.

Momoko, I also wanna attend the parentcraft course at TMC...haven't sign up yet. Me wanna take up aquarobics and pre-natal yoga as well...will do anything to help to have a smooth delivery :p
i just went to robinson's sale. Came back with a bottle of Palmers Cocoa Butter Concentrated Massage Cream for stretch marks (U.P. $23.50) and a bottle of Palmers Cocoa Butter Soothing Oil for dry, itch skin (U.P. $24.50). With the card members discount and a $5 voucher they sent to my house, I only paid $33.40, which is equivalent to 30% discount!!!

Heee..... these are recommended by my galfriends who swore by them. I am gonna start using them tonite
cannot wait!

so many people at the sale though.. i so scared someone will bump into me... so i kept touching my tumy. scary la.. dun think i will go shopping again!
jeelomeelo, nope they not on barf ... tried to but they dun seems to know how to eat properly and juz chuck the bone aside and look at me expecting me to break it into small pieces for them ... waste my $$$!!! Pampered boys I have.

Ashley, many of my frens says the parentcraft conducted by Mrs Wong is good so I quickly go enrol. If you got the FBI or SBI card got 10% discount. Her slots very sought after, better do it fast if you are keen on attending ... all those infront my slot for hers all full liao. I oso wan to take the other lessons but the timing is an issue for me ... hiakz ...

I'm using Palmers too, not too bad. But I find the coco smell abit strong. Keke. I smell like freshly baked chocolate cake after applying.
oh ya momoko? smell like freshly baked chocolate cake? hahaha... then i shall skip my perfume when i go to work then
Hmmm, i dunno bout palmers cos nv use b4, but many bad comments bout their product, used liao gt rashes, red spots etc.. tat's y dare nt try..

But there are pple using olive oil, clarin oil for their stretchmarks..
Hi Sporty: I dont stay @ thomson; I'm @ Mr Lee's estate - AMK. It takes me abt 10min car drive to reach there.

Hi Blueginger: I dont like TMC, that place v crowded and always have problem entering the carpark. And I had eerie experience when I was there for an opt before married :<
my hubby travels a lot, hence i dun think he can ever make time for the parentcraft classess. If anyone of u come across any parentcraft vcds or dvds, let me know, can??? at least we can watch it at home when he returns from his many many many trips
I'm gonna go home frm work now ... feeling so sick. Flu since Sat tilll now the nose still dripping away. Now body aching as well.
I develop rashes when I use palmers which my friend swore by.
In the end,waste $,kana scolded by gynae for being kay kiang and the scars still at my tummy.

Ps:Anyone find it gd after using it,I can give to u for free since i'm not using it.don't waste
jeelomeelo, yes...hopefully no one sits besides us...i juz checked...think flight there, there's someone beside us already...coming back not yet!

jeelomeelo/ashley/momoko, my doggie on kibbles all along...at most i will cook potatoes and carrots for him...he loves it man!!

momoko/ashley, if u gals keen on the parentcraft course at TMC, better sign early cuz its really very hot and seats run out easily lor...

mamapig, sounds like good loots tha u gotten at robinsons!
i only use crabtree &amp; evelyn's moisturser as my tummy cream...heheh :p dun think parentcraft vcd/dvds...think at most have books nia...

u gals still use perfume eh? i dun anymore cuz i cannot tahan the smell...

klew, icic...AMK? still very near to Mt A...hehhe...

momoko, pls take care of ur dripping nose...go home and rest!
Yes mdms, I shall go home and sleep it off. Hahahaha.

Erm ... do I have to boil the lemon juice?? I go get some from cold storage now. I used to boil the lemon with coke for my flu but now duno if can still take coke so din try.

Some pple cannot take palmers, one of my friend oso kena rashes, the last pregnancy when I use I keep getting rashes too, tis bb *touchwood* still fine, no scratchy skin.
warm water then add the juice to it. else boil water, add a few pcs of ginger (off the gas) and cover for 5min. then add lemon juice.
I use Molton Brown body lotion and applyto my tummy. Is it safe? or must I use specifically those for stretch marks?
Mine is on barf! It's a fantanstic diet. I don't go for commercial barf but pack and weigh myself every one or two months. Seriously, since switch to barf liao dun go back to kibbles. My barf includes veggie blend as well. And i try to give her different variety of meat.
fieda, i wish i continue la. my dog was on pure barf diet (not the commercial one oso). then the logistics of buying those stuff a bit of problem for us recently. so that's why i am using kibbles now. she's ok with orijen.

ashley, you can give FRESH meat/veg or you can always resort to frozen meat. my gf buy from shengshiong. if you know a butcher, you can always try to arrange for something, but dun tell it's for dog else you may get some not so good quality meat
seems like we really have alot of dog owners in this thread! hehe :p i'm so hungry...decided to have corn soup for tea break!!
dun give the sharp tip.. u know where there is like a "nail" sticking out. cut that away.. dogs can choke on that or that can poke thru their stomach if not chewed properly
jeelomeelo, i din know that. always give him the whole bit and he happily finish everything. quite reluctent to give it to him though coz i also like that bit of the chicken wing. hehehe.
Ashley, i go this market stall where the uncle will sell the chicken wing tip which serve the raw bones part of the diet. The rest are muscle meat. And hor, need to give offals such as tripes ocassionally as well. Hard to find them. But i always go Chin Bee cresent to buy my frozen meat there.

