(2009/11) November 2009 MTB

Will co-ordinate to see see can hit $100 for delivery or not. If hit then I'll order for delivery for Sunday .
Lai lai Add your name and choice.

. Tanly - oolong milk tea w pearl (L)
2. swanston - milk tea with pearl 75% (L) x 1
...................- milk tea with pearl 50% (L) x 2

3. sporty - milk tea with grass jelly 75% (L) + plum green tea w/o pearl(L)
4. mm6j milk tea with grass jelly 50% (L) + honey milk tea with pearls
5. Starrz - hazelnut milk tea without pearls 25% (L) + plum green tea
without pearls 50% (L)
6. Ayukie - grass jelly milk tea 75% (L) and ice cream milk tea (75%) (Regular) Total: $7.90
7. Chris--- Honey Milk Tea with pearls (L)
8. ariesgal - passion tea without pearls (L)
9. Agata - milk tea with pearls 50%(R) + grass jelly milk tea 75%(L)
10. zentan -- pearl milk tea 50% (L)
11. mitsy- milk tea with pearl No Sugar (L)
12. sponge - milk tea with peals 50% (M) x 2
13. blessedcyn - milk tea with pearls 50% (L) x 2
14. dingdong - ayu ice tea No sugar (M)
15. pei pei - milk tea with pearl 50% (L)

pei pei, i was wondering if I still need to be so stringent about sterilisation since my gal is 5 months. if so, that would mean the i would need to get extra bottles and sterilser when i return to work cos i'm not expecting my mum to do the washing and sterilisation. so have to prepare sufficient bottles to last the whole day.
1. Tanly - oolong milk tea w pearl (L)
2. swanston - milk tea with pearl 75% (L) x 1
...................- milk tea with pearl 50% (L) x 2

3. sporty - milk tea with grass jelly 75% (L) + plum green tea w/o pearl(L)
4. mm6j milk tea with grass jelly 50% (L) + honey milk tea with pearls
5. Starrz - hazelnut milk tea without pearls 25% (L) + plum green tea
without pearls 50% (L)
6. Ayukie - grass jelly milk tea 75% (L) and ice cream milk tea (75%) (Regular) Total: $7.90
7. Chris--- Honey Milk Tea with pearls (L)
8. ariesgal - passion tea without pearls 25% (L) + milk tea with pearls 50% (L)
9. Agata - milk tea with pearls 50%(R) + grass jelly milk tea 75%(L)
10. zentan -- pearl milk tea 50% (L)
11. mitsy- milk tea with pearl No Sugar (L)
12. sponge - milk tea with peals 50% (M) x 2
13. blessedcyn - milk tea with pearls 50% (L) x 2
14. dingdong - ayu ice tea No sugar (M)
15. pei pei - milk tea with pearl 50% (L)
haizzz i m in a dilemma now...

shld i just get the 3 spas who is honouring the WITC package or i continue to sue them with the rest? coz most likely cant get money back.. Haizz..
dingdong, I was told by my mum that during their days where there are no steriliser. They only sterilize the bottles first thing in the morning by boiling. My colleague also practice that since her gal is born. She says its very safe. Her gal is 9 this year. She just finish the cleaning process with a final rinse in cool-boiled water. If I din remember wrongly, that is the instruction of Medela pumping system cleaning instruction too. Just sterilise once a day. Correct me if I am wrong.
bidosoh, my mum told me she never sterilise my bottles when i was a baby. she just rinse with hot water.

btw, my mum was suggesting to bring my gal to tui na. i remember that you bring your kids for tui na too right? can i have the contact?
dingdong, yah, last time my mum also did that. boil the bottles in water for 5 - 10 mins. then after each feed, just wash the bottles and put back into the pot of water for next use. she was complaining about my steam steriliser of being so troublesome and waste electricity. at times, she forgets to sterilise the bottles, she will use hot water to rinse them before using.

bidosoh, ya, medela did mention wash and air dry only. nvr state must sterilise after each use.
re sterilising milk bottles,
i sterilised milk bottles for my #1 till he was 1 year old... maybe tt explained for his weak immune system.. haha.. :p

but hor, since they starting semi solid at 6mths old n we can't sterilise all their feeding utensils, i think 6mth old is the time where we can be slightly more relaxed on sterilising...

re koi,
wah.. so many ordering... is there anything without tea?? coz hor, i dun dare to drink tea when i breastfeed... bb will become hyper due to the caffine... :p i love papaya milkshake though... do they hav it? :p
morning all!
its thursday!
my gal woke up at 2am for milk...another miscue nite!!

dingdong, i stopped sterlising my boy's bottles after he was 6 mths old...juz rinsed with hot water, thas what i planned to do for my gal too...

bidosoh/peipei, my mum also used the boiling method when she was taking care of my boy back then...think last time this is the only way to sterlise cuz no sterliser mah
dingdong, PM you.

