(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

1. Tanly - oolong milk tea w pearl (L)
2. swanston - milk tea with pearl 75% (L) x 1
...................- milk tea with pearl 50% (L) x 2

3. sporty - milk tea with grass jelly 75% (L)
4. mm6j milk tea with grass jelly 50% (L) + honey milk tea with pearls
5. Starrz - hazelnut milk tea without pearls 25% (L) + plum green tea
without pearls 50% (L)
6. Ayukie - grass jelly milk tea 75% (L) and ice cream milk tea (75%) (Regular) Total: $7.90
7. Chris--- Honey Milk Tea with pearls (L)
Ayukie, since u have the menu with u can i kown which outlet is nearest to our gathering pl? I called chinatown branch they don't deliver to the west leh.
i want less ice please *looks pitifully* whaha

ok branches are:

toa payoh (62561169)
marine parade (64404869)
chinatown (65368330)
amk (64591518)
---> bishan outlet they nvr update .. haha (YET?)
Is anyone going to the gathering fr Bishan? I can go and order from Bishan but need some volunteer to pick it up on Sunday as I will be going from town area instead of bishan.
Done with my 2nd paper! Now having Koi.. Ice cream milk tea as recommended by mm6j.. Nice! Now gg to 'deliver' Koi to my colleague den go bring my baby home!!
i am gg to learn ayukie's "trick" . tanly i am gg from bishan but hard to carry 30 drinks which are "wet" lei...*pitiful look..
shirlin> shiok rite!

tanly and swanston and ayukie> actually hor even order ice cream milk tea by the time "deliver" not nice le lah.. *opps
tanly> my boot got my stroller lo.. y not u drive bk to bishan? town area to bishan very near mah :p since u ordering, easier to co-ordinate
ariesgal> gt, zen bot 1 for superwalker yest i tink passion tea or sumting
mm6j, is it? ok i try that....

1. Tanly - oolong milk tea w pearl (L)
2. swanston - milk tea with pearl 75% (L) x 1
...................- milk tea with pearl 50% (L) x 2

3. sporty - milk tea with grass jelly 75% (L)
4. mm6j milk tea with grass jelly 50% (L) + honey milk tea with pearls
5. Starrz - hazelnut milk tea without pearls 25% (L) + plum green tea
without pearls 50% (L)
6. Ayukie - grass jelly milk tea 75% (L) and ice cream milk tea (75%) (Regular) Total: $7.90
7. Chris--- Honey Milk Tea with pearls (L)
8. ariesgal - passion tea without pearls (L)
hi ladies,

would like to check for those who went for csec, is the line reddish colour or it has blend well with ur skin colour?
just came back frm SCT and cantonment police station. Heard there is enough reports to charge the company as a criminal case liao! Hurray!! my SC hearing on 26apr..
zen, thanks again for helping me buy Koi yesterday
ariesgal, mine was a passion fruit green tea with pearls - 25% sugar. very nice! yesterday after having the koi bb tea with lunch, i actually had each a cup bubble tea with dinner! kekekeke!
tanly, yeah...juz check with bishan on their delivery mode first lor...if we using amk,i'm sure we all can clock 150 bucks one, if more orders come in...for the cab fare, at most we all "split" the amount lor, maybe its juz another few cents more to the drink rite?

shirlin, how come u deliver koi to ur colleague ah...shd come deliver to me! whahhaha

ariesgal, the passionfruit is not bad...i drank before!

ayukie, when u going to USS?

superwalker, u are hooked on bubble tea like us!!
Hi all, checked with bishan branch. They will deliver to if we hit minimum $100 + taxi to anf fro.

So quick quick order and clock up to $100 bucks.