Orijen seemed to be on the principle of barf.. but hor.. u can try addiction dehydrated raw. Expensive though.

Swanston, don't give boiled bones. The bone will splintered and perforate your dog's intestine.

jeelomeelo, as long as it's raw bones, they can processed it well de... my dog has been eating the raw tip since 6 months old. Prior to that i gave timberwolf then she developed so many bumps... see her so itch i heartache. So i tried out on barf and it worked very well. It's troublesome la.. but nothing beats what you prepare for your dog ma.

For veggie, i will blend leafy veg (spinach not advisable), red cabbage, butterhead lettuce, carrot, jap cucumber, beet root, small amount of garlic. Then will packed them in a week supply and freeze them. Oh if your dog are on raw, try not to give fruits within four hours of raw diet. it has something to do with the enzymatic activity of pancreas.
Anyone started experiencing pain at the lower back yet (butt area)? I had this on and off for the past 2 weeks but it got worse last night. Pain was quite bad when I stand or walk. Went to see gynae this morning and was given mc to rest till Fri. Gynae said this usually occurs either at the early part of pregnancy when the uterus + baby press on the nerve or later part when the head press on the nerve.
hi amylim
i had experiencing pain at the buttock bone thr n sometimes my back bone....but not so terrible...it happens if i sit n stand up too fast...like old lady liao me...haha....
fieda, yea tried addiction b4, my dog is a messy eater. the 'cereal' din work well for ME but ok for her. so i settle for orijen. yea, the boiled bones are the dangerous ones. coz one of my gf dogs got poked in the intestines coz of the 'nail' part

amylim, your body is producing relaxin hormones. all your joints are loosen in a way. just be careful when you squat down. even sometimes when you sleep, or stayed in one position for too long, you may experience discomfort when you get up. it's pelvic pain and it is common. it's like misplacing of joints...
sweetie and jeelomeelo, my gynae asked me to use a pillow to support the back when I sit down or sleep.... Hope I'll get better soon
actuali wat i did is whn i sleep i put 2 bolster at side....so i hav support...i tink like tis i feel better...else its hard for me to sleep, my back bone wil feel pain...
amylim, i had this for #1, it was so bad tha i cant stand up...my hb had to carry me up from chair/bed...think it went away after a few days...nowadays i sleep with a pillow/bolster behind my back also...

fieda, u really go thru alot in preparing food for ur doggy...peifu peifu! your dog's really lucky
piggym, ur name is already on the list. just tat u haven come in for a long long time le. hahaha. ur edd still 9 nov?

my dog seems to know and is more guai when with me liao worr. last nite when i let him out into the living room he settle down in his basket and look at me while i eat my dinner. lol. usually he will be going ard sniffing here and there.
would appreciate if the following ladies can provide their edd soon. thank you.

--- (cljl)
Angie Ng (still_learning)
casand (casand)
chantal goh (marvistal)
D Ho (mamapig)
dosb (dosb)
funne (funne)
jellybeanie (jellybeanie)
joy09 (joy09)
joyce (cmyk)
judy (mifmif)
lucky3 (lucky3)
May (may_chan69)
o carol (o_carol)
Piggy (dondon0182)
pok beng fang (skynfang)
Rach (apr05mummy)
Shirley (shirley_htt)
Starrz (starrz)
surelylook (surelylook09)
tanly (tanly)
vic ma (esterlah)
WT (lourve)
xltan24 (xltan24)
yaya (laura_yaya)
hi ladies..

i think most of you would be on your way home by now.. hehe..
went to do my OSCAR today.. have not gotten any news from my gynea at the moment cos NUH suppose to fax over the results to my gynea this evening..

Overall the experience was okay.. didn't really have to wait very long.. but after registering went to eat.. and during the scan, baby was sleeping! so the sonographer tried ways and means to let baby move it's head a bit to confirm that the line she measured was correct.. after about 10 minutes, baby suddenly moved it's head a few times.. lolx.. the sonographer and the intern was so excited. haha..

We could see baby's legs and hands and the nose very clearly.. hehe.. The Professor told me that from the scans overall everything looks good.. so no news from my gynea is good news.. hehe..

Baby is 7.6cm today @ 13 weeks 1 day...

Going for my detailed scan on 8th July.. prob by then would be able to confirm gender.. hehe..

hi sporty,

ya lor. my dog is misbehaving. Whenever there is rain or loud thunder, he will start to panick and pee everywhere. to the extent into my sofa leh.. very headache.. dunno what to do with him... sigh sigh