Shihui, my mil sterilise my boy's bottle up to 3 years old. If not the steriliser give way she will continue. I have always feel that it weakens my boy's immunity.

Pei Pei, thanks for the clarification.

Sporty, how many times your mum sterilise your boy's bottles. Once or after/before each use?

BTW, I plan to stop sterilising my gal's bottle after 6 months this time. History is not going to repeat itself.

Sporty, you have a dog at home. I read that dog will lessen the chance of kids getting allergy. But I really can't take care of another "kid" liao.
bidosoh, the reason why my mum dun sterlise hor...is tha she dunno how to use sterliser! haha... last time she boiled once a day only...rest of the time juz rinsed with hot water... even past few weeks when my hb went for reservist, i left my gal at my mum's, she also juz use hot water to rinse and never sterlise, so far my gal's ok... my dog now stays with my mil la but my kids do play with him on weekends but i do read abt having pets at home will have lesser chance tha ur kids have allergies...
thanks for the advise on sterilisation. the tot occurs to me as i ran out of sterilised bottles on one occasion so i just rinse one of the bottles with hot water and use that to feed her. i also didn't sterilise the pacifier everytime. and then those teether can't be sterilised too so i wonder if the baby's body is able to withstand some bateria.

bidosoh, thanks. will most prob visit the bukit merah one.

i have a dog at home too but i'm not sure if it's true that this lessens my gal's chance of allergies cos she has that stubbon rash on her face (eczema) that just won't go away permanently even after i apply cream.
morning all,
am back to work but eyes still siap siap and throat still sore sore.. sianz

edit my orders

1. Tanly - oolong milk tea w pearl (L)
2. swanston - milk tea with pearl 75% (L) x 1
...................- milk tea with pearl 50% (L) x 2

3. sporty - milk tea with grass jelly 75% (L) + plum green tea w/o pearl(L)
4. mm6j milk tea with grass jelly 50% (L) + honey milk tea with pearls
5. Starrz - hazelnut milk tea without pearls 25% (M) + plum green tea without pearls 50% (M)
6. Ayukie - grass jelly milk tea 75% (L) and ice cream milk tea (75%) (Regular) Total: $7.90
7. Chris--- Honey Milk Tea with pearls (L)
8. ariesgal - passion tea without pearls 25% (L) + milk tea with pearls 50% (L)
9. Agata - milk tea with pearls 50%(R) + grass jelly milk tea 75%(L)
10. zentan -- pearl milk tea 50% (L)
11. mitsy- milk tea with pearl No Sugar (L)
12. sponge - milk tea with peals 50% (M) x 2
13. blessedcyn - milk tea with pearls 50% (L) x 2
14. dingdong - ayu ice tea No sugar (M)
15. pei pei - milk tea with pearl 50% (L)

anyone need the soft copy of the menu?
haha i go scan liao..
dingdong, i think sometimes dun have to be overly "sterlised" lor...cuz at least bb's body can build up more antibodies...

tanly, 75% for the plum tea
KOI KOI KOI!!! Yippee!

1. Tanly - oolong milk tea w pearl (L)
2. swanston - milk tea with pearl 75% (L) x 1
...................- milk tea with pearl 50% (L) x 2