Ayukie, can you scan and email me the menu for me to tabulate the total amt? I tried to get the menu from them but they don't have. PM you my email.
1. Tanly - oolong milk tea w pearl (L)
2. swanston - milk tea with pearl 75% (L) x 1
...................- milk tea with pearl 50% (L) x 2

3. sporty - milk tea with grass jelly 75% (L)
4. mm6j milk tea with grass jelly 50% (L) + honey milk tea with pearls
5. Starrz - hazelnut milk tea without pearls 25% (L) + plum green tea
without pearls 50% (L)
6. Ayukie - grass jelly milk tea 75% (L) and ice cream milk tea (75%) (Regular) Total: $7.90
7. Chris--- Honey Milk Tea with pearls (L)
8. ariesgal - passion tea without pearls (L)
9. Agata - milk tea with pearls 50%(R) + grass jelly milk tea 75%(L)
1. Tanly - oolong milk tea w pearl (L)
2. swanston - milk tea with pearl 75% (L) x 1
...................- milk tea with pearl 50% (L) x 2

3. sporty - milk tea with grass jelly 75% (L)
4. mm6j milk tea with grass jelly 50% (L) + honey milk tea with pearls
5. Starrz - hazelnut milk tea without pearls 25% (L) + plum green tea
without pearls 50% (L)
6. Ayukie - grass jelly milk tea 75% (L) and ice cream milk tea (75%) (Regular) Total: $7.90
7. Chris--- Honey Milk Tea with pearls (L)
8. ariesgal - passion tea without pearls (L)
9. Agata - milk tea with pearls 50%(R) + grass jelly milk tea 75%(L)
10. zentan -- pearl milk tea 50% (L)
sporty - gg uss this sat nxt wk i standby agn ... will b bringing lil e hopefully i survive lol ..

tanly - my menu hard copy wor tml i help u checkk the price bah ... i left it in office ...
1. Tanly - oolong milk tea w pearl (L)
2. swanston - milk tea with pearl 75% (L) x 1
...................- milk tea with pearl 50% (L) x 2

3. sporty - milk tea with grass jelly 75% (L)
4. mm6j milk tea with grass jelly 50% (L) + honey milk tea with pearls
5. Starrz - hazelnut milk tea without pearls 25% (L) + plum green tea
without pearls 50% (L)
6. Ayukie - grass jelly milk tea 75% (L) and ice cream milk tea (75%) (Regular) Total: $7.90
7. Chris--- Honey Milk Tea with pearls (L)
8. ariesgal - passion tea without pearls 25% (L)
9. Agata - milk tea with pearls 50%(R) + grass jelly milk tea 75%(L)
10. zentan -- pearl milk tea 50% (L)

the % is the sugar i guess? cos i see all like got in % and superwalker suggest 25% so i shall go with that...
1. Tanly - oolong milk tea w pearl (L)
2. swanston - milk tea with pearl 75% (L) x 1
...................- milk tea with pearl 50% (L) x 2

3. sporty - milk tea with grass jelly 75% (L)
4. mm6j milk tea with grass jelly 50% (L) + honey milk tea with pearls
5. Starrz - hazelnut milk tea without pearls 25% (L) + plum green tea
without pearls 50% (L)
6. Ayukie - grass jelly milk tea 75% (L) and ice cream milk tea (75%) (Regular) Total: $7.90
7. Chris--- Honey Milk Tea with pearls (L)
8. ariesgal - passion tea without pearls (L)
9. Agata - milk tea with pearls 50%(R) + grass jelly milk tea 75%(L)
10. zentan -- pearl milk tea 50% (L)
11. mitsy- milk tea with pearl No Sugar (L)
tanly> thanks for ordering and arranging.
how do u want us to pay u?? u want us to trfer u by tmrw midnite? can leave us ur bank acct #?
wa wa what is this? bubble tea bulk purchase ar?
cool sia.

stacey, i miss your question? sorry, i have been busy lately, no time log in.
my son at 107. got fees increase. so far so good for the cc can't complain cos of the convenience
No need to pay me yet. Can pay me on the day itself orr trf to me later. As need to incl the delivery charges charge by KOI
1. Tanly - oolong milk tea w pearl (L)
2. swanston - milk tea with pearl 75% (L) x 1
...................- milk tea with pearl 50% (L) x 2

3. sporty - milk tea with grass jelly 75% (L)
4. mm6j milk tea with grass jelly 50% (L) + honey milk tea with pearls
5. Starrz - hazelnut milk tea without pearls 25% (L) + plum green tea
without pearls 50% (L)
6. Ayukie - grass jelly milk tea 75% (L) and ice cream milk tea (75%) (Regular) Total: $7.90
7. Chris--- Honey Milk Tea with pearls (L)
8. ariesgal - passion tea without pearls (L)
9. Agata - milk tea with pearls 50%(R) + grass jelly milk tea 75%(L)
10. zentan -- pearl milk tea 50% (L)
11. mitsy- milk tea with pearl No Sugar (L)
12. sponge - milk tea with peals 50% (M) x 2

agata, there is no "R" i think only M or L, u wanna clarify for tanly so as to "facilitate" the ordering?

tanly> noted.
Finally have some time to come in.

was sick since last thurs. haiz!