3. sporty - milk tea with grass jelly 75% (L) + plum green tea w/o pearl(L)
4. mm6j milk tea with grass jelly 50% (L) + honey milk tea with pearls
5. Starrz - hazelnut milk tea without pearls 25% (M) + plum green tea without pearls 50% (M)
6. Ayukie - grass jelly milk tea 75% (L) and ice cream milk tea (75%) (Regular) Total: $7.90
7. Chris--- Honey Milk Tea with pearls (L)
8. ariesgal - passion tea without pearls 25% (L) + milk tea with pearls 50% (L)
9. Agata - milk tea with pearls 50%(R) + grass jelly milk tea 75%(L)
10. zentan -- pearl milk tea 50% (L)
11. mitsy- milk tea with pearl No Sugar (L)
12. sponge - milk tea with peals 50% (M) x 2
13. blessedcyn - milk tea with pearls 50% (L) x 2
14. dingdong - ayu ice tea No sugar (M)
15. pei pei - milk tea with pearl 50% (L)
16. bpmama - ice cream milk tea regular 75% with pearl and green milk tea with pearl 50% (M)
1. Tanly - oolong milk tea w pearl (L)
2. swanston - milk tea with pearl 75% (L) x 1
...................- milk tea with pearl 50% (L) x 2

3. sporty - milk tea with grass jelly 75% (L) + plum green tea w/o pearl 75%(L)
4. mm6j honey milk tea with grass jelly (L) + honey milk tea with pearls
5. Starrz - hazelnut milk tea without pearls 25% (M) + plum green tea without pearls 50% (M)
6. Ayukie - grass jelly milk tea 75% (L) and ice cream milk tea (75%) (Regular) Total: $7.90
7. Chris--- Honey Milk Tea with pearls (L)
8. ariesgal - passion tea without pearls 25% (L) + milk tea with pearls 50% (L)
9. Agata - milk tea with pearls 50%(R) + grass jelly milk tea 75%(L)
10. zentan -- pearl milk tea 50% (L)
11. mitsy- milk tea with pearl No Sugar (L)
12. sponge - milk tea with peals 50% (M) x 2
13. blessedcyn - milk tea with pearls 50% (L) x 2
14. dingdong - ayu ice tea No sugar (M)
15. pei pei - milk tea with pearl 50% (L)
16. bpmama - ice cream milk tea regular 75% with pearl and green milk tea with pearl 50% (M)
morning ladies.

so i dun buy extra drinks for sunday liao hor since got bubble tea and the buffet drink?

<font color="119911">tanly</font>, i should still have abit to spare from the budget after paying all the stuff but i think only enuff to cover one way taxi fare (est $11 based on gothere.sg from bishan mrt to my mum's place). let me know how much they charge on sunday.

<font color="119911">starrz</font>, can email me the menu too? i wana see wat else they have. thanks babe. [email protected]
<font color="119911">starrz</font>, thanks.

1. Tanly - oolong milk tea w pearl (L)
2. swanston - milk tea with pearl 75% (L) x 1 + milk tea with pearl 50% (L) x 2
3. sporty - milk tea with grass jelly 75% (L) + plum green tea w/o pearl 75% (L)
4. mm6j - honey milk tea with grass jelly (L) + honey milk tea with pearls (L)
5. Starrz - hazelnut milk tea without pearls 25% (M) + plum green tea without pearls 50% (M)
6. Ayukie - grass jelly milk tea 75% (L) + ice cream milk tea 75% (Regular) Total: $7.90
7. Chris - Honey Milk Tea with pearls (L)
8. ariesgal - passion tea without pearls 25% (L) + milk tea with pearls 50% (L)
9. Agata - milk tea with pearls 50% (R) + grass jelly milk tea 75% (L)
10. zentan - pearl milk tea 50% (L)
11. mitsy - milk tea with pearl No Sugar (L)
12. sponge - milk tea with peals 50% (M) x 2
13. blessedcyn - milk tea with pearls 50% (L) x 2
14. dingdong - ayu ice tea No sugar (M)
15. pei pei - milk tea with pearl 50% (L)
16. bpmama - ice cream milk tea regular 75% with pearl + green milk tea with pearl 50% (M)
17. saintbaby - milk tea with pearl 75% (M)
I oso want koi... Any kind soul help mi add in 1L mill tea with grass jelly since ayukie mentioned soooooo smooth. Hard yo copy n add on using iPhone :p
anise, u need to indicate the sugar level!