KOI ! Yummy!

Will co-ordinate to see see can hit $100 for delivery or not. If hit then I'll order for delivery for Sunday .
Lai lai Add your name and choice.

. Tanly - oolong milk tea w pearl (L)
2. swanston - milk tea with pearl 75% (L) x 1
...................- milk tea with pearl 50% (L) x 2

3. sporty - milk tea with grass jelly 75% (L)
4. mm6j milk tea with grass jelly 50% (L) + honey milk tea with pearls
5. Starrz - hazelnut milk tea without pearls 25% (L) + plum green tea
without pearls 50% (L)
6. Ayukie - grass jelly milk tea 75% (L) and ice cream milk tea (75%) (Regular) Total: $7.90
7. Chris--- Honey Milk Tea with pearls (L)
8. ariesgal - passion tea without pearls (L)
9. Agata - milk tea with pearls 50%(R) + grass jelly milk tea 75%(L)
10. zentan -- pearl milk tea 50% (L)
11. mitsy- milk tea with pearl No Sugar (L)
12. sponge - milk tea with peals 50% (M) x 2
13. blessedcyn - milk tea with pearls 50% (L) x 2

juz wondering if u gals still sterilise milk bottles after every feed?

Will co-ordinate to see see can hit $100 for delivery or not. If hit then I'll order for delivery for Sunday .
Lai lai Add your name and choice.

. Tanly - oolong milk tea w pearl (L)
2. swanston - milk tea with pearl 75% (L) x 1
...................- milk tea with pearl 50% (L) x 2

3. sporty - milk tea with grass jelly 75% (L)
4. mm6j milk tea with grass jelly 50% (L) + honey milk tea with pearls
5. Starrz - hazelnut milk tea without pearls 25% (L) + plum green tea
without pearls 50% (L)
6. Ayukie - grass jelly milk tea 75% (L) and ice cream milk tea (75%) (Regular) Total: $7.90
7. Chris--- Honey Milk Tea with pearls (L)
8. ariesgal - passion tea without pearls (L)
9. Agata - milk tea with pearls 50%(R) + grass jelly milk tea 75%(L)
10. zentan -- pearl milk tea 50% (L)
11. mitsy- milk tea with pearl No Sugar (L)
12. sponge - milk tea with peals 50% (M) x 2
13. blessedcyn - milk tea with pearls 50% (L) x 2
14. dingdong - ayu ice tea No sugar (M)
wow! KOI is the hot topic now! havent try it before, this shall be my first time.

Will co-ordinate to see see can hit $100 for delivery or not. If hit then I'll order for delivery for Sunday .
Lai lai Add your name and choice.

. Tanly - oolong milk tea w pearl (L)
2. swanston - milk tea with pearl 75% (L) x 1
...................- milk tea with pearl 50% (L) x 2

3. sporty - milk tea with grass jelly 75% (L)
4. mm6j milk tea with grass jelly 50% (L) + honey milk tea with pearls
5. Starrz - hazelnut milk tea without pearls 25% (L) + plum green tea
without pearls 50% (L)
6. Ayukie - grass jelly milk tea 75% (L) and ice cream milk tea (75%) (Regular) Total: $7.90
7. Chris--- Honey Milk Tea with pearls (L)
8. ariesgal - passion tea without pearls (L)
9. Agata - milk tea with pearls 50%(R) + grass jelly milk tea 75%(L)
10. zentan -- pearl milk tea 50% (L)
11. mitsy- milk tea with pearl No Sugar (L)
12. sponge - milk tea with peals 50% (M) x 2
13. blessedcyn - milk tea with pearls 50% (L) x 2
14. dingdong - ayu ice tea No sugar (M)
15. pei pei - milk tea with pearl 50% (L)

woah! really seems like a lot of mummies are sick/not feeling well. take care mummies! we gotta be strong and fight those virus, cos our little ones need us! my fever has subsided, but still having sorethroat... sigh...

dingdong, yes, i still sterilise the bottles after every feed.