1. Tanly - oolong milk tea w pearl (L)
2. swanston - milk tea with pearl 75% (L) x 1 + milk tea with pearl 50% (L) x 2
3. sporty - milk tea with grass jelly 75% (L) + plum green tea w/o pearl 75% (L)
4. mm6j - honey milk tea with grass jelly (L) + honey milk tea with pearls (L)
5. Starrz - hazelnut milk tea without pearls 25% (M) + plum green tea without pearls 50% (M)
6. Ayukie - grass jelly milk tea 75% (L) + ice cream milk tea 75% (Regular) Total: $7.90
7. Chris - Honey Milk Tea with pearls (L)
8. ariesgal - passion tea without pearls 25% (L) + milk tea with pearls 50% (L)
9. Agata - milk tea with pearls 50% (R) + grass jelly milk tea 75% (L)
10. zentan - pearl milk tea 50% (L)
11. mitsy - milk tea with pearl No Sugar (L)
12. sponge - milk tea with peals 50% (M) x 2
13. blessedcyn - milk tea with pearls 50% (L) x 2
14. dingdong - ayu ice tea No sugar (M)
15. pei pei - milk tea with pearl 50% (L)
16. bpmama - ice cream milk tea regular 75% with pearl + green milk tea with pearl 50% (M)
17. saintbaby - milk tea with pearl 75% (M)
18. anise - milk tea with grass jelly (L)
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">reminder
date: 11th april 2010 (sunday)
venue: hillington green condo fn room (hillview ave, near bt batok/rail mall)
time: lunch (11.30am to 2.30pm)

see u there!

email sent. pm me if u dun get it.</font>
<font color="119911">tanly</font>, i think milk tea with pearls are the standard drinks. should be no extra charge. ayukie can pls help confirm since u take koi so often? lol!
Cos i see the menu like honey milk tea got no pearl, so not sure if add pearl got extra charge or not. Trying to tabulate the cost now.
KOI is shiok...... Thanks for ordering.. heehee...

1. Tanly - oolong milk tea w pearl (L)
2. swanston - milk tea with pearl 75% (L) x 1
...................- milk tea with pearl 50% (L) x 2

3. sporty - milk tea with grass jelly 75% (L) + plum green tea w/o pearl 75%(L)
4. mm6j honey milk tea with grass jelly (L) + honey milk tea with pearls
5. Starrz - hazelnut milk tea without pearls 25% (M) + plum green tea without pearls 50% (M)
6. Ayukie - grass jelly milk tea 75% (L) and ice cream milk tea (75%) (Regular) Total: $7.90
7. Chris--- Honey Milk Tea with pearls (L)
8. ariesgal - passion tea without pearls 25% (L) + milk tea with pearls 50% (L)
9. Agata - milk tea with pearls 50%(R) + grass jelly milk tea 75%(L)
10. zentan -- pearl milk tea 50% (L)
11. mitsy- milk tea with pearl No Sugar (L)
12. sponge - milk tea with peals 50% (M) x 2
13. blessedcyn - milk tea with pearls 50% (L) x 2
14. dingdong - ayu ice tea No sugar (M)
15. pei pei - milk tea with pearl 50% (L)
16. bpmama - ice cream milk tea regular 75% with pearl and green milk tea with pearl 50% (M)
17. Sharon Lee - Honey milk tea with pearls (L) 75% x2
1. Tanly - oolong milk tea w pearl (L)
2. swanston - milk tea with pearl 75% (L) x 1 + milk tea with pearl 50% (L) x 2
3. sporty - milk tea with grass jelly 75% (L) + plum green tea w/o pearl 75% (L)
4. mm6j - honey milk tea with grass jelly (L) + honey milk tea with pearls (L)
5. Starrz - hazelnut milk tea without pearls 25% (M) + plum green tea without pearls 50% (M)
6. Ayukie - grass jelly milk tea 75% (L) + ice cream milk tea 75% (Regular) Total: $7.90
7. Chris - Honey Milk Tea with pearls (L)
8. ariesgal - passion tea without pearls 25% (L) + milk tea with pearls 50% (L)
9. Agata - milk tea with pearls 50% (R) + grass jelly milk tea 75% (L)
10. zentan - pearl milk tea 50% (L)
11. mitsy - milk tea with pearl No Sugar (L)
12. sponge - milk tea with peals 50% (M) x 2
13. blessedcyn - milk tea with pearls 50% (L) x 2
14. dingdong - ayu ice tea No sugar (M)
15. pei pei - milk tea with pearl 50% (L)
16. bpmama - ice cream milk tea regular 75% with pearl + green milk tea with pearl 50% (M)
17. saintbaby - milk tea with pearl 75% (M)
18. anise - milk tea with grass jelly (L)
19. Sharon Lee - Honey milk tea with pearls (L) 75% x 2
